7632 documents matched the search for Q51 Q57 D83 in JEL-codes.
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Valor ambiental em uma perspectiva heterodoxa institucional-ecológica, Mauricio de Carvalho Amazonas,
in Revista Economia e Sociedade
Keywords: Value; Environmental valuation; Institutional economics; Ecological economics.
Medio ambiente. Luces y sombras en el conflicto ambiental, José Allende,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Medio ambiente, normativa comunitaria ambiental, residuos tóxicos industriales
Transporte, economía, ecología y poder. La economía del transporte desde un enfoque ecointegrador, Alfonso Sanz Alduán,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: transport, externalities, overall transport cycle, ecological economics, environmental accounts
Valuing environmental conservation in the Asean region: a contingent valuation study of Ulu Temburong national park, Andi Tabrani, Roger Lawrey and J. Ram Pillarisetti,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: Contingent Valuation, ASEAN, National Park, Biodiversity Conservation, Eco-tourism, Forestry
in Revista Global de Negocios
Keywords: Ecosystem and Their Services, Economic and Social Assessment, Conservation,Economic System Human Welfare
Chemical risk assessment and translation to socio-economic assessments, Weihsueh A. Chiu,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: causal inference, cost-benefit analysis, dose-response, environmental policy, population health, risk assessment, uncertainty, viarability
Economic assessment and valuations of environmental and health impacts caused by Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts, Silke Gabbert,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Cost-benefit analysis, environmental health valuation, non-market valuation, PBT, PFOA, regulatory impact assessment
The risk of social mirage human resources needs to support natural resource, Ana Maria Savu,
in International Journal for Responsible Tourism
Keywords: responsible tourism, local communities, society, effects, factors.
Driving values and visual identity in the process of developing the tourism brand destination for Danube Delta, Ana Florina Fecioru,
in International Journal for Responsible Tourism
Keywords: biodiversity, brand, Danube Delta, identity, tourism
Protection and conservation of tourism potential. Essential conditions for a sustainable and responsible development of tourism, Nicolae Neacsu,
in International Journal for Responsible Tourism
Keywords: environment, destructive actions, sustainable tourism, tourism planning, resources
The Impact of Social Partnership on the Environment, Mariem Kchaich Ep Chedli,
in Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People
Keywords: Social partnership, social transformation, social enterprise, environment, impact.
L?impatto economico dei cambiamenti climatici sulla disponibilit? di acqua irrigua in un?area del Mediterraneo, Gabriele Dono and Graziano Mazzapicchio,
Keywords: Cambiamento Climatico, disponibilit? di acqua, Programmazione Stocastica Discreta, impatto economico
Management in Canada (part II), Amedeo Istocescu,
in Economia. Seria Management
Keywords: Management; Canadian economy; Case studies.
Integrazione della VAS nei processi di pianificazione: il PTCP di Benevento, Maria Cerreta and Pasquale De Toro,
Keywords: VAS, pianificazione territoriale, processi decisionali strategici.
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Enviromental Value at Risk, Volatility, Portofolio
Is Referendum the Same as Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation?, Philippe Polome, Anne van der Veen and Peter Geurts,
in Land Economics
Environmental Externalities and Residential Property Values: Externalized Costs along the House Price Distribution, Todd Kuethe and Roman Keeney,
in Land Economics
Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality Using Property Auction Data: A Structural Estimation Approach, Tadao Hoshino and Hayato Nakanishi,
in Land Economics
WTA-WTP Disparity: The Role of Perceived Realism of the Valuation Setting, Manuel Frondel, Stephan Sommer and Lukas Tomberg,
in Land Economics
Valoración económica de una mejora en seguridad y conservación Parque Chingaza, Jaime Rueda Haider,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: conjoint, conservación, seguridad, ex-ante y preferencias
Experimentos de elección en la priorización de políticas de gestión en Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Juan Walter Tudela Mamani,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: experimentos de elección, diseño experimental, logit multinomial, disponibilidad marginal a pagar.
Wildfire Risk and Housing Prices: A Case Study from Colorado Springs, Geoffrey H. Donovan, Patricia A. Champ and David T. Butry,
in Land Economics
A Latent Class Approach to Modeling Endogenous Spatial Sorting in Zonal Recreation Demand Models, Kenneth A. Baerenklau,
in Land Economics
Economic Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan, M. Azeem Khan, Muhammad Iqbal, Iftikhar Ahmad and Manzoor Soomro,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: economic evaluation; externalities; pesticide use; social cost; crop protection; Punjab; Pakistan
A Contingent Valuation Estimation of Hill Recreational and Services Values in Malaysia, Chuen-Khee Pek, Chee-Hoong Tee and Phuay-Ying Ng,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: willingness-to-pay, hill recreational and services values, contingent valuation
Shifting Ground: The Changing Agricultural Soils of China and Indonesia, Peter Lindert,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: environment, China, Indonesia
Valuing Water Service Improvements through Revealed Preference: Averting Behaviour Method, Sisira Rajapakshe, Mette Termansen and Jouni Paavola,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water quality, health impacts, averting behaviors, averting expenditures, willingness to pay.
Estimating the Effect of Air Quality: Spatial versus Traditional Hedonic Price Models, Helen R. Neill, David M. Hassenzahl and Djeto D. Assane,
in Southern Economic Journal
Determinacion de límites presupuestarios para la administración de bienes públicos por la aplicación del metodo de costos de viaje, José Luis Infante,
in Revista Ciencias Administrativas (CADM), IIA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: cost of the trip, national park, strategic budgets.
Valorización del balance de N y P de la soja en Uruguay, Gabriel Oyhantçabal and Ignacio Narbondo,
in Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica
Keywords: soja, balance aparente, intensificación agrícola, sustentabilidad
Measuring the Value of U.S. National Parks Using Hedonic Property Value Models, Jeffrey Zabel, Christoph Nolte and Robert Paterson,
in Land Economics
Right to a healthful environment: Flagship of fundamental human rights ? An international perspective, Sri Yogamalar and Abdul Haseeb Ansari,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Constitution, human rights, environment, fundamental liberties, anthropogenic, right to health, judicial activism, enforcement
Experimental Study on the Differences of Automatic Nervous System and Emotional Response in Color Environment, Jiyoung Oh, Hyun Joo Kwon and Heykyung Park,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Automatic nervous system response, Emotional response, Color environment
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: built-up area; cost-benefit analysis; green roof
The Benefits and Costs of Noise Reduction, Nir Becker and Doron Lavee,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Cost benefit analysis, Noise, Israel
Valuing A Life: An Assessment from Metro Manila, Rosalina Palanca-Tan,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Value of life, Manila
Detecting Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous-Choice Contingent Valuation Surveys, Marcella Veronesi, Anna Alberini and Joseph Cooper,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Anchoring, Dichotomous choice contingent valuation, Starting point bias, Double-bounded models, Estimation bias
Economic Assessment of the Consequences of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Introduction for the Regional Industrial Complex (on the Example of the Sverdlovsk Region), Natalia Starodubets, Yulia O. Grishchenko, Irina S. Belik and Natalia L. Nikulina,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: carbon border adjustment mechanism; carbon intensity of products; accounting for greenhouse gas emissions; carbon regulation tools; low-carbon technologies; greenhouse gas emissions in metallurgy.
Assessment and Forecasting of Metallurgical Enterprises Carbon Footprint in the Sverdlovsk Region, Natalia Starodubets, Irina S. Belik, Natalia L. Nikulina and Tamila T. Alikberova,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: emissions trading; carbon intensity of products; GHG accounting; carbon regulation tools; GHG emissions in metallurgy; benchmarking; best available technologies; industrial decarbonization.
Environmental Capacity Indicators as a Tool for Evaluation of Energy Projects Efficiency, А.P. Karaeva and Elena Magaril,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: energy sector; investment projects; environmental and economic efficiency assessment; environmental and natural resource management
A Revealed Preference Approach to the Measurement of Congestion in Travel Cost Models, Christopher Timmins and Jennifer Murdock,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Congestion, Random Utility Model, Site Valuation, Travel Cost, Discrete Choice, Instrumental Variables, Quantile Regression
Climate Events and Insurance Demand - The effect of potentially catastrophic events on insurance demand in Italy, Gianluca Rosso, Andrea Ricca and Alessandro Chieppa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Climate change, extreme events, precipitations, floods, catastrophic events, insurance, Italy, statistics, regression, fixed effects.
Estimación de beneficios económicos por el mejoramiento del sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales en la ciudad de Puno (Perú), Juan Walter Tudela-Mamani,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: valoración contingente, modelo referéndum, modelo doble límite, disponibilidad a pagar, índice de capacidad de pago.
The environmental Kuznets curve in the case of Russia, Natalya Ketenci,
in Russian Journal of Economics
Keywords: CO2 emissions, environment Kuznets curve, cointegration, Russia.
Mind the Gap: Stated versus Revealed Donations and the Differential Role of Behavioral Factors, Jetske Bouma and M. J. Koetse,
in Land Economics
Envelope Backs or the Gold Standard? Choosing the Accuracy of Damage Assessment Methods, Amy Ando and Wallapak Polasub,
in Land Economics
Quasi Experiments, Hedonic Models, and Estimating Trade-offs for Local Amenities, Henry Klaiber and V. Smith,
in Land Economics
Incommensurability and Monetary Valuation, Jonathan Aldred,
in Land Economics
Improving the Process of Valuing Non-Market Benefits: Combining Citizens’ Juries with Choice Modelling, Begoña Álvarez-Farizo and Nick Hanley,
in Land Economics
Using Respondent Uncertainty to Mitigate Hypothetical Bias in a Stated Choice Experiment, Richard Ready, Patricia A. Champ and Jennifer L. Lawton,
in Land Economics
An Adding-up Test on Contingent Valuations of River and Lake Quality, William Desvousges, Kristy Mathews and Kenneth Train,
in Land Economics
Substitution Effects and Spatial Preference Heterogeneity in Single- and Multiple-Site Choice Experiments, Ivana Logar and Roy Brouwer,
in Land Economics
The Aftermath of Flood Zone Remapping: The Asymmetric Impact of Flood Maps on Housing Prices, Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr and Katherine Y. Zipp,
in Land Economics
Value of Statistical Life Estimates for Children in Metro Manila, Inferred from Parents’ Willingness to Pay for Dengue Vaccines, Rosalina Palanca-Tan,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Value of life, Manila
A Contingent Valuation Test for Measuring the Construct Validity of Willingness-to-Pay Estimates Derived from Choice Experiments, Romain Crastes dit Sourd, Olivier Beaumais, Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu, Pablo Martínez-Camblor and Riccardo Scarpa,
in Land Economics
Role of insurance in wildfire risk mitigation, Devika Hazra and Patricia Gallagher,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: Insurance premium; Wildfire; Risk mitigation; FAIR Plan; Home insurance;
Costs and Perceptions Conditioning Willingness to Accept Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Brazilian Case, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta and Ramon Ortiz,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Payment for ecosystem services; Willingness to accept payment; Contingent valuation;
Methodological Toolkit for Environmental and Economic Assessment of Metallurgical Enterprise Activities, Natalia Starodubets and A.E. Grigoreva,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: environmental impact; sustainable development; non-financial reporting; methodology for environmental and economic assessment of the enterprise
Taxes on Cars and Gasoline to Control of Air Pollution: Suggested Models for Bangladesh, Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Joly Paul,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Vehicle Emission, Pigovian Tax, Social Welfare.
Does One Size Really Fit All? Ecological Endpoint Heterogeneity in Stated Preference Welfare Analysis, Anne Kejser Jensen, Robert Johnston and Søren Olsen,
in Land Economics
Moving beyond the Contingent Valuation versus Choice Experiment Debate: Presentation Effects in Stated Preference, Patrick Lloyd-Smith, Ewa Zawojska and Wiktor Adamowicz,
in Land Economics
Citizens’ perspectives on marine protected areas as a governance strategy to effectively preserve marine ecosystem services and biodiversity, Stefania Tonin,
in Ecosystem Services
Keywords: Contingent valuation method (CVM); willingness to pay (WTP); Governance; Marine protected area; Ecosystem services; Marine biodiversity;
Payment and Policy Consequentiality in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation: Experimental Design Effects on Self-Reported Perceptions, Tobias Börger, Tenaw G. Abate, Margrethe Aanesen and Ewa Zawojska,
in Land Economics
Calibrating Benefit Function Transfer to Assess the Conservation Reserve Program, Daniel Hellerstein and Peter Feather,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: benefit transfer, Conservation Reserve Program, double hurdle model, random utility model, soil erosion.
Data Practices for Studying the Impacts of Environmental Amenities and Hazards with Nationwide Property Data, Christoph Nolte, Kevin Boyle, Anita M. Chaudhry, Christopher Clapp, Dennis Guignet, Hannah Hennighausen, Ido Kushner, Yanjun Liao, Saleh Mamun, Adam Pollack, Jesse Richardson, Shelby Sundquist, Kristen Swedberg and Johannes H. Uhl,
in Land Economics
Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic Price Effects for Lake Water Quality, Kristen Swedberg, Diego Cardoso, Adriana Castillo-Castillo, Saleh Mamun, Kevin Boyle, Christoph Nolte, Michael Papenfus and Stephen Polasky,
in Land Economics
How Can We Reduce the Errors from Benefits Transfer? An Investigation Using the Choice Experiment Method, Sergio Colombo and Nick Hanley,
in Land Economics
in Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies
Keywords: contingent valuation, nonmarket valuation, bid design
Eliciting Preferences for Public Goods in Nonmonetized Communities: Accounting for Preference Uncertainty, Andreas Pondorfer and Katrin Rehdanz,
in Land Economics
Polarization in Environmental Donations: Application to Deforestation-Prevention Donation, Dede Long, Hongxing Liu and Rodolfo M. Nayga,
in Land Economics
Economic assessment of odour emissions: an application of Hedonic Price Method, Vinicio Vannucci and Loredana Torsello,
from Department of Economics, University of Siena
Keywords: hedonic price method, economic assessment of natural resources, odor nuissance
Benefit-Transfer and Spatial Equilibrium, Matthew Turner,
in Environmental & Resource Economics
Keywords: Benefit-transfer, Clean Air Act
Valuing the environmental benefits of canals and canal restoration using house prices, Stephen Gibbons, Cong Peng and Cheng Tang,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: canals; waterways; house prices; environment; valuation; revealed preference; UKRI block grant
Solid Waste Disposal: A Choice Experiment Experience in Malaysia, Chuen-Khee Pek and Jamal Othman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Solid waste disposal; willingness-to-pay; choice experiment
Household Demand for Solid Waste Disposal Options in Malaysia, Chuen-Khee Pek and Jamal Othman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: contingent valuation, logistic regression, solid waste disposal, willingness-to-pay.
Optimal Environmental Taxes Due to Health Effect, Dr Haradhan Mohajan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Optimal Environmental Taxes, Public Good, Budget Constraints.
An Examination of Recent Revealed Preference Valuation Methods and Results, Robert Mendelsohn,
in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Who Knows What Willingness to Pay Lurks in the Hearts of Men? A Rejoinder to Egan, Corrigan, and Dwyer, John Whitehead,
in Econ Journal Watch
Keywords: Contingent valuation method, dichotomous choice, payment schedule, willingness to pay
Valuing Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control in Public Forests: Scope Effects with Attribute Nonattendance, Christopher Giguere, Chris Moore and John Whitehead,
in Land Economics
Estimating the Ex Ante Recreational Loss of an Oil Spill Using Revealed and Stated Preference Data, Ana Faria Lopes and John Whitehead,
in Land Economics
A replication of willingness-to-pay estimates in "An adding up test on contingent valuations of river and lake quality" (Land Economics, 2015), John Whitehead,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: contingent valuation, adding up test, willingness-to-pay
Contingent Valuation: Past, Present and Future, David Hoyos and Petr Mariel,
in Prague Economic Papers
Keywords: economic valuation, stated preference information
Decoy Effects in Choice Experiments and Contingent Valuation: Asymmetric Dominance, Ian Bateman, Alistair Munro and Gregory Poe,
in Land Economics
A Meta-analysis of Forest Recreation Values in Europe, Marianne Zandersen and Richard Tol,
from Research unit Sustainability and Global Change, Hamburg University
Keywords: Travel Cost Method, Meta-analysis, Recreation, Forestry
The Value of Statistical Life for Seniors, Jonathan D. Ketcham, Nicolai Kuminoff and Nirman Saha,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Estimating the implicit discount rate for new technology adoption of wood-burning stoves, Moisés Carrasco-Garcés, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva, Francisco Diaz Pincheira and Manuel Barrientos,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Efficient energy technologies; Implicit discount rate; Stated preferences; Intertemporal choice; Energy regulation;
Institutional determinants of protest responses in stated preference studies, Victor Champonnois,
from FAERE - French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Keywords: Institutions, Protest responses
Estimating the Value of Preserving the Doubs, Nikola Jovanoski,
from IRENE Institute of Economic Research
Keywords: contingent valuation method, open-ended elicitation method
Waste Generation in Denmark 1994-2005: An Environmental and Economic Analysis, Louise Lykke Brix and Jan Bentzen,
from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics
Keywords: No; keywords
Assessing the Use of Pseudo-panels to Estimate the Value of Statistical Life in Developing Countries, Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Luna Bratti, Sergio Orrego and Manuel Barrientos,
from Environment for Development, University of Gothenburg
Keywords: value of statistical life; hedonic price model; pseudo-panels
Advanced Topics in Environmental Health and Air Pollution Case Studies, Anca Maria Moldoveanu,
from IntechOpen
Environmental Health - Emerging Issues and Practice, Jacques Oosthuizen,
from IntechOpen
Topics in Public Health, David M. Claborn,
from IntechOpen
Trace Elements - Human Health and Environment, Hosam M. Saleh and Eithar Karim El-Adham,
from IntechOpen
Environmental Health - Management and Prevention Practices, Abdelhadi Makan,
from IntechOpen
Heavy Metal Toxicity in Public Health, John Kanayochukwu Nduka and Mohamed Nageeb Rashed,
from IntechOpen
Environmental Factors Affecting Human Health, Ivan Uher,
from IntechOpen
Environmental Health, Takemi Otsuki,
from IntechOpen
The Occurrence of Bioaerosols in The Food Preparation Areas of HIV/AIDS Hospices in Central South Africa, Karabo Shale, Jane Nkhebenyane, Pierre Venter and Ryk Lues,
from IntechOpen
Do Socio-Demographic Characteristics Modify the Association Between Air Pollution and Mortality & Morbidity?, Sabit Cakmak, Sara Martin, Claudia Vidal, Timur Gultekin, Vladislav Brion and Maria-Angelica Rubio,
from IntechOpen