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MAN NM 152 and MAN NM 192/222 are several types! MAN NM 192 and MAN NM 222 were produced from Göppel in Augsburg by Chassis MAN 10.190 HOCL, 10.220 HOCL or 11.220 HOCL (chassis-number WMA 469 ...). They have a small front door and differ only in the power of the engine. MAN NM 152 was built by ÖAF/Gräf & Stift in Vienna (A), which belonged to the MAN-concern, so that the type was called a MAN. This model (chassis WMA A05 ...) has a whide front door. I cannot garantee that there won´t be one or two exemplares with "wrong" door version. So please alltimes look at the type plate. Both models were built in the early Ninetys.
Thank you for valuable description. In fact, we aren't sure whether this is NM152 or - what's more probable - NM192. ASAP it'll be verified and corrected. Is the suffix 11.220 referring to engine's power?
You´re right. And 10 or 11 is the maximal whigt of the karosserie in tons (t).
A nie można było tego po polsku napisać?!