2726 documents matched the search for J14 C14 C33 in JEL-codes.
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Les effets d’un choc climatique sur le marché des vins suisses: le cas de la région Neuchâtel – Trois-Lacs, Alexandre Mondoux,
in KOF Analysen
Keywords: wine economy, difference-in-differences, climate shock, retail market
Calculation of the Human Development Index for Northern Cyprus Using Economic Measurements from the Post-Conflict Period, Ali Cevat Taşıran and Ceylan Ünver,
in Ekonomi-tek - International Economics Journal
Keywords: Human Development Index, Granger Causality, Fixed-Effect Panel Data Models, SUR Estimates
Currency Risk: Comovements and Intraday Cojumps, Jérôme Lahaye,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Cojump, Jump, Bootstrap, Diffusion, Brownian, Semimartingale, High-Frequency, Risk, Diversification, Foreign Exchange, Correlation, Crisis, Tail
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Working Correlation Structures, Generalized Estimating Equations, Banking Sector, Financial Ratio Analysis.
in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica
Keywords: factorial model, APT model, share
Statistical Criteria to Manage Non-respondents’ Intensive Follow Up in Surveys Repeated along Time, Roberto Gismondi and Andrea Carone,
in Rivista di statistica ufficiale
Keywords: Bias ratio, Pseudo bias, Response burden, Score function
The Composition Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Foreign Direct Investment in Selected SAARC Countries, Mehwish Malik, Mushab Rashid and Khalid Zaman,
in Economia. Seria Management
Keywords: FDI, Exports, Broad money supply, Economic Growth, SAARC countries.
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: Violencia urbana
Stock market index prediction using artificial neural network, Amin Hedayati, Moein Hedayati and Morteza Esfandyari,
in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Keywords: NASDAQ; ANN; Predicción
Do capital requirements affect cost of intermediation?: Evidence from a panel of South African banks, Andrew Maredza,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: Basel accord, Bank Capital adequacy ratio, Financial regulation, Intermediation costs
Panel Data Models with Unobserved Multiple Time- Varying Effects to Estimate Risk Premium of Corporate Bonds, Oualid Bada and Alois Kneip,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Panel Data Model; Factor Analysis; Credit Spread; Systematic Risk Premium;
Using Neural Networks to Build Pseudo Panels, Patrice Gaubert,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Panels; Pseudo Panels; Kohonen Map; Consumption Function
Threshold effects of infl ation on growth in the ASEAN-5 countries: A Panel Smooth Transition Regression approach, Thanh Su,
in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Keywords: Inflación; Crecimiento; Umbral de la inflación; PSTR
The Factor-Lasso and K-Step Bootstrap Approach for Inference in High-Dimensional Economic Applications, Christian Hansen and Yuan Liao,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: panel data, treatment effects
Efficient estimation of heterogeneous coefficients in panel data models with common shock, Kunpeng Li and Lina Lu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Factor analysis; Block diagonal covariance; Panel data models; Common shocks; Maximum likelihood estimation, heterogeneous coefficients; Inferential theory
The Past, Present, and Future of FDI: Towards a better Global Economics, Sana Ullah, Ahmed Usman and Muhammad Imran,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: human capital; panel data; FDI
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: Foreign direct investment;
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: Banks,
The influence analysis on public expenditure to the technique efficiency of China, Xun Chen and Jie Yu,
in Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities
Keywords: public expenditure, stochastic frontier, TFP, decomposition
Asymptotic distribution of factor augmented estimators for panel regression, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Chirok Han and Donggyu Sul,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Factor augmented panel regression; Factor augmented estimator; Principal component augmented estimator; Cross section dependence; Interactive fixed effects;
Estimating the number of common factors in serially dependent approximate factor models, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Chirok Han and Donggyu Sul,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Factor model; Prewhitening; Least squares dummy variable (LSDV) filter; Factor number estimation; Cross-section dependence;
Panel Data Models, Marno Verbeek,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: panel data;
New Panel Unit Root Tests under Cross Section Dependence for Practitioners, Donggyu Sul,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: recursive detrending, panel unit root tests, cross section dependence
SUR Estimation of Error Components Models With AR(1) Disturbances and Unobserved Endogenous Effects, Peter Egger,
from International Conferences on Panel Data
Keywords: Panel Econometrics; Serial Correlation; Seemingly unrelated regressions; Endogenous effects
Crecimiento Económico y Gasto Público: Una Interpretación de las Experiencias Internacionales y del Caso Colombiano (1982-1999), Carlos Posada and José Fernando Escobar,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: Crecimiento Economico,
Likelihood corrections for two-way models, Koen Jochmans and Taisuke Otsu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: fixed effects; information bias; modified profile likelihood; panel data; penalization; rectangular-array asymptotics
Likelihood Corrections for Two-way Models, Koen Jochmans and Taisuke Otsu,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Fixed Effects, Information Bias, Modified Profile Likelihood, Panel Data, Penalization, Rectangular-Array Asymptotics
Current account sustainability in advanced economies, Matteo Lanzafame,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Current account sustainability; panel unit root tests; nonlinearity
Bias-corrected estimation of panel vector autoregressions, Geert Dhaene and Koen Jochmans,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Bias correction; Fixed effects; Panel data; Vector autoregression;
Weak σ-convergence: Theory and applications, Jianning Kong, Peter Phillips and Donggyu Sul,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Asymptotics under misspecified trend regression; Cross section dependence; Evaporating trend; Relative convergence; Trend regression; Weak σ-convergence;
Indirect Inference Estimation of a First-Order Dynamic Panel Data Model, Yong Bao,
in Journal of Quantitative Economics
Keywords: Dynamic panel, Indirect inference, Bias
Earnings Dynamics and Measurement Error in Matched Survey and Administrative Data, Dean Hyslop and Wilbur Townsend,
from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research
Keywords: Panel data, earnings dynamics, measurement error, validation study
Leverage and asymmetric volatility: The firm-level evidence, Jan Ericsson, Xiao Huang and Stefano Mazzotta,
in Journal of Empirical Finance
Keywords: Financial leverage; Stock volatility; Panel data; Vector autoregression;
Kajian Komoditas Pangan Strategis: Faktor Determinasi Variasi Harga Antardaerah, Masagus M Ridhwan, Indriani Karlina and Yanfitri,
from Bank Indonesia
Keywords: Interregional Price Variability, Strategic Food Commodities, Panel Data
Simple solutions to the initial conditions problem in dynamic, nonlinear panel data models with unobserved heterogeneity, Jeffrey Wooldridge,
from Centre for Microdata Methods and Practice, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Panel Cointegration Techniques and Open Challenges, Peter Pedroni,
from Department of Economics, Williams College
Keywords: Panel Time Series, Cointegration, Nonstationary Panels, Nonlinear Panels
Temporal Disaggregation, Missing Observations, Outliers, and Forecasting: A Unifying Non-Model Based Procedures, Massimiliano Marcellino,
from European University Institute
Forecasting with Panel Data, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: forecasting; BLUP; panel data; spatial dependence; serial correlation; heterogeneous panels.
Asymptotic Properties of Estimators for the Linear Panel Regression Model with Individual Effects and Serially Correlated Errors: The Case of Stationary and Non-Stationary Regressors and Residuals, Badi Baltagi, Chihwa Kao and Long Liu,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Panel data, OLS, Fixed-effects, First-difference, GLS.
Consistent Estimation with Weak Instruments in Panel Data, Chihwa Kao and Long Liu,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Weak instrument; Two stage least squares; Panel data; Concentration parameter.
Panel Data Inference under Spatial Dependence, Badi Baltagi and Alain Pirotte,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Panel data; Hausman test; Random effect; Spatial autocorrelation; Maximum Likelihood.
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions with Spatial Error Components, Badi Baltagi and Alain Pirotte,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Seemingly unrelated regressions, panel data, spatial dependence, heterogeneity, forecasting.
Spatial Lag Models with Nested Random Effects: An Instrumental Variable Procedure with an Application to English House Prices, Badi Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton and Alain Pirotte,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: House Prices; Panel Data; Spatial Lag; Nested Random Effects; In-strumental Variables; Spatial Dependence
Predication in a Generalized Spatial Panel Data Model with Serial Correlation, Badi Baltagi and Long Liu,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Prediction; Panel Data; Fixed Effects; Random Effects; Serial Correlation; Spatial Error Correlation
Forecasting with Unbalanced Panel Data, Badi Baltagi and Long Liu,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Forecasting, BLUP, Unbalanced Panel Data, Unequally Spaced Panels, Serial Correlation
The Two-way Mundlak Estimator, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Mundlak Regression, Panel Data, Fixed and Random Effects, Two-way error components model, Hausman test
The Mundlak Spatial Estimator, Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Mundlak Regression, Panel Data, Fixed and Random Effects, Spatial error model, Spatial Durbin model
The day-of-the-week effect is weak: Evidence from the European Real Estate Sector, Georgios Bampinas, Stilianos Fountas and Theodore Panagiotidis,
from Department of Economics, University of Macedonia
Keywords: day-of-the-week effect, real estate indices, rolling regressions, GARCH, data mining.
Are Gold and Silver a Hedge against Inflation? A Two Century Perspective, Georgios Bampinas and Theodore Panagiotidis,
from Department of Economics, University of Macedonia
Keywords: gold prices, silver prices, inflation hedge, time-varying cointegration.
Indirect Inference for Dynamic Panel Models, Christian Gouriéroux, Peter Phillips and Jun Yu,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: Autoregression, Bias Reduction, Dynamic panel
Market Frictions and Seemingly Anomalous Co-movements of Index Options and Index Futures Quotes, Ruediger Fahlenbrach and Patrik Sandas,
from Ohio State University, Charles A. Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics
Does asymmetric information affect the premium in mergers and acquisitions?, Georges Dionne, Mélissa La Haye and Anne-Sophie Bergerès,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
The two-way Hausman and Taylor estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Two-way error components model; Panel data; Fixed and random effects; Hausman test; Hausman and Taylor estimator.;
The multidimensional Mundlak estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Mundlak regression; Panel data; Fixed and random effects; Multidimensional error components model; Hausman test;
The Mundlak spatial estimator, Badi Baltagi,
in Journal of Spatial Econometrics
Keywords: Mundlak regression, Panel data, Fixed and random effects, Spatial error model, Spatial Durbin model
in Region et Developpement
Spatial lag models with nested random effects: An instrumental variable procedure with an application to English house prices, Badi Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton and Alain Pirotte,
in Journal of Urban Economics
Keywords: House prices; Panel data; Spatial lag; Nested random effects; Instrumental variables; Spatial dependence;
Forecasting with panel data, Badi Baltagi,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: Forecasting, BLUP, Panel Data, Spatial Dependence, Serial Correlation
Estimating and forecasting with a dynamic spatial panel data model, Badi Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton and Alain Pirotte,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: panel data; spatial lag; error components; linear predictor; GMM; spatial autocorrelation
Dynamic analysis of multivariate panel data with nonlinear transformations, Kees van Montfort and Catrien Bijleveld,
from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics
Reliability of Structural Shocks Estimates from a Bivariate SVAR Model: The Case of Southeast Asian Countries, Arief Ramayandi,
from Australia-Japan Research Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
Some Current Issues in the Statistical Analysis of Spillovers, Daniela Gumprecht, Nicole Gumprecht and Werner Müller,
from Vienna University of Economics and Business Research Group: Growth and Employment in Europe: Sustainability and Competitiveness
Keywords: Panel data; fixed effects; random coefficients; DOLS; R&D spillover
Estimating and Forecasting with a Dynamic Spatial Panel Data Model, Badi Baltagi, Bernard Fingleton and Alain Pirotte,
from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Keywords: Panel data, spatial lag, error components, linear predictor, GMM, spatial autocorrelation
Weak s- Convergence: Theory and Applications, Jianning Kong, Peter Phillips and Donggyu Sul,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Asymptotics under misspecified trend regression, Cross section dependence, Evaporating trend, Relative convergence, Trend regression, Weak s-convergence
Indirect Inference for Dynamic Panel Models, Christian Gourieroux, Peter Phillips and Jun Yu,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Autoregression, Bias reduction, Dynamic panel, Fixed effects, Indirect inference
Panel Data Models: Some Recent Developments, Manuel Arellano and B. Honore,
from Centro de Estudios Monetarios Y Financieros-
Bias in Dynamic Panel Estimation with Fixed Effects, Incidental Trends and Cross Section Dependence, Peter Phillips and Donggyu Sul,
from Yale School of Management
Keywords: Autoregression, bias, cross section, dependence, dynamic factors, dynamic panel estimation, incidental trends, panel unit root
The bank lending channel in an euroised economy: the case of Serbia, Srdjan Kujundzic and Dragiša Otaševic,
from National Bank of Serbia
Keywords: bank lending channel; Serbia; euroised economy; small-size dynamic panel estimation
Bias in Dynamic Panel Estimation with Fixed Effects, Incidental Trends and Cross Section Dependence, Peter Phillips and Donggyu Sul,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Autoregression, Bias, Cross section dependence, Dynamic factors, Dynamic panel estimation, Incidental trends, Panel unit root
Is Foreign Direct Investment Productive in the Latin America Case? A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Analysis, 1980-2001, Miguel Ramirez,
from Yale University, Department of Economics
Are Foreign and Public Capital Productive in the Mexican Case? A Panel Unit Root and Panel Cointegration Analysis, Miguel Ramirez,
from Yale University, Department of Economics
The Factor-Lasso and K-Step Bootstrap Approach for Inference in High-Dimensional Economic Applications, Christian Hansen and Yuan Liao,
from Rutgers University, Department of Economics
Keywords: treatment effects, panel data
Is Arbitration Addictive? Evidence From the Laboratory and the Field, Janet Currie and Henry Farber,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Forecasting with Spatial Panel Data, Badi Baltagi, Georges Bresson and Alain Pirotte,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: BLUP, panel data, spatial dependence, forecasting, heterogeneity
Wavelet Smoothed Empirical Copula Estimators, Pedro Alberto Morettin, Clélia Maria de Castro Toloi, Chang Chiann and José Carlos Simon de Miranda,
in Brazilian Review of Finance
Keywords: copula, empirical copula, time series, wavelet, , copula, empirical copula, time series, wavelet
Interval and Band Estimation for Curves with Jumps, I Gijbels, P Hall and A Kneip,
from Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique
What is Missing Sometimes to Enable Statistical Methods to Increase Their Cognitive Capacity?, Nicolay Stoenchev,
in Economic Alternatives
Keywords: statistical methods, statistical analysis, subjective errors
A review of non-parametric curve estimation methods with application to Econometrics, Ronaldo Dias,
in Economia
Keywords: Kernel estimation, cross-validation, orthogonal series, B-splines
COMBINING PARAMETRIC AND NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS TO COMPUTE VALUE-AT-RISK, Ramon Alemany, Catalina Bolancé, Montserrat Guillén and Alemar E. Padilla-Barreto,
Keywords: quantile, nonparametric, loss models, extremes, risk evaluation
Dependent wild bootstrap for the empirical process, Paul Doukhan, Gabriel Lang, Anne Leucht and Michael H. Neumann,
from University of Mannheim, Department of Economics
Keywords: Absolute regularity , bootstrap , empirical process , time series , V -statistics , quantiles , Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Análisis comparativo de la eficiencia de las instituciones micro financieras en América Latina; una evaluación mediante la envolvente de datos (DEA), Antonio Kido-Cruz, Alberto Ortiz Zavala and María Teresa Kido-Cruz,
in Economía: teoría y práctica
Keywords: Banca social, eficiencia, tipo de propiedad, dea, micro finanzas
Smooth monotonous functions reconstruction, Sergey Smolyak,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: Function of one variable; smoothness; monotonicity; reconstruction; random errors
Pricing maximum-minimum bidirectional options in trinomial CEV model, Bin Peng and Fei Peng,
in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Keywords: Trinomial CEV model; Recursive algorithm; Maximum-minimum bidirectional options
Finite sample performance of kernel-based regression methods for non-parametric additive models under common bandwidth selection criterion, Carlos Martins-Filho and Ke Yang,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Additive non-parametric regression, Local linear estimation, Backfitting estimation, Smooth backfitting, Marginal integration
Comment on “Simulation and Estimation of Hedonic Models” by Heckman, Matzkin and Nesheim, Michael Keane,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: hedonic models; identification; Bayesian semi-parametrics, structural model; theory based empirical analysis; functional form assumptions; instrumental variables; mixture-of-normals; flexible parametric models
Testing a differential condition and local normality of densities, Kairat Mynbayev and Aziza Aipenova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: testing; local normality test; alternative hypothesis; null hypothesis; asymptotic normality
Estimation of varying coefficient models with time trend and integrated regressors, Kunpeng Li and Weiming Li,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Varying coefficient model; Time trend; Local constant estimator; Consistency;
Efficient estimation of partially linear varying coefficient models, Wei Long, Min Ouyang and Ying Shang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear; Varying coefficient; Semiparametric method; Efficient estimation; Simulation;
Profile least squares estimation of a partially linear time trend model with weakly dependent data, Zheng Li, Li Su and Daiqiang Zhang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear; Time trend; Semiparametric bound, asymptotic normality;
Semiparametric estimation of default probability: Evidence from the Prosper online credit market, Xiaofeng Li, Ying Shang and Zhi Su,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Semiparametric method; Single index model; Default probability;
Smoothed kernel conditional density estimation, Kuangyu Wen and Ximing Wu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Conditional density estimation; Bandwidth selection; Body mass index;
Consistent specification test for partially linear models with the k-nearest-neighbor method, Wenju Wang and Qiao Wang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear model; k-nearest-neighbor; Consistent test;
Robust kernels for kernel density estimation, Shaoping Wang, Ang Li, Kuangyu Wen and Ximing Wu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Kernel density estimation; Bandwidth selection; Robust kernel function; Income distribution;
Sample sensitivity for two-step and continuous updating GMM estimators, Rikuto Onishi and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Sensitivity analysis; Generalized method of moments; Misspecification;
Inference on incomplete information games with multi-dimensional actions, Hideyuki Tomiyama and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Multiple equilibria; Partial identification; Moment inequalities;
Inference on conditional moment restriction models with generated variables, Ryo Kimoto and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Conditional moment restriction; Generated variable; GMM;
Empirical likelihood inference for Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition, Taisuke Otsu and Shiori Tanaka,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition; Empirical likelihood; Two-sample test;
On empirical likelihood statistical functions, Ao Yuan, Jinfeng Xu and Gang Zheng,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Empirical likelihood; Quantile estimation; Uniform SLLN; Uniform CLT;
Consistent model specification tests based on k-nearest-neighbor estimation method, Hongjun Li, Qi Li and Ruixuan Liu,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: k-nearest-neighbor method; Consistent test; Bootstrap; Empirical application;
Testing rationality without restricting heterogeneity, Kohei Kawaguchi,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Stochastic rationalizability; Axiom of revealed stochastic preference; Nonparametric test; Bootstrap;