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8203 documents matched the search for D62 H23 Q52 Q58 in JEL-codes.
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Towards Consistent and Effective Carbon Pricing in Germany?,
Ivana Capozza and Joseph Curtin, from OECD Publishing (2012)
Keywords: Allemagne, carbon price, emissions trading systems, environmentally harmful subsidies, environmentally related taxes, Germany, prix du carbone, subventions dommageables pour l’environnement, système d’échange de droits d’émissions, taxes liées à l'environnement

Green Growth and Climate Change Policies in New Zealand,
Alexandra Bibbee, from OECD Publishing (2011)
Keywords: agricultural emissions, biodiversity, biodiversité, carbon price, changement climatique, climate change, emissions trading scheme, environmental policies, gestion des déchets, gestion des resources, GHG emissions, industries minières, Kyoto obligations, mining, New Zealand, Nouvelle-Zélande, nutrient trading, politiques environnementales, pollution de l'eau, renewables, resource management, waste management, water pollution, water use, échange de quotas sur les nutriments, émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES), émissions du secteur agricole, énergies renouvelables

Greening Growth in Japan,
Ivana Capozza, from OECD Publishing (2011)
Keywords: accords volontaires, changement climatique, climate change, dépenses de lutte contre la pollution, eco-innovation, economic instruments for environmental policy, environmentally harmful subsidies, environmentally-related taxes, green growth strategy, instruments économiques au service de la politique d’environnement, Japan, Japon, objectifs de performance, performance targets, pollution abatement and control expenditure, stratégie pour une croissance verte, subventions dommageables pour l’environnement, taxes liées à l'environnement, voluntary agreements, éco-innovation

Assessing Household’s Benefit from Flood Risk Reduction in Lower Chao Phraya River Basin,
Penporn Janekarnkij, Santi Sanglestsawai, Kampanat Vijitsrikamol, Suwanna Sayrumyat and Akarapong Untong, in Applied Economics Journal (2015)
Keywords: economic benefit, flood risk, contingent valuation method, willingness to pay

Nasalciuc Irina, in Contemporary Economy Journal (2016)
Keywords: fossil fuel energy industry, subsidies, externalities, social costs, climate change costs

Mariana Vuta and Rodica Gherghina, in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica (2006)
Keywords: market failure, outsourcing, social cost

Alcoa re-Revisited: Recycling, Market Power and Environmental Policy,
Jean De Beir and Guillaume Girmens, in Economie Internationale (2009)
Keywords: Recycling; market power; environmental externalities; environmental policy

Sostenibilidad de la economía vasca tras la Gran Recesión: balance y principales retos,
Alberto Ansuategi Cobo, in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía (2020)
Keywords: ejes estratégicos, política ambiental vasca, recesión económica, retos

Non-Conventional Instruments and Supervision of Environmental Policies,
Dominique Bureau, in Annals of Economics and Statistics (2018)
Keywords: Pigovian Taxes, Environmental Subsidies, Accountability.

Prípadové štúdie zavedenia environmentálnych daní a environmentálnej daňovej reformy vo vybraných krajinách EÚ,
Lucia Gálová, in Medzinarodne vztahy (Journal of International Relations) (2008)
Keywords: klimatické zmeny, environmentálna reforma, environmentálna daň, Európska únia

Economic assessment and valuations of environmental and health impacts caused by Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts,
Silke Gabbert, from OECD Publishing (2018)
Keywords: Cost-benefit analysis, environmental health valuation, non-market valuation, PBT, PFOA, regulatory impact assessment

La contaminación de origen industrial en el territorio histórico de Guipúzcoa,
Carlos Pérez and Félix Izco, in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía (1990)
Keywords: Contaminación industrial, emisiones, residuos urbanos, vertidos, Gipuzkoa

Lumea de azi şi lumea de mâine. Dezvoltare sau supravieţuire?,
Manea Gheorghe, in Revista OEconomica (2007)
Keywords: sustainable development, self-sustainability capacity, survival

Виды антропогенного загрязнения окружающей природной среды и его влияние на здоровье населения городов как фактор национальной безопасности. Types of anthropogenic pollution of the environment and its impact on the health of the urban population as a factor of national security,
Маренко Ю.А. and Ларионов В.Г., in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки (2014)
Keywords: здоровье населения, факторы риска, экологический мониторинг, окружающая среда, health of the population, risk factors, ecological monitoring, environment, sanitary informational system.

Prestige: La 'hoja de comunicaciones',
Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo, in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar (2006)
Keywords: Prestige, shipwreck, toxic pour, fuel ship, Galiza, black tide, contamination

Ali Celikkaya, in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences (2011)
Keywords: Environmentally Taxes, Green Tax Reform, Pollution Pay Principle, Energy/Carbon Tax, Pigouvian Tax, Double Dividend Principle.

Reaping the Benefits of a Transition to Greener Growth in Slovakia,
Caroline Klein, from OECD Publishing (2011)
Keywords: changement climatique, climate change, croissance verte, green growth, innovation, innovation, Slovakia, Slovaquie

Climate Change Policies in Germany: Make Ambition Pay,
Caroline Klein, from OECD Publishing (2012)
Keywords: Allemagne, changement climatique, climate change, croissance verte, Germany, green growth, innovation, innovation

Dan Constantin Dănule Iu and Sorin Ciprian Teiuşan, in Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica (2007)
Keywords: Environmental Fund, environment projects, income sources, spending destinations.

Optimal Climate Policy When Damages Are Unknown,
Ivan Rudik, in American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2020) Downloads

Tax Preferences for Environmental Goals: Use, Limitations and Preferred Practices,
James Greene and Nils Axel Braathen, from OECD Publishing (2014)
Keywords: avantages fiscaux motivés par des considérations environnementales, comportement influencé par l’impôt, effets environnementaux, environmental effects, environmentally motivated tax preferences, tax induced behaviour

Sustainability in the Hotel Industry,
(LEFTER) Gina Gilet Sztruten, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2010)
Keywords: tourism industry, environment, resource-use efficiency

The Optimal Price of Heroin: More or Less Prohibition?,
F. Neri, from School of Economics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (1996)

Marginal Abatement Cost, A Literature Review,
Pedro Pablo Jimenez Gomez, in Cognitive Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: Abatement, Externality, Marginal cost, Policy-making, MACC

Contingent Valuation Methods.Possibilities and Problems,
Torben Holvad, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (1999)
Keywords: Externality valuation, Monetarisation, Contingent valuation method

Positional Preferences and Efficiency in a Dynamic Economy,
Thomas Aronsson, Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2021)
Keywords: Positional preferences, endogenous growth, wealth, intertemporal distor- tion, welfarism, non-welfarism, inter-country externalities, Pigouvian taxation

The role of a public university in a global environment: networks and externalities of the R&D of the Cauca University,
Zamanda Correa Correa, Carolina Delgado Hurtado and Yenni Angélica Conde Cardona, in Estudios Gerenciales (2013)
Keywords: Global environment ExternalitiesPublic university

Transboundary pollution, tax competition and the efficiency of uncoordinated environmental regulation,
Atsushi Yamagishi, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2019) Downloads

Accords environnementaux. Le marché peut-il réussir l'arbitrage entre incitations et participation ?,
David Martimort and Wilfried Sand-Zantman, in Revue économique (2014) Downloads

Linking Economic and Social-Exchange Games: From the Community Norm to CSR,
Masahiko Aoki, from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (2007)
Keywords: social norm, social capital, linked games, corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Measuring the external health cost of particulate matter from road traffic and other sources in Stockholm, Sweden,
Lena Nerhagen, Robert Bergström, Bertil Forsberg, Christer Johansson and Kristina Eneroth, from Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI) (2010)
Keywords: Health cost; particulate matter; dispersion modelling; exposure-response functions; value of life year lost

Lena Nerhagen and Chuan-Zhong Li, from Swedish National Road & Transport Research Institute (VTI) (2010)
Keywords: emission control; cost-effective analysis; human health; uncertainty; stochastic control

Dinâmica Agrária e Balanço de Carbono na Amazônia,
Francisco de Assis Costa, in Economia (2009)
Keywords: Amazônia, Balanço de Carbono, Economia Agrária

Does Ambient Water Quality Affect the Stringency of Regulations? Plant-Level Evidence of the Clean Water Act,
Lopamudra Chakraborti and Kenneth E. McConnell, in Land Economics (2012) Downloads

Paying Too Much for Pollution? - An Assessment of an Environmental User Fee from the Philippines,
Maria Angeles Catelo, Asa Sajise, Bernice Anne Darvin and Paul Joseph Ramirez, from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) (2008)
Keywords: pollution, user fee, Philippines

What Price Crop Insurance? An Environmental Anaysis From China,
Funing Zhong, from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) (2007)
Keywords: Crop insurance, China

Pollution Cleanup at what price? A cost-benefit study from Thailand,
Varaporn Punyawadee, Ratana Phothisuwan, Numpet Winichaikule and Kanitta Satienperakul, from Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) (2007)
Keywords: pollution, Thailand

Emerson Martins Hilgemberg, Joaquim Guilhoto and Cleise M. A. T. Hilgemberg, from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics] (2005) Downloads

Low-carbon city pilots and site selection for migrant employment: Evidence from China,
Guifu Chen and Boyu Wei, in Energy Economics (2024)
Keywords: Migrant population; Low-carbon city pilot; Employment site selection; Conditional logit model;

Do industries pollute more in poorer neighborhoods? Evidence from toxic releasing plants in Mexico,
Lopamudra Chakraborti, Michael Margolis and José Jaime Sainz Santamaria, from CIDE, División de Economía (2016)
Keywords: industrial pollution, local income and unemployment effects, informal regulation, environmental justice, community pressure, toxic releasis in Mexico

The welfare properties of climate targets,
Léo Coppens and Frank Venmans, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2023)
Keywords: climate change mitigation; targets formulation; integrated assessment models; optimal abatement path; cost-benefit; cost-effectiveness; welfare; negative emissions

Workers or Consumers: Who Pays for Low-Carbon Transition – Theoretical Analysis of Welfare Change in General Equilibrium Setting,
Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks and Boratyński Jakub, in Central European Economic Journal (2021)
Keywords: computable general equilibrium models, integrated assessment models, just transition, macroeconomic costs of transition, welfare compensation

Abstinence with Reputation Loss, Understating Expectations and Guiltand the Effectiveness of Emission Tax,
Amnon Levy, from School of Economics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (2011)
Keywords: Emission Tax; Abstinence; Understating Expectations; Guilt; Global Emissions

Abstinence with Reputation Loss, Understating Expectations and Guiltand the Effectiveness of Emission Tax,
Amnon Levy, from School of Economics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia (2011)
Keywords: Emission Tax; Abstinence; Understating Expectations; Guilt; Global Emissions

Applied Bioremediation - Active and Passive Approaches,
Yogesh Bhagwan Patil and Prakash Rao, from IntechOpen (2013) Downloads

Emerging Pollutants - Some Strategies for the Quality Preservation of Our Environment,
Sonia Soloneski and Marcelo L. Larramendy, from IntechOpen (2018) Downloads

Persistent Organic Pollutants,
Stephen Kudom Donyinah, from IntechOpen (2019) Downloads

Monitoring of Marine Pollution,
Houma Bachari Fouzia, from IntechOpen (2019) Downloads

Hydrocarbon Pollution and its Effect on the Environment,
Muharrem Ince and Olcay Kaplan Ince, from IntechOpen (2019) Downloads

Environmental Emissions,
Richard Viskup, from IntechOpen (2021) Downloads

Light Pollution, Urbanization and Ecology,
Levente Hufnagel, from IntechOpen (2022) Downloads

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) - Monitoring, Impact and Treatment,
Mohamed Nageeb Rashed, from IntechOpen (2022) Downloads

Environmental Impact and Remediation of Heavy Metals,
Hosam M. Saleh and Amal I. Hassan, from IntechOpen (2022) Downloads

Recent Advances on Nitrification and Denitrification,
Ivan X Zhu, from IntechOpen (2024) Downloads

Rough Set Applied to Air Pollution: A New Approach to Manage Pollutions in High Risk Rate Industrial Areas,
Agata Matarazzo, from IntechOpen
Keywords: industrial areas, air pollution, meteorological attributes, rough set approach

Study on Magnetic Materials for Removal of Water Pollutants,
Kula Kamal Senapati, Manoj Sharma, Pankaj Kalita and Ankit Garg, from IntechOpen
Keywords: magnetic nanomaterials, water treatment, water pollution

The Hidden Face of Nitrogen Oxides Species: From Toxic Effects to Potential Cure?,
Segolene Depayras, Tatiana Kondakova, Hermann J. Heipieper, Marc Feuilloley, Nicole Orange and Cecile Duclairoir Poc, from IntechOpen
Keywords: NOx, pollutants, signalization, physiopathology, treatment

Multivariate-Assisted Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for Simultaneous Preconcentration and Assessment of UV-Filters in Wastewater Prior to UV-Vis Spectrophotometric Determination,
Anele Mpupa and Philiswa Nomngongo, from IntechOpen
Keywords: solid phase extraction, emerging organic pollutants, UV-filters, response surface methodology, UV-Vis spectrophotometry, endocrine disruptors

Degradation Pathways of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Environment,
James T. Zacharia, from IntechOpen
Keywords: degradation, POPs, bioaccumulation, biomagnification, Stockholm convention

Lake Sedimentary Environments and Roles of Accumulating Organic Matter in Biogeochemical Cycling Processes and Contaminants Loading Are Invasions of Water Hyacinth in Lake Victoria from 1989 a Concern?,
Job Mwamburi, from IntechOpen
Keywords: Lake Victoria, sedimentary environments, sediments, organic matter, contaminants, organic carbon, depositional basins

EPs Antibiotics: Photodecomposition and Biocarbon Adsorption,
Nilce Ortiz, from IntechOpen
Keywords: emerging pollutants, biocarbon, biochar, antibiotics, solar, photodecomposition

Dissemination of Endosulfan into the Environment,
Carlos Barrera-Diaz, Claudia Rosales Landeros and Bryan Bilyeu, from IntechOpen
Keywords: persistence, pesticide, pollution, toxicity

The Adaptation Mechanisms of Bacteria Applied in Bioremediation of Hydrophobic Toxic Environmental Pollutants: How Indigenous and Introduced Bacteria Can Respond to Persistent Organic Pollutants-Induced Stress?,
Katarina Dercova, Slavomira Murinova, Hana Dudasova, Katarina Laszlova and Hana Horvathova, from IntechOpen
Keywords: adaptation, bacteria, biodegradation, bioremediation, bioaugmentation, biostimulation, cytoplasmic membrane, environmental stress, fatty acids, persistent organic pollutants, polychlorinated biphenyls, terpenes

Recent Advances for Polycyclic Aromatic Analysis in Airborne Particulate Matter,
Hugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Norena, Mario Alfonso Murillo-Tovar, Josefina Vergara-Sanchez, Rebecca Lopez-Marquez, Jorge Antonio Guerrero-Alvarez and Monica Ivonne Arias -Montoya, from IntechOpen
Keywords: airborne particles, PAHs, cleanup, GC-MS/MS

Oil Spill Dispersion Forecasting Models,
Antigoni Zafirakou and Christopher Koutitas, from IntechOpen
Keywords: oil spill modeling, simulation of oil slick transport, oil physicochemical processes, operational applications, oil spill monitoring

The Hazards of Monitoring Ecosystem Ocean Health in the Gulf of Mexico: A Mexican Perspective,
Luis Soto, Alejandro Estradas-Romero, Diana Salcedo, Alfonso V. Botello and Guadalupe Ponce-Velez, from IntechOpen
Keywords: Gulf of Mexico, oil spills, Deepwater Horizon, marine pollution, benthic ecology, macroinfauna

Sediment and Organisms as Marker for Metal Pollution,
Meng-Chuan Ong and Kamaruzzaman Yunus, from IntechOpen
Keywords: metal pollution, sediments, geo-marker, organism, bio-markers

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Eutrophication in Marine Ecosystems,
Lucy Ngatia, Johnny Grace, Daniel Moriasi and Robert Taylor, from IntechOpen
Keywords: agriculture, eutrophication, marine, mitigation, nitrogen, phosphorus, pollution

Decadal Pollution Assessment and Monitoring along the Kenya Coast,
Eric Okuku, Veronica Wanjeri, Gilbert Owato, Maureen Kombo, Catherine Mwalugha, Nancy A. Oduor, Linet Kiteresi and Stephen Mwangi, from IntechOpen
Keywords: marine pollution, nutrients, heavy metal

Response of Benthic Foraminifera to Environmental Variability: Importance of Benthic Foraminifera in Monitoring Studies,
Maria Virginia Alves Martins, Cintia Yamashita, Silvia Helena De Mello E Sousa, Eduardo Apostolos Machado Koutsoukos, Sibelle Trevisan Disaro, Jean-Pierre Debenay and Wania Duleba, from IntechOpen
Keywords: foraminifera, marine pollution, marine ecosystems, environmental stress, bioindicators

Detection and Monitoring of Marine Pollution Using Remote Sensing Technologies,
Sidrah Hafeez, Man Sing Wong, Sawaid Abbas, Coco Y.T. Kwok, Janet Nichol, Kwon Ho Lee, Danling Tang and Lilian Pun, from IntechOpen
Keywords: remote sensing, water pollution detection and monitoring, optical sensors, oil spill, algal blooms, chlorophyll-a, suspended sediment concentration, marine plastic litter

Aerosol Studies over Central India,
Hareef Baba Shaeb K, from IntechOpen
Keywords: aerosol, black carbon, aethalometer, radiosonde, columnar water vapor

Introductory Chapter: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs),
Stephen Kudom Donyinah, from IntechOpen Downloads

Introductory Chapter: Marine Monitoring Pollution,
Houma Bachari Fouzia, Boufeniza Redouane Larbi, Adem Amina, Chabi Nacera and Bachari Nour El Islam, from IntechOpen Downloads

Source and Control of Hydrocarbon Pollution,
Manish Srivastava, Anamika Srivastava, Varun Rawat and Anjali Yadav, from IntechOpen
Keywords: aromatic hydrocarbons, organic and inorganic pollutants, bioremediation, chemical remediation

Petroleum Hydrocarbon and Living Organisms,
Abdullah. M. Alzahrani and Peramaiyan Rajendran, from IntechOpen
Keywords: hydrocarbon, petroleum, environment, toxicity, human, aquatic animals, aquatic plants

Introductory Chapter: Sources, Health Impact, and Environment Effect of Hydrocarbons,
Muharrem Ince and Olcay Kaplan Ince, from IntechOpen Downloads

Importance of Air Quality Networks in Controlling Exposure to Air Pollution,
David Galan Madruga, from IntechOpen
Keywords: environmental emissions, air quality, fixed monitoring stations, design and performance

Carbon Soot Polymer Nanocomposites (CSPNCs): Production, Surface Morphological, Glass Transition Temperature Phenomenon and Optical Properties,
Rakhi Tailor, Yogesh Kumar Vijay and Minal Bafna, from IntechOpen
Keywords: carbon soot (CS), carbon soot polymer nanocomposites (CSPNCs), almond soot (AS), mustard soot (MS), energy band gap (Eg)

Methods to Reduce Mercury and Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Coal Combustion Processes,
Maria Jedrusik, Dariusz Luszkiewicz and Arkadiusz Swierczok, from IntechOpen
Keywords: Hg emissions, NOx emissions, combustion, industrial pollution, heavy metals

Industrial Air Emission Pollution: Potential Sources and Sustainable Mitigation,
Rabia Jathol Munsif, Muhammad Zubair, Ayesha Aziz and Muhammad Nadeem Zafar, from IntechOpen
Keywords: environmental, pollution, industrial, emission, global warming

The Use of Synchronous Fluorescence Technique in Environmental Investigations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Airborne Particulate Matter from an Industrial Region in Poland,
Aniela Matuszewska and Maria Czaja, from IntechOpen
Keywords: synchronous fluorescence, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), atmospheric pollutions, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

Effects of Environmental Emissions on the Respiratory System: Secrets and Consequences,
Farzaneh Hajirasouliha and Dominika Zabiegaj, from IntechOpen
Keywords: pulmonary system, human health, toxicity, nanoparticles, PM2.5

Qualitative Characterisation of Trace Elements in Diesel Particulate Matter from In-Use Diesel Engine Passenger Vehicles by Means of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,
Richard Viskup, Christoph Wolf and Werner Baumgartner, from IntechOpen
Keywords: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), particulate matter, soot, nanoparticles, emissions, emission standards, diesel, diesel engine, diesel vehicles, in-use vehicles, trace elements

Health Effect of Biomass Fuel Smoke,
Olayemi Fehintola Awopeju, from IntechOpen
Keywords: health effects, biomass fuel, household air pollution, ambient air pollution, particulate matter

Light Pollution Observations in Indonesia,
Agustinus Gunawan Admiranto, Rhorom Priyatikanto, Siti Maryam, Elyyani Elyyani, Siti Kurniawati and Muhammad Faizal Eko Saputro, from IntechOpen
Keywords: light pollution, coordinated observations, Sky Quality Meter, moving observations, website

Artificial Light at Night and Breast Cancer,
Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar and Lutfi Al-Maktari, from IntechOpen
Keywords: artificial, light, night, breast, cancer, melatonin

Artificial Light at Night: A Global Threat to Plant Biological Rhythms and Eco-Physiological Processes,
Rekha Sodani, Udit Nandan Mishra, Subhash Chand, Indu, Hirdayesh Anuragi, Kailash Chandra, Jyoti Chauhan, Bandana Bose, Vivek Kumar, Gopal Shankar Singh, Devidutta Lenka and Rajesh Singhal, from IntechOpen
Keywords: artificial night light pollution, minimizing strategies, photosynthesis, pollination, plant growth and development, plant movements

Understanding the Importance of Harmonized Landscape Design for Forest Education Centers in Malaysia,
Mohd Kher Bin Hussein and Nor Syuriaty Bt Jaafar, from IntechOpen
Keywords: Forest, harmonize landscape design, education, sustainability

Nonthermal Mechanochemical Destruction of POPs,
Giovanni Cagnetta and Mohammadtaghi Vakili, from IntechOpen
Keywords: mechanochemistry, high energy milling, POPs mineralization, nonthermal technology, waste detoxification

Occurrence and Removal of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs),
Siyabonga Aubrey Mhlongo, Kholofelo Clifford Malematja, Linda Lunga Sibali and Peter P. Ndibewu, from IntechOpen
Keywords: persistent organic pollutants (POPs), ultra-filtration (UF) membranes, blending, fouling, hydrophilicity

Recent Developments in the Application of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Remediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants from Water,
Ifeoluwa Oluwafunmilayo Daramola and Matthew Ayorinde Ayorinde Adebayo, from IntechOpen
Keywords: advanced oxidation processes, persistent organic pollutants, degradation, removal, environment

Impact of PCBs, Furan and Dioxin on Hepatocarcinogenesis,
Mohamed Helal, Sara Ghanem and Amany El-Sikaily, from IntechOpen
Keywords: polychlorinated biphenyls, Dioxin, Furan, hepatocarcinogenesis, zebrafish

Role and Effect of Persistent Organic Pollutants to Our Environment and Wildlife,
Nisha Gaur, Dhiraj Dutta, Aman Jaiswal, Rama Dubey and Dev Vrat Kamboj, from IntechOpen
Keywords: persistent organic pollutants, food chain, grasshopper, health, environment, Stockholm convention, global warming, marine

Introductory Chapter: Ecological Effects of Light Pollution - A Review,
Levente Hufnagel and Ferenc Mics, from IntechOpen Downloads

Physiochemical Properties and Removal Methods of Phenolic Compounds from Waste Waters,
Yesim Gucbilmez, from IntechOpen
Keywords: phenol, chlorophenols, wastewater treatment, phenolic compounds, phenolics, organic pollutants

Endocrine Disruptor Impact on Zebrafish Larvae: Posterior Lateral Line System as a New Target,
Ahmed Nasri, Patricia Aissa, Ezzeddine Mahmoudi, Hamouda Beyrem and Veronique Perrier, from IntechOpen
Keywords: zebrafish larvae, posterior lateral line (PLL), endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), experimental exposure, regeneration

Type, Sources, Methods and Treatment of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater,
Poslet Morgan Shumbula, Collet Maswanganyi and Ndivhuwo Shumbula, from IntechOpen
Keywords: persistent organic pollutants, environmental contaminants, dioxins, biodegradation, wastewater treatment

Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Bizerte Lagoon Ecosystem: Occurrence, Distribution, and Ecotoxicological Assessment Using Marine Organism,
Ahmed Nasri, Takoua Mhadhbi, Mohamed Allouche, Amel Hannachi, Hary Demey, Patricia Aissa, Hamouda Beyrem and Ezzeddine Mahmoudi, from IntechOpen
Keywords: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Mediterranean coastal lagoon, Occurrence, Distribution, Ecotoxicological evaluation

Moth Species Caught by Ultraviolet and Visible Light Sources in Connection with Their Wingspan,
Levente Hufnagel, Laszlo Nowinszky, Lionel Hill, Janos Puskas and Karoly Tar, from IntechOpen
Keywords: moths, wingspan, light-trap, visible and BL light sources

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