4395 documents matched the search for L15 L51 L94 in JEL-codes.
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Principios para Tarificar la Transmisión Eléctrica, José Pablo Arellano,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Industria eléctrica, tarificación de la transmisión
El Consumo Eléctrico Residencial en Chile en 2008, Daniela Marshall,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Electricidad, regulación, paneles dinámicos
Trajetória das Reformas Institucionais da Indústria Elétrica Brasileira e Novas Perspectivas de Mercado, Tiago B. Correia, Elbia Melo, Agnes M. da Costa and Adriano J. da Silva,
in Economia
Keywords: Regulaçãao Econômica, Indústria de Energia Elétrica Brasileira
La organización del sector eléctrico español: regulación, desregulación y competencia, Arturo Romero Muñoz and Carlos Ocaña Pérez de Tudela,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Sector eléctrico, regulación, desregulación, competencia
from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics]
Anti-monopoly policy in electricity: Efficiency of capacity price auction and legitimate conduct of suppliers, M. Vasilyev,
in Journal of the New Economic Association
Keywords: electric power industry, capacity price auction, anti-monopoly policy, market manipulation, well-founded bidding
Kolejny etap ewolucji koncepcji i praktyki regulacji ekonomicznej, Andrzej Szablewski,
in Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics
Keywords: asymetria informacji, regulacja stopy zwrotu, regulacja bodźcowa, regulacja negocjacyjna
The Role of Donations in Quality Disclosure: Evidence from Nonprofit Nursing Homes Full Access, Susan F. Lu,
in American Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: nonprofit, quality disclosure, donation, teaching-to-the-test
Developments in electricity, Australian Treasury,
in Economic Roundup
Keywords: electric utilities
in Abante
Keywords: Electric Utilities, Electricity Markets, Utilities Policy, Deregulation, Industrial Organization, Industrial Policy
Анализ колебаний валового регионального продукта и электропотребления в 2005– 2014 годах и возможные резервы снижения цен на электроэнергию. Analysis of Gross Regional Product fluctuations and electric power consumption in 2005– 2014. Reserves for decreasing electric power prices, Суслов Н. И. and Черная Н. В.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: валовой региональный продукт, электропотребление, конкурентный отбор мощности, договоры на предоставление мощности, перекрестное субсидирование, резервы снижения электроэнергетических тарифов, gross regional product, power consumption, the competitive selection of power, contracts for the power provision, cross-subsidization and reserves to reduce electric power tariffs.
Lucratividade e qualidade na distribuição de energia elétrica [Profitability and quality in electricity distribution], André Garcez Ghirardi, Milena Couto Rocha and Luiz Alberto Lima Teixeira,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: Electricity, regulation, rates, quality, investment
Dammed If You Do: How Sunk Costs Are Dragging Canadian Electricity Ratepayers Underwater, A.J. Goulding,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: Energy and Natural Resources; Capital Projects Costs and Benefits;Competition;Electricity;North American Integration;Provincial Comparisons;Technological Change
Electric Power Generation from Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Is It Marketable in Pakistan?, Waqasullah Khan Shinwari, Fahd Ali and A. H. Nayyar,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Keywords: Solar Energy
Competitive Mechanisms in Indian Power Sector, Gopal K. Sarangi and Arabinda Mishra,
in Journal of Infrastructure Development
Keywords: Reforms and regulation; competition; power sector; India
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: electricity market, liberalization, electricity directives, European Union, Croatia
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: power sector, liberalization of electricity market, European Union, Republic of Croatia
Il settore elettrico UK e la riforma per far coesistere generazione pulita e meccanismi di mercato, Stefano Verde,
Keywords: Decarbonizzazione, elettricit?, disegno del mercato, politica energetica, Regno Unito, riforma
Formation of system frameworks of energy controlling, Kovalev Anatoliy and Degtiareva Olga,
in Technology audit and production reserves, 1(39) 2018
Keywords: energy controlling; energy management; energy efficiency; system frameworks
Analysis of Gross Regional Product fluctuations and electric power consumption in 2005– 2014. Reserves for decreasing electric power prices, Suslov N. and Chernaya N.,
in World of economics and management / Vestnik NSU. Series: Social and Economics Sciences
Keywords: gross regional product, power consumption, the competitive selection of power, contracts for the power provision, cross-subsidization and reserves to reduce electric power tariffs
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: Servicios Públicos
R&D, Patenting and Market Regulation: Evidence from EU Electricity industry, Carlo Cambini, Federico Caviggioli and Giuseppe Scellato,
from IEFE, Center for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy, Universita' Bocconi, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Innovation, Patents, Regulation, Electricity.
Understanding the Performance of the Electric Power Industry in China, Guy Liu and Liang Zhang,
in Asian Economic Papers
Keywords: electricity supply, utility price regulation, pricing behavior, Chinese enterprise reform
Az európai villamosenergia-piac átalakulása a megújuló energiaforrások térnyerésének hatására, Klára Székffy,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Vagyoneladás és a tulajdonosi struktúra változása az európai energiaszolgáltató szektorban 2010 és 2016 között, Klára Székffy,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
El mercado europeo de electricidad, Luis Guillermo Vélez Alvarez,
from Universidad EAFIT
Keywords: Mercado interior; sector eléctrico; Unión Europea
THE EFFECT OF THE LIBERALIZATION OF ELECTRICITY MARKET IN POLAND, Stanisław Brzeziński, Krzysztof Zborowski and Pawel Pietrasienski,
in Polish Journal of Management Studies
Keywords: energy market, TPA (Third Party Access), electricity supplier
El costo de la falla residencial en Chile: una estimación usando la curva de demanda, Jose Miguel Benavente, Alexander Galetovic, Ricardo Sanhueza and Pablo Serra,
in Revista de Analisis Economico – Economic Analysis Review
Keywords: Chile, Demand, Duality, Elasticity, Energy, Rationing
Nodal Pricing and Transmissions Losses. An Application to a Hydroelectric Power System, Jean-Thomas Bernard and Chantal Guertin,
from GREEN
Keywords: Electricity, Transmission Pricing, Hydro Power
Seamless Electricity Trade between Canada and US Northeast, Jean-Thomas Bernard, Frederic Clavet and Jean-Cleophas Ondo,
from GREEN
Keywords: Minimum Electricity, deregulation, trade
German Electricity Reserve Markets, Stefan Riedel and Hannes Weigt,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: electricity; Germany; reserve market
Inversiones en transmisión eléctrica en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: El rol del mecanismo FREBA-FITBA, Carlos Romero,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Electricity transmission investments; electricity sector regulation
Linking Europe - The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050, Ingmar Schlecht and Hannes Weigt,
from Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel
Keywords: Switzerland, energy transition, network extension, investment delay
Failing Electricity Markets: Should we Shoot the Pools?, Richard Green,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Electricity markets; Hedging contracts
Carbon Tax or Carbon Permits: The Impact on Generators' Risks, Richard Green,
from Department of Economics, University of Birmingham
Keywords: Electricity, emissions trading, emissions taxes, fuel price risk
Prepaid electricity and in-home displays: an alternative for the most vulnerable households in Colombia, M Cardona, Juan Gallego, John García and J Franco,
from Alianza EFI
Keywords: Prepaid schemes; In-home displays; Electricity consumption; Smart meters; Energy efficiency
Merchant Electricity Transmission Expansion: A European Case Study, Juan Rosellon and Tarjei Kristiansen,
from CIDE, División de Economía
Keywords: Merchant Electricity Transmission Expansion, European Case Study
Expansión de las redes de transmisión eléctrica en Norteamérica: Teoría y aplicaciones, Juan Rosellon and Eric Zenón,
from CIDE, División de Economía
Keywords: electrical system network, Mexico, United State, Canada, FTRs
Transmission Investment in the Peruvian Electricity Market: Theory and Applications, Juan Rosellon and Erix Ruiz,
from CIDE, División de Economía
Keywords: Investment, Peru, Electricity Market
The German Electricity Sector – Finally on the Move?, Ingo Vogelsang,
in ifo DICE Report
Elektroindustrie: Der Aufschwung lässt auf sich warten, Manfred Berger,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Elektroindustrie, Branchenkonjunktur, Branchenentwicklung, Deutschland
Elektroindustrie: Schwache Nachfrage, Manfred Berger,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Elektroindustrie, Branchenentwicklung, Deutschland
Linking Europe: The Role of the Swiss Electricity Transmission Grid until 2050, Ingmar Schlecht and Hannes Weigt,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Keywords: Switzerland; energy transition; network extension; investment delay
Electricity Restructuring and Regulation in the Provinces: Ontario and Beyond, Donald Dewees,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: electricity restructuring, electric utilities, market design, electricity price, electricity market, spot price, retail competition
Investitionen der allgemeinen Elektrizitätswirtschaft weiter rückläufig, Hans-Dieter Karl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Energiekonsum, Investition, Kraftwerk, Strommarkt, Deutschland
Allgemeine Elektrizitätswirtschaft: Stabilisierung der Investitionen, Hans-Dieter Karl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Unternehmen, Investition, Kraftwerk, Deutschland
Allgemeine Elektrizitätswirtschaft schränkt Investitionen weiter ein, Hans-Dieter Karl,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Branchenkonjunktur, Konjunkturumfrage, Investition, Deutschland
Competition in electricity supply: will ‘1998’ Be worth it?, Richard Green and Tanga McDaniel,
in Fiscal Studies
Competition in Electricity Supply: Will '1998' be Worth it?, Richard Green and Tanga McDaniel,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Competition; Electricity; Regulation; Restructuring
Decomposing Productivity Change in the Presence of Environmental Variables, Martín Rossi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Productivity, Electricity Distribution, Labor Requirement Function, Efficiency
The European Single Market in Electricity: An Economic Assessment, Michael Pollitt,
in Review of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Electricity single market, Electricity market reform, Decarbonisation
European Natural Gas Markets: Taking Stock and Looking Forward, Chi Kong Chyong,
in Review of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Natural gas, Gas single market, Security of supply, Gas regulatory policy
The economic consequences of Brexit: energy, Michael Pollitt,
in Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Keywords: Brexit, energy policy
Determinants of successful electricity market reform, Erkan Erdoğdu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Electricity market reform; new institutional economics; Poisson regression
A Review of Liberalization and Modeling of Electricity Markets, Hannes Weigt,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: electricity; liberalization; restructuring; competition policy; international experiences; market modeling
Why did British electricity prices fall after 1998?, Richard Green and Joanne Evans,
from Royal Economic Society
Keywords: electricity, market power, concentration, market rules
Why Did British Electricity Prices Fall after 1998?, Joanne Evans and Richard Green,
from Department of Economics, University of Birmingham
Keywords: Electricity, market power, concentration, market rules
Strategic behaviour under regulation benchmarking, Tooraj Jamasb, Paul Nillesen and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: gaming, strategic behaviour, regulation, benchmarking, electricity
Why did British electricity prices fall after 1998?, Joanne Evans and Richard Green,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Electricity, market power, concentration, market rules
Retail Competition and Electricity Contracts, Richard Green,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Electricity, contract markets, retail competition
Did English Generators Play Cournot? Capacity withholding in the Electricity Pool, Richard Green,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Electricity prices, Cournot competition, capacity withholding
Electricity Transmission Pricing: How much does it cost to get it wrong?, Richard Green,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Electricity Transmission Pricing, Welfare Losses, Market Power
The arguments for and against ownership unbundling of energy transmission networks, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity reform, gas reform, ownership unbundling, transmission
Electricity Network Investment and Regulation for a Low Carbon Future, Michael Pollit and Janusz Bialek,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity networks, incentive regulation
Liberalisation and Regulation in Electricity Systems: How can we get the balance right?, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity liberalisation, electricity regulation
Divestiture Policy and Operating Efficiency in US Electric Power Distribution, John Kwoka, Sanem Ozturk and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Divestiture, electricity distribution, efficiency analysis
Ownership unbundling in electricity distribution: empirical evidence from New Zealand, Paul Nillesen and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity distribution, ownership unbundling, New Zealand
The Creation of a Market for Retail Electricity Supply, Stephen Littlechild,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: retail competition, electricity regulation
Locational-based Coupling of Electricity Markets: Benefits from Coordinating Unit Commitment and Balancing Markets, Adriaan van der Weijde and Benjamin F. Hobbs,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity prices, international electricity exchange, electricity market model, electricity transmission
Integrating Short-term Demand Response Into Long-Term Investment Planning, Cedric De Jonghe, Benjamin F. Hobbs and Ronnie Belmans,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Wind power generation, power generation planning, load management, energy efficiency
The role of policy in energy transitions: lessons from the energy liberalisation era, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: energy liberalisation, energy privatisation, energy transition
International Benchmarking of Electricity Transmission by Regulators: Theory and Practice, Aoife Brophy Haney and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity transmission, benchmarking, regulation
Cost trajectories of low carbon electricity generation technologies in the UK: A study of cost uncertainty, Peter Levi and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: cost projections; nuclear; wind power; carbon capture and storage
Electricity Network Charging for Flexibility, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: network charging methodology, platform market.
The Economic Consequences of Brexit: Energy, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Brexit, Energy Policy
Reforming the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector: Lessons from International Experience, Michael Pollitt, Chung-Han Yang and Hao Chen,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: power market reform, international experience, China, industrial electricity price
Regulating the Electricity System Operator: Lessons for Great Britain from around the world, Karim Anaya and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Independent System Operator, Electricity, Regulation
Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector: An assessment of the market pilot in Guangdong Province, Michael Pollitt, Chung-Han Yang and Hao Chen,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: power market reform, international experience, Guangdong, China, industrial electricity price
The impact of PVs and EVs on Domestic Electricity Network Charges: a case study from Great Britain, Sinan Küfeoglu and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: distribution; network; tariff; PV; EV
The European Single Market in Electricity: An Economic Assessment, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity single market, decarbonisation
Does environmental heterogeneity affect the productive efficiency of grid utilities in China?, Xiao-Yan Liu, Li-Qiu Liu, Bai-Chen Xie and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Grid industry; Efficiency estimation; Stochastic frontier analysis; Environmental heterogeneity; China
Electric Power Distribution in the World: Today and Tomorrow, Sinan Küfeoglu, Michael Pollitt and Karim Anaya,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: distribution system operator; DSO; market platform; transmission system operator; TSO
Economic Assessment of Using Electric Vehicles and Batteries as Domestic Storage Units in the United Kingdom, Donato A. Melchiorre and Sinan Küfeoglu,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electric vehicles; battery; vehicle-to-home systems; tariffs
Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector – How industrial electricity prices are determined in a liberalized power market: lessons from Great Britain, Michael Pollitt and Lewis Dale,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Chinese power market reform; industrial electricity price; electricity liberalization
Ownership Unbundling of Electricity Distribution Networks, Paul Nillesen and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: electricity distribution, ownership unbundling
Challenges to the Future of European Single Market in Natural Gas, Chi Kong Chyong,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Natural gas, European single gas market, security of supply, regulatory policy
Digitalisation and New Business Models in Energy Sector, Sinan Küfeoglu, Gaomin Liu, Karim Amaya and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Feed-in tariff, Distribution System Platform, Peer-to-Peer, Blockchain
Competition in Markets for Ancillary Services? The implications of rising distributed generation, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: ancillary services, balancing energy, frequency regulation, reactive power, constraint management, reserves
Assessing Market Power in the Italian Electricity Market: A synthetic supply approach, Francesco Rossetto, Luigi Grossi and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Electricity Wholesale Market, Market Power, Bidding Strategy, Synthetic Supply
Willingness to Pay for Better Air Quality: The case of China, Li-Qiu Liu, Zhong-Ling Yin, Bai-Chen Xie and Wei Zhou,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Happiness, Willingness to pay, Air pollution, China
What effect has the 2015 power market reform had on power prices in China? Evidence from Guangdong and Zhejiang, Bai-Chen Xie, Jun Xu and Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Chinese power market reform, electricity prices, No.9 Document
Measuring the Impact of Electricity Market Reform in a Chinese Context, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: power sector reform, social cost benefit analysis, state of the market
The further economic consequences of Brexit: energy, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Measuring the effects of power system reform in Jiangsu province, China from the perspective of social cost benefit analysis, Tianyu Li, Ciwei Gao, Michael Pollitt, Tao Chen and Hao Ming,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: Power system reform (PSR), social cost benefit analysis (SCBA), electricity market, industrial and commercial electricity price
Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) for electricity in Europe? The untold story, Michael Pollitt,
from Energy Policy Research Group, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Keywords: LMPs, nodal pricing, electricity markets
THRILS: The Hourly Regional Industrial Load Simulator User Manual (Version 1.4), Frank Denton, Christine Feaver, A. Robb and Byron Spencer,
from McMaster University
Keywords: user manual; electricity load; weather
Security of electricity supply after liberalization: implications of the experience of UK market reform, Munenori Nomura,
in International Journal of Economic Policy Studies
Keywords: Unbundling, Decarbonization, Nuclear power, Small modular reactors, Cross-border interconnectors, Smart meter (smart grid), Price cap (tariff cap)
Electricity networks privatization in Australia: An overview of the debate, Rabindra Nepal and John Foster,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
Keywords: Electricity; Networks; Privatization; Regulation;
The socio-economic impacts of energy policy reform through the lens of the power sector – Does cross-sectional dependence matter?, Rabindra Nepal, Han Phoumin, Hammed Musibau and Tooraj Jamasb,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Energy policy; Electricity reforms; Welfare; Economy; Cross-sectional dependence;
Knowledge is (Less) Power: Experimental Evidence from Residential Energy Use, Katrina Jessoe and David Rapson,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc