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68797 documents matched the search for C92 D44 Q5 in JEL-codes.
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Endogenous Market Institutions: Experimental Evidence,
Morten Søberg, in Nordic Journal of Political Economy (2004)
Keywords: Market institutions, institutional preferences, voting rules, experimental economics

Simulating Europe a Role Play Simulation of the EU Council of Ministers,
M. Dahl and G. Giacomello, from European Institute - Political and Social Sciences (2000)

Iuliana Dobre, from Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education (2010)
Keywords: E-learning, learning content management systems, online education

Group Competition and Personality in an Experimental Public Goods Game,
Hikojiro Fujiwara, 彦次郎 藤原, Kazuhiro Arai and 一博 荒井, in Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Public Goods Game, Experiment, Group Competition, Personality, Culture

One man, one bid,
Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang, in Games and Economic Behavior (2017)
Keywords: Electoral design; Bidding versus voting; Experiments; Quantal response equilibrium;

Trust between individuals and groups: Groups are less rusting than individuals but just as trustworthy,
Gary Bornstein, Matthias Sutter, Tamar Kugler and Martin Kocher, from Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group
Keywords: decision making, trust game, group behavior

When does a referent problem affect willingness to pay for a public good?,
Nicolao Bonini, Ilana Ritov and Michele Graffeo, from University of Siena (2007)
Keywords: Willingness to support, joint evaluation, referent problem, category-bound thinking.

School Choice and Information. An Experimental Study on Matching Mechanisms,
Joana Pais and Ágnes Pintér, from University of Siena (2007)
Keywords: Laboratory Experiments

Wise crowds or wise minorities?,
Christoph Brunner and Jacob Goeree, from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich (2009)
Keywords: Social learning, experiments, quantal response equilibrium, level-k models, noisy introspection

Hierarchies and decision-making in groups: Experimental evidence,
Donata Bessey, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2020)
Keywords: hierarchies; group decision-making; lottery choice; risk attitude; intellective tasks

Public Opinion Polls, Voter Turnout, and Welfare: An Experimental Study,
Jens Grosser and Arthur Schram, from University of Siena (2007)
Keywords: laboratory experiments.

Sending a message or seeking retributive justice? An experimental investigation of why people punish,
Ruslan Shichman and Avi Weiss, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics) (2022)
Keywords: Punishment; Dictator game; Public Good game; Power-to-take game;

Asset Pricing and Risk Sharing in Complete Markets: An Experimental Investigation,
Bruno Biais, Thomas Mariotti, Sophie Moinas and Sebastien Pouget, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2024) Downloads

The welfare costs of price controls and rent seeking in a class experiment,
Grace Finley, Charles Holt and Emily Snow, in Experimental Economics (2019)
Keywords: Classroom experiment, Rent seeking, Price controls, Market efficiency, Veconlab

Partners and strangers in non-linear public goods environments,
Stuart Mestelman, from McMaster University (2004) Downloads

Trust between individuals and groups: Groups are less trusting than individuals but just as trustworthy,
Tamar Kugler, Gary Bornstein, Martin Kocher and Matthias Sutter, from University of Munich, Department of Economics (2007)

hroot: Hamburg Registration and Organization Online Tool,
Olaf Bock, Ingmar Baetge and Andreas Nicklisch, in European Economic Review (2014)
Keywords: Documentation; Economic experiments; Online recruiting software; Randomization; Replication;

The Self-serving Bias and Beliefs about Rationality,
Todd Kaplan and Bradley Ruffle, in Economic Inquiry (2004) Downloads

Is playing alone in the darkness sufficient to prevent informational cascades?,
Annamaria Fiore and Andrea Morone, from Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group (2005) Downloads

Measuring the Degree of Ambiguity about Probability: Experimental Evidence,
Andrea Morone and Ozlem Ozdemir, from Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group (2005)
Keywords: experiments, ambiguity, uncertainty, probability

Is playing alone in the darkness sufficient to prevent informational cascades?,
Annamaria Fiore and Andrea Morone, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Informational Cascades; Individual Decision Making; Experiments; Information Externality

Applying author co-citation analysis to user interaction analysis: a case study on instant messaging groups,
Rongying Zhao and Bikun Chen, in Scientometrics (2014)
Keywords: Webometrics, Usage metrics, Author co-citation analysis, Instant messaging, Social network analysis, Information visualization, Enterprise management

Forgive or Buy Back: An Experimental Study of Debt Relief,
Vivian Lei, Steven Tucker and Filip Vesely, from University of Siena (2007)
Keywords: Laboratory Experiments

Strategic thinking in contests,
David Bruner, Caleb Cox, David M. McEvoy and Brock Stoddard, in Experimental Economics (2022)
Keywords: Tullock contest, Lottery contest, Winner-take-all, Two-headed contest, Team contest, Strategic thinking, Communication, Overbidding

Rate of Return Parity in Experimental Asset Markets,
Jason Childs and Stuart Mestelman, from McMaster University (2004) Downloads

Indirect Reciprocity and Strategic Reputation Building in an Experimental Helping Game,
Dirk Engelmann and Urs Fischbacher, from The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute, Prague (2003)
Keywords: indirect reciprocity; reputation; experimental economics

Who Gets the Last Word? An Experimental Study of the Effect of a Peer Review Process on the Expression of Social Norms,
Jim Engle-Warnick and Andreas Leibbrandt, from CIRANO (2006)
Keywords: experimental economics, peer review, social norm, social preferences, third-party punishment, trust, confiance, économie expérimentale, normes sociales, préférences sociales, révision par les pairs, sanctions par une tierce personne

Individual vs. collective contracts: An experimental investigation using the gift exchange game,
Sophia Chong and Pablo Guillen, from Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada. (2009)
Keywords: laboratory experiments, gift exchange, collective contracts.

Partners and strangers in non-linear public goods environments,
Stuart Mestelman, from McMaster University (2004) Downloads

Three Minimal Market Institutions: Theory and Experimental Evidence,
Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder, from Yale University, Department of Economics (2007) Downloads

Combining Monetary and Social Sanctions to Promote Cooperation,
Charles Noussair and Steven Tucker, in Economic Inquiry (2005) Downloads

Coordination Within and Across Two Cultures,
Gabriele Camera, James Gilmore, Marilyn Giselle Hazlett, Jason Shachat and Bochen Zhu, from Chapman University, Economic Science Institute (2024)
Keywords: Coordination games, Online experiment, Cultural biases, Gender diferences.

The Effect of Rewards and Sanctions in Provision of Public Goods,
Martin Sefton, Robert Shupp and James Walker, from Ball State University, Department of Economics (2005) Downloads

Designing package markets to eliminate exposure risk,
Jacob Goeree and Luke Lindsay, from Department of Economics - University of Zurich (2012)
Keywords: Exposure risk, package markets, market design, laboratory experiments

Inefficient markets,
Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang, from Department of Economics - University of Zurich (2012)
Keywords: Efficient market hypothesis, informational and allocative efficiency, experiments

Communication and competition,
Jacob Goeree and Jingjing Zhang, from Department of Economics - University of Zurich (2012)
Keywords: Cheap talk, adverse selection, competition, guilt aversion, lie aversion, inequality aversion, reciprocity

Teaming Up with Artificial Agents in Non-routine Analytical Tasks,
Lorenzo Cominelli, Federico Galatolo, Caterina Giannetti, Cristiano Ciaccio, Felice Dell’Orletta, Philipp Chaposkvi and Giulia Venturi, from Dipartimento di Economia e Management (DEM), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (2024)
Keywords: complex tasks, artificial agents, teamwork

Les attitudes sont-elles différentes face à la fraude fiscale et à la fraude sociale ?,
Mathieu Lefebvre, Pierre Pestieau, Arno Riedl and Marie Claire Villeval, from Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St-Étienne (GATE Lyon St-Étienne), Université de Lyon (2014)
Keywords: Fraude fiscale, fraude sociale

Do we prefer praise from acquaintances or strangers? An experiment on esteem seeking in one-shot versus repeated interactions,
Paul Blacklow, Hugh Sibly and Amy Beth Corman, from University of Tasmania, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics (2021)
Keywords: social image, esteem seeking, experimental economics

Social Status and Group Norms,
Ingrid Seinen and Arthur Schram, from Tinbergen Institute (2001)
Keywords: Reciprocity, Experimental economics

Jim Engle-Warnick and Andreas Leibbrandt, from McGill University, Department of Economics (2006) Downloads

Strategic Thinking in Contests,
David Bruner, Caleb Cox, David McEvoy and Brock Stoddard, from Department of Economics, Appalachian State University (2019) Downloads

Measuring Motivations for the Reciprocal Responses Observed in a Simple Dilemma Game,
Gary Bolton, Jordi Brandts and Axel Ockenfels, from Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC) (1997)

Procurement Bidding in First-Price and Second-Price Sealed Bid Common Value Auctions,
A. Lunander, from Uppsala - Working Paper Series (1999)
Keywords: AUCTIONS

The Optimal Design of First-Price Auctions with Financial Constraints and Default Risks,
C.Z. Zheng, from Minnesota - Center for Economic Research (1997)

An Efficient Ascending-Bid Auction for Multiple Objects: Comment,
Noriaki Okamoto, in American Economic Review (2018) Downloads

Auctions with Resale: A Survey,
Ivan Susin, in HSE Economic Journal (2017)
Keywords: auctions with resale; secondary market; aftermarket; resale; auction theory

The Auction Model with Lowest Risk in a Duopolistic Electricity Market,
Estrella Alonso and Gustavo Juan Tejada, in Económica (2012)
Keywords: auctions, Value at Risk, electricity market.

An Efficient Ascending-Bid Auction for Multiple Objects: Reply,
Lawrence M. Ausubel, in American Economic Review (2018) Downloads

Dejan Trifunović, in Ekonomske ideje i praksa (2019)
Keywords: Englesko-holandska aukcija, Holandsko-engleska aukcija, Amsterdam aukcija, Antverpen aukcija

Risk optimal single-object auctions,
Estrella Alonso and Juan Tejada, in Cuadernos de Economía - Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance (2012)
Keywords: Auctions; Value at Risk; Risk-averse; Bayesian Nash equilibrium

Does the competition structure impact the performance of multi-unit auctions ? An experimental investigation,
Raphaële Préget and Sophie Thoyer, in Recherches économiques de Louvain (2014)
Keywords: experiments, multi-unit auction, competition structure

The Continuous Combinatorial Auction Architecture,
Charles Plott, Hsing-Yang Lee and Travis Maron, in American Economic Review (2014) Downloads

What will people bid when they compare values to expected price?,
Leon Taylor, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2000)
Keywords: auctions bidding valuation

Bid Increments in Second-Price Sealed Bid Auctions,
Richard Cox, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005) Downloads

Bid Increments in Second-Price Sealed Bid Auctions,
Richard Cox, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: sniper bidding, bid increments

The Right To Host The Olympic Games Should Be Auctioned To The Highest Bidder,
M Stewart and C-L Wu, from Melbourne - Centre in Finance (1997)
Keywords: AUCTIONS

Solving Strong-Substitutes Product-Mix Auctions,
Paul Klemperer, Elizabeth Baldwin, Paul Goldberg and Edwin Lock, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2020)
Keywords: Bidding language; Product-mix auction; Competitive equilibrium; Walrasian equilibrium; Convex optimisation; Strong substitutes; Submodular minimisation

When Bidding More is Not Enough: All-Pay Auctions with Handicaps,
Eberhard Feess, Gerd Muehlheusser and Markus Walzl, from University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) (2002)
Keywords: All-pay auction, contest, asymmetric allocation rule, rent-seeking, asymmetric information

Die optimale Versteigerungsreihenfolge in sequentiellen Zweitpreisauktionen bei Synergieeffekten,
Ralf Gampfer, from University of Tübingen, School of Business and Economics (2000)
Keywords: Optimierung, Simulation, Auktion

Repo auction formats, bidders' behaviour and money market response in India,
Bhupal Singh and Sarat Dhal, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1998)
Keywords: Repo Auction Formats; Money Market Response

First-price auctions with resale: the case of many bidders,
Gábor Virág, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: auction, resale

Internet auctions with a temporary buyout option,
Xiaogang Che, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Internet auction, temporary buyout option

Equilibrium Bids in Sponsored Search Auctions: Theory and Evidence,
Tilman Börgers, Ingemar Cox, Martin Pesendorfer and Vaclav Petricek, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: auctions, sponsored search.

Competition and Auctioning Licenses,
Rittwik Chatterjee and Srobonti Chattopadhyay, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: Auction, Competition, Licensing

The Auction Model with Lowest Risk in a Duopolistic Electricity Market,
Estrella Alonso and Gustavo Juan Tejada, in Económica (2012)
Keywords: auctions, Value at Risk, electricity market.

Strategic ignorance in a second-price auction,
David McAdams, in Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Information acquisition; Ignorance; Entry; Second-price auction;

Reputation in multi-unit ascending auction with common values,
Maksymilian Kwiek, in Economics Letters (2013)
Keywords: Multi-unit auction; Uniform price; Ascending auction; Reputation; Aggressive bidding;

Which equilibrium yields the highest expected revenue in second-price sealed-bid auctions?,
Yusuke Inami, in Economics Letters (2018)
Keywords: Second-price sealed-bid auction;

Heuristic and Equilibrium Strategies in Premium Auctions,
Dejan Trifunovic, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2019)
Keywords: Hybrid auctions, Amsterdam auction, Antwerp auction, perfect Bayesian equilibrium, heuristic strategies

Bidding against an unknown number of competitors sharing affiliated information,
Jan Vleugels, from Sonderforschungsbreich 504 (1997) Downloads

The Dynamic Assignment of Heterogenous Objects: A Mechanism Design Approach,
Benny Moldovanu and Alex Gershkov, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2007)
Keywords: Dynamic pricing; Mechanism design; Revenue management; Sequential assignment

Simultaneous use of auctions and posted prices,
Patrick Hummel, in European Economic Review (2015)
Keywords: Auctions; Posted prices;

Simultaneous vs. sequential auctions with risk averse bidders,
Indranil Chakraborty, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Multi-unit auction; Risk aversion; Sequential auction; Optimal reserve;

Premium auctions and risk preferences,
Audrey Hu, Theo Offerman and Liang Zou, in Journal of Economic Theory (2011)
Keywords: Premium auction; English auction; Risk preference; Net-premium effect;

Optimal auctions with financially constrained buyers,
Mallesh M. Pai and Rakesh Vohra, in Journal of Economic Theory (2014)
Keywords: Optimal auction; Budget constraints; Reduced form; Multidimensional mechanism design;

Demand Reduction and Preemptive Bidding in License Auctions,
Randolph Sloof, Jacob Goeree and Theo Offerman, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2004)
Keywords: auctions, demand reduction, preemptive bidding, experiment

Optimal advertising of auctions,
Nora Szech, in Journal of Economic Theory (2011)
Keywords: Auctions; Advertising; Order statistics;

The number of active bidders in internet auctions,
Laurens de Haan, Casper de Vries and Chen Zhou, in Journal of Economic Theory (2013)
Keywords: Internet auctions; Number of active bidders; Record series;

Pricing lotteries,
Patrick Briest, Shuchi Chawla, Robert Kleinberg and S. Matthew Weinberg, in Journal of Economic Theory (2015)
Keywords: Revenue maximization; Unit-demand; Lotteries;

Bounding the inefficiency of outcomes in generalized second price auctions,
Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis, Panagiotis Kanellopoulos, Maria Kyropoulou, Brendan Lucier, Renato Paes Leme and Éva Tardos, in Journal of Economic Theory (2015)
Keywords: Auction design; Equilibrium analysis; Price of anarchy; Bayesian games; Generalized second price auction; Keyword auctions;

Large all-pay auctions with IPV bidders,
Pauli Murto and Juuso Välimäki, in Journal of Economic Theory (2017)
Keywords: All-pay auction; Large auctions;

Pre-auction short positions and impacts on primary dealers’ bidding behavior in US Treasury auctions,
Leonard Tchuindjo, in Journal of Banking & Finance (2015)
Keywords: Treasury auction; Primary dealers; Short position; Demand schedule; Bayesian-Nash equilibrium;

Optimality and the English and second-price auctions with resale,
Bernard Lebrun, in Games and Economic Behavior (2012)
Keywords: Optimality; Resale; Second-price auction; English auction; Heterogeneous bidders; Efficiency; Behavioral bidding strategies; No-regret property; Multiplicity of equilibria;

Robertsʼ Theorem with neutrality: A social welfare ordering approach,
Debasis Mishra and Arunava Sen, in Games and Economic Behavior (2012)
Keywords: Dominant strategy mechanism design; Robertsʼ Theorem; Affine maximizers; Social welfare ordering;

Revenue and efficiency in multi-unit uniform-price auctions,
Michal Bresky, in Games and Economic Behavior (2013)
Keywords: Multi-unit auction; Multiple-object auction; Market efficiency; Optimal selling mechanism; Discriminatory and uniform-price auction with reservation price;

Revenue maximization with a single sample,
Peerapong Dhangwatnotai, Tim Roughgarden and Qiqi Yan, in Games and Economic Behavior (2015)
Keywords: Auctions; Approximation; Revenue-maximization; Prior-independence;

Mechanism design with budget constraints and a population of agents,
Michael Richter, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Mechanism design; Welfare maximization; Revenue maximization; Budget constraints; Continuum economy;

Optimal auctions vs. anonymous pricing,
Saeed Alaei, Jason Hartline, Rad Niazadeh, Emmanouil Pountourakis and Yang Yuan, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Auction theory; Mechanism design; Second price auction; Anonymous pricing; Optimal auction;

Economic efficiency requires interaction,
Shahar Dobzinski, Noam Nisan and Sigal Oren, in Games and Economic Behavior (2019)
Keywords: Combinatorial auctions; Communication complexity;

Position auctions with multi-unit demands,
Haomin Yan, in Games and Economic Behavior (2021)
Keywords: Position auctions; Multi-unit demands; Ascending clock auctions; VCG;

Buy-many mechanisms are not much better than item pricing,
Shuchi Chawla, Yifeng Teng and Christos Tzamos, in Games and Economic Behavior (2022)
Keywords: Revenue maximization; Lotteries; Simple mechanisms; Menu-size complexity;

Revenue non-equivalence between auctions with soft and hard closing mechanisms: New evidence from Yahoo!,
Brent Glover and Yaron Raviv, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2012)
Keywords: Auctions; Sniping; Ending rules;

Optimal Auction Design and Irrelevance of Private Information,
Tymofiy Mylovanov and Thomas Tröger, from University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) (2008)
Keywords: informed principal, strong solution, optimal auction, fullinformation optimum, quasi-linear payoff functions

The Impact of Resale on 2-Bidder First-Price Auctions where One Bidder?s Value is Commonly Known,
Thomas Tröger, from University of Bonn, Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) (2004)
Keywords: asymmetric first-price auctions, resale, efficiency

The Winner's Curse and Public Information in Common Value Auctions: Reply,
John Kagel, Colin Campbell and Dan Levin, in American Economic Review (1999) Downloads

Can EconJobMarket help Canadian universities?,
Kim Nguyen, Michael Peters and Michel Poitevin, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2017) Downloads

Reserve prices in auctions with entry when the seller is risk-averse,
Diego Moreno and John Wooders, in Economics Letters (2017)
Keywords: Second-price auctions; Endogenous entry; Public and secret reserve prices; Risk aversion;

Auction Design with Interdependent Valuations: The Generalized Revelation Principle, Efficiency, Full Surplus Extraction and Information Acquisition,
Claudio Mezzetti, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2003)
Keywords: Auction Design, Interdependent Valuations, Generalized Revelation Principle, Efficiency

Selling Goods of Unknown Quality: Forward versus Spot Auctions,
Isa Hafalir and Hadi Yektas, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Forward Trading, Forward Auctions, Spot Auctions

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