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91569 documents matched the search for G21 G28 Q5 Q54 in JEL-codes.
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Climate and Environmental Risk management in Italian banks,
Claudia Pasquini, in BANCARIA (2020) Downloads

Reforma financiera y el desarrollo de las Mipymes en México,
Luis Fernando Cárdenas Alba, in Ravista Raites antes Panorama Administrativo Journal (2015)
Keywords: Reforma Financiera, Mipymes, Financiamiento.Financial Reform, MSMEs, Financing

Narrow Banking,
George Pennacchi, in Annual Review of Financial Economics (2012)
Keywords: bank regulation, narrow banks, money market funds, finance companies, deposit insurance

Доктрината Too Big to Fail и мрежата за финансова сигурност,
Ирина Казанджиева-Йорданова, in Economic Archive (2017)
Keywords: системно-важни банки, гарантиране на депозити, мрежа за финансова сигурност, TBTF, депозанти

Irina Kazandzhieva-Yordanova, in Economic Archive (2017)
Keywords: systemically important banks, deposit guarantee schemes, financial safety net, TBTF, depositors

Monetary Policy Aspects in Central and East European Countries,
Munteanu Irena, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2011)
Keywords: inflation targeting, interest rate, monetary policy.

From Basel II to Basel III — Changes, Improvements and Proposals,
Munteanu Irena, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2012)
Keywords: banking regulation, liquidity requirements, bank capital requirements, interest rates

Bank Governance Contracts. Established Goals and Accountability in Bank Restructuring,
R.P. Roulier, from World Bank (1995)

Ajustement Cyclique des Ratios de Capital. Avantages Macro-Economiques et Problemes Incitatifs,
P. Artus and V. Seltz, from Caisse des Depots et Consignations - Cahiers de recherche (1999)

The Contemporary Deposit Insurance through the Perspective of Bank Resolution and Moral Hazard,
Diyana Miteva, in Economic Alternatives (2015)
Keywords: deposit insurance, limit, moral hazard, resolution

Albanian banking sector and the challenges of adopting Basel II,
Kufo Andromahi and Kripa Dorina, in Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research (2015)
Keywords: Basel, regulatory capital, Albanian banking sector, regulator

Oltiana Muharremi and Erald Pelari, in Journal of Academic Research in Economics (2013)
Keywords: microfinance institutions, rural areas, financial sector development, microcredit.

Basel II und internationaler Bankenwettbewerb,
Patrik Buchmüller and Christian Macht, in Aussenwirtschaft (2003) Downloads

US Basel III Final Rule on banks' capital requirements: A different-size-fits-all approach,
Rainer Masera, in PSL Quarterly Review (2013)
Keywords: US Basel III Final Rule, CRR/CRDIV, capital requirements, leverage ratio, one-size-fits-all, community banks, systemic banks

Svetlana Lanets, in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies (2015)
Keywords: financial stability, financial crisis, government support, regional banks, Basel 3

Does the Too Big to Fail Doctrine Have a Future?,
Irina Petkova Kazandjieva-Yordanova, in Economic Alternatives (2017)
Keywords: resolution, TBTF doctrine, systemically important banks, deposit insurance schemes, bail-out

Opaqueness and Bank Risk Taking,
Patrick Behr, in Brazilian Review of Finance (2012)
Keywords: Banks, Opaqueness, Risk Taking, Bank Regulation

Obligación de información y asimetrías de información en el mercado bancario colombiano,
Juliana Devis Cantillo, María del Pilar Gómez Quiñones and Erika López Pontón, in Revista de Economía Institucional (2019)
Keywords: asimetría de información, análisis económico del derecho, obligación de información, sector bancario

Banking Reform in Georgia,
Metin Mercan, in IBSU Scientific Journal (2006)
Keywords: Transition economies, Banking, Financial reform

Banking: Past and Present,
İsmail Özsoy and Salavat Sayfullin, in IBSU Scientific Journal (2006)
Keywords: Banking, ancient banking, modern banking, deposits, loan.

Development of the Banking System in Georgia,
Tea Kbiltsetskhlashvili, in IBSU Scientific Journal (2008)
Keywords: Georgia, Banks, financial market, credit, development

Liquidity Regulation: Rationales, Benefits and Costs,
Gianni De Nicolò, in National Institute Economic Review (2016)
Keywords: liquidity crises; bank regulation; liquidity requirements

Characteristics of Compliance Risk in Banking,
Emil Asenov, in Economic Alternatives (2015)
Keywords: compliance risk, compliance function, legal risk, normative acts

Daschievici AniÅŸoara Niculina, in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica (2006)
Keywords: capital, bank, intern obstacle

What Governments Should Do in Mortgage Markets,
Finn Poschmann, in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary (2011)
Keywords: Financial Services, Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), mortgage insurance

A valuation method for the facilitated impact of State aid in the form of loan guarantee schemes,
Eleonora Broccardo, in BANCARIA (2009)
Keywords: state aid, guarantee, gross grant equivalent

Definitions and possible synergies in the field of Operational Risk and Compliance Risk,
Gruppo interbancario sulla Funzione Compliance dell’ABI e del Comitato Tecnico Criteri dell’Osservatorio Dipo, in BANCARIA (2009)
Keywords: vigilanza, rischio operativo, rischio di compliance

Internal rating during and after the crisis,
Giacomo De Laurentis and Renato Maino, in BANCARIA (2010)
Keywords: Sme, rating, Basel 2

Money laundering regulation and the new internal control system,
Ranieri Razzante and Elisa Dellarosa, in BANCARIA (2010)
Keywords: anti-money laundering, Internal audit

Prudential regulation on Ucits shares and bank’s investments,
Michele Lanotte, in BANCARIA (2010)
Keywords: Oicr, capital requirements, exchange rate risk

Recent case-law trends in credit questions,
Emanuele D'Innella and Stefano Saponaro, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: usura,Taeg,Tegm

Internal rating stress testing methods and implications,
Pasquale Costa and Fabio Salis, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: stress test, probabilità di default, modelli di rating interno

Unfair practices regulation trends in the Italian financial sector,
Teresa Broggiato, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: Pratiche commerciali scorrette,Agcom, Banca d’Italia

Measuring the Compliance Function performance: towards an integrated system,
Marco Di Antonio, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: compliance, performance, misurazione

Tranched cover structures and Sme financing,
Claudio D'Auria, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: strutture tranched cover, requisiti patrimoniali, Pmi

Italian banks scenario: profitability, distribution and regulation,
Giancarlo Forestieri, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: Basilea 3, costi della provvista, rete distributiva

Basel 3 impacts on banking business, profitability and capital management,
Pietro Penza, in BANCARIA (2011)
Keywords: Basilea 3, requisiti di capitale, pricing

The revision of IAS 39: which model?,
Carlo Calandrini, in BANCARIA (2012)
Keywords: portafoglio crediti, expected loss, provisioning, IAS39 e impairment

Bank of Italy’s statistics and banks’ information needs,
Antonio Santomartino, in BANCARIA (2012)
Keywords: pubblicazioni statistiche, servizio di elaborazione dati, base informativa pubblica on line

The regulation of certificates of deposit,
Abi, in BANCARIA (2012)
Keywords: certificati di deposito, vigilanza

A new model for tomorrow’s banks,
Roberto Ruozi, in BANCARIA (2012) Downloads

Bank regulation and competition in the Italian market: a difficult balance,
Umberto Filotto and Massimo Caratelli, in BANCARIA (2012) Downloads

Interlocking directorates in banking and financial sectors,
Valeria Falce, in BANCARIA (2012) Downloads

Deposit bank and public interest: the reasons for a new regulatory approach,
Paolo Mottura, in BANCARIA (2012) Downloads

Loss given default, a new alternative approach,
Francesco D'Avanzo and Fabio Salis, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

A European framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions,
Francesca Querci, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The value of protecting those who can’t protect,
Eliana Morandi, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

A regulatory risk appetite framework for small banks,
Marco Corbellini, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Basel 3 and Cva: the counterparty risk management and valuation,
Walter Vecchiato and Eugenio Virguti, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The organization of an Anti money laundering function in Italian banks,
Rupert N. Limentani and Normanna Tresoldi, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Recent profitability trends of Italian banks,
Direzione Strategie e Mercati Finanziari, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Italian banks and the road towards Banking Union,
Antonio Patuelli, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The role of banks in the difficult economic transition,
Ignazio Visco, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Basel at a crossroads,
Francesco Cannata and Simone Casellina, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

From Universal bank to a separation between commercial and investment banking.The European proposals,
Enrico Bernardi, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Framework for Minimum Capital Requirements for Operational Risk in comparison with Operational Risk Losses: analysis of Dipo data,
Dipo Technical Secretariat, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The role of the Chief Risk Officer and the new regulation on Internal control systems,
Carlo Palego, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Non-performing loans in Europe: the differences in rules and practices,
Silvia Benzi and Pietro Penza, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The rating of Mutual institutions, a new tool for banks,
Lorenzo Gai and Emanuele Giovannini, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The recent anti-money laundering Italian regulation,
Manlio d'Agostino, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

Credit monitoring as a new integrated process,
Aldo Letizia, in BANCARIA (2013) Downloads

The roads towards a new sustainable banking model,
Paolo Mottura, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Single Supervisory Mechanism and new policies of risks’ regulation,
Franco Tutino, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Banking contracts and transparency regulation,
Giorgio De Nova, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Bank and regulation: the way to rethink complexity,
Paolo Mottura, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Italian listed banks and compliance with Corporate Governance Code,
Maria Luisa Di Battista, Paola Schwizer and Valeria Stefanelli, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Basel 3 and the recent regulation of Pillar III on disclosure,
Vincenzo Dispinzeri, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Markets’ integrity and financial soundness in Italy,
Saverio Capolupo, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

The Active Integrated Regulatory Management model, a new tool for business risk efficiency,
Pasquale Nicastro, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Address by the President of the Italian Banking Association at the Annual Meeting,
Antonio Patuelli, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Liquidity Transfer Pricing and Liquidity Risk: possible solutions,
Marco Di Antonio and Danilo Drago, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Risk culture and the recent guidance of Fsb,
Diana Capone and Stefano De Polis, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Reverse mortgage, an instrument to help retirees,
Claudio Pacella and Angelo Peppetti, in BANCARIA (2014) Downloads

Npl flow starts a drop in 2016,
Cerved Abi, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Banking regulation and the competition between frameworks and systems: the European paradox,
Fabio Bassan, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

The new Fit & Proper test for Bank directors: is it feasible?,
Paola Schwizer, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

The one-tier governance system: the efficiency of a new model and the application to an Italian banking group,
Rossella Locatelli, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Too many banks in Italy and in the Eurozone?,
Camillo Venesio, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Npls management and Ecb Guidance to banks: from servicing agreements to sale strategies,
Antonella Malinconico and Ferdinando Parente, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

The turning point of Italian banks and the next European scenario,
Pier Carlo Padoan, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Risk management in the banking sector: too much regulation risks to strangle the business?,
Paola De Vincentiis and Camillo Venesio, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

A new European Democracy,
Antonio Patuelli, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Europe, our new homeland,
Antonio Tajani, in BANCARIA (2017) Downloads

Bank and bank money: theory and regulation,
Paolo Mottura, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Boards member self-evaluation in banks: how to exploit the opportunity,
Rupert N. Limentani and Normanna Tresoldi, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Finance and growth, the Italian experience,
Giovanni Sabatini, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

New flows of bad loans in 2019 down to the pre-crisis level,
Abi and Cerved, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Real estate collateral and Npls, new Guidelines for valuation,
Angelo Peppetti, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Evaluating banks’ solvency through a Merton-like approach,
Aldo Letizia, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

The business model of a big European player: Intesa Sanpaolo’s new strategic plan,
Alessandro Lolli, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

A better Risk Management through the integration of Csr in bank processes,
Enzo Rocca and Ylenia Yashar, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

The Bank-Fintech Ecosystem: finding a new approach,
Roberto Silva, Goffredo Amodio and Alberto Trova, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Public and private intervention in bank crises management,
Matteo Mattei Gentili, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Banks and the Economy. Credit, productivity and growth,
Pierluigi Ciocca, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

Loans and Real estate collateral, new Guidelines for valuation,
Angelo Peppetti, in BANCARIA (2018) Downloads

European banks, the challenge of new strategies,
Gianfranco Torriero and Stefano Bottino, in BANCARIA (2019) Downloads

Supervising banks: principles and priorities,
Andrea Enria, in BANCARIA (2019) Downloads

New credit paradigms in bank-firm relationships: the case of Veneto,
Caterina Cruciani, Antonio Proto, Ugo Rigoni and Giorgia Simion, in BANCARIA (2019) Downloads

New specialized banks, commercial banks and new banking business models,
Roberto Ruozi and Pierpaolo Ferrari, in BANCARIA (2019) Downloads

Strategic risk and bank business. Three models for management and controls,
Marco Di Antonio, in BANCARIA (2020) Downloads

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