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i-zst-61ln chcsz tutaj.
z wentylatora lukas sad z niemiec
autobus należy do Pol-Bus Suchań, przemalowany na TourClub
Ok, poprawione. Czy potrafiłbyś podać datę zakupu lub inne informacje (rok produkcji, VIN)?
My brother is very interested in the bus that you have posted (ZST 61LN). Can you tell me on which routes this bus is used or in which cities it can often be seen?
It would be great if you can help me. Thanks!
Hello! This bus belongs to a private transport company from Suchań. Probably the bus can be seen near Stargard Szczeciński. As I remember, I met it olny few times by chance. At that day it was used to travel but I don't know where. At holiday I met this coach at sundays about 8:00 AM on road number 106.
autobus zakupiony bodajże w 2005, rok prod. 1995
zst-61ln wish you were here.
froom lukas
has zst ln-61 nor its original seats?
fromm lukas
Unfortunately, was the zst-61ln scrapped on 11.2019?