12071 documents matched the search for D81 G11 Q40 Q53 in JEL-codes.
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Sensitivity of VAR Measures to Different Risk Models, F. Drudi, A. Generale and G. Majnoni,
from Banca Italia - Servizio di Studi
Keywords: RISK
Comparative Statics Under Uncertainty With The Monotone Likelihood Ratio Order, Soo-Jong Kim and Suyeol Ryu,
in Korean Economic Review
Keywords: Portfolio Selection, Stochastic dominance, likelihood ratio, comparative statics
Comparative Statics under Uncertainty with the Monotone Probability Ratio Order Revisited, Suyeol Ryu, Iltae Kim and Soo-Jong Kim,
in Korean Economic Review
Keywords: Left-side monotone likelihood ratio (L-MLR), Monotone probability ratio (MPR), Monotone likelihood ratio (MLR), Non-linear payoff function
Demand for Risky Assets with Uncertain Labor Income: A Panel Study (in Korean), Seewon Kim,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: Standard risk aversion, Demand for risky assets, Absolute risk Aversion, Absolute prudence, Tobit model
Impact of the Selected Domestic and Foreign Markets Returns on Stock Price in Iran, Leila Argha , Mohammad Mowlaei , Mohsen Khezri and Abolfazl Shahabadi ,
in Journal of Money and Economy
Keywords: Stocks, Oil Price, Exchange Rate, Copper, Steel, Dynamic Conditional Correlation, DCC-FIAPARCH
The Influence of Emotions on the Endowment Effect, Flávia de Souza Costa Neves Cavazotte, Paulo Tavares Dias Filho and Otacílio Torres Vilas Boas,
in Brazilian Review of Finance
Keywords: behavioral nance, endowment effect, emotions.
Aspects Reffering to Utility and Risk of Investments Decision Systems, Despa Radu,, Folcut Ovidiu and Coculescu Cristina,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: investment behaviour, expected utility, risk, investors’ preference axiom
Return, Risk Measures and Multicriteria Decision Support for Portfolio Selection, C. Hurson and C. Zopounidis,
from Universite Aix-Marseille III
L'alteration prudente des probabilites comme solution a l'enigme de la prime de risque, T. Chauveau and N. Nalpas,
from Caisse des Depots et Consignations - Cahiers de recherche
Keywords: PRIME DE RISQUE ; MODELES ECONOMIQUES Services des etudes economiques et financieres, 195 Boulevard Saint-Germain-75005 Paris, France. 42p.
The Return on Investment from Proportional Portfolio Strategies, S. Browne,
from Columbia - Graduate School of Business
Strategic Uniformed Traders, L. Augier and M. Mokrane,
from Paris X - Nanterre, U.F.R. de Sc. Ec. Gest. Maths Infor.
A Modified Risk Parity Method for Asset Allocation, Akhilesh Maewal and Joel R. Bock,
in Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis
Keywords: Risk Parity; Asset Allocotion; Decision Making; Portfolio Optimizaion.
Generalized Systematic Risk, Ohad Kadan, Fang Liu and Suying Liu,
in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
La estructura logica de la teoria clasica de las finanzas, Adolfo Garcia De La Sienra,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: metodologia de la economia, finanzas, utilidad esperada, riesgo, portafolios
Portfolio Construction Based on Implied Correlation Information and Value at Risk, Jesus Rogel - Salazar and Roberto Tella,
in EconoQuantum, Revista de Economia y Finanzas
Keywords: Implied correlation, Value at Risk, VaR, Portfolio construction, Risk.
Les scores de la Banque de France: leur développement, leurs applications, leur maintenance, M. Bardos,
in Bulletin de la Banque de France
Keywords: diagnostic d’entreprise, risque de crédit, credit scoring, probabilité de défaillance, défaut de paiement, classes de risque, maintenance des scores.
Adjusting Consumption Based Capital Asset Pricing Model within the Framework of an Open Economy: The Case of Iran, Jaber Bahrami, Mosayeb Pahlavani, Reza Roshan and Saeed Rasekhi,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Recursive Utility, Risk Aversion, Elasticity of Substitution, Consumption Based Capital Asset Pricing Model, Generalized Method of Moments
Replication Methods in the Pricing and Hedging of Barrier Options, Tichý Tomáš,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: Options; barrier options; replication methods; dynamic and static replication; replication error
Perspectives on the Worldwide Oil Market, Constantin Liana – Laura,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: oil, market, global reality, Energy strategy.
Energy Reality, Constantin Liana – Laura,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: oil, influence factors, oil dependency, OPEC, OECD, Romania.
Strategies for Development of Energy Services Companies in Iran, Hamed Houri Jafari,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Strategy, Energy Services Company, Internal and External Factors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Analysis
Entrepreneurship conditions: energy resources’ Prices and energy consumprion peculiarities in developed countries, Edouard Dezellus, Letícia Ferreira, Nélson Pereira and Rima Vasiliūnaitė,
in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Keywords: energy resources, energy mix, energy prices, impact, developed countries, entrepreneurship conditions, competitiveness
Špecifiká tvorby cien zemného plynu a ropy a ich dôsledky na národnú ekonomiku, Jana Pásztorová and Viera Ružeková,
in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations)
Keywords: zemný plyn, ropa, energia, hospodárska politika
A equidade intergeracional e a taxa de desconto em impactos ambientais de longo prazo [Intergerational equity and discount rate in long term environmental impacts], Ilana Dalva Ferreira and Denise Imbroisi,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: desenvolvimento sustentável; equidade intergeracional; taxa de desconto
in Revista Economica
Keywords: energy, social dimension, energy indicators
Úloha jadrovej energie v energetickej politike, Richard Woltemar,
in Almanach (Actual Issues in World Economics and Politics)
Keywords: bezpečnosť, energia, jadrová energia, jadrový odpad
Resources and energy security, Cho Khong,
in CESifo Forum
Keywords: Energieressourcen, Energieversorgung, Engergiekonsum, Nachfrage, Energy resources, Energy supply, Energy consumption, Demand, China
Wymiary zarzadzania energia: podejscie multilateralne (Dimensions of Energy Management: Overall Approach), Jan Polaszczyk,
in Research Reports
Keywords: energy management, energy management dimensions
Pricing Weather Derivative: An Equilibrium Approach, Melanie Cao and J. Wei,
from Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
The Use of Fuzzy Logic to Assess Sustainability of Oil and Gas Resources (R/P): Technical, Economic and Political Perspectives, Talal AL-Bazali and Mohammad Al-Zuhair,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: fuzzy logic;, oil and gas sustainability;, political stability;, oil and gas sustainability
Impact of model parametrization and formulation on the explorative power of electricity network congestion management models, Hannes Hobbie, Jonas Mehlem, Christina Wolff, Lukas Weber, Franziska Flachsbarth, Dominik Möst and Albert Moser,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: Transmission grid, Sustainable development, Renewable energies, Model comparison, Congestion management, Optimal power flow
Global Energy Consumption, Jana Lippelt and Maximilian Sindram,
in CESifo Forum
Keywords: Energiekonsum, Primärenergieträger, Regulierung, Welt
Energy Trade Issues: Canadian Experiences and Implications for Bangladesh, Wenguo Cai and Sarah Geddes,
from Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)
Keywords: Trade, Energy, Bangladesh
An electricity transmission primer for energy economists, Richard M Benjamin,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: optimal power flow; power transfer distribution factors; Alternating Current; Direct Current
Comparative study on energy groups of continuous emissions from CET MINTIA DEVA S.A, Dan Codrut Petrilean, Daniel Andronache, Traian Vasiu and Aronel Matei,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: emissions, energy groups, pollutant concentration
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: exergetic efficiency
Influenţa arderii si a calităţii cărbunelui în sobele casnice şi în focarele generatoarelor de abur asupra poluării mediului ambiant, Dan Codrut Petrilean,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: combustion efficiency, pollutant emissions, energy balance
Comparative energetic sustainability indicators for Paroseni central heating power plant considering its cogeneration and condensing operation, Dan Codrut Petrilean and Irimie Sabin Ioan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: cogeneration, environmental impact, sustainability indicators, footprint
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): A Review of Theoretical and Empirical literature, Nnyeneime Usenata,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: pollution, economic growth, GDP per capita
Energy efficiency and cost reducing. Applications in compamies, Peter Hofmann,
in Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre ökonomische Forschung
Keywords: Energy efficiency; cost reducing; energy saving; economic efficiency
Costs of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Case Study of India’s Power Generation Sector, Manish Gupta,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: Marginal Abatement Costs, Distance Function, CO2 Emissions, Shadow Prices, Power Generation Sector
An inexact robust optimization method for supporting carbon dioxide emissions management in regional electric-power systems, C. Chen, Y.P. Li and G.H. Huang,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: CO2 trading; Energy systems; Planning; Robust optimization; Stochastic; Uncertainty;
Working Paper 09-04 - Projection des émissions de GES à l’horizon 2010 pour la Belgique: Une actualisation, Francis Bossier, Ingrid Bracke and Filip Vanhorebeek,
from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium
Effects of Using JP8-Diesel Fuel Mixtures in a Pump Injector Engine on Engine Emissions, Hasan Aydogan and Emin Cagatay Altinok,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: JP8, Engine Emissions, Diesel Fuel
Whose land is it anyway? Energy futures & land use in India, Aniruddh Mohan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Land use; India; Energy futures
Évolution de la consommation d'énergie dans le secteur des transports au Québec de 1990 à 1998, Jean-Thomas Bernard and Nadhem Idoudi,
from GREEN
Keywords: Consommation d'énergie, intensité énergétique, secteur des transports
Évolution de la consommation d'énergie du secteur commercial québécois de 1990 à 1998, Jean-Thomas Bernard and Nadhem Idoudi,
from GREEN
Keywords: Consommation d'énergie, intensité énergétique, secteur commercial
Too Early to Pick Winners: Disagreement across Experts Implies the Need to Diversify R&D Investment, Laura Diaz Anadon, Erin Baker, Valentina Bosetti and Lara Aleluia Reis,
from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Keywords: R&D Investments, Energy Technology, Expert Elicitation, Risk and Reward, Low-carbon Innovation
The Role of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market Index in China and India, Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Zamri Ahmad and Yew Wah Lai,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Crude oil price; money supply; Industrial production; Inflation rate; Stock market index
How to Develop Renewable Power in China? A Cost-Effective Perspective, Rong-Gang Cong and Shaochuan Shen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Renewable energy; Sustainable development; Cost-efficient; Carbon-emission
The Potential for Cost Savings in the Sulfur Dioxide Allowance Market: Empirical Evidence from Florida, John Swinton,
in Land Economics
Kurz zum Klima: Energieforschung in Europa, Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energieforschung, Europa
Kurz zum Klima: Weltweiter Energieverbrauch, Jana Lippelt and Maximilian Sindram,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energiekonsum, Primärenergieträger, Regulierung, Welt
Kurz zum Klima: Energieverbrauch und Energieintensität, Marc Gronwald, Janina Ketterer and Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energiekonsum, Energieversorgung, Vergleich, Klimapolitik, Welt
Kurz zum Klima: Regenerative Energie und Nettostromimporte, Marc Gronwald and Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Regenerative Energie, Klimapolitik, Strom, Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Import, Welt
Kurz zum Klima – Wie lange werden die Ressourcen reichen?, Marc Gronwald and Jana Lippelt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energieressourcen, Klimaveränderung, Welt
Nachtrag: Versorgungssicherheit – wie sollte die zukünftige Energiepolitik gestaltet werden?, Eberhard Jochem and Harald Bradke,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energieversorgung, Energiepolitik, Deutschland
Versorgungssicherheit - wie sollte die zukünftige Energiepolitik gestaltet werden?, Christa Thoben, Rainer Frank Elsässer, Dieter Oesterwind and Peter Hennicke,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energieversorgung, Energiepolitik, Umweltverträgliche Energiepolitik, Klimaschutz, Deutschland
Erneuerbare Energien - Energiewirtschaftsgesetz: Wie sollte ein zukunftsfähiges Energieversorgungssystem aussehen?, Rainer Frank Elsässer, Bernhard Hillebrand, Wolfgang Ströbele, Stephan Kohler and Uwe Leprich,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energiewirtschaft, Energieversorgung, Regenerative Energie, Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Gaswirtschaft, Energiepolitik, Wettbewerb, Innovation
Gaswirtschaft investiert wieder mehr, Peter Rammner,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Deutschland, Branchenkonjunktur, öffentliche Investitionen, Gaswirtschaft
Liquid petroleum gas access and consumption expenditure: measuring energy poverty through wellbeing and gender equality in India, Dhilanveer Teja Singh Bahi and Jouni Paavola,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: energy poverty; modern cooking fuels; wellbeing; gender equality; India
Twin transitions of decarbonisation and digitalisation: a historical perspective on energy and information in European economies, Roger Fouquet and Ralph Hippe,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: energy transitions; ICT; twin transition; energy intensity; historical; Twin transition; Energy transitions; Energy intensity; Historical
Steigende Öl- und Gaspreise: Was muss der Staat tun?, Hubertus Bardt, Patrick Matschoss, Christian Hey and Martin Faulstich,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Energiepreispolitik, Staatliche Preispolitik, Interventionismus, Subvention, Erdöl, Gas, Preisniveau, Wettbewerb, Energiekonsum
A Study on Energy Import Dependency in India, Khushboo Singh and Sebak Jana,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Energy import dependency, conventional energy, sustainability, renewable energy.
Exploiting the sentiments: A simple approach for improving cross hedging effectiveness, Zhiyuan Pan, Ziqian Fu, Yudong Wang and Qingma Dong,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: News sentiment; Cross hedge; Topic model;
On the regulatory choice of returns to scale in DEA MODELS: An Application to the argentine electricity distribution sector, Carlos Romero, Javier Maquieyra and Gustavo Ferro,
from Instituto de Economía, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
Keywords: regulatory regimes; benchmarking; electricity distribution
The OURSE model: Simulating the World Refining Sector to 2030, Frédéric Lantz, Valérie Saint-Antonin, Jean-François Gruson and Wojciech Suwala,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: Oil sector, Refinery sector, greenhouse gasses, energy modelling
The Asymmetric Responses of Stock Markets, Abderrazak Dhaoui, Stéphane Goutte and Khaled Guesmi,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: Oil Price Shocks; Stock Markets; Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag; Dynamic Multiplier
The rise and stall of world electricity efficiency:1900-2017, results and implication for the renewables transitions, Ricardo Pinto, Sofia Henriques, Paul Brockway, Matthew Heun and Tânia Sousa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Energy efficiency, electricity, Carbon intensity, decarbonisation, energy history, energy end-uses
Preferences for nuclear power in post-Fukushima Japan: Evidence from a large nationwide household survey, Toshihiro Okubo, Daiju Narita, Katrin Rehdanz and Carsten Schroeder,
from Institute for Economics Studies, Keio University
Keywords: Energy mix, Nuclear power plant, Household survey
European Electricity and interrelated Futures Markets: A cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Analysis, Andreas Fritz,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: Energy, Cointegration, Electricity Market, Futures Market
The Role of Heterogeneous Agents in Fuel Markets: Testing Tales of Speculators in Oil Markets, Andreas Fritz, Michael Stein and Christoph Weber,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: Energy
The german market for system reserve capacity and balancing energy, Sebastian Just,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: system reserve capacity, balancing energy mechanism, German electricity market,market design
Impact of Coordinated Capacity Mechanisms on the European Power Market, Michael Bucksteeg, Stephan Spiecker and Christoph Weber,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: capacity markets, system adequacy, market design
Welfare optimal reliability and reserve provision in electricity markets with increasing shares of renewable energy sources, Fridrik Baldursson, Julia Bellenbaum, Ewa Lazarczyk, Lenja Niesen and Christoph Weber,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: Renewable Energy Sources, Electricity Reserves, Reliability, Electricity Market
Decentralized Local Pricing – Improving Network Usage in a Smart-Grid Environment under Limited Informationation, Jessica Raasch and Christoph Weber,
from University of Duisburg-Essen, Chair for Management Science and Energy Economics
Keywords: Smart Grid, Real-Time Pricing, Network Pricing, Agent-Based Modeling, Price-Elastic Behavior
Technology choices in the U.S. electricity industry before and after market restructuring, Zsuzsanna Csereklyei and David Stern,
from Centre for Climate & Energy Policy, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
Roadmap for a sustainable circular economy in lithium-ion and future battery technologies, Gavin D.J. Harper, Emma Kendrick, Paul A. Anderson, Wojciech Mrozik, Paul Christensen, Simon Lambert, David Greenwood, Prodip K. Das, Mohamed Ahmeid, Zoran Milojevic, Wenjia Du, Dan J.L. Brett, Paul R. Shearing, Alireza Rastegarpanah, Rustam Stolkin, Roberto Sommerville, Anton Zorin, Jessica L. Durham, Andrew P. Abbott, Dana Thompson, Nigel D. Browning, B. Layla Mehdi, Mounib Bahri, Felipe Schanider-Tontini, D. Nicholls, Christin Stallmeister, Bernd Friedrich, Marcus Sommerfeld, Laura L. Driscoll, Abbey Jarvis, Emily C. Giles, Peter R. Slater, Virginia Echavarri-Bravo, Giovanni Maddalena, Louise E. Horsfall, Linda Gaines, Qiang Dai, Shiva J. Jethwa, Albert L. Lipson, Gary A. Leeke, Thomas Cowell, Joseph Gresle Farthing, Greta Mariani, Amy Smith, Zubera Iqbal, Rabeeh Golmohammadzadeh, Luke Sweeney, Vannessa Goodship, Zheng Li, Jacqueline Edge, Laura Lander, Viet Tien Nguyen, Robert J.R. Elliot, Oliver Heidrich, Margaret Slattery, Daniel Reed, Jyoti Ahuja, Aleksandra Cavoski, Robert Lee, Elizabeth Driscoll, Jen Baker, Peter Littlewood, Iain Styles, Sampriti Mahanty and Frank Boons,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: batteries; circular economy; legislation; lithium-ion; recycling; sustainability
An empirical analysis of gasoline price convergence for 20 OECD countries, Jan Bentzen,
from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics
Keywords: Gasoline prices; Price convergence; Gasoline tax harmonization
Recent Improvements of Power Plants Management and Technology, Aleksandar B Nikolic and Zarko Janda,
from IntechOpen
Thermal Power Plants - New Trends and Recent Developments, Pawel Madejski,
from IntechOpen
Power Plants in the Industry, Tolga Taner,
from IntechOpen
A Guide to Small-Scale Energy Harvesting Techniques, Reccab Ochieng Manyala,
from IntechOpen
Advances in Modelling and Control of Wind and Hydrogenerators, Amir Ebrahimi,
from IntechOpen
Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering, Petrica Vizureanu,
from IntechOpen
Nuclear Power Plants - The Processes from the Cradle to the Grave, Nasser Awwad,
from IntechOpen
Solar Cells - Theory, Materials and Recent Advances, Ahmed Mourtada Elseman,
from IntechOpen
Gasification, Valter Silva and Celso Eduardo Tuna,
from IntechOpen
Alternative Energies and Efficiency Evaluation, Muhammad Wakil Shahzad, Muhammad Sultan, Laurent Dala, Ben Bin Xu, Muhammad Ahmad Jamil, Nida Imtiaz and Yinzhu Jiang,
from IntechOpen
Latest Research on Energy Recovery, Petrica Vizureanu,
from IntechOpen
Introductory Review on an Engineering Approach for Fast-Bed Modeling in Mimic to Bubbling Bed Practice, Ming-Chuan Zhang and Zhu Zhang,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: fast fluidization, separate-phase model, type A choking, cluster rebound, solids holdup distribution
Model Development for Analysis of Steam Power Plant Reliability, Bernard Tonderayi Mangara,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: Reliability, coal-fired, steam, method, components
Key Technical Performance Indicators for Power Plants, Simona Vasilica Oprea and Adela Bara,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: Power plants, key performance indicators, renewables, business intelligence, forecasting models
Predictive Maintenance Based on Control Charts Applied at Thermoelectric Power Plant, Emilija Kisic, Zeljko Durovic and Vera Petrovic,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: predictive maintenance, T2 control chart, hidden Markov model, thermoelectric power plant, statistical process control
Scalable, Self-Contained Sodium Metal Production Plant for a Hydrogen Fuel Clean Energy Cycle, Alvin Stern,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: Sodium metal, Sodium metal production plant, Sodium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide electrolysis, Solar powered electrolysis, Safe hydrogen generation, Hydrogen clean energy cycle
Risk Assessment of NPP Safety in Case of Emergency Situations on Technology, Juraj Kralik,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: risk, stress test, accident, safety, probability, nonlinearity, VVER, NPP
Spatial Aspects of Environmental Impact of Power Plants, Bosko Josimovic and Sasa Milijic,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: strategic environmental assessment, power plants, multi-criteria evaluation
A Review on Supercritical Fluidization, Youjun Lu, Liping Wei and Jikai Huang,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: supercritical fluids, fluidized bed, flow pattern, simulation, experiment
Analysis of the Spatial Separation Effects of Thorium/Uranium Fuels in Block-Type HTRs, Ming Ding and Jie Huang,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: spatial separation effects, Th/U MOX, seed-and-blanket concept, whole assembly seed-and-blanket concept, block-type HTRs, fuel cycle cost analysis
Introductory Chapter: Review of Current Research Trends in the Field of Power Plants, Aleksandar B Nikolic and Zarko S. Janda,
from IntechOpen