6315 documents matched the search for Z13 in JEL-codes.
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ABufferInstitution In Urbanization Of Turkey: Urban CoffeHouses, Omer Ayatc,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Urbanization, buffer institution, coffehouse, sociality space, public sphere.
Economical and Social Aspect of Village of ÇukurhisarAccording to the Registerof Temettuat, 1260-61 / 1844-45, Ayla Efe,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Temettuat Register, Çukurhisar,Eskiflehir, Village Economy, Tax of Temettuat
The Settlement Typologies in Anatoliaduring Seljuk Period -I- Fairgrounds orMarket Places, Koray Ozcan,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Anatolia, Seljuk period, settlement typology, demographical-economical analysis, bazaar or fairgrounds.
Commentary on black political economy, Curtis Haynes,
in The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Theories about Fashion as an Influential Factor in the Society, Creazã (Cornilã) Liliana,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: fashion, society, identity, upper class, lower class.
Anton Holban’s Refuge through Prose during the Communist Regime, Moldoveanu Mirela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: communism, Identity, literature, Otherness, Self-searching
Literature under Communism, Dumitrescu Maria Magdalena,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: communism, literature, culture, literary groups, socio-political
Postmodern Anticipations during Communism, Dumitrescu Maria Magdalena,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: communism, School of Targoviste, literature, literary groups, socio-political
Pink Collar Crime vs. White Collar Crime Overview on the Specific Features Related to the Antisocial Behavior of Women, Stãiculescu Ana Rodica and Neagu Carmen-Mariana,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: antisocial behaviour, women, crime, precursors, qualitative analysis
Homophily in Social Networks, Bridging and Bonding Social Capital. Implications for Development, Târnovan Anabella-Maria,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: bridging social capital, bonding social capital, homophily, social networks, socio-economic development
Socialization as Individualization through Access to Money through Work, Vyara Stoilova,
in Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi
Keywords: socialization, work
Sociological View on the Institution of the Market, Vyara Stoilova,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: market, competition, freedom, marker actor, marketization
Freedom and Compulsion in Personal Behavior, Kolyo Ramchev,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: Freedom, personality, behavior, compulsion, social reactions, outside compulsions, inside stops, desires
Osmanli Devlet Duzeni Uzerine Balkanlardan Bir Bakis, Osman Ozkul,
in Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management
Keywords: : Hasan Kafi, Osmanli Devleti, III. Mehmet, Bosna, Duzen, Adalet
Mapping through experimental evidence schemes that influence sociological migration between East and West, Dragos Lucian Ivan,
in Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
Keywords: attitude, European Union, citizenship, demography.
Orlando Fals Borda, sociólogo del compromiso, Gonzalo Cataño,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Keywords: scientific sociology, Orlando Fals Borda
Durkheim en Colombia, Gonzalo Cataño,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Keywords: sociological theory, history of social thought, pedagogy, religion, anomie, typology
Ayn Rand ve Objektivizm, Uğur Emek,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: ayn rand, atlas vazgeçti, objektivizm
Assessing Engineering Students' Ethicality, Bruno Pešec and Zvonimir Petkoviæ,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: engineering ethics, engineering education, metrology
Consciousness, mind, and spirit: three levels of human cognition, Andrej Ule,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: consciousness, mind, spirit, conceptual thought, objective spirit, personal spirit
Some reflections on the possibility of naturalizing the mind, Andrej Ule,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: mind (spirit), information system, semiosis, biosemantics, experiential perspective
Mind in nature, nature in mind: a reply to ule, Sebastjan Voros,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: mind, life, naturalization, phenomenologization, reduction, autopoiesis, Jonas, Varela
Naturalism and the experiential perspective, Olga Markic,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: naturalism, consciousness, experience, reductionism, philosophy of cognitive science
The Use of Superlatives in the Written Tourist Discourse, Dumitrașcu Elena and Mărunțelu Carmen-Liliana,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: adjectives, tourism, discourse, guides, language
The New Hypostasis of “The Philosophical Brigade” of Todor Pavlov, Georgi Najdenov,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: ideological censure, Todor Pavlov's philosophical brigade, communist establishment, ideological and political “cradle”
Professional Realization of the Graduate Students of Department “Economic Sociology”, Todorka Kineva,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: students, training, professional realization
Social Institutions, Robert Prodanciuc,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: institution, organization, group, action, efficiency, environment
Social Organizations, Robert Prodanciuc,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: institution, organization, group, action, efficiency, environment
The fear of the ‘other’ in the age of globalization. The image of Romanian migration in the British press, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: globalization, cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, national identity, the European Union, the other, migration, xenophobia
Keywords: age discrimination, recruiting, social construction
Translation as Language Learning Technique and the Use of L1 in ESP Classes. Learners’ Perceptions, Chirobocea Olivia,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: translation, L1, questionnaire, learning technique, ESP
Syntactic Condensation – One of the Features of Specialized Languages, Dumitrașcu Elena,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: syntactic condensation, adjectives, travel guide, Romanian, French
A better metaphor for understanding consciousness?, Urban Kordes,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: introspection, phenomenology, quantum mechanics, probing, measurement
Extended Cognition: Feedback Loops and Coupled Systems, Olga Markic,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: extended mind, extended cognition, principle of complementarity, coupled systems
Sociological and Socio-Psychological Dimensions of Well-Being and Happiness Rating Based on ISSP Data, 2018, Elka Todorova,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: social survey, well-being, happiness, hedonic treadmill
„Post-Truth“ – Headers and the Content of Russian Internet Resources, Svetoslav Arseniev,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: Russia, post-truth, internet resources
Effective Error Correction and Language Improvement in Business Communication Teaching, Eleonora Bâcă,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: ESP, Business Communication, error correction, language improvement
The Printed Travel Guide in the Analysis of the Tourist Discourse, Elena DumitraÅŸcu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: travel guide, tourist space, communication means, promotion of destinations, commercial strategies
Восприятие жителями функционального зонирования в городах. Perception of the functional zoning in cities by its citizens, Пироцкая А.В. and Карпов А.Е.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: город, функциональное зонирование, восприятие пространства, city, functional zoning, perception of an area.
Фэшн-блогеры: новые агенты в индустрии моды. Fashion bloggers as new agents of fashion industry, Ечевская О. Г. and Янке Е. Д.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: социология моды, модные тренды, модное сообщество, индустрия моды, блоги, sociology of fashion, fashion trends, fashion community, fashion industry, blog.
Образы территории в восприятии ее жителей (на примере Академгородка). The images of territory in the perception of its residents (for example of Academgorodok), Иванова В. В. and Дитц Е. А.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: образ территории, территориальная идентичность, территориальные интересы, восприятие территории, ментальные карты, эмоциональный аспект восприятия, прагматический аспект восприятия, image of the territory, territorial identity, territorial interests, perceptions of the territory, mental maps, emotional aspect of perception, a pragmatic aspect of perception.
Городская архитектура как способ конструирование и деконструирования социальных практик горожан. City architecture as an action for construction and deconstruction of social practices in the city, Иванова В. В. and Зыкова М. А.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: социология города, социология архитектуры, городская архитектура, дискурс-анализ, urban sociology, sociology of architecture, urban architecture, discourse analysis
Identifikácia efektívnych ciest zviditeľňovania mladých výskumníkov (sumarizácia poznatkov z vybraných krajín), Mária Antalová,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: mladí výskumníci, sociálna skupina, zviditeľňovanie, sociálny status
Paštunský fenomén afgansko-pakistanského pohraničia, Ľubomír Čech,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: Paštuni, paštunwálí, afganský konflikt, etnické a náboženské faktory, Afpak
La autonomía del sujeto y la representación política en la actualidad, Marcelo Mella Polanco,
in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar
Keywords: Political representation, individual autonomy, subject
Una modelación de las variables que explican el impacto de los eventos terroristas en el comportamiento humano, Cruz García Lirios,
in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar
Keywords: Terrorism, beliefs, perceptions and emotions
Las aportaciones culturales de los Chicanos a los espacios que habitan en Estados Unidos, María Ileana García Gossio,
in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar
Keywords: Chicanos, Cultural Identity, USA
Interpersonalne kompetencje komunikacyjne badacza w badaniach jakosciowych w obszarze MSP (Researchers’ communication interpersonal competencies in qualitative studies of SMEs), Katarzyna Gajek,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: small and medium enterprises, qualitative methods, researcher’s communication competencies
Analiza narracji w mikro- i malych organizacjach – ujecie teoretyczne (Analysis of narrative in micro and small organizations: theoretical approach), Bartlomiej J. Gabrys,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: narrative, micro and small organizations, theoretical approach
Human Dignity: A Religious Appraisal, Marian Gh. Simion,
in Scientia Moralitas Journal
Keywords: dignity, religion, poverty, literacy, health, conflict
Teaching and Learning on the Edge of a Pandemic: Providing Continuity and Re-building an Online Learning Community, Eleonora Bâcă,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: asynchronous teaching, synchronous teaching, online teaching, blended learning
Risk-Adapted Access Control with Multimodal Biometric Identification, Gabor Werner and Laszlo Hanka,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: multimodal biometrics, artificial intelligence, ANFIS, risk management
in Internal Auditing and Risk Management
Keywords: cohesion, cooperation, cross-border, development territorial profile, disparity index, gross domestic product per capita, environment, gap, imbalance, monetary factors, poverty, region, social exclusion, the threshold of relative poverty, the poverty risk
Duas décadas de pesquisa com os Xakriabá do Norte de Minas: do diagnóstico da economia ao monitoramento da pandemia da Covid-19 [Two decades of research with the Xakriabá from the Norte of Minas: from economic diagnosis to the monitoring of the Covid-19 pandemic], Roberto Luís de Melo Monte-Mor and Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: Povos indígenas; Etnodesenvolvimento; Xakriabá
in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali
Keywords: Guinea, Agriculture, Cattle breeding, Deagrarization, Social inequalities
Challenges and Problems Facing the Application of Temporary Waqf in Selected States of Malaysia: New Issues and their Guiding Rules التحديات والإشكالات التي تواجه تطبيق صيغة الوقف المؤقت في ولايات مختارة في ماليزيا: الصور المستحدثة وضوابطها, Muhamad Firdaus Bin Abdul Rahman and Muhammad Amanullah,
in Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics
Keywords: Temporary Waqf, Challenges, Principles, Approaches, Malaysia. الوقف المؤقت، التحديات، الضوابط، الصور، ماليزيا.
Intercultural Mirrors. Cultural Identity, Costel Coroban,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: intercultural communication, cultural identity, nationality
Preserving and Increasing Students’ Motivation - A Case Study, Eleonora Bâcă,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: intrinsic motivation, social component, digital learning, academic system
Use and Values of Verb Tenses in the Written Tourist Discourse, Elena Dumitrascu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: to discover, to visit, to experience, to observe, to admire
Improving the Communicative Competence in ESP of Students of Economics, Albena Stefanova,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: ESP, communicative competence, English for students of economics
Social Status in Norway and the Law of Jante: An Analysis of ISSP Social Inequality Data, PALAMARA Daniel R.,
in European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Keywords: Janteloven, survey, equality, social status, Norway
Teaching Functional Language for Business Purposes, Alina Popescu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: functional language, language teaching, communication skills
Managing Students’ Attention and Dealing with Cognitive Fatigue during Online Business Communication Courses, Eleonora Baca,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: business communication teaching, cognitive fatigue, ESP teaching, motivation, strategies
Highlighting Readability Issues by the Content Analysis of a Legal Text, for Translation Purposes. Case Study, Alina Buzarna-Tihenea (Gălbează) and Lavinia Nadrag,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: English legal language, translation, specialized terminology, readability, lexical density
Organizational Knowledge and Stakeholder Communications: A Substantial Interconnection, Marko Selaković,
in Journal of Innovative Business and Management
Keywords: Organizational Knowledge; Knowledge Management; Communications, Stakeholders; Stakeholder Communications
Chiapas:La independencia y la Revolución que llegaron tarde, Dr. Daniel Villafuerte Solís and Dra. Ma. del Carmen García Aguilar,
in Economia y Sociedad.
Keywords: Chiapas, crisis rural, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, pobreza, migración
Application of theories of firm to sharing economy platforms based on Uber example (Aplikacja teorii istnienia przedsiebiorstw dla podmiotow ekonomii wspoldzielenia na przykladzie firmy Uber), Tomasz Meksula,
in Research Reports
Keywords: Uber, sharing platforms, sharing economy, collaborative consumption, transaction costs theory, resource based view, theory of accumulation of knowledge, behavioral theory, and agency theory
On the Statute of Philosophic Anthropology, Ivo Stamboliyski,
in Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: Philosophy, philosophical anthropology, globalization, man.
Standing In - Between: Elements of Balkan Identity Underlying Romania’s Position in The EU, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: national identity, Balkanism, the Balkan area, East, West, the EU, integration, identity crisis
Cultural Consequences of Globalization. Major Contemporary Theories on the Global-Local Interference, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: globalization, ‘glocalization’, ‘grobalization’, ‘McDonaldization’, homogeneity, diversity
Romania’s Cultural Capital in the Global and European Context, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: cultural capital, national identity, cultural consumption, cultural decapitalization, globalization, Europeanization, diversity
“Mağdur” Milliyetçilik Kürt Siyasetinin “Demokratik” Zaafiyeti Ve Ulus Açmazı, Ali Özcan,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Keywords: Milliyetçilik, Ulus, Etnisite, Ulusal Pazar, Vatansever/Yurtsever, Elit, İktidar.
The questionable role of experts in global governance. Beyond David Kennedy approach, Marcin Kilanowski,
in Ekonomia i Prawo
Keywords: experts; power relations; dichotomies; corporate governance; global governance; transparency; accountability
The Impact of the Romanians’ Cultural Profile on Their Capacity to Adapt to an Intercultural Business Environment, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: intercultural communication, diversity management, cultural awareness, global competence, third culture
Cultural Stereotypes Outlining the Romanians’ Image Abroad, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: globalization, global integration, diversity, self-stereotypes, heterostereotypes, cultural awareness
Diversity Management in Multicultural Business Environments, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: cultural background, diversity management, multicultural business environment, global economy, coping
Cultural Boundaries in Business Communication, Gabriela Dumbravă,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: global business environment, intercultural communication, cultural boundaries, cross-cultural business communication
Information and Knowledge in the XXI Century, Ion Ionescu, Constantin Teodorescu, Luminita Creniceanu and Bogdan Costin Ionescu,
in Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Keywords: Knowledge, information, thinking,informational system
Social and Economic Significance of Moral Capital, Marek Wodka,
in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life
Keywords: moral capital, social capital, human capital, economy, social aspect, ethical aspect
English for a Successful Career: Studying the Needs of the Students Majoring in Economics and Socio-Political Studies, Albena Stefanova,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: English for specific purposes, needs analysis, English for students of economics, English for students of socio-political studies
The Dynamics of the Verbal and Non-verbal Communication Process in Professional Rapports, Cristina Mihaela Zamfir,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: channels of communication, listening, questioning, trust-based relationships
Responsabilité sociale chez Tocqueville et Le Play. Noblesse oblige, Shirine Sabéran,
in Revue économique
Deep capture: the hidden role of rationalizations, psychology, and corporate law, Marcin Kilanowski,
in Ekonomia i Prawo
Keywords: rationalizations; psychology; dispositions; corporate governance; freedom; profit
Learners’ Attitude towards Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic with Focus on ESP, Olivia Chirobocea-Tudor,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: ESP, online teaching, pandemic
Translation Issues in the Legal Field of the European Union. Case Study on Specialized Terminology, Lavinia Nadrag and Alina Buzarna-Tihenea (Galbează),
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: legal language, English language, translation, specialized terminology, the European Union (EU)
Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes during Online Course Delivery - A Case Study, Baca Eleonora,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: student satisfaction, learning environment, COVID-19, emergency remote online learning, ESP
Features of the management of international projects, taking into account intercultural differences of the partners, Yelena Petrenko and Nikita Stolyarov,
in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Keywords: culture, cross-cultural management, international relations, cultural peculiarities, efficient cooperation, organizational development
in Management Intercultural
Keywords: Socializare,socializare politică,Migraţia,Centrarea pe individ,
in CrossCultural Management Journal
Keywords: Masculine, Feminine, Power, Domination, Conjugal couple
in Network Intelligence Studies
Keywords: State of normality, Political normality, Social normality, Social power, Social self-regulation
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Energy, Time, Power, Social power, Social self-regulation
Adjusting and (Re)Adapting from Online to Face-To-Face Systems – A Case Study, Eleonora Baca,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: behavioural adjustment, ERT -emergency remote learning, adaptation, face-to-face learning
Tilea, M., Duță, O.A., Reșceanu, A. (Eds.)-sustainable and solidary education. Reflections and practices (2017), Aida Cornelia Stoian,
in Social Sciences and Education Research Review
Keywords: book review, sustainable education
Comparative Analysis Of Migrant Worker Policy In Asian Countries, Mehrzad Javadikouchaksaraei,
in Social Sciences and Education Research Review
Keywords: asian countries, migrant worker, migrant policy
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Business Activities, Lavinia Nadrag,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: verbal communication, nonverbal communication, business English, conversation management
Perceptual Positions – The New Behaviour and ‘Map of Reality’ Generators in Business Communication, Cristina Mihaela Zamfir,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: applications and functions, business communication, case studies, perceptual positions
Middle class' adaptation toward innovations: perception of new technologies and openness to it, Alina I. Pishnyak and Natalia V. Khalina,
in Population and Economics
Keywords: adaptation perception of innovation diffusion of innovations index method new technologies progress middle class
In search of the egalitarian syndrome: cultural inertia in Croatia?, Aleksandar Stulhofer and Ivan Buric,
in Financial Theory and Practice
Keywords: Egalitarian syndrome, Županov, scale construction and validation, cultural inertia, socioeconomic development
Hollanda’da Etnik İlişkiler, Gettolaşma ve Paralel Toplum Tartışmaları, Kadir Canatan,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Ethnic Relations, Ghettoization, Segregation, Parallel Society, Ethnic Intensity, the Netherlands, Turks.
Postmodernizm: Farklılıklar Politikası ve Küreselleşme, Müslüm Turan,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Capitalism, Postmodernism, Ambiguity, Globalization.