4031 documents matched the search for C21 C51 D22 D24 M11 in JEL-codes.
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L2-Boosting for Economic Applications, Ye Luo and Martin Spindler,
in American Economic Review
Variance of the Output as a Function of Time: Production Line Dynamics, B. Tan,
from Koc University
Efficiency of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Jordan: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Lamees Al-Durgham and Mohammad Adeinat,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Efficiency, manufacturing firms, stochastic frontier analysis, panel data
The impact of structural reforms on productivity: The role of the distance to the technological frontier, Ana Fontoura Gouveia, Sílvia Santos and Inês Gonçalves,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Distance to frontier, Growth, Structural reforms, Total Factor Productivity
in Journal of Academic Research in Economics
Keywords: Quality control process, universal indicators efficiency of process, basic approaches to monitoring and measuring of the processes.
Breakthrough Effect of Combining Resource Management Models, Elena S. Balashova and Elizaveta A. Gromova,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Velocity, Lean Production, Theory of Constraints, Six Sigma, Resource Management
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: project management, value, stakeholders, project product, project life cycle phases
Factores que afectan el desempeño de las MIPYME en Michoacán, México: un acercamiento a la teoría de los efectos olvidados, Beatriz Flores-Romero and Federico González-Santoyo,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: efectos olvidados, desarrollo y desempeño de empresas, México
Entrepreneurship in Wiltshire, England, almost 1,000 years ago, John McDonald,
in Cliometrica, Journal of Historical Economics and Econometric History
Keywords: Domesday Book, DEA, Production functions, Manorial efficiency
Сценарное прогнозирование развития промышленного производства на основе моделирования ожиданий экономических агентов: методические подходы и их апробация. Scenario forecasting of industrial production development on the basis of economic agents expectations modeling: methodical approaches and their approbation, Сафиуллин М. Р. and Ельшин Л. А.,
in Мир экономики и управления // Вестник НГУ. Cерия: Cоциально-экономические науки
Keywords: ожидания экономических агентов, моделирование и прогнозирование, кросскорреляционный анализ, промышленное развитие, сценарное программирование, институциональные и конъюнктурные параметры развития, expectations of economic agents, modeling and forecasting, cross-correlation analysis, industrial development, scenario programming, institutional and tactical parameters of development
Functional Forms and Oligopolistic Models: An Empirical Analysis, David Bouras, Troy Frank and Eric Burgess,
in International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
Keywords: Demand, Cost, New Empirical Industrial Organization, Market Power
Analysis on Korean Inter-industry Productivity Spillover Effects (in Korean), Won-Kyu Kim,
in Economic Analysis (Quarterly)
Keywords: total factor productivity, inter-industrial innovation spillover, intermediate input and demand channel, panel cointegration
Territorial Analysis of the Elasticities of Substitution of Production Factors in the Colombian Manufacturing Industry (1992–2018), Julian Augusto Casas Herrera and Jhancarlos Gutiérrez-Ayala,
in Lecturas de Economía
Keywords: manufacturing industry, production factors, elasticities, translogarithmic function, SURE
Productive efficiency analysis of quantitative economics journals through Stochastic Frontier Analysis using panel data || Análisis de eficiencia productiva de revistas de economía cuantitativa a través del análisis de frontera estocástica utilizando datos de panel, José M. Gavilan and Francisco J. Ortega,
in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
Keywords: production, productivity, efficiency, scientific production, frontier production models, panel data models.
Esnek Uretim Sistemleri Uygulayan Isletmelerde Uretim Maliyetlerinin Degerlendirilmesi, Seckin Gonen and Muhsin Celik,
in Ege Academic Review
Two-Level Lot Sizing Models for an Unreliable Production Facility: Case of Finite Horizon and Single Demand, M.E. Hafsi,
from The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management. University of California Riverside
The Use of a Faceted Classification System for Managing Cost Information in Construction Projects, Micha³ Juszczyk,
in World of Real Estate Journal (Swiat Nieruchomosci)
Keywords: faceted classification system; construction cost management; construction management
Product mix decisions based on ABC and TOC, Eva Výrostová,
in Ekonomika a Management
Keywords: optimization, Optimalizácia, Activity-based costing, Theory of constraints, Product mix decisions, Kalkulácia nákladov podľa čiastkových aktivít, Teória obmedzení, Rozhodovanie o produktovom mixe
Analysis of Household Expenditure on Electricity in Palestine, Yousef Abdel Jawad and Issam Ayyash,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: Household electricity, Expenditure on electricity, Electricity in Palestine.
in Perspectives of Innovation in Economics and Business (PIEB)
Keywords: DEA, SFA, technical efficiency, frontier production, farm efficiency
Eco-innovation in SMEs – a Draft Tool for Improvement, Voicu-Dorobanþu Roxana,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: Eco-innovation, sustainability assessment models, SMEs
The Leadership's Role in Motivating Employees, Horga Maria Gabriela and Nancu Dorinela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: leadership, motivation, employees, equity, job satisfaction
Assessing Communication within Local Organizations, Nancu Dorinela, Popovici Veronica and Horga Maria Gabriela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: communication, inter-departmental communication, workplace, feedback, employees
Kitschoutput Interpretation of Archaeology and Problems with the Commercialisation of Science, Katarzyna Jarosz,
in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication
Keywords: kitsch, archaeology, popular science, reality distortion, mystery
Convergence, the New Way of Doing Journalism, Rodica Melinda Şuţu,
in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication
Keywords: convergence, multimedia, interactivity, audience, video journalist
The Social-Professional Portrait of Romanian Journalists, Natalia Vasilendiuc,
in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication
Keywords: Romanian journalists, incomes, gender factor, professional motivations
Is There a Positive Correlation between Promoting Communication at all Hierarchical Levels within the Organization and Organizational Performance?, Nancu Dorinela,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: learning organizations, communication, organizational performance
in Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas
Keywords: Competitiveness, Restaurants
Social Enterprise: Finding Identity Between Social and Economic Goals (Przedsiebiorstwa spoleczne – poszukiwanie tozsamosci pomiedzy celami ekonomicznymi a spolecznymi), Roman Batko and Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: social economy, social enterprises, organizational goals, identity
Liquidity analysis of industrial companies at the crisis period, Michal Felcman,
in Ekonomika a Management
Keywords: Crisis, krize, Likvidita, Průmyslové podniky, Analýza likvidity, Liquidity, Industrial companies, Analysis of liquidity
Development of number and structure of extinct entities in 2006-2010, Michal Felcman,
in Ekonomika a Management
Keywords: Extinction, Economic entity, Analysis of structure, Zánik, Ekonomický subjekt, Analýza struktury
European Trends in Obtaining and Maintaining Food Quality, Alexandru Burda,
in International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Keywords: Consumer, nutrition, medi-foods, light, quality
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Leadership; SME; Corporation; Interview;
Analysis of Gen Z Muslims' Interpersonal Behavior in Halal Food Purchasing in Indonesia تحليل السلوك الشخصي في شراء الأغذية الحلال من قبل مسلمي جيل ما بعد الألفية (Gen. Z) في إندونيسيا, Anton Bawono, Yudi Saputra and Fauzi Annur,
in Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics
Keywords: Halal food, Muslim, Gen Z, theory of planned behavior, Religiosity, Indonesia. الغذاء الحلال، المسلم، الجيل زد، نظرية السلوك المخطط، التَّدين ، إندونيسيا.
Analysis of the Profitability of an SME from the Perspective of Quality Management, Mircea Raul Bogdan,
in Valahian Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: quality costs, profitability, economic efficiency, quality management, production, improvement
The Importance of Communication Proficiency in Management, Adriana Grigorescu and Lupu Maria – Magdalena,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: communicational proficiency, managerial communication, organizational communication, communication
Keywords: innovation, finance, market, strategy, cooperation
Drivers of Green Supply Chain Management Practices and their Impact on Firm Performance: A Developing Country Perspective, Haris Aslam, Kamran Rashid, Asadur Rahman Wahla and Uzma Tahira,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: green supply chain management (GSCM); developing country; environmental performance; structural equation modeling; partial least square (PLS)
ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE RATES IN THE IT INDUSTRY, Csegedi Sandor, Moscviciov Andrei, Todea Angela and Molnar Andra,
in Annals of Faculty of Economics
Keywords: Key words: liquidity, leverage, assets, equity
Formalisation et accès au crédit des petites et moyennes entreprises: cas du Togo, Edoh Kotoklo and Fo-kossi edem Togbenu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Keywords: Formalization, SMEs, Access to Credit, Probit and Special Regressor
Formalisation et accès au crédit des petites et moyennes entreprises: cas du Togo, Edoh Kotoklo and Fo-kossi edem Togbenu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Keywords: Formalization, SMEs, Access to Credit, Probit and Special Regressor
Do Incentives Matter in Persuading Companies to Embrace Advanced Reporting Standards Voluntarily?, Roslee Uyob, Ku Maisurah Ku Bahador and Ram Al Jaffri Saad,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: business reporting standards; technology acceptance model; usage behaviour; intention to use technology; incentives; XBRL; MBRS
Firm Size and Financing Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from SMEs in Istanbul, Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Mehmet Babacan, Nurullah Gür and Selim Süleyman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: COVID-19, emerging markets, finance, small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs)
Corporate Governance Compliance of Companies Listed on the Alternative Exchange (ALTX) In South Africa, Henriette Scholtz,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: corporate governance, agency theory, small companies, boards of directors
The Impacts of Organizational Cultures Incorporating Coaching Style Management on Employees? Work Ethics and Social Responsibility, Quey-Jen Yeh,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Work ethics and social responsibility (WESR), Confucianism, diligence tradition, innovative values, organizational cultures, management style, power-distance, coaching, work performance efficacy
On the analysis of deep drawdowns for the Lévy insurance risk model, David Landriault, Bin Li and Mohamed Amine Lkabous,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Drawdown process; Drawdown duration; Lévy insurance risk processes; Drawdown magnitude; Scale functions;
Analysis of Labour Productivity Dynamics of SNCF Navrom SA Progress through the Review of „Turnover” Indicator Evolution Based on a Unifactorial Model, Riana Iren Radu,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: dynamic, unifactorial model, dependency, plausibility
An Exploration into the Determinants of Patent Activities. Some Empirical Evidence for Austria, Manfred Fischer, Josef Fröhlich and Helmut Gassler,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Austrian manufacturing industry, Patent behaviour, Size, sectoral and regional differences, Logit analysis
Empirically Evaluating the Effect of Security Precautions on Cyber Incidents, Neil Gandal, Tyler Moore, Michael Riordan and Noa Barnir,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Empirical
Working from Home for Good? Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic and What This Means for the Future of Work, Christian Kagerl and Julia Starzetz,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
A növekedési ütem és a foglalkoztatás növelésének lehetőségeiről, Tamas Revesz, György Boda, David Losonci and Zoltán Fülöp,
in Közgazdasági Szemle (Economic Review - monthly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
The Contingent Effect of Management Practices, Steven Blader, Claudine Gartenberg and Andrea Prat,
in The Review of Economic Studies
Keywords: Management practices
The Interaction effect of Psychological Contract Breach on the relation between Psychological Capital, Work Engagement and Burnout, Raheela Haque, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, Irshad Hussain Sarki and Khalil Ahmed Channa,
in Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business
Keywords: Psychological capital; psychological contract breach; Work engagement; Burnout
Leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior in hospitality industry: a study on effect of gender, Mehrdad Estiri, Nader Seyyed Amiri, Datis Khajeheian and Hamzeh Rayej,
in Eurasian Business Review
Keywords: Organizational culture, Leadership style, Organizational citizenship behavior, Leader-member exchange, Gender, Hospitality industry, Iran
Barriers to Cross-border eCommerce in the EU Digital Single Market, Nestor Duch-Brown and Bertin Martens,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: digital single market, e-commerce, cross-border online trade, online firms
Do Collusive Norms Maximize Profits? Evidence from a Vegetable Market Experiment in India, Abhijit Banerjee, Greg Fischer, Dean Karlan, Matt Lowe and Benjamin N. Roth,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Assessing the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Chemical Sector, Ana Rita Ana Rita Marques and Cátia Silva,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Chemical, Exports, Competitiveness, Firm-level data
Firm heterogeneity and exports in Portugal - Identifying export potential, Frederico Oliveira Torres,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Exports, firm heterogeneity, firm-level data
The Determinants of Competitiveness of the Portuguese Defense Industry, Roxanne Merenda,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Exports, Competitiveness, Firm-level data, Defense industry
What Determines Firm-level Export Capacity? Evidence from Portuguese firms, Ana Gouveia and Ana Luisa Correia,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Keywords: Internationalization; Competitiveness; Barriers; Exports
Assessing the Competitiveness of the Portuguese Footwear Sector, Fábio Batista, José Matos and Miguel Matos,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Footwear, Exports, Competitiveness, Firm-level data.
Assessing the Competitiveness of the Metalworking Sector, João Marinho and Pedro Carvalho,
from Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos, Ministério da Economia
Keywords: Metalworking, Exports, Competitiveness, Firm-level data
University absorptive capacity: Normative and perceived assessments, Svetlana V. Orekhova, O.M. Nikitina and Natalya Yu. Yaroshevich,
in Upravlenets
Keywords: knowledge management; absorptive capacity; university; higher education; academic staff; work motivation; perceived assessments; normative assessments
Geringes Wirtschaftswachstum und Abwärtstrend bei Investitionen: Wege aus der Wachstumsschwäche, Holger Zemanek, Jörg Krämer, Marco Wagner, Thieß Petersen, Tom Krebs, Martin Scheffel, Thomas Mayer, Steffen Elstner and Christoph Schmidt,
in ifo Schnelldienst
Keywords: Wirtschaftswachstum, Wirtschaftspolitik, Investition, Wirkungsanalyse
Firm Dynamics and Markup Variations: Implications for Sunspot Equilibria and Endogenous Economic Fluctuation, Nir Jaimovich,
from Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Keywords: sunspots, business cycles, TFP, firm dynamics, markup
Análise de convergência espacial dos repasses da Lei Robin Hood, Noé Gonçalves Maranduba ,
in Revista Economia e Sociedade
Keywords: Robin Hood Act; Exploratory spatial data analysis; β convergence; Spatial econometrics.
Large Datasets Regression Coefficients and Spatial Homogeneity, Andrew Siebert,
in Journal of Economics and Econometrics
Keywords: Spatially clustered coefficient, Varying coefficient regression, Minimum spanning tree, Penalised least squares
Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of Commercial Banks in Russia Based on a Multidimensional Analysis of Financial Indicators, Ilya I. Kornukov and Alexey Yu. Domnikov,
in Journal of Applied Economic Research
Keywords: banking system; probabilistic assessment; cluster analysis; logistic regression; multidimensional analysis; separating hyperplane; financial stability
Analysis of the Exchange Rate and Pricing Foreign Currency Options on the Croatian Market: the NGARCH Model as an Alternative to the Black-Scholes Model, Petra Posedel Šimović,
in Financial Theory and Practice
Keywords: Black-Scholes model, NGARCH model, heteroscedasticity, volatility, risk premium, risk-neutral measure, no arbitrage, Monte Carlo simulations.
Russia's Trade Flows and WTO, Sergey Kolesnikov and Olga Podkorytova,
from European University at St. Petersburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Russia, gravity model, trade flows, non-oil trade
Does Inequality in Landownership Contribute to Inequality in Education Attainment? Empirical Evidence From Kenya, John Kamau Gathiaka,
in Tanzanian Economic Review
Keywords: landownership; education attainment; inequality; county; household
Structural Equation Modelling of Relationship between Teachers’ Capacity Building and Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Kwara State, Nigeria, Yusuf Suleiman, Zahyah Bt Hanafi and Muhajir Bin Taslikhan,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: Capacity Building; Workshop; Seminar; Teachers; Academic Performance
Comparing the Effects of Improving Economic and Political Institutions on per Capita Income in Oil-Exporting and Industrial Countries (in Persian), Hasan Sobhani and Saeed Bayat,
in The Journal of Planning and Budgeting (٠صلنامه برنامه ریزی و بودجه)
Keywords: Economic and Political Institutions, Per Capita Income, Cross-sectional Econometrics, Oil-Exporting Countries, G20 Countries
Optimizing the Number and Location of Warehouses in Logistics Networks Considering the Optimal Delivery Routes and Set Level of Reserve Stock, Volodymyr V. Sysoiev,
in Theory Methodology Practice (TMP)
Keywords: logistics network, warehouse, optimal warehouse location, logistics costs, optimaldelivery route
China's Provincial Growth Dynamics, Jahangir Aziz and Christoph Duenwald,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Provincial growth; convergence; twin peaks
Trade and Income Convergence in Selected South Asian Countries and Their Trading Partners, Ahmed Nawaz Hakro and Bashir Fida,
in Lahore Journal of Economics
Keywords: Intra-trade, income convergence, per capita income, South Asia.
Assessment of PISA 2012 Results With Quantile Regression Analysis Within The Context of Inequality In Educational Opportunity, Sevda Gürsakal, Dilek Murat and Necmi Gürsakal,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Inequality of Educational Opportunity, Mathematics Score, PISA, Quantile Regression
Edgeworth expansions for semiparametric Whittle estimation of long memory, Liudas Giraitis and Peter Robinson,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Edgeworth expansion; long memory; semiparametric estimation
A study on spatial autocorrelation: Case of Russian regional inflation, Andrew Kirillov,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: regional inflation; consumer price index; spatial autocorrelation; APLE; Moran’s I; regions of Russia.
A research agenda on general-to-specific spatial model search, Peter Burridge,
Keywords: General-to-Specific; Research Agenda; Nesting Spatial Regression Models; Heteroskedasticity
Improved quantile inference via fixed-smoothing asymptotics and Edgeworth expansion, David Kaplan,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Fixed-smoothing; High-order accuracy; Hypothesis testing; Testing-optimal smoothing parameter;
Fractional order statistic approximation for nonparametric conditional quantile inference, Matt Goldman and David Kaplan,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Dirichlet; High-order accuracy; Inference-optimal bandwidth; Kernel smoothing;
Comparing distributions by multiple testing across quantiles or CDF values, Matt Goldman and David Kaplan,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Dirichlet; Familywise error rate; Kolmogorov–Smirnov; Probability integral transform; Regression discontinuity;
Evolución geográfica del homicidio en Colombia, Andres Sanchez, Jabba Ana Maria Diaz, Alejandro Pelaez, Omar Castelblanco, Johanna Tautiva, Cristina Gonzalez and Laura Angel,
from Banco de la Republica de Colombia
Keywords: homicidio, Colombia, I de Moran, análisis espacial.
Comparison of Traditional and Modern Performance Instruments on Selected Companies from Pakistan, Muhammad Imran Aslam and Ali Akbar Khan,
in International Review of Management and Marketing
Keywords: Stock Exchange, Economic Value Added, Cross Sectional
Spatial econometrics for misaligned data, Guillaume Allaire Pouliot,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Spatial econometrics; Gaussian random fields; Large sample distributions; Kriging;
Nonparametric estimation of natural direct and indirect effects based on inverse probability weighting, Yu-Chin Hsu, Martin Huber and Lai Tsung-Chih,
in Journal of Econometric Methods
Keywords: causal channels, causal mechanisms, causal pathways, direct effects, indirect effects, inverse probability weighting, mediation analysis, nonparametric estimation, propensity score, series logit estimation
Disentangling policy effects into causal channels, Martin Huber,
in IZA World of Labor
Keywords: causal channels, causal mechanisms, mediation analysis, direct and indirect effects
Rethinking the null hypothesis in significant colocation pattern mining of spatial flows, Mengjie Zhou, Mengjie Yang, Tinghua Ai, Jiannan Cai and Zhe Chen,
in Journal of Geographical Systems
Keywords: Colocation pattern, Spatial flow, Statistical significance test, Null hypothesis, Random labeling
An Examination of the Relationship between Health and Economic Growth, Garima Malik,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: health, economic growth
Model selection strategies in a spatial context, Jesus Mur and Ana Angulo,
from Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Model selection, Spatial Econometrics, Cross-sectional dependence
Labor Participation of Married Women in Colombia, Luis Arango Thomas and Carlos Posada,
from Banco de la Republica
Keywords: married women,
On different approaches to obtaining partial effects in binary response models with endogenous regressors, Wei Lin and Jeffrey Wooldridge,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Average index function; Average partial effect; Average structural function;
Neglected Heterogeneity, Simpson’s Paradox, and the Anatomy of Least Squares, Winkelmann Rainer,
in Journal of Econometric Methods
Keywords: average treatment effect, covariance-weighting, heterogeneity spillover, non-convex average
Insights from the co-authorship network of the Italian academic statisticians, Silvia Bacci, Bruno Bertaccini and Alessandra Petrucci,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Bibliographic data source, Network analysis, Quantile regression model, Scientific collaboration
Spatial autoregressive models for scan statistic, Mohamed-Salem Ahmed, Lionel Cucala and Michaël Genin,
in Journal of Spatial Econometrics
Keywords: Spatial autoregressive models, Scan statistics, Cluster detection
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Impact Evaluation, Eva Vivalt,
in American Economic Review
Machine Learning Estimation of Heterogeneous Causal Effects: Empirical Monte Carlo Evidence, Michael Lechner, Michael Knaus and Anthony Strittmatter,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Causal machine learning; Conditional average treatment effects; Selection-on-observables; Random forest; Causal forest; Lasso
How to control for many covariates? Reliable estimators based on the propensity score, Martin Huber, Michael Lechner and Conny Wunsch,
from Department of Economics, University of St. Gallen
Keywords: Propensity score matching, kernel matching, inverse probability weighting, selection on observables, empirical Monte Carlo study, finite sample properties
When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering?, Alberto Abadie, Susan Athey, Guido Imbens and Jeffrey Wooldridge,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc