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Градско саобраћајно предузеће "Београд"/

Ikarbus IK218.3 #888

26 march 2004 - The rear side of the Ikarbus IK 218.3.
Author: busmodel

26 march 2004 - The interior of the articulated Ikarbus.
Author: busmodel

Comments: 4

26 march 2004 - This engine housing is the recognizable feature of all buses built on Volvo B7L chassis.
Author: busmodel

Comments: 5

26 march 2004 - This is new low-floor articulated IKARBUS IK 218.3 built in cooperation with Swiss HESS AG. The chassis is Volvo B7LA. Along with the solo version IK 112.3, the bus was presented on this year's Belgrade Auto Show.
Author: busmodel

Comments: 4

26 march 2004 - The new low-floor Ikarbus was announced The Bus of the Year 2004 in Serbia.
Author: busmodel

26 march 2004 - The interior view of articulation section.
Author: busmodel

Comments: 5

14 july 2009 - Beograd, Višnjička. Wcześniej myślałem że to jakaś wylotówka, ale rzut oka na mapę rozwiał moje przypuszczenia. A sam autobus to chyba bywszy tester.
Author: JacekM
Comments: 3

20 september 2013 - Ikarbus IK-218.3 on line 65.
Author: becks89

Comments: 1




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