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Mercedes-Benz O530 #627
Autor: Texagon enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2014-07-11 23:26:54.686614
Miejsce: Versailles / Île-de-France    Organizator: STIF     Linia: SDE
Szerokość: 1024, Wysokość: 768
Rozmiar pliku: 588.88kB
11 lipca 2014 - Versailles, Allée des Matelots. Here is a high-spec Citaro C2 rented to Keolis SVTU (Phébus network in Versailles), seen here running on a special shuttle linking the 2014 Solar Decathlon (an event about solar-powered stuff) with the Versailles Rive Droite railway station. This bus is not part of the permanent Phébus fleet and does not have the livery, but carries Keolis Phébus branding and has a Phébus number.
en gt


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