13785 documents matched the search for Q38 Q54 Q58 in JEL-codes.
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in CES Working Papers
Keywords: climate change; EU policy; environmental protection; interdisciplinary approach
Economic Effectiveness of Implementing a Statewide Building Code: The Case of Florida, Kevin M. Simmons, Jeffrey Czajkowski and James M. Done,
in Land Economics
A Potential Disintegration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Implications for Economic Analyses of Climate Policy, Delavane Diaz and Klaus Keller,
in American Economic Review
Voluntary Carbon Markets: How can they Serve Climate Policies?, Pierre Guigon,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: changement climatique, climate change, emissions trading systems, système d’échange de droits d’émissions
in Scientific Research Almanac
Keywords: парникови газове, селско стопанство, оценка на жизне- ния цикъл, въглероден отпечатък на продукта
in Annals of University of Craiova - Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: climate change; greenhouse gases; economic effect
in Annals of University of Craiova - Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: greenhouse gases, climate change, protocol, joint implementation mechanism , emissions trading
Análisis de los procedimientos de reducción de emisiones de CO2 en el sector del transporte de pasajeros por carretera, Pablo del Río González and Félix Hernández Álvarez,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: emisiones de CO2 en el transporte, instrumentos de mitigación, mitigation instruments, transport CO2 emissions
Localizing Disaster Risk Reduction, Lilybeth Matunhay, Jonel Milan and Cecilio Paqueo,
in International Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: disaster risk reduction, barangay disaster risk reduction council, performance, disaster culture, local & community level
Financial Stability: Overcoming the Crisis and Improving the Efficiency of the Banking Sector, Randall S. Jones and Masahiko Tsutsumi,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: agences de notation financières, bank, Bank of Japan, banque, Banque du Japon, banques régionales, Basel II, Bâle II, capital adequacy regulation, capital injections, capital markets, credit rating agencies, crise financière mondiale, financial sector, FSA, FSA, global financial crisis, injections de capitaux, Japan, Japanese economy, Japon, marchés de capitaux, prêts viagers hypothécaires, regional banks, reverse mortgages, règles relatives aux fonds propres, secteur financier, securitisation, titrisation, économie japonaise
Improving the Policy Framework in Japan to Address Climate Change, Randall S. Jones and Byungseo Yoo,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: carbon sinks, carbon tax, changement climatique, Clean Development Mechanism, Cool Earth 50, Cool Earth 50, COP 15, COP 15, efficacité énergétique, emissions trading systems, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, Kyoto protocol, mécanisme pour un développement propre, programme Top Runner, Protocole de Kyoto, puits de carbone, renewable energy, système d’échange de droits d’émissions, taxes carbone, Top Runner Programme, émissions de gaz à effet de serre, énergies renouvelables
Towards Green Growth in Denmark: Improving Energy and Climate Change Policies, Stéphanie Jamet,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: carbon tax, changement climatique, climate change, climate change mitigation policy, Danemark, Denmark, energy security, green technologies, greenhouse gas emissions, politiques d’atténuation du changement climatique, renewable energy, taxe carbone, technologies respectueuses de l'environnement, émissions de gaz à effet de serre, énergie renouvelable
Shutting Down the Fog Machine, Gar W. Lipow,
in Review of Radical Political Economics
Keywords: carbon markets; clean development mechanism; offsets; climate crisis; climate justice; carbon capture and storage; sequestration
Perception of local experts about accessibility to international climate funds: Case of Bangladesh, Syed Mahbubur Rahman and Mokbul Morshed Ahmad,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: Climate finance, Climate fund, Accessibility, Perception, Bangladesh
Optimal Climate Policy When Damages Are Unknown, Ivan Rudik,
in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Business in Pakistan: Perceptions and Realities, Ajaz Ahmed and Aneel Salman,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Keywords: UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Carbon Trading, Climate Change, Mitigation, Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), Designated National Authority (DNA)
Stav a vplyv manažmentu európskych prírodných zdrojov v nových klimatických podmienkach, Mikuláš Černota,
in Almanach (Actual Issues in World Economics and Politics)
Keywords: adaptácia, klimatická zmena, prírodné zdroje
A collaborative approach to address the cumulative impacts of mine-water discharge: Negotiating a cross-sectoral waterway partnership in the Bowen Basin, Australia, Rachel Eberhard, Nathan Johnston and Jo-Anne Everingham,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Collaboration; Resource governance; Cumulative impacts; Cumulative effects assessment and management (CEAM); Natural resource management; Water quality monitoring;
The supply of non-renewable resources, Julien Daubanes and Pierre Lasserre,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Kommt der Steiger zurück?, Ernst Erwin Glöckner,
in ifo Dresden berichtet
Keywords: Lithium, Bergbau, Sachsen
How to Design a Border Adjustment for the European Union Emissions Trading System?, Stéphanie Monjon and Philippe Quirion,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Carbon Leakage, Border Adjustment, Border Tax Adjustment, EU ETS, Competitiveness
Sectoral Targets for Developing Countries: Combining "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities" with "Meaningful participation", Meriem Hamdi-Cherif, Céline Guivarch and Philippe Quirion,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Sectoral Approach, Sectoral Target
Unintended Consequences from Nested State & Federal Regulations: The Case of the Pavley Greenhouse-Gas-per-Mile Limits, Lawrence Goulder, Mark Jacobsen and Arthur van Benthem,
from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Keywords: greenhouse gases, environmental regulations, renewable energy, cars
from JDI Executive Programs
Keywords: mining, tax structures, tax analysis
Revisiting the Economic Impacts of the EU CBAM on Finland and the EU, Ville Kaitila, Olli-Pekka Kuusela, Tero Kuusi, Johanna Pohjola and Sampo Soimakallio,
from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
Keywords: Carbon leakage, Carbon border adjustment mechanism, Gravity model, Computable general equilibrium
Bezpieczenstwo energetyczne Polski w latach 2010–2015: aspekty ekologiczne i prawno-polityczne, Adam Pogorzelski,
in Catallaxy
Keywords: energy security; conventional energy sources; renewable energy sources; energetics
Cambio climático y sustentabilidad económica y social: implicaciones sobre el bienestar social, Emèrit Bono,
in CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa
Keywords: Global change, Climate change, Vulnerability, Carbon sequestration and storage, Energy productivity, Renewable energy, New economic, social and environmental paradigm.
Towards Consistent and Effective Carbon Pricing in Germany?, Ivana Capozza and Joseph Curtin,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Allemagne, carbon price, emissions trading systems, environmentally harmful subsidies, environmentally related taxes, Germany, prix du carbone, subventions dommageables pour l’environnement, système d’échange de droits d’émissions, taxes liées à l'environnement
Economic Effects of an Ocean Acidification Catastrophe, Stephen G. Colt and Gunnar P. Knapp,
in American Economic Review
Green Growth and Climate Change Policies in New Zealand, Alexandra Bibbee,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: agricultural emissions, biodiversity, biodiversité, carbon price, changement climatique, climate change, emissions trading scheme, environmental policies, gestion des déchets, gestion des resources, GHG emissions, industries minières, Kyoto obligations, mining, New Zealand, Nouvelle-Zélande, nutrient trading, politiques environnementales, pollution de l'eau, renewables, resource management, waste management, water pollution, water use, échange de quotas sur les nutriments, émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES), émissions du secteur agricole, énergies renouvelables
Greening Growth in Japan, Ivana Capozza,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: accords volontaires, changement climatique, climate change, dépenses de lutte contre la pollution, eco-innovation, economic instruments for environmental policy, environmentally harmful subsidies, environmentally-related taxes, green growth strategy, instruments économiques au service de la politique d’environnement, Japan, Japon, objectifs de performance, performance targets, pollution abatement and control expenditure, stratégie pour une croissance verte, subventions dommageables pour l’environnement, taxes liées à l'environnement, voluntary agreements, éco-innovation
Power struggle: Decarbonising the electricity sector, Dirk Röttgers and Brilé Anderson,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: climate change, Decarbonisation, electricity, political economy, regression analysis
OECD Progress Update on Approaches to Mobilising Institutional Investment for Sustainable Infrastructure, Dirk Röttgers, Aayush Tandon and Christopher Kaminker,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: climate change, finance, financial instruments, financial sector, infrastructure, Institutional investors, sustainable
Addressing Challenges in the Energy Sector in Israel, Philip Hemmings,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: carbon tax, demande énergétique israélienne, diesel, diesel, efficacité énergétique, electric car, electricity generation, energy, energy efficiency, essence, fiscalité des véhicules, gasoline, gaz naturel, gaz à effet de serre, GES, GHG, greenhouse gases, installations solaires, Israel, Israeli energy demand, Israeli energy supply, Israël, natural gas, offre énergétique israélienne, production d'électricité, public transport, renewable energy, solar power, taxes carbone, transport public, vehicle emissions, vehicle taxation, voiture électrique, wind power, émissions des véhicules, énergie, énergie renouvelable, éoliennes
Financing water security for sustainable growth in Asia and the Pacific, Hannah Leckie, Harry Smythe and Xavier Leflaive,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Asia, flood protection, infrastructure finance, irrigation, Pacific, sanitation, wastewater, water security, water supply
The Impossibility of a Neutral Resource Rent Tax, B. Smith,
from Australian National University - Department of Economics
The Sino-Japanese energy dispute in the East China Sea: Strategic policy, economic opportunities, and cooperation, James Manicom,
in Economics of Peace and Security Journal
Keywords: Territorial dispute, China, Japan, cooperation
Nuevo régimen fiscal para Petróleos Mexicanos, Juan José Suárez Coppel and Rigoberto Ariel Yépez,
in El Trimestre Económico
Keywords: impuestos a hidrocarburos, derechos por explotación de petróleo, régimen fiscal para empresas petroleras, regulación de empresas públicas, Pemex
Climate policy and border tax adjustments: Might industrial organization matter?, Ian Sheldon and Steve McCorriston,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: climate policy, carbon leakage, border tax adjustments, industrial organization.
Auctioning Resource Rights, Kenneth Hendricks and Robert Porter,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Keywords: auctions, leases, oil and gas, royalty
Targeting Green Payments under a Budget Constraint, Richard Horan and Roger Claassen,
in Land Economics
The Role of Royalties in Resource Extraction Contracts, Robert F. Conrad, Bryce Hool and Denis Nekipelov,
in Land Economics
The peak of oil extraction and consistency of the government's short- and long-run policies, Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Nonrenewable resource; Intergenerational justice; Generalized Rawlsian criterion
Switching to a sustainable efficient extraction path, Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Essential nonrenewable resource; Sustainable extraction; Hartwick rule; Transition to efficient path
Сценарии перехода к устойчивым темпам добычи нефти в России, Anastasiya Andreeva and Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Nonrenewable resource; Sustainable development; Transition curve analysis
Inconsistency between a criterion and the initial conditions, Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Essential nonrenewable resource; Sustainable extraction; Criterion inconsistency; Hartwick Rule
Resource Curse, Institutions and Non-Resource Sector, Alexander Libman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: resource curse; institutions; non-resource sector
A Simulation of the Illegal Coal Mining in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam using Vensim, Tuan Phan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: illegal coal mining, simulation, Vietnam
Chiadzwa Diamonds: Zimbabwe’s potential economic recovery option, Albert Makochekanwa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Chiadzwa diamonds, economic recovery, US$8.3 billion
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: coal industry, state aid, National Hard Coal Company
U.S. State Fiscal Policy and Natural Resources, Alexander James,
from Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford
Keywords: Severance Tax; Fiscal Policy; Natural Resources
Возможности роста экономики агропромышленного комплекса при негативной динамике внешних условий развития, Victor Denisov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: external economic difficulties in the development of the agro-industrial complex, the possibility of adapting to changes.
A comment on Hamilton (2016) “Measuring sustainability in the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting”, Andrei Bazhanov,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Natural nonrenewable resource; Imperfect economy; Resource policy; Investment feasibility;
Does information matter? Transparency and demand for accountability in Ghana's natural resource revenue management, Christa Brunnschweiler, Ishmael Edjekumhene and Päivi Lujala,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: transparency, accountability, survey data, Ghana, natural resources, petroleum
Income equivalence and a proposed resource rent charge, Michael Alexeev and Robert F. Conrad,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Natural resource rents; Natural resource taxation;
Decreasing of Oil Extraction: Consumption behavior along transition paths, Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Non-renewable resource; Intergenerational justice; Hartwick rule; Optimal path of extraction; Generalized Rawlsian criterion
The peak of oil extraction and a modified maximin principle, Andrei Bazhanov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Nonrenewable resource; Intergenerational justice; Generalized Rawlsian criterion
The Vindication of Don Quixote: The Impact of Noise and Visual Pollution from Wind Turbines, Cathrine Ulla Jensen, Toke Emil Panduro and Thomas Hedemark Lundhede,
in Land Economics
Management of pre-salt oil royalties: Wealth or poverty for Brazilian coastal zones as a result?, Alessandra Aloise de Seabra, Alla Khosrovyan, T. Angel Del Valls and Marcus Polette,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Petroleum; Royalty׳s management; Social impacts; Brazil; Presalt oil;
Drilling Down on Royalties: How Canadian Provinces Can Improve Non-Renewable Resource Taxes, Ben Dachis and Robin Boadway,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: Energy and Natural Resources, Taxation, Non-renewable resource
Crowding Out Open Space: The Effects of Federal Land Programs on Private Land Trust Conservation, Walter Thurman and Dominic Parker,
in Land Economics
Sodbusting, Crop Insurance, and Sunk Conversion Costs, Ruiqing Miao, David Hennessy and Hongli Feng,
in Land Economics
Strategic Environmental Policy and Environmental Tariffs, Yuqing Xing,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: Environmental Regulations; Imperfect Competition; Tariffs
A regression discontinuity approach to measuring the effectiveness of oil and natural gas regulation to address the common-pool externality, Andrew T. Balthrop and Kurt Schnier,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Common pool resource; Oil; Natural gas; Regression discontinuity design;
Theoretical Perspectives On Resource Tax Design, Robin Boadway and Michael Keen,
from Economics Department, Queen's University
Keywords: natural resources, resource taxation, non-renewable resources
Der EU-Emissionshandel: Besser als sein Ruf, Joachim Weimann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: EU-Emissionshandel, Klimapolitik, EU-Staaten
Status und Perspektiven der Kohle für die weltweite Energieversorgung, Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer and Thomas Thielemann,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Kohle, Energieversorgung, Klimapolitik, Welt
Klimaabgabe für Kohlekraftwerke: Ein richtiger Schritt zur Erreichung des Klimaziels?, Erik Gawel, Sebastian Strunz, Sonja Peterson, Hartmut Möllring, Carl-Friedrich Elmer, Martin Faulstich, Christian Hey and Felix Höffler,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Klimaschutz, Klimapolitik, Kohlekraftwerk, Umweltbelastung, Emissionshandel
Environmental control, wage inequality and national welfare in a tourism economy, Chi-Chur Chao, Jean-Pierre Laffargue and Pasquale Sgro,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: Environmental control; Wage inequality; Welfare; Tourism;
Diversity Functions and the Value of Biodiversity, Hans-Peter Weikard,
in Land Economics
Destabilization of the Crude Oil Market and Efforts Toward Price Stabilization, Yoshikazu Kobayashi,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: crude oil, price level, price stabilisation, oil consumption
Sustainability in Small Open Economies Under Uncertainty, Seiichi Katayama and Hiroshi Ohta,
from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University
Keywords: International investments, Environment, Economic development
Sustainability in Resource Economies: Revisited, Seiichi Katayama,
from Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University
Keywords: Natural resources, Uncertanty, Prices
Critical minerals versus major minerals: a comparative study of exploration budgets, Emilio Castillo, Irene Real and Cintia Roa,
in Mineral Economics
Keywords: Non-renewable resources, Mineral exploration, Geological scarcity, Critical metals
Buy coal and gas? Interfuel carbon leakage on deposit markets with market power, Angelika von Dulong, Achim Hagen, Roman Mendelevitch and Klaus Eisenack,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Fossil fuel; Climate policy; Deposit market; Carbon leakage; Supply-side;
Tourism and the Environment, Hamid Beladi, Chi-Chur Chao and Bharat Hazari,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Endogenous tourism, the Environment
Oil windfalls in Brazil and their long-run social impacts, Fernando Antonio Postali and Marislei Nishijima,
in Resources Policy
Keywords: Oil rents; Royalties; Regional development; Social indicators;
Unmasking the Pollution Haven Effect, Arik Levinson and M. Scott Taylor,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Beyond the Market Advisory Committee: Proceedings from a Workshop Held at Stanford University, Aren Ahoobim, Nicholas Burger, Charles Kolstad, Shaun McRae and Corbett Grainger,
from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Keywords: cap-and-trade, climate legislation, California
The use of warnings when intended and measured emissions differ, Sandra Rousseau,
from KU Leuven, Department of Economics - Research Group Energy, Transport and Environment
Keywords: Enforcement; non-monetary sanctions; warnings; measurement errors
Draghi-Bericht: Treffende Diagnose – teure Therapie, Bertschek Irene,
in Wirtschaftsdienst
PARTICIPATORY FOREST MANAGEMENT IN ANDHRA PRADESH: A Review, V. Ratna Reddy, M. Gopinath Reddy, Velayutham Saravanan, Madhuusudana Bandhii and Oliver Springate-Baginski,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: Forest Management, Andhra Pradesh
The Impact of Global COVID-19 Crisis on SDGs Achievement in ASEAN-Countries, Ahmad Komarulzaman, Zuzy Anna, Arief Yusuf and Venkatachalam Anbumozhi,
from Springer
Keywords: Sustainable development goals (SDGs)Sustainable development goals (SDGs), ASEAN-5ASEAN-5, Global COVID-19 CrisisGlobal COVID-19 Crisis (GCC), Stimulus plans
Do Market-Based Incentives Lower the Cost of Compliance?, Magnus Allgulin,
from Stockholm School of Economics
Keywords: Monitoring; quota; market; emission permits
Extracting Information or Resource? The Hotelling Rule Revisited under Asymmetric Information, Jerome Pouyet, David Martimort and Francesco Ricci,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Non-renewable resource; Delegated management; Optimal contract; Asymmetric information
Colombian Oil Energy Security through a Framework of Risks and Vulnerabilities, John Grimaldo-Guerrero, Juan Rivera-Alvarado, Jainer Acosta-Bustamante, Tulio Cabeza-Abello and Jose Osorio-Tovar,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Oil Market, Energetic Policy, Sustainable Development, Barriers, Inhibitors
The Non-Neutrality of Border Tax Adjustments for Environmental Taxes Under Imperfect Competition, Steve McCorriston and Ian Sheldon,
from University of Exeter, Department of Economics
Keywords: Environmental taxes; border tax adjustments; imperfect competition
The Impact of Tax Concessions on Extraction of Non-renewable Resources:An Application to Gold Mining in Tanzania, Amos Ibrahim-Shwilima and Hideki Konishi,
from Waseda University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Keywords: Natural resources, tax incentives, corporate tax policy
Klimaschutz durch Steuern oder Lizenzen, Fritz Rahmeyer,
from Universitaet Augsburg, Institute for Economics
U.S. State Fiscal Policy and Natural Resources, Alexander James,
from University of Alaska Anchorage, Department of Economics
Keywords: Severance Tax, Fiscal Policy, Natural Resources
The Impossibility of a Neutral Resource Rent Tax, B. Smith,
from Australian National University, College of Business and Economics, School of Economics
The impact of commitment on nonrenewable resources management with asymmetric information on costs, Julie Ing,
from Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon
Keywords: Nonrenewable resources, commitment, asymmetric information
How Large are Australia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions?, John Creedy and C. Martin,
from The University of Melbourne
An Economic Evaluation of Peru's LNG Export Policy, Leonard Leung and Glenn Jenkins,
from JDI Executive Programs
Keywords: Peru, Camisea gas fields, LNG export, cost-benefit analysis, energy trade
Multilateral Trade Agreements and Market-Based Environmental Policies, Carolyn Fischer, Sandra Hoffmann and Yutaka Yoshino,
from Resources for the Future
Keywords: trade, environment, WTO, GATT, market-based policies
The Application of Voluntary Information Tools of Environmental Policy in Bulgaria – Possible Solutions for Improvement, Daniela Ivanova and Anelia Haradinova,
in Nauchni trudove
Keywords: environmental policy, voluntary informational instruments, application, Bulgaria
Transitional Free Allocation under EU ETS to Modernise Electricity Generation, Daniela Zănescu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: climate change, EU emission trading scheme
in International Journal for Human Capital Development
Keywords: Non-Traditional Security, Human security, Nation-State, Sovereignty, Underdevelopment, Caring Societies, Connectivity
A Crisis of Our Own Making: Prospects for Major Natural Resource Projects in Canada, Grant Bishop and Grant Sprague,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: Energy and Natural Resources; Capital Projects Costs and Benefits;Electricity;Environmental Policies and Norms;Oil and Gas;Regulatory Burden;Resources Rights and Management
Nástroje environmentálnej politiky EÚ, Lucia Gálová,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: environmentálna politika, Európska únia, nástroje environmentálnej politiky