7878 documents matched the search for I18 J14 H53 in JEL-codes.
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Welfare systems, ageing and work: an OECD perspective, Ignazio Visco,
in BNL Quarterly Review
Keywords: Ageing, Demographics, Older Workers, Pension, Welfare
Welfare systems, ageing and work: an OECD perspective, Ignazio Visco,
in Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review
Keywords: Ageing, Demographics, Older Workers, Pension, Welfare
Welfare, invecchiamento della popolazione e lavoro: una prospettiva OCSE, Ignazio Visco,
in Moneta e Credito
Keywords: Ageing; Demographics; Macroeconomics; Older Workers; Pension; Public Pension
Policy options for a public long-term care system in Spain: a microsimulation model, David Casado Marín,
in Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics
in Almanac of PhD Students
Keywords: обществени поръчки, организации в публичния сектор, възложители, годишни програми, Сметна палата
in Almanac of PhD Students
Keywords: обществени поръчки, извадки, възложители, критерии, Сметна палата
Social Cooperatives of Disabled Persons in Poland: Postulates and Reality (Spoldzielnie socjalne osob niepelnosprawnych w Polsce– postulaty a rzeczywistosc), Marzena Szablowska-Juckiewicz,
in Research Reports
Keywords: disabled person, social cooperative, social cooperative of disabled persons
Health Care for the Aging Baby Boom: Lessons from Abroad, Uwe E. Reinhardt,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
The Shrinking Medicare Part D Benefit: Comment, Carl Johnston,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
La deriva de la longevidad, José Miguel Rodríguez-Pardo del Castillo,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: biogerontologia, dividendo demográfico, longevidad, velocidad de escape de la longevidad, índice de envejecimiento activo
Longevidad y dependencia. La nueva contingencia del siglo XXI, Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: cuidados de larga duración, refamiliarización, servicio de ayuda al domicilio
Demografía y pensiones: una relación no convencional, Mercedes Ayuso Gutiérrez,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: equidad actuarial intergeneracional, equidad actuarial intrageneracional, esperanza de vida, riesgo de longevidad
The Accelerated Benefits Demonstration: Impacts on the Employment of Disability Insurance Beneficiaries, Michelle Stegman Baily and Robert R. Weathers,
in American Economic Review
Choice Inconsistencies among the Elderly: Evidence from Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D Program: Reply, Jason Abaluck and Jonathan Gruber,
in American Economic Review
Inequality and politics in Brazil: Bolsa Familia and beyond, Dowbor Ladislau,
in Economics and Business Review
Keywords: Bolsa Familia, inclusion, inequality, Lula da Silva
Politica publica en materia de desarrollo social mediante el Fondo de Infraestructura Social Municipal Potosino, Ariel Vazquez Elorza and Abigail Reyes Munguia,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: Descentralizacion, desarrollo, municipio.
Gasto en desarrollo social en el contexto del modelo neoliberal en México 1995-2007: la reorientación del papel del Estado, José Luis Martínez Marca,
in Economía: teoría y práctica
Keywords: política pública de gasto social, teoría poskeynesiana, política neoliberal, reorientación del papel del Estado.
Basic Income and a Public Job Offer: Complementary Policies to Reduce Poverty and Unemployment, Felix FitzRoy and Jim Jin,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: unemployment, poverty, job guarantee, basic income
The formation mechanisms of the modernization of social assistance to families and children, Tamara Kerimovna Rostovskaia and Oksana Viktorovna Kuchmaeva,
in Economic Consultant
Keywords: social assistance; social assistance; social assistance; social policy for children
Retos de la gestión pública: presupuesto por resultados y rendición de cuentas, Jubitza Franciskovic,
in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Keywords: Nueva gestión pública; Presupuesto participativo; Presupuesto por resultados; Rendición de Cuentas
Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development, Luciano Canova, Marco Grasso, Alessandro Vaglio, Enzo Di Giulio, Stefania Migliavacca, Sara Lelli and Stefano Pareglio,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Capabilities; Instrumental Freedoms; Sustainable Human Development
Benefits for Raising Young Children – Prevention of Poverty, Ivelina Dimitrova Dimitrova,
in Business & Management Compass
Keywords: child poverty, social benefits, maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave
Universal Basic Income: The Political Economic Aspect, Gontmakher, Evgeny (Гонтмахер, Евгений),
in Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy
Keywords: universal basic income, social welfare, labor market, social benefits administration, paternalism.
Did Canadian welfare reform work? The effects of new reform strategies on social assistance participation, Nathan Berg and Todd Gabel,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
5 Years in Juntos: New Evidence on the Program’s Short and Long-Term Impacts, Elizaveta Perova and Renos Vakis,
in Revista Economía
Keywords: poverty, transfers, Peru
Resiliencia en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de las ollas comunes en Lima, Perú, Lorena Alcázar and Ricardo Fort,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Programas de ayuda, Programas sociales, Social programmes, Aid programmes, Ollas comunes, COVID-19, Perú, Peru
Estrategias comunitarias contra el hambre durante la pandemia: experiencias y propuestas desde los casos de Perú, Uruguay y Chile, Lorena Alcázar, Ricardo Fort, Ignacia Fernández and Fernando Távara,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Programas de ayuda, Programas sociales, Social programmes, Aid programmes, Ollas comunes, Seguridad alimentaria, Suministro de alimentos, Food supply, Food security, COVID-19, Perú, Peru
Publiczne fundusze socjalne – istota oraz organizacja i funkcjonowanie w Polsce, Tadeusz Szumlicz,
in Studia z Polityki Publicznej / Public Policy Studies
Keywords: ryzyko społeczne; zabezpieczenie społeczne; ubezpieczenie; ubezpieczenie społeczne; fundusze socjalne; finanse publiczne
Implementing a Guaranteed Minimum Income in Italy: An Empirical Analysis of Costs and Political Feasibility, Paola Monti and Michele Pellizzari,
in Giornale degli Economisti
Keywords: guaranteed minimum income, poverty, welfare state, social expenditure, preferences, redistribution, Italy.
Do Mahatma Gandhi NREGA and convergence measures arrest distress migration? An empirical assessment of the migration-prone regions of Odisha, India, Narayan Chandra Nayak, Bimal Kishore Sahoo and Alok Ranjan Mohanty,
in Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences
Keywords: Convergence, Distress migration, Mahalanobis Distance Metric Matching, MGNREGA, Odisha
A Fundamental Externality in the Labour Market? Ragnar Frisch on the socially optimal amount of work, Agnar Sandmo,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics
Keywords: Welfare economics; Labour productivity
Long-term Care Insurance in Germany Assessments, benefits, care arrangements and funding, Hildegard Theobald,
from Institute for Futures Studies
Keywords: Long-term Care Insurance; LTCI; Germany; elderly population; family care; market-oriented care
Disability Benefit Growth and Disability Reform in the U.S.: Lessons from Other OECD Nations, Richard Burkhauser, Mary Daly, Duncan McVicar and Roger Wilkins,
from Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Government Expenditures for Children and their Families in Advanced Industrialized Countries, 1960-85, Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn,
Keywords: family policy; industrialized countries; public expenditures; social policy;
The Double Role of Ethnic Heterogeneity in Explaining Welfare-State Generosity, Markus Jantti, Gerald Jaynes and John Roemer,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Political economy, Welfare state, Social insurance, Ethnic fractionalization
Modelo de medición de impacto sobre el bienestar objetivo y subjetivo. Un análisis de caso del Proyecto de Reducción y Alivio a la Pobreza (PRA), Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: alivio a la pobreza, programas de ayuda, programas de trabajo, proyectos de desarrollo, pobreza, pobreza, Perú, Cajamarca
¿Los niños... primero? Cuánto invirtió el Estado Peruano en los niños, niñas y adolescentes, 2001-2003, Enrique Vásquez,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Pobreza: discusión teórica, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: pobreza, bienestar, medición de la pobreza
¿Cómo se lucha contra la pobreza?, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: generación de empleo, generación de ingresos, Latinoamérica, Proyecto de Reducción y Alivio a la Pobreza, PRA, PRA
Rasgos de la pobreza en Cajamarca: análisis estadístico, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: pobreza, Cajamarca, nutrición infantil, PRA, ENAHO, ENAHO
Evaluación de impacto: aspectos metodológicos, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: evaluación de impacto, matching, tamaño de muestra, encuesta, modelo de bienestar objetivo, modelo de bienestar objetivo
Análisis y discusión de resultados, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: resultados
Conclusiones y recomendaciones, Pedro Mateu and Jean Vilca,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: recomendaciones
La gravedad del gasto en salud por los niños, Enrique Vásquez,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: gasto salud, niños, salud infantil, instituciones
Los preocupantes resultados del gasto público en educación escolar, Enrique Vásquez,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: educación escolar, infancia, gasto público, políticas educativas
Los vaivenes del gasto social en la alimentación y nutrición infantil, Enrique Vásquez,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: nutrición infantil, gasto público, programas alimentarios
Los "niños no visibles" para el estado, Enrique Vásquez,
from Fondo Editorial, Universidad del Pacífico
Keywords: niños de la calle, prostitución infantil, trabajo infantil, pandillas juveniles, pronografía infantil, pronografía infantil, SIDA, discapacidad, madres adolescentes, violencia armada
Alberta Tariff Reduction and Elimination Priorities 2002-2004, Jeff Koskinen,
from Western Centre for Economic Research
Keywords: Alberta, Tariff, Tariff Reduction, Export
Alberta Heritage Fund: Blessing Becoming Curse?, Allan A. Warrack,
from Western Centre for Economic Research
Keywords: Heritage Fund, Alberta, Energy, Public Spending
The double role of ethnic heterogeneity in explaining welfare-state generosity, Markus Jäntti, Gerald Jaynes and John Roemer,
from LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg
Keywords: political economy, welfare state, social insurance, ethnic fractionalization
Health Satellite Accounts and Indicators for Ageing Populations in EU and Romania Statistics, Carmen Luiza Costuleanu and Maria (Grosu) Berheci,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: health satellite accounts, healthcare indicators, EU, Romania.
Restructuring Welfare Spending in Slovenia, Rafal Kierzenkowski,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: assainissement budgétaire, cash transfers, dépenses sociales, education, fiscal consolidation, health, in-kind benefits, long-term care, pension system, prestations en nature, santé, Slovenia, Slovénie, soins de long terme, soutenabilité, sustainability, système des retraites, transferts monétaires, welfare spending
Retirement Lock and Prescription Drug Insurance: Evidence from Medicare Part D, Gal Wettstein,
in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Policy Options for Reducing Poverty and Raising Employment Rates in Israel, Philip Hemmings,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: allocations, Arab, Arab-Israeli, arabe-israélien, Arabes, benefits, child care, emploi, employment, fiscalité, garde d'enfants, Haredi, Haredi, Israel, Israël, labour market, marché du travail, pauvreté, pensions, policy, Politique, poverty, prestations, protection sociale, retraites, réformes, tax, Ultra-orthodox, ultra-orthodoxes, welfare
Discrimination Against Elderly People on the Polish Labor Market – Research Results (Dyskryminacja osob starszych na polskim rynku pracy – wyniki badan), Ewa Sobolewska-Poniedzialek and Anna Niewiadomska,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: discrimination, ageism, demographic changes, aging society, labor market
Age structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg: yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Gayane L. Safarova and Anna A. Safarova,
in Population and Economics
Keywords: population ageing, age structure of the population, comparative analysis, perspective calculations
Competitivitatea firmelor listate la BVB folosind metoda studiului econometric de eveniment, Radu Lupu,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: event study, capital markets, dividends, efficient markets
Homogeneity of the European Union from the Point of View of Labour Market, Marianna Sinicakova,
in Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education
Keywords: labour market transmission, the European Union, gender pay gap, employment, unemployment
Produtividade, Demografia e Sustentabilidade da Previdência Social, Riovaldo Mesquita and Giácomo Balbinotto Neto,
in Economia
Keywords: Previdência Social, Seguridade Social, Produtividade, Brasil
Consumer Purchase Intentions Affected by Cause-Related-Marketing, Skepticism and Brand Loyalty: A Correlational Analysis, Fozia Rehmat, Tanzeela Farsam, Muhammad Ahmad, Syyed Naqvi and Muhammad Shoaib,
in Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business
Keywords: Brand; Loyalty; Cause-Related; Marketing; Philanthropy; Purchase; Intentions; Skepticism; Social; Responsibility
Is the Bell Tolling for Aged Workers?, Antara Dhar,
in Journal of Regional Development and Planning
Keywords: Ageing; Labour Market; Demographic
Living arrangements of older adults in India: reduced forms for co-residence model, Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ageing; living arrangements; co-residence; alone
The role of retirement, family relations and health in everyday activities of 60-75 year olds, Imre Dobossy, Edit S. Molnár and Eszter Virágh,
in Demográfia English Edition
Keywords: Ageing, Elderly, Pension, Retirement, Economic Activity, Family structure, 60-75 year olds, Hungary
Uwarunkowania utrzymania aktywności zawodowej osób pracujących po 50. roku życia, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska, Marta Juchnicka, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Maciej Muczyński,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Older workers; Labour market
Zatrudnienie w zawodach niszowych, ginących i mało popularnych - czynniki, bariery, dobre praktyki, Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Older workers; Labour market; Crafts
Wpływ zmian demograficznych na rynek pracy, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Older workers; Labour market
Ageing and the socioeconomic life of older adults in India: An empirical exposition, Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ageing, gender, India, marital status, older adults, empowerment, financial dependence, integration, work
The Effects of Socio-Economic Factors on Health of Elderly in East Java, Wijayanti Windi, Devanto Pratomo and Khusaini Mohamad,
in Scientific Annals of Economics and Business
Keywords: elderly, socio-economic, health, Indonesia, demographic bonus
Ältere Arbeitnehmer - ein vernachlässigtes Beschäftigungspotential, Wolfgang Ochel,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Arbeitsnachfrage, Ältere Arbeitnehmer, OECD-Staaten, Deutschland
Frühverrentung: International "aus der Mode gekommen", Wolfgang Ochel,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Altersgrenze, Alterssicherung, Deutschland, Europäische Union
Demographic and Economic Correlates of Health in Old Age, James Smith and R Kington,
from RAND - Reprint Series
AGING, WELL-BEING, AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN RURAL NORTH CHINA, Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt and Scott Rozelle,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Demographie und soziale Infrastruktur am Beispiel des Freistaates Thüringen, Helmut Seitz,
in ifo Dresden berichtet
Keywords: Soziale Einrichtung, Altenhilfe, Pflegedienst, Behinderte, Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Demographie, Thüringen
What is the best way to take internet usage into consideration in the different variants of the active ageing index?, Éva Berde and Izabella Kuncz,
in Society and Economy
Keywords: active ageing, composite index, mathematical-statistical methods, digital divide
Informelle Arbeit in alternden Gesellschaften - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des „produktiven Alterns“, Marcel Erlinghagen,
in Schmollers Jahrbuch : Journal of Applied Social Science Studies / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
How Much Help Is Exchanged in Families? Towards an Understanding of Discrepant Research Finding, Carolyn J. Rosenthal and Leroy O. Stone,
from McMaster University
Keywords: intergenerational support
Local Planning for an Aging Population in Ontario: Two Case Studies, Lynda M. Hayward,
from McMaster University
Keywords: aging; planning
Mid-life Patterns and the Residential Mobility of Older Men, Linda M. Hayward,
from McMaster University
Keywords: residential mobility; aging
A Longitudinal Study of the Residential Mobility of the Elderly in Canada, Yuri Ostrovsky,
from McMaster University
Keywords: residential mobility; elderly; SLID
Does Cognitive Status Modify the Relationship Between Education and Mortality? Evidence from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging, Jamie C. Brehaut, Parminder Raina and Joan Lindsay,
from McMaster University
Keywords: Alzheimer disease; cognition; dementia; education; epidemiology; etiology; mortality
Helping to Build and Rebuild Secure Lives and Futures: Intergenerational Financial Transfers from Parents to Adult Children and Grandchildren, Jenny Ploeg, Lori Campbell, Margaret Denton, Anju Joshi and Sharon Davies,
from McMaster University
Keywords: financial transfers, intergenerational support
Geographic Dimensions of Aging in Canada 1991-2001, Eric G. Moore and Michael A. Pacey,
from McMaster University
Keywords: population aging; geographic differences
Employer Pension Plan Inequality in Canada, Margaret Denton and Jennifer Plenderleith,
from McMaster University
Keywords: Employer Pension Plans, Registered Pension Plans, coverage, value, inequality, seniors, landed immigrants, gender differences, minority language
Retirement Decisions of People with Disabilities: Voluntary or Involuntary, Margaret Denton, Jennifer Plenderleith and James Chowhan,
from McMaster University
Keywords: Retirement, Disabled, Health, Labour Force
Employer Pension Plan Inequality in Canada, Margaret Denton and Jennifer Plenderleith,
from McMaster University
Keywords: Employer Pension Plans, Registered Pension Plans, coverage, value, inequality, seniors, landed immigrants, gender differences, minority language
Retirement Decisions of People with Disabilities: Voluntary or Involuntary, Margaret Denton, Jennifer Plenderleith and James Chowhan,
from McMaster University
Keywords: Retirement, Disabled, Health, Labour Force
Population Aging and Its Economic Costs: A Survey of the Issues and Evidence, Frank Denton and Byron Spencer,
from McMaster University
Keywords: aging; dependency ratio
How Much Help Is Exchanged in Families? Towards an Understanding of Discrepant Research Findings, Carolyn J. Rosenthal and Leroy O. Stone,
from McMaster University
Keywords: intergenerational support
Income Inequality as a Canadian Cohort Ages: An Analysis of the Later Life Course, Steven G. Prus,
from McMaster University
Keywords: income inequality; cohort; public pension
Are Theories of Aging Important? Models and Explanations in Gerontology at the Turn of the Century, Vern L. Bengtson, Cara J. Rice and Malcolm L. Johnson,
from McMaster University
Keywords: gerontology; aging; theory
The association of potentially inappropriate medication use on health outcomes and hospital costs in community-dwelling older persons: a longitudinal 12-year study, Virva Hyttinen, Johanna Jyrkkä, Leena K. Saastamoinen, Anna-Kaisa Vartiainen and Hannu Valtonen,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Potentially inappropriate medications, Older persons, Register-based study, Health outcomes, Hospital costs
Long-Term Care in Latin America and the Caribbean? Theory and Policy Considerations, Martín Caruso, Sebastian Galiani and Pablo Ibarraran,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Endogénéité du statut du répondant dans les enquêtes sur la santé. Quelles implications pour la mesure des besoins d'aide ?, Bérengère Davin-Casalena, Xavier Joutard, Alain Paraponaris and Pierre Verger,
in Revue économique
A test of the ‘lose it or use it’ hypothesis in labour markets around the world, Karsten Albæk,
from Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB)
Keywords: Skills, occupations, ageing
Is there a Disability Gap in Employment Rates in Developing Countries?, Suguru Mizunoya and Sophie Mitra,
from Fordham University, Department of Economics
Keywords: disability, employment, self-employment, developing countries, logit decomposition
Empowering the disabled through savings groups: Experimental evidence from Uganda, Kjetil Bjorvatn and Bertil Tungodden,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics
Keywords: Uganda; Development program; disabled people
Preparations for Independence and Financial Security in Later Life: A Conceptual Framework and Application to Canada, M. Denton, S. French, A. Gafni, A. Joshi, C. Rosenthal and D. Willison,
from McMaster University
Keywords: retirement planning; savings; SAI
Private financing of elder care in Sweden. Arguments for and against, Gabrielle Meagher and Marta Szebehely,
from Institute for Futures Studies
Keywords: Elder care; Private financing; Social policy; Sweden;
Determinants of the Elderly Share of Population: A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis, Jungsuk Kim, Cynthia Castillejos Petalcorin, Donghyun Park and Shu Tian,
in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
Keywords: Population aging, Demographic structure, COVID-19, Public health, Determinants of aging, Elderly
Motivation for Money and Care that Adult Children Provide for Parents: Evidence from "Point-Blank" Survey Questions, Donald Cox and Beth J. Soldo,
from Center for Retirement Research
Keywords: aging, parents, family, care