12466 documents matched the search for E43 E44 E47 G12 G24 in JEL-codes.
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Financial Market Functioning and Monetary Policy: Japan's Experience, Naohiko Baba,
in Monetary and Economic Studies
Keywords: Bank of Japan; Term structure of interest rates; Zero lower bound; Zero interest rates; Quantitative monetary easing policy; Bank risk premium
Cointegration Analysis of Behavioral Issues in the Auctioning of Treasury Bills in Tanzania, Ellinami J Minja,
in The African Finance Journal
Keywords: Treasury bills auction, Bidding behavior, Cointegration, Bank of Tanzania
in Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas
Keywords: Financial Crisis, Self-Regressive Vectors and Monetary Policy
A European History Lesson for Today’s Central Bankers, Hanno Lustig,
in International Journal of Central Banking
Моделирование и прогнозирование временной структуры процентных ставок. Modeling and forecasting the term structure of interest rates, Степанова О.А.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: Кривая доходности, государственные облигации, модель Нельсона-Сигеля, модель пространства состояний, метод Лапласа, Yield curve, government bonds, Nelson-Siegel model, state-space model, method Laplace.
Macro-Economic Impacts of Lowering Interest Rate: A Real-Financial CGE Evaluation for Iran, Habibollah Salami and Ozra Javanbakht ,
in Journal of Money and Economy
Keywords: Interest rate, growth, CGE evaluation
Análisis empírico de la relación entre las tasas de interés forward subyacentes al mercado Mexicano de swaps de TIIE, Jesús Bravo Pliego,
in Revista de Administración, Finanzas y Economía (Journal of Management, Finance and Economics)
Keywords: Tasa de interés spot y forward, bootstrapping, correlación, swaps de TIIE-28 días
Determinación de una estructura de plazos para el mercado de renta fija de México mediante un modelo de tres factores para la dinámica de la tasa corta, René Benjamín Pérez Sicairos,
in Revista de Administración, Finanzas y Economía (Journal of Management, Finance and Economics)
Keywords: Estructura de plazos de tasas de interés, tasa corta, tasa corta promedio de corto plazo, volatilidad
Recent developments in Australian bond yields, Benjamin Ford and Karen Taylor,
in Economic Roundup
Keywords: bond yields
Bank Stress-Testing Lessons from Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries, Ventsislav Hristev,
in Economic Alternatives
Keywords: Bank stress-testing, International application, CESEE region
Mali Sektör 2002-2007, Eda Ali̇dedeoğlu and Giyas Gökkent,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Kredi Hacmi, Banka Sektörü Aktif Büyüklüğü, Türkiye.
Riesgos bancarios y tipo de interés, Ricardo Laiseca Asla,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Tipos de interés, anánlisis del riesgo
Quality Improvement of the Offered Services – Solution for the Banking System Management in Romania, Popescu Dan, Dinculescu Elena –Silvia and Bursugiu Mihaela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: Quality, performance, banking services
La influencia del tipo de interés en los precios. Una reinterpretación heterodoxa de Wicksell, Eladio Febrero Paños and María José Calderón Milán,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: Wicksell, interest rate, growth rate, financial asset price
El modelo de la determinación de la renta, el interés y el dinero en Germán Bernácer, José Villacís González,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: availabilities, net availabilities or third-degree availabilities, interest, income flow
Banks’ Lending Activity in Bulgaria (2008-2012), Ekaterina Sotirova,
in Economic Alternatives
Keywords: credit, commercial bank, demand for credits, financial markets, interest rate, supply of credits
Towards a more objective credit rating, Mehmet Orhan and Ramazan Alpay,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Credit rating agency, Reputational capital, S&P, Moody’s, Fitch rating, Global financial crisis.
Essay on Wavelet analysis and the European term structure of interest rates, Michaela M. Kiermeier,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: European term structure of interest rates, Wavelet analysis, factor models, cross sectional regression
L'évolution des taux des certificats de dêpot et la disparité des taux unitaires par emetteurs, indicateur de tensions potentielles ?, J. Lascar, E. Prunaux and F. Wilhelm,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: certificats de dépôt, liquidité, marché interbancaire, marché monétaire, politique monétaire, taux d’intérêt, titres de créances négociables.
Efectos de las variaciones del tipo de cambio sobre las actividades de intermediación financiera de Bolivia 1990-2003, Luis Fernando Escobar Patiño,
in Revista de Análisis del BCB
Keywords: fragilidad financiera, tipo de cambio, tasas de interés, Bolivia
Determinants of Banks’ Net Interest Margins in Honduras, Koffie Nassar, Edder Martinez and Anabel Pineda,
in Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Keywords: Banks’ interest margins; Commercial banks; Panel corrected standard errors (PCSE).
Determinants of Long-term Interest Rates in the Czech Republic, Tomáš Holinka,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: long-term interest rates, expectation hypothesis, UIP, PPP, growth theory, inflation expectations, premium
Another Look at the Boom and Bust of Financial Bubbles, Andrea Beccarini,
in Annals of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Bubbles, Present-value model, Monetary rule
in Journal of Economic Development
Keywords: Stock Price, Irrational Exuberance
Macroeconomic Factors and the Ghana Stock Market, Kofi A. Osei,
in The African Finance Journal
Keywords: Ghana, Stock Market, Macroeconomic Variables, Short-Run, Long-Run, Efficiency
The Role of Asset Prices in the Monetary Transmission Mechanism, Michaela Skolková, Vladimír Stiller and Jan Syrovátka,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: monetary policy; asset prices; monetary transmission mechanism
Are Sovereign Credit Ratings Pro-Cyclical? A Controversial Issue Revisited in Light of the Current Financial Crisis Abstract: With the present work I aim to shed new light on the debate on possible pro-cyclicality of the foreign sovereign credit ratings issued by credit rating agencies (CRAs), considering their behavior in the current financial crisis. I find that the assumption of a pro-cyclical behavior of CRAs appears to be groundless when referring to the period 2001-2011. Actually, even though the ratings issued throughout the pre-crisis period (2001-2006) are generally higher than the predicted ones, there is no evidence of CRAs assigning unduly worse ratings during the years of the crisis (2007-2011), Paolo Giacomino,
in Rivista di Politica Economica
Keywords: credit ratings; rating agencies; pro-cyclicality; sovereign debt
from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics]
EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS FOR FINANCIAL CRISES.A CRITICAL APPROACH, Stanislav Percic, Constantin-Marius Apostoaie and Vasile Cocris,
in CES Working Papers
Keywords: financial crisis, currency crisis, Early Warning System, signal extraction, crisis prediction Romania
The Effect of Macroprudential Policies on Financial Stability of Iran Economy: DSGE Approach (in Persian), Hassan Dargahi and Mehdi Hadian,
in Journal of Monetary and Banking Research (فصلنامه پژوهشهای پولی-بانکی)
Equilibrium interest rate and financial transactions in post-Keynesian models. Pointing out some overlooked features, Angel Asensio,
in European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention
Keywords: endogenous money, equilibrium interest rate, convention, finance, post-Keynesian economics
Asymmetry and Risk Premia in the Brazilian Term Structure of Interest Rates, Marcelo Ganem and Tara Keshar Nanda Baidya,
in Brazilian Review of Finance
Keywords: Risk premium, Asymmetry, Term structure of interest rates
Structural Break in the Term Structure of the Korean Government Bond Yields (in Korean), Kyu Ho Kang,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: Bayesian MCMC Method, Structural Breaks, Target Rate, Term Spread
Optimal Negative Interest Rate under Uncertainty, Kuk Mo Jung,
in International Journal of Central Banking
Estimation of the Korean Yield Curve via Bayesian Variable Selection (in Korean), Byungsoo Koo,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: Bayesian Variable Selection, Bayesian MCMC Method, Term Structure of Interest Rate, Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model
A Segmented and Observable Yield Curve for Colombia, Carlos Castro-Iragorri, Juan Felipe Peña and Cristhian Rodríguez,
in Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice
Keywords: Term structure, Nelson-Siegel, Preferred habitat theory.
The Euro Changeover Monetary Strategies of the European States that Joined the European Union: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic and PolandAbstract:One of the most ambitious projects undertaken by the European Union focuses on its own expansion, through the reunification of the European continent, its people and legislative framework. The desire to become members of the European Union has led to decisions on democracy and market economy and encouraged the continuation of the tendency to reform. These new states had to undertake a series of reforms in the legislation in order to align to the requirements of the Maastricht criteria for adopting euro and becoming mmembers of the European Monetary Union, for completing their integration process, Radulescu Magdalena and Stanciu Radu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Interest Rate Swaptions: A Review and Derivation of Swaption Pricing Formulae, Nicholas Burgess,
in Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis
Keywords: Interest Rate Swaps; European Swaption Pricing; Martingale Representation Theorem; Radon-Nikodym Derivative; Generalized Black-Scholes Model.
Asset Management Fees and the Growth of Finance, Burton G. Malkiel,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Iceland: The Financial and Economic Crisis, David Carey,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: accord de confirmation avec le FMI, banking crisis, credit-induced asset price boom, crise bancaire, crise financière, crise monétaire, currency crisis, deleveraging, envolée du cours des actions induite par le crédit, financial crisis, foreign exchange exposure, Iceland, IMF stand-by arrangement, international investment position, investment companies, Islande, macro-prudential supervision, micro-prudential supervision, position d’investissements internationaux, prudential supervision and regulation, réduction de l’effet de levier, sociétés d’investissement, surveillance et réglementation prudentielle, surveillance macro-prudentielle, surveillance micro-prudentielle
Does Underwriter Reputation Affect the Performance of IPO Issues?, Junbo Wang, Sheen Liu and Chunchi Wu,
in Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Keywords: IPO , Stock Market , Stocks
Do Analystz' Reports Generate Trade for Their Firms? Evidence from the Toronto Stock Exchange, P.J.A. Irvine,
from Rochester, Business - Ph.D.,
Keywords: STOCKS ; TRADE
The Post-Issue Performance of IPO Firms when Banking Is Concentrated and Universal, H. Ber, Y. Yafeh and O. Yosha,
from Tel Aviv
Addicted to Ratings: The Case for Reducing Governments’ Reliance on Credit Ratings, Philippe Bergevin,
in C.D. Howe Institute Backgrounder
Keywords: Financial Services, credit-rating agencies (CRAs), third party credit risk assessment, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs)
in Economics and Management
Keywords: valuation of investments in shares, mutual funds, measurement and criteria problems, fair value, alternative methods (techniques) for valuation, economic crisis, illiquid stock-exchange market, econometric tests, unification problems
Aftermarket Performances of Book Building and Fixed Price Offerings on the Istanbul stock Exchange, Erkin Uzun,
in Istanbul Stock Exchange Review
Keywords: Initial Public Offering, IPO, underpricing, abnormal return, fixed price offer, book building, aftermarket performance of IPOs
The Effect of the Issuer-Underwriter Relationship on IPOs: The Case of an Emerging Market, Bengi Ertuna, Metin Ercan and Vedat Akgiray,
in Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Keywords: IPO
Assessing performance of Morningstar’s star rating system for equity investment, Paul J. Bolster, Emery A. Trahan and Pinshuo Wang,
in Journal of Economic and Financial Studies (JEFS)
Keywords: Asset pricing, investment decisions, ratings and rating agencies, security analyst.
Cheap IPO: Does it matter?, Othman Yong,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: Malaysian IPOs, fixed-price IPOs, offer price, size effect, IPO under-pricing
Credit Rating Changes and the Bond Market – the Impact of Economic Development (Zmiana credit ratingu i rynek obligacji – wplyw poziomu rozwoju gospodarczego), Patrycja Chodnica-Jaworska,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: credit rating, bond market, event study
The Effects of Early Stage Venture Capitalist Actions on Eventual Venture Disposition, Lowell W. Busenitz and James O. Fiet,
in Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
Keywords: Early-Stage Ventures, Startup, Valuation, Exit, Disposition
Are house prices in the USA and Europe sustainable?, G. Moëc,
in Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: housing, household wealth.
Ay’ın Pay Getirileri Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: BİST’de Ampirik Bir Uygulama, İbrahim Bozkurt,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Ayın Görünümleri, Ayın Uzaklığı, Pay Getirisi, Olay Çalışması Yöntemi
Vadeli Finansal Piyasaların para politikası sürprizlerine tepkisi: Türkiye için bir T-GARCH uygulaması, Macide Çi̇çek,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Para politikası sürprizleri, Finansal piyasaların para politikasına tepkisi, Getiri oynaklığı, TCMB
Makroekonomik Değişkenler Ve İmkb 100 Endeksi Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi, Cem K. Arslan, Cumhur Erdem and Meziyet Sema Erdem,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: makro ekonomik değişkenler, garch, volatilite geçişliliği, ımkb
The Herd Behavior and the Financial Instability, Cristian Ionescu,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: financial instability, herd behavior, financial markets, information, signals
Determinants of the Government Bond Yield: Evidence from a Highly Euroised Small Open Economy, Maja Mihelja ?aja, Drago Jakov?evi? and Lucija Vi?i?,
in International Journal of Economic Sciences
Keywords: government bonds, macroeconomic fundamentals, structural changes, linear regression, The Republic of Croatia
Determinants of Variance Risk Premium (in Korean), Sun-Joong Yoon,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: Variance Risk Premium, Economic Variables, Won-dollar Exchange Rate, KOSPI200 Returns, VKOSPI
La soutenabilité des prix de l’immobilier aux États-Unis et en Europe, G. Moëc,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: logement, richesse des ménages.
Testing the Ex Ante Relationship between Asset and Investment Returns in Japan: An Application of the P-CAPM to Japanese Asset Returns, Naohiko Baba,
in Monetary and Economic Studies
Rational and irrational approaches to investors’ transactions in financial markets, Viktor P. Ivanitsky and Vasily A. Tatyannikov,
in Journal of New Economy
Keywords: theories of asset assessment; efficient-market hypothesis; rational behaviour of investors; market uncertainty; economic agent; information asymmetry.
¿Cómo valorar los planes de pensiones del sistema individual en España?, Yaiza García Padrón and Juan García Boza,
in Estudios de Economia
Keywords: Plan de pensiones, modelo multifactorial de valoración, factor de riesgo, renta fija.
The Czech Equity Market - Its Effectiveness and Macroeconomic Consequences, Helena Horská,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: behavioral finance theory, Czech equity market, effective-market theory, European integration, portfolio theory
Time-Varying Risk Premium in the Czech Capital Market: Did the Market Experience a Structural Shock in 2008–2009?, Vit Posta,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: CAPM, CCAPM, multivariate GARCH-in-mean, risk premium, structural changes
Diversified returns, aggregate wealth and varying market risk premium: testing the CAPM with data for Mexico, Lourdes Trevino,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: CAPM, Human capital, conditional beta.
Regaining Financial Stability: Taming Financial Markets Is a Must – a Focus on NMSs, Dăianu Daniel,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: financial crisis, regulation, global imbalances, financial intermediation
Negative Consequences of Unconventional Monetary Policies Around the World: Zombification of Global Economics, Goghie Alexandru-Ştefan,
in Revista OEconomica
Keywords: quantitative easing, economic zombification, unconventional monetary policy, banking system, interest rates, bonds purchases, central bank operations
Securitisation in France: recent developments, O. Birouk. and F. Darves.,
in Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: securitisation, synthetic securitisation, retained securitisation, debts, loans, assignment, factoring, discount, credit risk, insurance risk, liability restructuring, financing, investment, securitisation vehicle, securitisation scheme, direct-lending fund, AIFM directive, conduits, bank refinancing, special purpose vehicle (Fonds commun de créances, FCC), securitisation fund (Fonds commun de titrisation, FCT), securitisation company, ABS, RMBS, CMBS, ABBT, ABCP, CLO, Basel 2, Basel 2.5
Securitisation in France, O. Birouk. and L. Cassan.,
in Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: securitisation, synthetic securitisation, retained securitisation, debts, loans, assignment, factoring, discount, credit risk, insurance risk, liability structuring, rating, financing, investment, securitisation vehicle, securitisation scheme, conduits, bank refinancing, special purpose vehicle (Fonds commun de créances, FCC), securitisation fund (Fonds commun de titrisation, FCT)*, securitisation company*, ABS, RMBS, CMBS, ABBT, ABCP, CDO, CLO, Solvency II, Basel II.
La titrisation en France: évolutions récentes, O. Birouk and F. Darves,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: titrisation, titrisation synthétique, titrisation retenue, créances, crédits, cession, affacturage, escompte, risque de crédit, risque d’assurance, structuration du passif, financement, placement, véhicule de titrisation, organisme de titrisation, fonds de prêts à l’économie, directive AIFM, conduits, refinancement bancaire, FCC, FCT, société de titrisation, ABS, RMBS, CMBS, ABBT, ABCP, CLO, Bâle 2, Bâle 2.5.
La titrisation en France, O. Birouk and L. Cassan,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: titrisation, titrisation synthétique, titrisation retenue, créances, crédits, cession, affacturage, escompte, risque de crédit, risque d’assurance, structuration du passif, notation, financement, placement, véhicule de titrisation, organisme de titrisation, conduits, refinancement bancaire, FCC, FCT, société de titrisation, ABS, RMBS, CMBS, ABBT, ABCP, CDO, CLO, Solvency II, Bâle II.
Incomplete Markets and Financial Instability. The Role of Information, Cristian Ionescu,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: financial instability, imperfect markets, incomplete markets, imperfect information, monetary policy, financial markets
Macroeconomic efault Modeling and Stress Testing, Dietske Simons and Ferdinand Rolwes,
in International Journal of Central Banking
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Currency Crises, Signal Approach, Early Warning System
Realization of the complex forecast of an enterprise's cash flows, Iankovyi Oleksandr, Koshelek Halina and Iankovyi Volodymyr,
in Technology audit and production reserves, 2(34) 2017
Keywords: cash; cash flow; trend model; predictor; balance of variables; forecasting quality
Targeting the robo-advice customer: The development of a psychographic segmentation model for financial advice robots, Diederick van Thiel and Fred van Raaij,
in Journal of Financial Transformation
Keywords: Banks; Mortgages; Technological innovation; forecasting and prediction methods
Eternal Coins? Control And Regulation Of Alternative Digital Currencies, Michael Mainelli and Matthew Leitch,
in Journal of Financial Transformation
Keywords: cryptocurrency; controls; regulation; modelling; money supply
Forecasting Money Supply in India: Remaining Policy Issues, Rituparna Das,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Interest Rate, Forecast, Money Supply, Assets, Deregulation, Market
Did Treasury Debt Markets Anticipate the Persistent Decline in Long-Term Interest Rates?: Working Paper 2017-07, Edward N. Gamber (cbo),
from Congressional Budget Office
Budgetary Implications of Economic Scenarios With Higher and Lower Interest Rates: Working Paper 2022-04, Congressional Budget Office,
from Congressional Budget Office
Labor Market Shifts and the Price Puzzle Revisited, Alan Krueger,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: wages, prices, Stolper-Samuelson
from JDI Executive Programs
Keywords: forecasting model, Canada Economy
Financial Innovation, Collateral, and Investment, Ana Fostel and John Geanakoplos,
in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Problema de calibración de mercado y estructura implícita del modelo de bonos de Black-Cox = Market Calibration Problem and the Implied Structure of the Black-Cox Bond Model, Nikolay Sukhomlin and Lisette Josefina Santana Jiménez,
in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
Keywords: modelo de Black-Cox; volatilidad implícita; arbitraje; Black-Cox model; implied volatility; arbitrage
Modelos de Tasas de Interés en Chile: Una Revisión, Sergio Zúñiga,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Term structure, interest rates, GARCH
Modelos de Tasas de Interés en Chile: Una Revisión, Sergio Zúñiga,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Keywords: Term structure, interest rates, GARCH
in Global Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Yield Curve, Duration, Interest Rate Risk, Maturity, Mean Reversion, Risk-Adjusted Return
Response [Great and Almost-Great Magnitudes for Economists], Julian L Simon,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Inflation expectations and Real Return Bonds, Agathe Côté, Jocelyn Jacob, John Nelmes and Miles Whittingham,
in Bank of Canada Review
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Term structure of interest rates, Bessel processes, Girsanov theorem, Time transformation, Bonds and option pricing
in Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law
Keywords: interest rate, inflation rate, exchange rate,
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: bank, interest rate risk, interest rate risk sources, interest rate risk effects, ALCO
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: post-entry performances, ICT sector, enterprise size, industry heterogeneity
in Economic Thought and Practice
Keywords: annuity, instalment, loan, foreign currency clause, loan with a currency clause, compensation, increase in annuity, rate of extension of repayment period
Algorithms For The Processes Of Establishing Prices And Balanced Bank Interests, Carina-Elena Stegaroiu and Stegaroiu Valentin,
in Annals of the University of Petrosani, Economics
Keywords: market economy, banking interest, cost of resources, economic system
The term structure of interest rates as a leading indicator of economic activity: A technical note, Kevin Clinton,
in Bank of Canada Review
Libéralisation de la rémunération des dépôts à vue en France: premier bilan, Elisabeth Fonteny, R. Kierzenkowski and J. Lascar,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: Rémunération des dépôts à vue, coût d’opportunité, placements alternatifs, motif de transaction.
Interpreting the Term Structure of Interbank Rates in Hong Kong, Stefan Gerlach,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Term structure of interest rates; Expectations hypothesis; Hong kong
Does the Fisher Effect Apply in Greece? A Cointegration Analysis, John M. Paleologos and Spyros E. Georgantelis,
in Economia Internazionale / International Economics
Determinants of the Yield Curve - a Model for the Relationship Between Risk and Yield, Douglas Carr,
in Journal of Financial Transformation
Keywords: Interest rates; yield curve; bond yield; riskless interest rate; expectations; financial markets; interest rate expectations