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Hamilton Street Railway/

New Flyer XD40 #1104

23 june 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. At the HSR garage. The 1100 & 1200 series XD40 buses built for Hamilton have the centre door 1 window closer to the front that other operators. The HSR prefer to load wheelchairs using the rear door and this arrangement puts the door closer to the driver.
Author: Michael Taylor

New Flyer XD40 #1108

30 september 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. Part way down the Jolley Cut. Roof top number and a bike on the front rack.
Author: Michael Taylor
30 september 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. Top of the Jolley Cut.
Author: Michael Taylor

New Flyer XD40 #1114

23 september 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. Top of the Jolley Cut heading for the lower city.
Author: Michael Taylor
1 november 2013 - Hamilton, Beach Road. Almost like in GOP... tracks, houses and industry everywhere.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś

New Flyer XD40 #1202

16 november 2012 - Hamilton (Kanada), James Street. Wydawałoby się, że z tego brzydkiego przemysłowego miasta w połowie drogi między Toronto a Niagarą nie ma zdjęć, a tu się okazuje, że to błędne mniemanie. I nawet inni autorzy jakieś ciekawsze miejscówki znaleźli ;)
Author: straszny
Comments: 9

New Flyer XD40 #1205

16 november 2012 - Hamilton (Kanada), Main Street. Choć ostatnie tramwaje zlikwidowano tutaj w 1951 roku to przedsiębiorstwa nadal ma je w nazwie.
Author: straszny
1 november 2013 - Hamilton, Beach Road. Industrial area.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś

New Flyer XD40 #1206

23 september 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. Top of the Jolley Cut. The lower city in the background with the steel mills and harbour. Notice the spelling error on the map, named after James Jolley, (1813–1892), saddler, harnessmaker & politician.
Author: Michael Taylor
Comments: 2

New Flyer XD40 #1210

26 october 2013 - Burlington, John Street.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś

New Flyer XD40 #1215

1 november 2013 - Hamilton, Burlington Street East.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś

New Flyer XD40 #1218

13 february 2013 - Hamilton, Ontario. Main Street West.
Author: Michael Taylor

New Flyer XD40 #1219

23 june 2012 - Hamilton, Ontario. Hamilton International Airport. Special run for the participants of the HSR 9603/9912 charter. These XD40s will enter regular service in July 2012.
Author: Michael Taylor

New Flyer XD40 #1221

1 november 2013 - Hamilton, Ottawa Street North. I was waiting, waiting and waiting and finally it appeared.
Author: Tatuś Tatuś




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