615 documents matched the search for N00 in JEL-codes.
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Tax Farmers in Tulcha Sandzhak in the 70s of the 19th C, Nikolay Todorov,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Tax Farmers, Tulcha Sandzhak, kefils, Ottoman Empire
First Notes on the Professional Structure of the Christian Population in the Town of Svishtov, Mid-19th Century, Gergana Georgieva,
in Proceedings of the Centre for Economic History Research
Keywords: Balkan economic development in the 19th century; Danubian harbors, Svishtov, trade between Bulgarian lands and Wallachia, Bulgarian merchants
La funzione pubblica della statistica nel pensiero di Rodolfo Benini (The public function of statistics in Rodolfo Benini's thought), Maria Letizia D’Autilia,
in Il Pensiero Economico Italiano
Keywords: storia della statistica; Italia; Rodolfo Benini (history of statistics; Italy; Rodolfo Benini)
A Survey of Proprietorship, Continental Bureaucratic Empires, and the Culture of Power, in South Asian History, Ilhan Niaz,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Keywords: Proprietorship, Culture of Power, Economic History
Beneš, that "unpredictable Slavic mason": the attitude of Italy towards Beneš's policy in central Europe and the Danube basin, 1927-1928, Ondřej Houska,
in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
Keywords: Czechoslovakia, Italy, Edvard Beneš, Austria, preferential customs tariffs, Anschluss, Central Europe, the Danube Basin, 1927-1928
Reinkjøtt: Natur, Politikk, Makt og Marked, Erik Reinert,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Culture (sociology), Government policy, Meat, Entrepreneurialism, Norway
Commerce in Braudel and the Marxists, Deirdre Nansen McCloskey,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: commercialization, innovation, monetarization, transaction costs, braudel, marglin, lazonick
War and Economics: Spanish Civil War Finances Revisited, Pablo Martin-Acena, Elena Martinez Ruiz and Maria A. Pons Brias,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Spain, civil war, financial resources
Media Capture and Information Monopolization in Japan, Pak Hung Au and Keiichi Kawai,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Media Capture
From financial crisis to revolution: Russia 1899-1905, Nikita Lychakov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: financial crises, social unrest, businesses, labour, Russia
Особливості розвитку промисловості України в період непу та проблема удосконалення оподаткування, Larysa Tamilina,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, tax policy, new economic policy
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, new economic policy, industrialization, economic history
Еволюція механізму оподаткування державних підприємств в 1921-28 рр, Larysa Tamilina,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, new economic policy, history of taxation
Вплив податкової політики непу на формування доходів бюджету та діяльність державної промисловості, Larysa Tamilina,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, history of taxation, industrialization
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, industrialization, history of taxation
Вихідні передумови запровадження податкових реформ в період індустріалізації, Larysa Tamilina,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: soviet taxation, history of taxation, industrialization
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Soviet taxation, industrialization, history of taxation
The Interaction of Cybernetics and Contemporary Economic Graphic Art as "Interactive Graphics", Maryam Ashkaboosi, Farnoosh Ashkaboosi and Seyed Mehdi Nourani,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Art, Cybernetic Art; Contemporary Graphic, Digital Art; Vitual medium;Interactive Arts, Biology Art
Italy’s political malaise and the spirit of the Partito d’Azione, Manlio Rossi-Doria,
in QA - Rivista dell'Associazione Rossi-Doria
Keywords: History of Modern Italy, History of Political Movements
Wealthier Jews, taller Gentiles: Inequality of income and physical stature in fin-de-siècle Hungary, Dániel Bolgár,
in Economics & Human Biology
Keywords: Anthropometric history; Jewish history; Inequality; Height; Income distribution;
La relation pratiques religieuses-pratiques managériales: une approche historique, François-Xavier de Vaujany,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Mots clés : pratiques religieuses; pratiques managériales; généalogie des pratiques managériales; organisations religieuses; Eglise; approche historique
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Nigeria,Rights, Violence, Law, Society,
The Rothschild House business network in Spain as an example of entrepreneurial decision-taking and management structure, Miguel A. Lopez-Morell and José M. O’Kean,
from Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Economics
Keywords: Spain 1835-1931, Rothschild, networks, Weisweiller, Bauer, foreign investments in Spain, railways, mining and refining companies, international raw material market, Public Finances, entrepreneurial function, agency problems, rent-seeking.
Economic Innovation in Vietnam in the Period after 1986, Ngo Xuan Binh, Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Le Thi Hang Nga and Tran Ngoc Diem,
in Economic Studies journal
The Institution of Douglass North, Deirdre Nansen McCloskey,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Douglass North, Industrial Revolution, institutions, Clifford Geertz, institutional change, virtues
The building of an integrated patent system Europe: history and stakes, Alfredo Ilardi and Blandine Laperche,
from Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. / Research Network on Innovation
Keywords: integrated patent system, Europe, history, stakes
Giffen behaviour in Irish famine markets: an empirical study, Charles Read,
from Department of Economic and Social History at the University of Cambridge
Keywords: Alfred Marshall, Robert Giffen, Giffen goods, Irish Famine, famine, potato, Ireland, Law of Demand, Microeconomic theory
State of forgiveness: cooperation, conciliation and state formation in Mughal South Asia (1556-1707), Safya Morshed,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Asian Empires; early modern; elite-state relationships; Islamic empires; precolonial; South Asia; state capacity; tax revenue
Mobilising human resources to build a national communications network: the case of Japan before the Pacific War, Janet Hunter,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: telecommunications; Japan; postal system; tertiary sector; labour intensie industrialisation
Economic History: ‘An Isthmus Joining Two Great Continents’?, Cormac Ó Gráda,
from School of Economics, University College Dublin
Keywords: Economic history; Cliometrics
A Review of Gregory Clark's A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World, Robert Allen,
in Journal of Economic Literature
HISTORIA DEL BANCO DE LA REPÚBLICA EN CARTAGENA, 1923-2005: Fomento productivo, proyectos culturales y estudios económicos, Joaquín Viloria De la Hoz,
from Banco de la República, Economía Regional
Keywords: Banco de la República
Trust, guilds and kinship in London, 1330-1680, Ammaarah Adam, Raphael Ades, William Banks, Canbeck Benning, Gwyneth Grant, Harry Forster-Brass, Owen McGiveron, Joseph Miller, Daniel Phelan, Sebastian Randazzo, Matthew Reilly, Michael W. Scott, Sebastian Serban, Carys Stockton and Patrick Wallis,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
New Russian Economic History, Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Sergei Guriev and Andrei Markevich,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Economic history; Russian empire; Soviet union; Russia; Stalin; Great terror
The City of Torino. A research about the financial area in the mid-nineteenth century city, Simone Fari,
from University of Modena and Reggio E., Faculty of Economics "Marco Biagi"
Keywords: City; Torino; finance; bank; history
Innovators: Songwriters, David Galenson,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Women’s Wages and Empowerment: Pre-industrial Japan, 1600-1890, Yuzuru Kumon and Kazuho Sakai,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics
Keywords: Womens Wages; Empowerment
L’encadrement des prix en France pendant les « Trente Glorieuses »: Une gestion corporatiste ? (1947-1968), Basile Clerc,
from University of Paris Nanterre, EconomiX
Keywords: Price control ; corporatism ; incomes policy
The construction of railroads in Argentina in the late 19th century: the major role of the English companies, Maria Heloisa Lenz,
from Economic History Society
Entrepreneurial failure and economic crisis: an historical perspective, Mark Casson,
from Economic History Society
Keywords: "crisis, history, failure, mistake, judgement, entrepreneur, business"
Labour and health in Colonial Nigeria, Vellore Arthi and James Fenske,
from Economic History Society
Peasants and Settlers in Africa: Structural and Institutional Change in Ghana and Zimbabwe from c1890 to c2000, Dede Amanor-Wilks,
from Economic History Society
The 'Farrerr-Wright' group and the genesis of London-based imperial banking, 1824-65, Philip L Cottrell,
from Economic History Society
New estimates of Australasian Public Debt issued in London, 1855-1914, Bernard Attard,
from Economic History Society
Trade and Empire 1870-1914, Kris James Mitchener and Marc Weidenmier,
from Economic History Society
The high cost of debt: very-high-denomination Treasury Notes and US Treasury Debt Management, 1955-69, Franklin Noll,
from Economic History Society
New evidence on short time working in Britain, c.1926-38, Christopher Price,
from Economic History Society
Did industry fail the City? Debt, company finance, and financial institutions: a case study of the engineering/vehicle industries, Huw Dixon and Steve Toms,
from Economic History Society
Continuity and change? The operation of capital and labour markets: a comparison of the late 19th century and the interwar years, Sue Bowden and Dave Higgins,
from Economic History Society
Economic policy and crisis in Brazil: the second Vargas Administration (1951-54) and the Goulart Administration (1961-64), Pedro Fonseca and Sérgio Monteiro,
from Economic History Society
Tale of a death exaggerated: how Keynesian policies survived the 1970s, Jim Tomlinson,
from Economic History Society
Surviving under the shelter of government subsidies or ‘avoiding disaster’? New evidence from Italian Industrial Districts, 1971-91, Anna Spadavecchia,
from Economic History Society
The winning hare? Structural change and productivity performance in Ireland and Portugal, 1979-2003, Pedro Lains,
from Economic History Society
Do frontiers give or do frontiers take? The case of intercontinental trade in France at the end of the Ancien Régime, Guillaume Daudin,
from Economic History Society
Farewell to the peasant republic: industrialisation and the economic transformation of mountain regions in Western Europe, 1815-1930, Fernando Collantes,
from Economic History Society
Keywords: "marginal Europe, rural economic history, rural depopulation, evolutionary economics, upland communities"
The evolution of the British railway network, 1825-1914: the effects of inter-company rivalry on the geography of the network, Mark Casson,
from Economic History Society
Market microstructure and Nazi influence on the Paris stock exchange during World War II, Kim Oosterlinck,
from Economic History Society
The importance of private economic activities during late Stalinism, Olaf Mertelsmann,
from Economic History Society
Financial knowledge and the emergence of a private clientele for banks: Hoare’s Bank and some early women customers, Anne Laurence,
from Economic History Society
Social ordering or social action in early-modern England, Dave Postles,
from Economic History Society
Industrial production and industrial productivity in the German Empire, Carsten Burhop,
from Economic History Society
Transparency and accountability in the governance of British stock companies, 1740-1845, Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson and James Taylor,
from Economic History Society
Debts discharge and entrepreneurship in England, c. 1880-1939, Paolo di Martino and Rafael Gomez,
from Economic History Society
Corporate governance and personal capitalism: case studies in British manufacturing in the first half of the twentieth century, R R Lloyd-Jones, Mj Lewis, M Matthews and J Maltby,
from Economic History Society
Ottoman textiles: a success story that did not end so well, Suraiya Faroqhi,
from Economic History Society
Cotton textile exports from the Indian subcontinent, 1680-1780, Prasannan Parthasarathi,
from Economic History Society
Empire, ecology and economy: cotton in 18th century Europe, Giorgio Riello,
from Economic History Society
An Industrialising Region: the West Riding of Yorkshire c. 1740-1891, Amanda Jones,
from Economic History Society
The occupational structure of Northumberland, 1762-1891, Peter Kitson,
from Economic History Society
The Occupational Structure of London c. 1670-1891, Leigh Shaw-Taylor,
from Economic History Society
Poverty, poor relief and philanthropy in early modern Colchester: the unacceptable face of mercantilism?, Nigel Goose,
from Economic History Society
Life-cycle vulnerability: pauper life histories in 18th and 19th century Westminster, Leonard Schwarz and Jeremy Boulton,
from Economic History Society
From Friendly Society to Compulsory Medical Aid Association: the history of medical aid provision in South Africa in the public sector, 1905-70, Grietjie Verhoef,
from Economic History Society
Comparing tithe and manorial demesne grain output before and after the Black Death in southern England, Neil Rushton,
from Economic History Society
The Black Death in perspective: grain production in the Northeast, 1250-1348, Ben Dodds,
from Economic History Society
Famine as agricultural catastrophe: the crisis of 1622-3 on the Walmsley estates in Lancashire, Richard Hoyle,
from Economic History Society
‘You sacrificed me’: an inter-disciplinary approach to Liverpool’s business culture in the 18th century Atlantic, Sheryllynne Haggerty,
from Economic History Society
British business networks and colonial economic policy in India, 1830-48, Anthony Webster,
from Economic History Society
Geographical effects on the accuracy of textile trade data: an international approach for 1913, Anna Carreras Marín,
from Economic History Society
Retail change and the urban renaissance: recasting the shopping hierarchy, Andrew Hann,
from Economic History Society
The spread of department stores in provincial England, c.1872-1932, Jon Stobart,
from Economic History Society
Knowledge and the transfer of the supermarket from North America to Britain, 1950-1970, Andrew Alexander and Gareth Shaw,
from Economic History Society
British multiple retailing during the Golden Age, 1976-1994: a quantitative approach, Carlo Morelli,
from Economic History Society
Why so few migrants from so many places and so many from only a few places? Cornish migration flows to the Americas in the nineteenth century, Bernard Deacon and Sharron Schwartz,
from Economic History Society
Self-selection, location, and entrepreneurship: British self-employment in North America in the early 20th century, Chris Minns and Marian Rizov,
from Economic History Society
Italian migrant lives in the Western Australian goldfields before World War II, Patrick Bertola, Criena Fitzgerald and Pamela Sharpe,
from Economic History Society
City and Court: patterns of consumption in 16th century London, Ian Archer,
from Economic History Society
The diet of the labouring poor in England, 1550-1750, Craig Muldrew,
from Economic History Society
The politics of tobacco consumption in 17th century England, Philip Withington,
from Economic History Society
Capital goods imports and investment in Latin America, 1913 and 1925, Xavier Tafunell and Albert Carreras,
from Economic History Society
The apparent consumption of fossil energy as an indicator of modernisation in Latin America by 1925: a proposal using foreign trade statistics, Maria del Mar Rubio Varas and Mauricio Folchi,
from Economic History Society
‘The ingenious crowd': a critical prosopography of British Inventors, 1650-1850, Christine MacLeod and Alessandro Nuvolari,
from Economic History Society
International cartels and technology transfer, 1890-1948, Valerio Cerretano,
from Economic History Society
Cartel stability in the electric industry: the case of electricity distribution in Madrid in the interwar period, Anna M Aubanell-Jubany,
from Economic History Society
Sources of welfare support in early modern Württemberg, c.1500-1700, Paul Warde,
from Economic History Society
The agrarian origins of early modern poor relief: English-French comparisons, Richard Smith,
from Economic History Society
The agrarian origins of early modern poor relief: English-French comparisons, Richard Smith,
from Economic History Society
Poor relief in rural Russia: evidence from Yaroslavl Province, 1750-1860, Tracy Dennison,
from Economic History Society
Apprenticeship, training and guilds in pre-industrial Europe, Patrick Wallis,
from Economic History Society
Income risk and the English farm labourer, c.1750-1850, David R Stead,
from Economic History Society