4672 documents matched the search for C53 H0 C5 C0 H23 C4 in JEL-codes.
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Using a Rolling Vector Error Correction Model to Model Static and Dynamic Causal Relations between Electricity Spot Price and Related Fundamental Factors: The Case of Greek Electricity Market, George P. Papaioannou, Christos Dikaiakos, Akylas Stratigakos, Anargyros Dramountanis and Antonio T. Alexandridis,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Vector Error Correction, Electricity Markets, Fuel Markets
Technical, Economical and Environmental Assessments of the Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Southeast Sulawesi, a Developing Province in Eastern Indonesia, Aditya Rachman, Usman Rianse, Mustarum Musaruddin and Kurniati Ornam,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Solar Energy, Economy, Technical
Selección del modelo de mejor estimación del Valor Razonable en un mercado emergente, Paula Beatriz Morales Bañuelos,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Flujos de Efectivo Descontados, Opciones Reales como un Movimiento Browniano Geométrico, Opciones Reales como un Movimiento Browniano Aritmético, GARCH (1,1), Método de Winters
Examining the Relationship between Supply Chain Relationships and Practice of Distributors (Case Study: NoshinCo), Hassan Mehrmanesh and Seyed Rahim Safavi Mirmahalleh,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Supply Chain, Relationships, Supply Chain, Distributors’ Performance, NoshinCo
Studying the Relationship among Character, Phantasm and Environment with Customers’ Loyalty in Iran’s Hotel Industry (Case Study: Hotels of Ardabil), Hassan Mehrmanesh and Seyed Rahim Safavi Mirmahalleh,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Character, Phantasm, Environment, Client’s Loyalty, Hotel, Ardabil
Compare Customer Satisfaction with the Quality of E-banking Services among State, Private and Altered Banks in Isfahan, Mahdi Rezapour and Mehraban Hadi Peykani,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, State Banks, Private Banks, Altered Banks
Application of Short-term Forecasting Models for Energy Entity Stock Price (Study on Indika Energi Tbk, JII), Rialdi Azhar, Fajrin Satria Dwi Kesumah, Ambya Ambya, Febryan Kusuma Wisnu and Edwin Russel,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: ARCH Effect, GARCH Model, Volatility, Share Price Forecasting, Investment Decision
Examining the Effect of Social and Intellectual Value on Organizational Performance Based on the Balanced Evaluation Method and Structural Equations in the Iranian Oil Terminals Company, Abbas Taleb Bidokhti and Ali Akbar Esmailpour,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Social Value, Intellectual Value, Organizational Performance, Balanced Evaluation Card
bKash vs. Bank-led Option: Factors Influencing Customer’s Preferences – Does it Warrant Voluntary-Insurance-Policy for Rapid-growth Digital-banking in Bangladesh-economy?, Akim M. Rahman,
in Journal of Banking and Financial Economics
Keywords: Bank-led digital, digital-transaction, bKash, Voluntary Insurance, digital-banking, percived risk-factor
Statistical assessment – as a part of security assessment applied to a block cipher, Ioana Roxana Dragomir and Marilena Lazar,
in Romanian Statistical Review
Keywords: key schedule, statistical testing, cryptographic components, randomness, tests, cryptographic primitive
Mathematical Genesis of the Spatio-Temporal Covariance Functions, Gema Fernández-Avilés, José-María Montero and J Mateu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Spatial anisotropy, bernstein and complete monotone functions, spatio-temporal geostatistics, positive definite functions, space-time modeling, spatio-temporal data
An Alternative Identification of the Economic Shocks in SVAR Models, Hassan Ghassan, Mohammed Souissi and Mohammed Kbiri Alaoui,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: SVAR, Economic Shocks, Nonlinearity, Viability, Trajectories, Differential Inclusion.
Financial development and economic growth: evidence from West Africa, Zaka Ratsimalahelo and Mamadou Barry,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Finance; growth; Granger causality; monetary union; ECOWAS; Geweke decomposition test. 1
Review of median stable distributions and Schröder’s equation, Gib Bassett,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Median stable distributions; Schröder’s functional equation;
A proposed method to estimate dynamic panel models when either N or T or both are not large, Carolina Carbajal-De-Nova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Hedge fund portfolio selection with modified expected shortfall, Kris Boudt, Brian Peterson and Peter Carl,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: portfolio optimization, modified expected shortfall, non-normal returns
Peer Groups and Bias Detection in Least Squares Regression, Eric Blankmeyer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: peer groups, least-squares bias, spatial autoregression
Revisiting the sustainability of current account deficit: SPSM using the panel KSS Test with a Fourier Function, Chih-kai Chang and Tsangyao Chang,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Current Account Balance, Fourier function, OECD Countries, Panel KSS Test, Sequential Panel Selection Method, Stationarity
Medición de la eficiencia técnica mediante el método de la frontera estocástica: El caso del sector manufacturero italiano, Gabriela Schmidt and Paulina Campión,
in Estudios Economicos
Keywords: eficiencia técnica, manufacturas, diversidad estructural
A note on the SG(m) test, Lopez Fernando A, Mariano Matilla-García, Jesus Mur, Antonio Páez and Manuel Ruiz Marin,
in Journal of Geographical Systems
Keywords: SG(m) test, Spatial dependence, Nonparametric tests, Symbolic dynamics, Entropy, Bootstrap
Using different null hypotheses to test for seasonal unit roots in economic time series, Antonio Aguirre and Andreu Sansó,
in Económica
Using different null hypotheses to test for seasonal unit roots in economic time series, Antonio Aguirre and Andreu Sansó,
in Económica
Meta-Analysis and Partial Correlation Coefficients: A Matter of Weights, Sanghyun Hong and W. Reed,
from University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Partial correlation coefficients, Meta-analysis, Bias, Mean square errors
Un Sistema de Indicadores Líderes del Nivel de Actividad para la Economía Peruana, Javier Escobal and Javier Torres,
from Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE)
Keywords: Producto bruto interno, Indicadores económicos, Gross domestic product, Economic indicators, Peru
Extending citer analysis to journal impact evaluation, Kun Lu, Isola Ajiferuke and Dietmar Wolfram,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Journal citer analysis, Citation analysis, Journal impact factor, Journal citation concentration index
Scholarly publishing in social sciences and humanities, associated probabilities of belonging and its spectrum: a quantitative approach for the Spanish case, Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez and Elea Giménez-Toledo,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Social sciences, Humanities, Quality indicators, Logistic regression, Classification of knowledge
Canonical Factorization and World Representation of Wide-Sense Stationary Series Under Sampling, Luigi Ermini,
from University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics
Keywords: sampling, canonical factorization, Wold representation
Bayesian Factor Selection in Dynamic Term Structure Models, Márcio Laurini,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Term Structure Models, Model Selection, MCMC, Nelson-Siegel
Documentation for Microsimulation Models: A Review of TRIM2, MATH, and HITSM, Kevin Hollenbeck,
from W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Keywords: microsimulation models
Causality between Trade Openness and Energy Consumption: What Causes What in High, Middle and Low Income countries, Muhammad Shahbaz, Samia Nasreen, Chong Hui Ling and Rashid Sbia,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Trade, Energy, Causality
Coal Consumption, Industrial Production and CO2 Emissions in China and India, Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Ilhan Ozturk,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Coal consumption, Industrial production, CO2 emissions, China, India
Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: The Role of Exports, Capital and Labor in France, Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Exports, Gas Consumption, Growth, France
Estimation and Inference about Tail Features with Tail Censored Data, Yulong Wang and Zhijie Xiao,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: Extreme Value theory, power law, extreme quantile, tail index
Results and problems of five years of incomes policy: an initial quantitative evaluation, Silvia Fabiani, Alberto Locarno, Gianpaolo Oneto and Paolo Sestito,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: income policy
Towards more gender equality in Austria, Volker Ziemann,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Austria, Autriche, family policies, gender equality, politiques familiales, égalité des sexes
El análisis econométrico desde la perspectiva de sistemas de información: un cambio de configuración, M.C. Mateo and M.C. García-Cortijo,
in Estudios Economicos de Desarrollo Internacional
Keywords: Econometría, Economía Aplicada, Sistemas de Información; Information System, Econometrics, Applied Economy
The OECD Medium-Term Reference Scenario: Economic Outlook No.74, Peter Downes, Aaron Drew and Patrice Ollivaud,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: forecasts, international, international, OCDE, OECD, prévisions
REVISION POLICY OF SEASONALLY ADJUSTED SERIES – CASE STUDY ON ROMANIAN QUARTERLY GDP, Andreea Mirica, Tudorel Andrei, Elena-Doina Dascălu, George-Ioan MINCU Rădulescu and Ionela-Roxana Glăva,
Keywords: Seasonal adjustment, GDP, revision policy, JDemetra
دراسة قياسية للنماذج الديناميكية مع تطبيقها على التنبؤ بالعمالة فى مصر, Tarek Mohamed Khaleel and Emad Shehata,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Forecasting, Labor, ARIMA, VAR, VECM, State Space
Model averaging in economics, Enrique Moral-Benito,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Model uncertainty; model averaging
Fossil fuel based CO2 emissions, economic growth, and world crude oil price nexus in the United States, Rajaratnam Shanthini,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Carbon dioxide emissions; cointegration; crude oil price; forecast; Granger causality; gross domestic product; GDP; United States.
Could Sri Lanka afford sustainable electricity consumption practices without harming her economic growth?, Rajaratnam Shanthini,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ARDL; cointegration; Granger causality; gross domestic product; sustainable electricity consumption; Sri Lanka
Financial Modeling, 2nd Edition, Simon Benninga,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: financial modeling, excel, spreadsheets
Financial Modeling, 3rd Edition, Simon Benninga,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: financial modeling, visual basic for applications, excel, term structure modeling
Assessing Rational Expectations 2: "Eductive" Stability in Economics, Roger Guesnerie,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: eductive stability, rational expectations, market models
The Minimum Description Length Principle, Peter D. Grünwald,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: minimum description length principle, modeling, biology, econometrics, psychology
Computer Simulation of Competitive Market Response, Arnold E. Amstutz,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: computer simulation, market interactions
Multifractality: Theory and Evidence an Application to the French Stock Market, Jérôme Fillol,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Multifractal model
The examination of the validity of the Divisia price index for the almost ideal demand system model: Some Monte Carlo results, Manami Ogura,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Demand system AID model Divisia price index
Insider patent holder licensing in an oligopoly market and different cost structure: fee, royalty, and auction, Ming-Chung Chang,
in Economics Bulletin
On asymptotic properties of the QLM estimators for GARCH models, Maddalena Cavicchioli,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: GARCH models, asymptotically stationary process, consistency, asymptotic normality, asymptotic variance matrix.
Predicting events with an unidentified time horizon, Patrick de Lamirande and Jason Stevens,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: Spurious regressions, predictability, binary choice models.
Estimating average treatment effect by model averaging, Yichen Gao, Wei Long and Zhengwei Wang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Average treatment effect; Counterfactual; Model average;
Climate change's effects on food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Imen Rahal and Abdelkarim Elloumi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: climate change, food security, Sub-Saharan Africa.
Model Reliability, David Belsley and Edwin Kuh,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics, model reliability
Forecasting Elections from Voters’ Perceptions of Candidates’ Positions on Issues and Policies, Andreas Graefe and J. Armstrong,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: forecasting methods, regression models, index method, experience tables, accuracy
Analyzing Quantitative Models, J. Armstrong and Alan C. Shapiro,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: quantitative models, analysis
Asymmetric Adjustment Costs and Aggregate Job Flows: Specification, Estimation and Testing with French Data, Patrick Fève and Xavier Fairise,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: asymmetric adjustment costs
Econometrics, Volume 1: Econometric Modeling of Producer Behavior, Dale Jorgenson,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics, producer behavior, empirical findings
The Development and Testing of Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Models: A Review, Robert Baldwin,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: heckscher-ohlin trade models, supply, imports, international trade
On the Robustness of Ljung-Box and McLeod-Li Q Tests: A Simulation Study, Yi-Ting Chen,
in Economics Bulletin
Keywords: ARMA-GARCH
A regression error specification test (RESET) for generalized linear models, Sunil Sapra,
in Economics Bulletin
The Bi-parameter Smooth Transition Autoregressive model, Boriss Siliverstovs,
in Economics Bulletin
Dynamic model averaging in large model spaces using dynamic Occam׳s window, Luca Onorante and Adrian E. Raftery,
in European Economic Review
Keywords: Bayesian model averaging; Model uncertainty; Nowcasting; Occam׳s window; Econometric Modeling;
Mortgage Debt Limits and Buy-to-Let Investors: A Structural Model of Housing with an Endogenous Rental Sector, Jurre Thiel and Henrik Zaunbrecher,
from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Forecasting and Analyzing World Commodity Prices, René Lalonde, Zhenhua Zhu and Frederick Demers,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Econometric and statistical methods
Granger-causality in quantiles between financial markets: Using copula approach, Tae Hwy Lee and Weiping Yang,
in International Review of Financial Analysis
Keywords: Contagion in financial markets; Copula functions; Inverting conditional copula; Granger-causality in conditional quantiles;
The Economic Return to Schooling in Ireland, Tim Callan and Colm Harmon,
from College Dublin, Department of Political Economy-
Forecasting Financial Networks, Petre Caraiani,
in Computational Economics
Keywords: Networks, Time series, Forecasts
Standard Shocks in the OECD Interlink Model, Thomas Dalsgaard, Christophe André and Peter Richardson,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: forecasting, macroeconometric model, modèle macroéconométrique, perspectives, simulation, simulation
Econometric modelling in finance and risk management: An overview, Jiti Gao, Michael McAleer and David Allen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Continuous-time model; correlation test; dynamic additive model; estimation of realized volatility; factor model; long-range dependence
Models of labour demand with fixed costs of adjustment: a generalised tobit approach, Francesca Di Iorio and Stefano Fachin,
in Economics Bulletin
The tourism-led growth hypothesis: empirical evidence from Turkey, Hasan Ertugrul and Fatih Mangir,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: tourism, granger causality, ARDL model, Kalman filter method
Assortative Matching and Search, Robert Shimer and Lones Smith,
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics
Assortative Matching and Search, Robert Shimer and Lones Smith,
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Department of Economics
A new approach to multi-step forecasting using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, George Kapetanios, Simon Price and Konstantinos Theodoridis,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: DSGE models; Multi-step errors; Forecasting;
The Use of Literature Based Elasticity Estimates in Calibrated Models of Trade-Wage Decompositions: A Calibmetric Approach, Hui Huang and John Whalley,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Forecast Evaluation and Combination, Francis Diebold and Jose Lopez,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Evaluating Density Forecasts, Francis Diebold, Todd A. Gunther and Anthony S Tay,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Cointegration and Long-Horizon Forecasting, Peter Christoffersen and Francis Diebold,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Granger-Causality in Quantiles between Financial Markets: Using Copula Approach, Tae Hwy Lee and Weiping Yang,
from University of California at Riverside, Department of Economics
Keywords: Contagion in Financial Markets. Copula Functions. Inverting Conditional Copula. Granger-causality in Conditional Quantiles.
The Econometric Analysis of Time Series, 2nd Edition, Andrew Harvey,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: model building, econometrics
Mutual Encompassing and Model Equivalence, M. Lu and Grayham Mizon,
from European University Institute
Computational Economics, Hans Amman and David Kendrick,
from SUNY-Oswego, Department of Economics
Keywords: computational economics,online textbook
Inventories and Asymmetric Business Cycle Fluctuations in the UK, Marianne Sensier,
from University of Oxford, Department of Economics
Scenario forecasting of the dynamics of Russian production technologies using spatial SAR models, Ilya V. Naumov and Sergey S. Krasnykh,
in R-Economy
Keywords: advanced production technologies, science, technologies, modeling, spatial SAR model
A note on the use of quantile regression in beta convergence analysis, Márcio Laurini,
in Economics Bulletin
Latent utility and permutation invariance: A revealed preference approach, Roy Allen and John Rehbeck,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Identification; Latent utility; Exchangeable; Discrete choice; Panel;
On the Determination of the Number of Regimes in Markov-Switching Autoregressive Models, Zacharias Psaradakis and Nicola Spagnolo,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Markov switching, model selection
Model averaging in economics, Enrique Moral-Benito,
from Banco de España
Keywords: Model averaging, Model uncertainty
Does The Keynesian Absolute Income Hypothesis Exist in Pakistan?, Muhammad Shahbaz, Kishwer Nawaz, Mohamed El Hedi Arouri and Frédéric Teulon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Private savings, Co-integration, Pakistan
Is Gold Investment A Hedge against Inflation in Pakistan? A Cointegtaion and Causality Analysis in the Presence of Structural Breaks, Muhammad Shahbaz, Mohammad Iqbal Tahir and Imran Ali,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Gold prices, inflation, hedging, Pakistan
The Weight of Economic Growth and Urbanization on Electricity Demand in UAE, Rashid Sbia and Muhammad Shahbaz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Economic growth, urbanization, electricity consumption
The Environmental cost of Skiing in the Desert? Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks in UAE, Muhammad Shahbaz, Rashid Sbia and Helmi Hamdi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Electricity, Growth, CO2 emissions
The Role of Natural Gas Consumption and Trade in Tunisia’s Output, Sahbi Farhani and Muhammad Shahbaz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Natural gas consumption, Economic growth, Tunisia, ARDL approach
Does J-Curve Phenomenon Exist in Case of Laos? An ARDL Approach, Phouphet Kyophilavong, Muhammad Shahbaz and Gazi Salah Uddin,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: J-curve, ARDL approach, Laos
Analyzing Time-Frequency Relationship between Oil Price and Exchange Rate in Pakistan through Wavelets, Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari and Mohammad Iqbal Tahir,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Oil prices, exchange rate, Pakistan
Panel analysis of CO2 emissions, GDP, energy consumption, trade openness and urbanization for MENA countries, Sahbi Farhani, Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohamed El Hedi Arouri,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) literature, Panel data analysis, Middle East and North African (MENA) countries
Coal Consumption: An Alternate Energy Resource to Fuel Economic Growth in Pakistan, Saqlain Latif Satti, Muhammad Hassan, Haider Mahmood and Muhammad Shahbaz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Pakistan; Economic Growth, Coal Consumption
Revisiting Linkages between Financial Development, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in South Africa: Fresh Evidence from Combined Cointegration Test, Ali Polat, Muhammad Shahbaz, Ijaz Ur Rehman and Saqlain Latif Satti,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: financial development, trade openness, economic growth, South Africa