8009 documents matched the search for E58 C14 C58 in JEL-codes.
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Behavior of realized volatility and correlation in exchange markets, Amir Safari and Detlef Seese,
in International Econometric Review (IER)
Keywords: Realized Volatility and Correlation, Long Memory, Scaling Law, Self-Similarity Dimension, Market Microstructure Effects.
Analisis de la influencia de la actividad real de la economia sobre la volatilidad de la rentabilidad accionaria: un caso en el sector de edificacion en Mexico, Ricardo Perez and Raul F. Montalvo,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: GARCH, crecimiento economico, desarrollo de vivienda
Time-Varying Coefficient Taylor Rule and Chinese Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Time-Varying Cointegration, Yu Guo And Wei Ma,
in Journal of Economic Development
Keywords: Chinese Monetary Policy, Time-varying Coefficient Taylor Rule, Time-varying Cointegration
Currency Risk: Comovements and Intraday Cojumps, Jérôme Lahaye,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Cojump, Jump, Bootstrap, Diffusion, Brownian, Semimartingale, High-Frequency, Risk, Diversification, Foreign Exchange, Correlation, Crisis, Tail
Firm Financial Performance: An Empirical Investigation on Romanian SMEs, Ionescu Alexandra, Horga Maria-Gabriela and Nancu Dorinela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: factor analysis, financial performance, principal components.
Копулярные модели совместного распределения курсов валют. Copula models of the joint distribution of exchange rates, Антонов И. Н., Князев А. Г. and Лепёхин О. А.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: архимедовы копулы, валюты, копула Гамбела – Хаугарда, копула Joe BB1, копула Франка, метод Кендалла, метод Маршалла – Олкина, прогноз, HAC, HKC, Vine., Archimedean copulas, currency, forecast, Frank copula, Gumbel-Hougaard copula, HAC, HKC, Joe BB1 copula, Marshall-Olkin’s algorithm, sampling via Kendall’s Distribution, Vine.
in CBU International Conference Proceedings
Keywords: Dashboardfinancial, modeling, tool, excel, data,
in CBU International Conference Proceedings
Keywords: Modelpostal, electronic, service, modelling,
The Impact of Fiscal Deficit on Economic Growth in India: An Economic Analysis, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar,
in Journal of Commerce and Trade
Keywords: Fiscal deficit; Economic growth and India.
Copula Models of the Joint Distribution of Exchange Rates, Antonov I. N., Knyazev A. G. and Lepekhin O. A.,
in World of economics and management / Vestnik NSU. Series: Social and Economics Sciences
Keywords: Archimedean copulas, currency, forecast, Frank copula, Gumbel-Hougaard copula, HAC, HKC, Joe BB1 copula, Marshall-Olkin’s algorithm, sampling via Kendall’s Distribution, Vine.
Comparison of Volatility Models of PX Index and FTSE 100 Index, Adam Borovička,
in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
Keywords: volatility, conditional heteroskedasticity, EGARCH, GJR-GARCH, function NIC
Determinants of Net Interest Margins in Emerging Markets:A Generalized Method of Moments Approach, Adeela Khalil and Umar Farooq,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: net interest margin; leverage risk; implicit interest payment; non-interest bearing reserve; management efficiency; credit risk
in Oeconomia Copernicana
Keywords: causality in variance, Cheung- Ng test, GARCH model
A Comparison of VaR Estimation Procedures for Leptokurtic Equity Index Returns, Malay Bhattacharyya and Siddarth Madhav R,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Dynamic VaR; GARCH; EVT; Johnson SU; Pearson Type IV; Mixture of Normal Distributions; Manly; John Draper; Yeo-Johnson Transformations
Modelling asymmetric conditional heteroskedasticity in financial asset returns: an extension of Nelson’s EGARCH model, Lucius Cassim,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: GARCH, TARCH, EGARCH, Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Martingale
Modelling Risk on the Egyptian Stock Market: Evidence from a Markov-Regime Switching GARCH Process, Omar Ibrahim,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Risk Management, Value at Risk, GARCH, Markov Chains
Connecting Silos: On linking macroeconomics and finance, and the role of econometrics therein, Michel van der Wel,
from Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Keywords: Macro-Finance, Econometrics, Financial Econometrics, Fixed Income, Time Series Econometrics, Term Structure of Interest Rates, macro-economie, economische crises, econometrische modellen, financiering, obligaties, tijdreeksen
Econometric modelling of exchange rate volatility using mixed-frequency data, Priya Chaturvedi and Kuldeep Kumar,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: exchange rate volatility; GARCH-MIDAS; macroeconomic and financial variables; asymmetry
Robust inference of risks of large portfolios, Jianqing Fan, Fang Han, Han Liu and Byron Vickers,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: High dimensionality; Robust inference; Rank statistics; Quantile statistics; Risk management;
Assessing the Impact of Outbreaks on Malaysian Listed Property Companies in Mixed-Asset Portfolios, Razali Muhammad Najib, Jalil Rohaya Abdul and Shayuti Ahmad Faisal,
in Real Estate Management and Valuation
Keywords: outbreaks, Malaysia, listed property companies, mixed-assets, property portfolio
Efficiency, multifractality, and the long-memory property of the Bitcoin market: A comparative analysis with stock, currency, and gold markets, Khamis Hamed Al-Yahyaee, Walid Mensi and Seong-Min Yoon,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Bitcoin; Efficient market hypothesis; Long memory; Hurst exponent; MF-DFA;
On the interplay between US sectoral CDS, stock and VIX indices: Fresh insights from wavelet approaches, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Chaker Aloui and Rania Jammazi,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Credit default swaps; Stock markets; Volatility index; Wavelet squared coherence;
Stock Market Co-movement and Shock Transmission: Islamic versus Conventional Equity Indices, Ginanjar Dewandaru, AbdelKader Alaoui, Obiyathulla Bacha and Abul Masih,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Islamic finance, Shariah, Shock transmission, financial crisis, contagion, interdependence, market integration, wavelet analysis, wavelet coherency
Econometric Model – A Tool in Financial Management, Riana Iren Radu,
in Economics and Applied Informatics
Keywords: Financial management, Econometric model, Instrument
Dynamic network analysis of North American financial institutions, Shaowen Liu, Massimiliano Caporin and Sandra Paterlini,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: Financial network; Dynamic network; COVID19; Financial contagion; Financial crises;
volatilityforecastingpackage: A Financial Volatility Package in Mathematica, Noorshanaaz Khodabaccus and Aslam A. E. F. Saib,
in Computational Economics
Keywords: Volatility forecasting, Volatility models, Financial econometrics
Smoothing it Out: Empirical and Simulation Results for Disentangled Realized Covariances, Harry Vander Elst and David Veredas,
in Journal of Financial Econometrics
Keywords: realized measures, noise, jumps, synchronization
The Role of Jumps in Realized Volatility Modeling and Forecasting, Massimiliano Caporin,
in Journal of Financial Econometrics
Keywords: forecasting, jumps, liquidity, realized volatility, staleness
Martingale approach in pricing and hedging European options under regime-switching, Grigori N. Milstein and Vladimir Spokoiny,
from Humboldt University Berlin, Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk
Keywords: incomplete markets, martingale measure, generalized self-financing strategy, attainability, self-financing in mean
Forecasting tail risk measures for financial time series: An extreme value approach with covariates, Robert James, Henry Leung, Jessica Wai Yin Leung and Artem Prokhorov,
in Journal of Empirical Finance
Keywords: Value-at-risk; Expected shortfall; GARCH models; Extreme value theory; Variable selection; Regularization;
Heterogeneous tail generalized common factor modeling, Simon Hediger, Jeffrey Näf, Marc S. Paolella and Paweł Polak,
in Digital Finance
Keywords: Asset pricing model, Cryptocurrencies, Expectation maximization algorithm, Mixture distribution, Portfolio optimization
Distributional properties of continuous time processes: from CIR to bates, Ostap Okhrin, Michael Rockinger and Manuel Schmid,
in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
Keywords: Higher moments, Distributional properties, Stochastic volatility, Jump diffusion, CIR process, Square-root process
The Economic Valuation of Variance Forecasts: An Artificial Option Market Approach, Radovan Parrák,
from Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies
Keywords: GARCH, Realized volatility, economic loss function, volatility forecasting
Evaluating the performance of futures hedging using multivariate realized volatility, Masato Ubukata and Toshiaki Watanabe,
in Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
Keywords: Realized covariance matrix; Optimal hedge ratio; Conditional hedging model; High-frequency data;
The interconnections between U.S. financial CDS spreads and control variables: New evidence using partial and multivariate wavelet coherences, Besma Hkiri, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Chaker Aloui and Muhammad Shahbaz,
in International Review of Economics & Finance
Keywords: CDS spreads; Wavelet coherence; Multiple wavelet; Partial wavelet; Maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform;
Multivariate statistical analysis for portfolio selection of italian stock market, Alessia Naccarato and Andrea Pierini,
from Department of Economics - University Roma Tre
Keywords: Markowitz Portfolio, Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models, BEKK Model
Dynamic Conditional Correlation Analysis of Stock Market Contagion: Evidence from the 2007-2010 Financial Crises, Zouheir Mighri and Faysal Mansouri,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Dynamic correlation; DCC-GARCH; contagion; financial crisis; stock markets.
A generic approach to investment modelling in recursive dynamic CGE models, Hom M Pant,
from The Australian National University, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics
Keywords: recursive dynamic CGE model, static expectation, expected rates of return, investment allocation
Wavelet Smoothed Empirical Copula Estimators, Pedro Alberto Morettin, Clélia Maria de Castro Toloi, Chang Chiann and José Carlos Simon de Miranda,
in Brazilian Review of Finance
Keywords: copula, empirical copula, time series, wavelet, , copula, empirical copula, time series, wavelet
Interval and Band Estimation for Curves with Jumps, I Gijbels, P Hall and A Kneip,
from Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique
What is Missing Sometimes to Enable Statistical Methods to Increase Their Cognitive Capacity?, Nicolay Stoenchev,
in Economic Alternatives
Keywords: statistical methods, statistical analysis, subjective errors
A review of non-parametric curve estimation methods with application to Econometrics, Ronaldo Dias,
in Economia
Keywords: Kernel estimation, cross-validation, orthogonal series, B-splines
COMBINING PARAMETRIC AND NON-PARAMETRIC METHODS TO COMPUTE VALUE-AT-RISK, Ramon Alemany, Catalina Bolancé, Montserrat Guillén and Alemar E. Padilla-Barreto,
Keywords: quantile, nonparametric, loss models, extremes, risk evaluation
Dependent wild bootstrap for the empirical process, Paul Doukhan, Gabriel Lang, Anne Leucht and Michael H. Neumann,
from University of Mannheim, Department of Economics
Keywords: Absolute regularity , bootstrap , empirical process , time series , V -statistics , quantiles , Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
Análisis comparativo de la eficiencia de las instituciones micro financieras en América Latina; una evaluación mediante la envolvente de datos (DEA), Antonio Kido-Cruz, Alberto Ortiz Zavala and María Teresa Kido-Cruz,
in Economía: teoría y práctica
Keywords: Banca social, eficiencia, tipo de propiedad, dea, micro finanzas
Smooth monotonous functions reconstruction, Sergey Smolyak,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: Function of one variable; smoothness; monotonicity; reconstruction; random errors
Pricing maximum-minimum bidirectional options in trinomial CEV model, Bin Peng and Fei Peng,
in Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science
Keywords: Trinomial CEV model; Recursive algorithm; Maximum-minimum bidirectional options
Finite sample performance of kernel-based regression methods for non-parametric additive models under common bandwidth selection criterion, Carlos Martins-Filho and Ke Yang,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Additive non-parametric regression, Local linear estimation, Backfitting estimation, Smooth backfitting, Marginal integration
Comment on “Simulation and Estimation of Hedonic Models” by Heckman, Matzkin and Nesheim, Michael Keane,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: hedonic models; identification; Bayesian semi-parametrics, structural model; theory based empirical analysis; functional form assumptions; instrumental variables; mixture-of-normals; flexible parametric models
Testing a differential condition and local normality of densities, Kairat Mynbayev and Aziza Aipenova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: testing; local normality test; alternative hypothesis; null hypothesis; asymptotic normality
Estimation of varying coefficient models with time trend and integrated regressors, Kunpeng Li and Weiming Li,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Varying coefficient model; Time trend; Local constant estimator; Consistency;
Efficient estimation of partially linear varying coefficient models, Wei Long, Min Ouyang and Ying Shang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear; Varying coefficient; Semiparametric method; Efficient estimation; Simulation;
Profile least squares estimation of a partially linear time trend model with weakly dependent data, Zheng Li, Li Su and Daiqiang Zhang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear; Time trend; Semiparametric bound, asymptotic normality;
Semiparametric estimation of default probability: Evidence from the Prosper online credit market, Xiaofeng Li, Ying Shang and Zhi Su,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Semiparametric method; Single index model; Default probability;
Smoothed kernel conditional density estimation, Kuangyu Wen and Ximing Wu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Conditional density estimation; Bandwidth selection; Body mass index;
Consistent specification test for partially linear models with the k-nearest-neighbor method, Wenju Wang and Qiao Wang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Partially linear model; k-nearest-neighbor; Consistent test;
Robust kernels for kernel density estimation, Shaoping Wang, Ang Li, Kuangyu Wen and Ximing Wu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Kernel density estimation; Bandwidth selection; Robust kernel function; Income distribution;
Sample sensitivity for two-step and continuous updating GMM estimators, Rikuto Onishi and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Sensitivity analysis; Generalized method of moments; Misspecification;
Inference on incomplete information games with multi-dimensional actions, Hideyuki Tomiyama and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Multiple equilibria; Partial identification; Moment inequalities;
Inference on conditional moment restriction models with generated variables, Ryo Kimoto and Taisuke Otsu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Conditional moment restriction; Generated variable; GMM;
Empirical likelihood inference for Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition, Taisuke Otsu and Shiori Tanaka,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition; Empirical likelihood; Two-sample test;
On empirical likelihood statistical functions, Ao Yuan, Jinfeng Xu and Gang Zheng,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Empirical likelihood; Quantile estimation; Uniform SLLN; Uniform CLT;
Consistent model specification tests based on k-nearest-neighbor estimation method, Hongjun Li, Qi Li and Ruixuan Liu,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: k-nearest-neighbor method; Consistent test; Bootstrap; Empirical application;
Testing rationality without restricting heterogeneity, Kohei Kawaguchi,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Stochastic rationalizability; Axiom of revealed stochastic preference; Nonparametric test; Bootstrap;
Criterio de Laplace: Premisa fundamental en inducción estadística, Emilio José Chaves,
in Revista Tendencias
Keywords: Inducción estadística; Modelos de ajuste; Métodos numéricos; Curvas de Lorenz y FDA; Muestras aleatorias
Computing semiparametric efficiency bounds in linear models with nonparametric regressors, Andres Aradillas-Lopez,
in Economics Letters
Well-posedness of measurement error models for self-reported data, Yonghong An and Yingyao Hu,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Well-posed; Ill-posed; Inverse problem; Fredholm integral equation; Deconvolution; Rate of convergence; Measurement error model; Self-reported data; Survey data;
Bootstrap-based Bandwidth Selection for Semiparametric Generalized Regression Estimators, Chuan Goh,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Bandwidth selection, semiparametric, single-index model, bootstrap, m-out-of-n bootstrap, kernel smoothing
Bandwidth Selection for Semiparametric Estimators Using the m-out-of-n Bootstrap, Chuan Goh,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: bandwidth selection, density-weighted averages, bootstrap, m-out-of-n bootstrap, kernel density estimation
Empirical comparisons in short-term interest rate models using nonparametric methods, Manuel Arapis and Jiti Gao,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Diffusion process; drift function; kernel density estimation; stochastic volatility
Semiparametric penalty function method in partially linear model selection, Chaohua Dong, Jiti Gao and Howell Tong,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Linear model; model selection; nonparametric method; partially linear model; semiparametric method
A test for model specification of diffusion processes, Song Chen, Jiti Gao and Chenghong Tang,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Bootstrap; diffusion process; empirical likelihood; goodness-of-fit test; time series; transitional density
Estimation in semiparametric spatial regression, Jiti Gao, Zudi Lu and Dag Tjostheim,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Additive approximation; asymptotic theory; conditional autoregression; local linear kernel estimate; marginal integration; semiparametric regression; spatial mixing process
Bandwidth selection for nonparametric kernel testing, Jiti Gao and Irene Gijbels,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Choice of bandwidth parameter; Edgeworth expansion; nonparametric kernel testing; power function; size function
Semiparametric spatial regression: theory and practice, Jiti Gao, Zudi Lu and Dag Tjostheim,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Additive approximation; asymptotic theory, conditional autoregression; local linear kernel estimate; marginal integration; semiparametric regression; spatial mixing process
On the Joint Distribution of Placement Statistics under Progressive Censoring and Applications to Precedence Test, N Balakrishnan, Ram Tripathi and Nandini Kannan,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Progressove Type-II censoring, placements, precedence and exceedance statistics, nonparametric tests of homogeneity, Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
Precedence-type Test based on Progressively Censored Samples, N Balakrishnan, Ram Tripathi, Nandini Kannan and H. K. T. Ng,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Precedence test; Product-limit estimator; Type-II progressive censoring; Life-testing; level of significance; power; Lehmann alternative; Monte Carlo simulations
Nonparametric Identification of Dynamic Games with Multiple Equilibria and Unobserved Heterogeneity, Ruli Xiao,
from Center for Applied Economics and Policy Research, Department of Economics, Indiana University Bloomington
Keywords: Multiple equilibria; Unobserved heterogeneity; Discrete games; Dynamic games; Non-parametric identification
A Nonparametric Model of Frontiers, Carlos Martins-Filho and Feng Yao,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: nonparametric regression frontier, local linear estimation, U statistics.
Identification and Estimation of Triangular Simultaneous Equations Models without Additivity, Whitney Newey and Guido Imbens,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: nonparametric endogeneity, control function, identification
Does Money Grow on Trees? The Diversification Properties of U.S. Timberland Investments, Bert Scholtens and Laura Spierdijk,
in Land Economics
A Smoothed- Distribution Form of Nadaraya- Watson Estimation, Ralph Bailey and John Addison,
from Department of Economics, University of Birmingham
Keywords: nonparametric regression; Nadaraya- Watson; kernel density; conditional expectation estimator; conditional variance estimator; local polynomial estimator
Nonparametric and semiparametric regression model selection, Jiti Gao and Howell Tong,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Linear model, model selection; mixing process; nonlinear time series; nonparametric regression; semiparametric regression; strictly stationary process; variable selection
Analysis of technical efficiency of crop producing smallholder farmers in Tigray,Ethiopia, Shumet Asefa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Technical Efficiency, Smallholder Farmers, Agriculture
Estimation and model specification testing in nonparametric and semiparametric econometric models, Jiti Gao and Maxwell King,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Estimation; model specification; semi-parametric error correction model; stochastic process
Copula-based orderings of multivariate dependence, Koen Decancq,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE)
Keywords: copula, concordance ordering, dependence measures, dependence orderings, multivariate stochastic dominance, supermodular ordering
Why the long-term auto-correlation has not been eliminated by arbitragers: Evidences from NYMEX, Daye Li, Yusaku Nishimura and Ming Men,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Hurst exponent; Long-term trend; Fractal Brownian motion; Momentum strategy;
Inference for the tail conditional allocation: Large sample properties, insurance risk assessment, and compound sums of concomitants, N.V. Gribkova, J. Su and R. Zitikis,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Capital allocations; Marginal expected shortfall; Compound sums; Order statistics; Concomitants;
A Review of Kernel Density Estimation with Applications to Econometrics, Adriano Z. Zambom and Ronaldo Dias,
in International Econometric Review (IER)
Keywords: Nonparametric Density Estimation, SiZer, Plug-In Bandwidth Selectors, Cross- Validation, Smoothing Parameter.
A Note on Covariance Matrix Estimation in Quantile Regressions, Hongtao Guo and Zhijie Xiao,
in Frontiers of Economics in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities
Keywords: bandwidth selection, expansion, quantile regression
Adapting kernel estimation to uncertain smoothness, Yulia Kotlyarova, Marcia M. A. Schafgans and Zinde‐Walsh, Victoria,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: nonparametric estimation; kernel based estimator; combined stimator; variance bootstrap
Do Buyers’ Characteristics and Personal Relationships Affect Agricultural Land Prices?, Philip Kostov,
in Land Economics
A Smoothed-Distribution Form of Nadaraya-Watson Estimation, Ralph Bailey and John Addison,
from GEMF, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra
Keywords: nonparametric regression, Nadaraya-Watson, kernel density, conditional expectation estimator, conditional variance estimator, local polynomial estimator
A Practical Asymptotic Variance Estimator for Two-Step Semiparametric Estimators, Daniel Ackerberg, Xiaohong Chen and Jinyong Hahn,
in The Review of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: semiparametric inference
Generalized Semiparametric Binary Prediction, Jeffrey Racine,
in Annals of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Semiparametric, Nonparametric methods
A distribution-free test for outliers, Bertrand Candelon and Norbert Metiu,
from Deutsche Bundesbank
Keywords: bootstrap, mode testing, nonparametric statistics, outlier detection
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: Productivity dynamics
Identifizierung von Ausreissern in eindimensionalen gewichteten Umfragedaten, Anna Sandqvist,
in KOF Analysen
Keywords: Outlier detection, skewness, size-weight, periodic surveys
Inference on conditional moment restriction models with generated variables, Ryo Kimoto and Taisuke Otsu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: conditional moment restriction; generated variable; GMM
Inference on incomplete information games with multi-dimensional actions, Hideyuki Tomiyama and Taisuke Otsu,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: multiple equilibria; partial identification; moment inequalities