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Ze trzy sfociłem. Sporo śmiga także sanosów S218 oraz merców O305G i O305.
Najlepsze jest to, że w Splicie te wozy są całkiem nieźle zachowane. Złapałeś może jakiegoś biało-czerwonego ?
These buses are not well preserved. They may look good on photos, but they are not really in good shape. They have been neglected for many years and will probably be scrapped when Promet buys some new buses. The bus on this picture was on fire 3 times in 4 months, the last time on July 31st.
Do you have more information about buses in Split, especially Promet ones? For example precise list of buses in service. What I mean, VINs, former owners etc.
Hi. You can find me under the nick "Avtomontažafan" on the forum You have the complete list of current and former Promet Split buses there:
Thanks a lot! I'll add some records to phototrans base. It won't be such a mess like now
No problem. Could you just add a note like "Some information from" or something similar? We don't like when someone takes information without crediting the site. Thank you.
Hi again.
I see you have updated your list and added the credit for the site. Thank you for that!