1688 documents matched the search for Q51 F18 N56 in JEL-codes.
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Sesmarias e Apossamento de Terras no Brasil Colônia, Nelson Nozoe,
in Economia
Keywords: Brasil Colônia, Terras, Legislação Sesmarial, Posses
from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics]
in Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies
Keywords: Inversiones extranjeras – Desarrollismo – Petróleo – Renta de la tierra, Foreign investment – Development – Oil – Ground rent.
Mercury (not always rising) and the social economy of nineteenth-century Peru, José R. Deustua C.,
in Revista Economía
Keywords: minería del mercurio, minería de la plata, economía minera, Huancavelica, mina Santa Bárbara
Agrarian history in Uruguay: From the “agrarian question” to the present, María Inés Moraes,
in Historia Agraria. Revista de Agricultura e Historia Rural
Keywords: agrarian history, Latin American rural history, agrarian question, Uruguay
Bosquejo Histórico de la Agricultura en Argentina hasta Fines del Siglo XIX y los Inicios del Siglo XX. Énfasis en la Caracterización del Productor Agrícola, Rinaldo Antonio Colomé,
in Revista de Economía y Estadística
Keywords: Historia, agricultura, Argentina, colonias agrícolas
Managed Trade and Environmental Policy under Imperfect Competition, Alberto Gallegos David,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Cournot Competition, Managed Trade and Pollution
in Contemporary Economy Journal
Keywords: sustainability, responsibility, performance, trade
Revealed Preferences of an International Trade and Environment Institution, Linda Fernandez,
in Land Economics
Exports Competitiveness and Environmental Regulations, Constanta Aurelia Chitiba,
in Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Keywords: Ecological dumping, environmental standards, principle of subsidiarity, trade policy, emissions trading system
The Administration of Small-Scale Economies in the Cross- Border Trade in Southeast Asia, Hadi Suratman, FX. Adji Samekto and Nanik Trihastuti,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: Servitude, sovereign rights, special trade zone, cross-border trade, Indonesia-Malaysia.
Russia’s Low-Carbon Transition, Chen Xueqing,
in Russian Economic Development
Keywords: climate diplomacy, low-carbon transition, alternative energy
Низкоуглеродный переход России, Chen Xueqing,
in Russian Economic Development (in Russian)
Keywords: климатическая дипломатия, низкоуглеродный переход, альтернативная энергетика
The imperative of Russia - EU cooperation in climate policy is preserved, T. Romanova and A. Portanskiy,
in Journal of the New Economic Association
Keywords: Russia, European Union, Green Deal, climate change, decarbonization
Multilateral trade and environmental reforms in a polluted open economy, Alberto Gallegos David,
in Estudios Económicos
Keywords: optimal policies, international trade, multilateral externalities, environment, trade reforms
Optimal Trade and Environmental Policies in a Polluted Small Open Economy, Alberto Gallegos,
in Estudios Económicos
Keywords: optimal policies, intermediate pollutant input, welfare, small open economy
Impact of environmental regulations on trade in the main EU countries: conflict or synergy?, Roberta de Santis,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Comparative advantage, environmental regulation, trade
Diversification into Technical Textiles: A Forward Momentum for Indian Textiles Industry, Pawan Chugan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Technical Textiles, Product Diversification, Quota Free Regime, Multifibre Arrangements, Global Slowdown, Recession to Recovery, Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS)
in Global Economic Observer
Keywords: foreign trade promotion, services, TPO, efficency, export
Balance of payments and policies that affects its positioning in Nigeria, Anulika Azubike,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Balance of payments, Tariff and Non-tariff Policies, Exchange Rate POlicies
in Estudios Gerenciales
Keywords: Internacionalización, comercio exterior, oportunidades estratégicas, riesgos estratégicos, endeudamiento.
America’s Failing Trade War With China: A Focus on Fentanyl, Corinna K. Hamilton,
in American Journal of Trade and Policy
Keywords: trade; US-China relations; fentanyl; opioids; opioid epidemic
America’s Failing Trade War With China: A Focus on Fentanyl, Corinna K. Hamilton,
in American Journal of Trade and Policy
Keywords: trade; China; US-China relations; fentanyl; opioids; opioid epidemic
Trade Interference or Good Environmental Stewardship: The Case of Gibson Guitar and the Lacey Act, Charles Rarick,
in American Journal of Trade and Policy
Keywords: trade barriers; government regulation; environment; Lacey Act
Use of Ecolabels in Promoting Exports from Developing Countries to Developed Countries: Lessons from the Indian LeatherFootwear Industry, Parashar Kulkarni,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Ecolabels, Export promotion, Leather footwear, Market access
Pollution Abatement and International Self-Sufficiency, Robert Kohn and Paul Chambers,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: International TRade; Trade
Working Paper 19-08 - Quantifying environmental leakage for Belgium, Adja Awa Sissoko and Guy Vandille,
from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium
Keywords: Environmental leakage, Environmental terms of trade, Input-output analysis
Trade Sustainability in the Forestry Domain: Evidence from Malaysia using Johansen and Bound Test Method, F.A. Emmy, A.H. Baharom, Alias Radam and Mohd Yacob,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Johansen cointegration test, forestry trade, VECM, ARDL
Economic Adjustment and the Forestry Sector: Does Removing the Log Export Ban Matter Much?, Arya Gaduh and Kurnya Roesad,
from Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesia, log ban, economic crisis, adjustment, forestry, econometrics
Impacts of Competitive Position on Export Propensity and Intensity: An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Firms in China, Hung-gay Fung, Gerald Yong Gao, Lu Jiangyong and Haim Mano,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
CO2 Emissions, Trade Openness and GDP Percapita: Bangladesh Perspective, Rubaiya Zaman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: CO2 Emissions,Trade openness, GDP Percapita
International production fragmentation, trade in intermediate goods and environment, Jingjing Zhang,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: International production fragmentation; Intermediate goods trade; Endogenous environmental policy; Environmental quality;
International trade, FDI (foreign direct investment) and embodied CO2 emissions: A case study of Chinas industrial sectors, Shenggang Ren, Baolong Yuan, Xie Ma and Xiaohong Chen,
in China Economic Review
Keywords: International trade; FDI; Embodied CO2 emissions; EKC hypothesis;
Convergence in pollution terms of trade, Satoshi Honma and Yushi Yoshida,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: World input-output table; International trade; Pollution haven hypothesis; Pollution terms of trade
trade and environmental regulations, Jenny Minier,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: environmental regulations, footloose industries, pollution haven, trade policy
Is Emission Trading Beneficial?, Jota Ishikawa, 城太 石川, Kazuharu Kiyono, 一治 清野, Morihiro Yomogida and 守弘 蓬田,
from Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: global warming, emission quota, emission trading, carbon leakage, Kyoto Protocol
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage, Kazuharu Kiyono, 一治 清野, Jota Ishikawa and 城太 石川,
from Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: global warming, carbon leakage, emission tax, emission quota, tax-quota equivalence, emission trading
Limiting Emissions and Trade: Some Basic Ideas, Kala Krishna,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Physician Fees and Procedure Intensity: The Case of Cesarean Delivery, Jonathan Gruber, John Kim and Dina Mayzlin,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Carbon, Trade Policy, and Carbon Free Trade Areas, Yan Dong and John Whalley,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
International Trade in Used Durable Goods: The Environmental Consequences of NAFTA, Lucas Davis and Matthew Kahn,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Limiting Emissions and Trade: Some Basic Ideas, Kala Krishna,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Polarisation of Eco-Labelling Strategies, Vera Danilina,
from FAERE - French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Keywords: eco-labelling, trade integration, voluntary environmental regulation, firms productivity, firm heterogeneity
Environmental provisions in Japanese regional trade agreements with developing countries, Yanai Akiko,
from Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization(JETRO)
Keywords: Developing countries,Japan,Environmental protection,International trade,FTA,International agreements,Sustainable development,Regional trade agreement,Environmental provisions,Trade and the environment,RoHS,REACH
Tax Reform and the Environment in Developing Economies: Is a Double Dividend Possible, Ian Coxhead,
from University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics
International Trade and the Natural Resource 'Curse' in Southeast Asia: Does China's Growth Threaten Regional Development, Ian Coxhead,
from University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics
Is Emission Trading Beneficial?, Jota Ishikawa, Kazuharu Kiyono and Morihiro Yomogida,
from Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: global warming, emission quota, emission trading, carbon leakage, Kyoto Protocol
Environmental Management Policy under International Carbon Leakage, Kazuharu Kiyono and Jota Ishikawa,
from Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Keywords: Global Warming, Carbon Leakage, Emission Tax, Emission Quota, Tax-quota Equivalence, Emission Trading
President's perspective, Richard W. Fisher,
in Southwest Economy
Keywords: energy; reform
Unravelling the World-Wide Pollution Haven Effect, Jaime de Melo, Jean-Marie Grether and Nicole Mathys,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Trade and the environment; Pollution haven
Barriers to trade in environmental goods: How Important they are and what should developing countries expect from their removal, Jaime de Melo and Jean-Marc Solleder,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Environmental goods; Tariffs; Ntbs
Unraveling the World-Wide Pollution Haven Effect, Jean-Marie Grether, Nicole Mathys and Jaime de Melo,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Trade and the Environment, Pollution Haven
Trade Integration and the Polarisation of Eco-Labelling Strategies, Vera Danilina,
from Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
Keywords: eco-labelling, Firm heterogeneity, trade integration, voluntary environmental regulation, firms productivity
Border Carbon Adjustments and the Potential for Protectionism, Peter Holmes, Tom Reilly and Jim Rollo,
from Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
Keywords: Competitiveness, carbon leakage, cap-and-trade (C&T), trade policy, WTO and regionalism.
Unraveling the World-Wide Pollution Haven Effect, Jean-Marie Grether, Nicole Mathys and Jaime de Melo,
from Université de Lausanne, Faculté des HEC, Département d’économie
Keywords: trade and the environment; pollution haven
Structured literature review and modelling suggestions on the impact of trade and trade policy on the environment and the climate, Gabriel Felbermayr, Sonja Peterson and Joschka Wanner,
from Directorate General for Trade, European Commission
Keywords: international trade and climate; literature review
Environmental TBTs and Their Effects on Major Korean Industries, Sun Kyung Hur,
from Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
Keywords: technical barriers to trade; TBT; FTA; free trade agreements; trade; protectionism; trade protectionism; free trade; Korea; trade policy; competition policy; environmental policy
Asia’s Low-Carbon Transition: Opportunities and Challenges for Trade, Sung Jin Kang and Donghyun Park,
from Asian Development Bank
Keywords: low-carbon transition; green; trade; environment; Asia
Domínios do café: ferrovias, exportação e mercado interno em São Paulo (1888-1917), Pedro Geraldo Tosi and Rogério Naques Faleiros,
in Revista Economia e Sociedade
Keywords: Coffee economy; Railroads; CMEF; Food production; São Paulo.
Lugar e significado da gestão pombalina na economia colonial do Grão-Pará [Place and meaning of pombal’s management in the colonial economy of Grão-Pará], Francisco de Assis Costa,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: Amazon Region, Colonial History, Pombal's Era
Guano, compromisos creíbles y el pago de la deuda externa peruana del siglo XIX, Catalina Vizcarra,
in Revista Economía
Keywords: foreign debt, Perú, nineteenth century, guano
La Guerra Civil de 1876-1877 en los Andes nororientales colombianos, Edna Carolina Sastoque R. and Mario García M.,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Keywords: civil wars, Colombia, 19th Century
Consorcios Microbianos: Una Metáfora Biológica Aplicada a la Asociatividad Empresarial en Cadenas Productivas Agropecuarias, Diana Carolina Ochoa Carreno and Alexandra Montoya Restrepo,
in Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Keywords: Metáforas Organizacionales, Consorcios microbianos, Asociatividad empresarial.
La historia se repite: una visión del desarrollo y del desarrollo sostenible, Javier Sabogal Aguilar and Enrique Hurtado Aguirre,
in Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Keywords: desarrollo sostenible, medio ambiente, desarrollo alternativo, pensamiento ambiental.
Caracterização do pessoal ocupado na agropecuária ao longo da década de 1990, Fernanda Sartori de Camargo and Joaquim Guilhoto,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Agriculture, workforce, characterization, PNAD
Consumo de alimentos en Uruguay (1900-1970): Metodología y fuentes para la elaboración de series de consumo aparente, Maximiliano Presa and Carolina Román,
from Instituto de EconomÃa - IECON
Keywords: food consumption, commodity flow approach, Uruguay
La estructura económica de San Andrés y providencia en 1846, A Meisel,
from Banco de la Republica de Colombia
Keywords: San Andrés y Providencia, historiografía económica.
La estructura económica de San Andrés y Providencia en 1846, A Meisel,
from Banco de la República, Economía Regional
Keywords: San Andrés y Providencia, historiografía económica
The Impact of Social Partnership on the Environment, Mariem Kchaich Ep Chedli,
in Journal of Economic Development, Environment and People
Keywords: Social partnership, social transformation, social enterprise, environment, impact.
L?impatto economico dei cambiamenti climatici sulla disponibilit? di acqua irrigua in un?area del Mediterraneo, Gabriele Dono and Graziano Mazzapicchio,
Keywords: Cambiamento Climatico, disponibilit? di acqua, Programmazione Stocastica Discreta, impatto economico
Management in Canada (part II), Amedeo Istocescu,
in Economia. Seria Management
Keywords: Management; Canadian economy; Case studies.
Integrazione della VAS nei processi di pianificazione: il PTCP di Benevento, Maria Cerreta and Pasquale De Toro,
Keywords: VAS, pianificazione territoriale, processi decisionali strategici.
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Enviromental Value at Risk, Volatility, Portofolio
Is Referendum the Same as Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation?, Philippe Polome, Anne van der Veen and Peter Geurts,
in Land Economics
Environmental Externalities and Residential Property Values: Externalized Costs along the House Price Distribution, Todd Kuethe and Roman Keeney,
in Land Economics
Economic Valuation of Environmental Quality Using Property Auction Data: A Structural Estimation Approach, Tadao Hoshino and Hayato Nakanishi,
in Land Economics
WTA-WTP Disparity: The Role of Perceived Realism of the Valuation Setting, Manuel Frondel, Stephan Sommer and Lukas Tomberg,
in Land Economics
Valoración económica de una mejora en seguridad y conservación Parque Chingaza, Jaime Rueda Haider,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: conjoint, conservación, seguridad, ex-ante y preferencias
Experimentos de elección en la priorización de políticas de gestión en Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Juan Walter Tudela Mamani,
in Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
Keywords: experimentos de elección, diseño experimental, logit multinomial, disponibilidad marginal a pagar.
Wildfire Risk and Housing Prices: A Case Study from Colorado Springs, Geoffrey H. Donovan, Patricia A. Champ and David T. Butry,
in Land Economics
A Latent Class Approach to Modeling Endogenous Spatial Sorting in Zonal Recreation Demand Models, Kenneth A. Baerenklau,
in Land Economics
Economic Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan, M. Azeem Khan, Muhammad Iqbal, Iftikhar Ahmad and Manzoor Soomro,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: economic evaluation; externalities; pesticide use; social cost; crop protection; Punjab; Pakistan
A Contingent Valuation Estimation of Hill Recreational and Services Values in Malaysia, Chuen-Khee Pek, Chee-Hoong Tee and Phuay-Ying Ng,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: willingness-to-pay, hill recreational and services values, contingent valuation
Shifting Ground: The Changing Agricultural Soils of China and Indonesia, Peter Lindert,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: environment, China, Indonesia
Valuing Water Service Improvements through Revealed Preference: Averting Behaviour Method, Sisira Rajapakshe, Mette Termansen and Jouni Paavola,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Water quality, health impacts, averting behaviors, averting expenditures, willingness to pay.
Estimating the Effect of Air Quality: Spatial versus Traditional Hedonic Price Models, Helen R. Neill, David M. Hassenzahl and Djeto D. Assane,
in Southern Economic Journal
Determinacion de límites presupuestarios para la administración de bienes públicos por la aplicación del metodo de costos de viaje, José Luis Infante,
in Revista Ciencias Administrativas (CADM), IIA, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: cost of the trip, national park, strategic budgets.
Valorización del balance de N y P de la soja en Uruguay, Gabriel Oyhantçabal and Ignacio Narbondo,
in Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica
Keywords: soja, balance aparente, intensificación agrícola, sustentabilidad
Measuring the Value of U.S. National Parks Using Hedonic Property Value Models, Jeffrey Zabel, Christoph Nolte and Robert Paterson,
in Land Economics
Right to a healthful environment: Flagship of fundamental human rights ? An international perspective, Sri Yogamalar and Abdul Haseeb Ansari,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Constitution, human rights, environment, fundamental liberties, anthropogenic, right to health, judicial activism, enforcement
Experimental Study on the Differences of Automatic Nervous System and Emotional Response in Color Environment, Jiyoung Oh, Hyun Joo Kwon and Heykyung Park,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Automatic nervous system response, Emotional response, Color environment
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: built-up area; cost-benefit analysis; green roof
The Benefits and Costs of Noise Reduction, Nir Becker and Doron Lavee,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Cost benefit analysis, Noise, Israel
Valuing A Life: An Assessment from Metro Manila, Rosalina Palanca-Tan,
from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)
Keywords: Value of life, Manila
Detecting Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous-Choice Contingent Valuation Surveys, Marcella Veronesi, Anna Alberini and Joseph Cooper,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Anchoring, Dichotomous choice contingent valuation, Starting point bias, Double-bounded models, Estimation bias
Economic Assessment of the Consequences of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Introduction for the Regional Industrial Complex (on the Example of the Sverdlovsk Region), Natalia Starodubets, Yulia O. Grishchenko, Irina S. Belik and Natalia L. Nikulina,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: carbon border adjustment mechanism; carbon intensity of products; accounting for greenhouse gas emissions; carbon regulation tools; low-carbon technologies; greenhouse gas emissions in metallurgy.
Assessment and Forecasting of Metallurgical Enterprises Carbon Footprint in the Sverdlovsk Region, Natalia Starodubets, Irina S. Belik, Natalia L. Nikulina and Tamila T. Alikberova,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: emissions trading; carbon intensity of products; GHG accounting; carbon regulation tools; GHG emissions in metallurgy; benchmarking; best available technologies; industrial decarbonization.
Environmental Capacity Indicators as a Tool for Evaluation of Energy Projects Efficiency, А.P. Karaeva and Elena Magaril,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: energy sector; investment projects; environmental and economic efficiency assessment; environmental and natural resource management
A Revealed Preference Approach to the Measurement of Congestion in Travel Cost Models, Christopher Timmins and Jennifer Murdock,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Congestion, Random Utility Model, Site Valuation, Travel Cost, Discrete Choice, Instrumental Variables, Quantile Regression
Climate Events and Insurance Demand - The effect of potentially catastrophic events on insurance demand in Italy, Gianluca Rosso, Andrea Ricca and Alessandro Chieppa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Climate change, extreme events, precipitations, floods, catastrophic events, insurance, Italy, statistics, regression, fixed effects.