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Toronto Transit Commission/

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4400

31 august 2014 - TTC 4400 on Spadina near King St West on the first day of revenue service.
Author: Michael Taylor
Comments: 7

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4401

31 october 2013 - Toronto, Queen Street East. Był od przodu to jest od tyłu. Będzie jeszcze z lewej strony.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
31 october 2013 - Toronto, Queen Street East. New streetcar for TTC during testing. Street was closed for traffic, Police watched it and some people with notebooks inside - and whole night ride from Parliament street to this bridge.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 1

31 october 2013 - Toronciak, ulica Królowej. Testowanie hamowania - piasek i hebel - a takie zadymienie powstaje po próbie.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 4

31 october 2013 - Toronto, Queen Street East. It has photo from the front left and right and rear right so it is time for rear-left.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 2

24 may 2014 - Interior view of TTC 4401 at Russell Carhouse during the May 24th open house.
Author: Michael Taylor
24 may 2014 - TTC Russell Car during the May 24th open day.
Author: Michael Taylor

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4405

11 july 2015 - Toronto, Spadina Avenue. 510 dzisiaj jeździło w trzech a nawet czterech wariantach albo do Adelaide Street albo od Adelaide street do Union albo zapuszczało się aż do Exhibition. Nic nie mogłem ogarnąć. Na szczęście prędkość handlowa tramwajów w Toronto to coś około 10km/h więc szybkim krokiem i podbiegając trochę można dogonić upatrzony tramwaj na nogach i wykonać odpowiednie zdjęcie.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 5

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4406

11 july 2015 - Toronto, Fleet Stret. Ledwo wszedł pomiędzy słupami. Nowe tramwaje powoli zaczynają się pojawiać na ulicach Toronto. Spotkałem je na linii 509, 510 i 511. Wszystkie na patyku.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś
Comments: 5

26 february 2018 - Toronto, Fleet St. In September 2017, TTC finally began operating its new LRVs with pantographs - so far only on route 509, located somehow on the edge of the network.
Author: Jarosz
Comments: 2

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4407

11 june 2016 - Toronto, Queens Quay West. Na całe szczęście na powiększeniu było widać numer taborowy.
Author: ozzy

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4415

11 june 2016 - Toronto, Spadina Avenue Loop. Mogą nawet zamontować wędkę na końcu ale Cityrunnera to ja poznam wszędzie.
Author: ozzy

Comments: 2

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4420

9 august 2017 - TTC 4420 on line 509 turning from Fleet Street onto Bathurst Street on Wednesday, August 9th, 2017.
Author: Michael Taylor

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4464

26 february 2018 - Toronro, King St. Unit #4464 spotted just two days after entering regular service. After numerous delays, conflicts, a worker strike and a bunch of other problems, in 2017 Bombardier has finally commenced regular, stable deliveries of the Flexity LRVs. Currently, 4-6 vehicles arrive on the property each month.
Author: Jarosz
Comments: 6

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4484

8 july 2019 - TTC 4484 on line 512 (St Clair station to Roncesvalles car barn) on Bathurst Street on Monday, July 8th, 2019.
Author: Michael Taylor

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4491

17 june 2019 - TTC 4491 on line 501 on Lake Shore Boulevard West at Kipling.
Author: Michael Taylor

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4497

17 june 2019 - TTC 4497 on line 506 on College Street
Author: Michael Taylor

Bombardier Flexity Outlook LRV #4501

8 october 2021 - Toronto, King Street East.
Author: ChrisGBNL




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