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5244 documents matched the search for C18 E17 E32 in JEL-codes.
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An Evaluation of the OECD Cyclically-Adjusted Primary Government Balance Forecasts,
Jef Vuchelen and Jesse De Wit, in Brussels Economic Review (2008)
Keywords: Macroeconomic forecasting; Monitoring forecasts; Regression; Statistical test; Government forecasting

The current state of the theory of cycles,
Vittorio Marrama, in Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (2013)
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Cycles and Taxonomy; Econometrics, Moses Abramovitz; Arthur C. Burns; Gottfried Haberler; Roy Harrod; John Hicks; Lawrence Klein; Tjalling Koopmans; Wesley C. Mitchell; Jan Tinbergen

Diagnoza psychologiczna predyspozycji pracownikow (Psychological diagnosis of employees’ working style),
Grazyna Wieczorkowska-Wierzbinska, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2014)
Keywords: procedures, changes in labor market, routines, individual differences, NEO-FFI, diagnostic games

Ewaluacja projektow i abstraktow – wplyw indywidualnego stylu ewaluacji na oceny (Evaluation of grant proposals and abstracts – the influence of individual evaluation style on ratings),
Grzegorz Krol and Katarzyna Kinga Kowalczyk, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2014)
Keywords: evaluation,, implicit standards, reviews, leniency terror, ratings differentiation

Ewaluacja projektow i abstraktow – wplyw indywidualnego stylu ewaluacji na oceny (Evaluation of grant proposals and abstracts – the influence of individual evaluation style on ratings),
Waldemar Grzywacz and Michal Mijal, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2014)
Keywords: professional competence, development, games, games, simulations, case study

Ten Pitfalls of Research Practices in Management Science (Dziesiec pulapek badawczych w naukach o zarzadzaniu),
Grazyna Wieczorkowska and Grzegorz Krol, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2016)
Keywords: confounding, suppression, mediation, organization and management studies, European Social Survey

Four Methodological Threats in Management Science (Cztery metodologiczne zagrozenia w naukach o zarzadzaniu),
Grazyna Wieczorkowska, Grzegorz Krol and Jerzy Wierzbinski, in Research Reports (2016)
Keywords: quantitative methods, methodological threats.

Extreme Response Style in Correlational Research (Extreme Response Style (Skrajny Styl Odpowiadania) w badaniach korelacyjnych),
Katarzyna Kinga Kowalczyk, Agnieszka Mulak and Grzegorz Krol, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2016)
Keywords: extreme response style, response style, survey research

Third Variable Effects in Management Studies (Efekty trzeciej zmiennej w naukach o zarzadzaniu),
Anna Olga Kuzminska, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2016)
Keywords: confounding, suppression, mediation, organization and management studies, European Social Survey

Statystyka a etyka/Statistics and Ethics Approach to the Issue of Social Elites,
Bohdan Wyznikiewicz, in Annales. Ethics in Economic Life (2015)
Keywords: public statistics, Eurostat, users of statistics, manipulations on statistical data

Wasyl Bilczak and Michal Bilczak, in OLSZTYN ECONOMIC JOURNAL (2018)
Keywords: border regions, coastal regions, limology, typology, classification of regions

The forecasting of oil companies financial condition,
Elena V. Boldanova, in Economic Consultant (2019)
Keywords: oil and gas complex; oil company; forecasting; financial condition; correlation analysis; regression analysis; sale profitability; capital productivity; financial stability

Problems with Measurement of Trust and Trustworthiness. What Best Predicts Trust Game Outcomes? (Zaufanie i wiarygodnosc: pomiar i wplyw informacji o przynaleznosci grupowej ),
Anna O. Kuzminska, in Research Reports (2016)
Keywords: trust, trustworthiness, social desirability, cues to identity

Alignment of the Quarterly Financial Statistics to the Annual Financial Statistics data,
Sagaren Pillay and Joe de Beer, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: disaggregation, benchmarking, optimisation, Fernandez random walk model 1

Отражение природоохранных затрат в СНС: международные рекомендации и проблемы их реализации,
Aleksandr Dumnov, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2011)
Keywords: комплексный природно-ресурсный и экономический учет, система национальных счетов, затраты на охрану окружающей природной среды, структура выпуска продукции природоохранного назначения, финансирование природоохранной деятельности

Relationship between Export Revenue and Gross Domestic Product in Bangladesh: An Econometric Analysis,
Sudip Dey, in Asian Business Review (2018)
Keywords: Export revenue; GDP; VAR; Cointegration; Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

Problem Situations In Assessing The Quality Of Academic Work Through Surveys,
Margarita Lambova and Veselin Hadzhiev, in An Annual Book of University of Economics - Varna (2018)
Keywords: survey, measurement, ordinal scale, arithmetic mean, median

Trust formation in B2C e-commerce using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process approach,
Changiz Valmohammadi and Mahmud Zamani, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2014)
Keywords: Fuzzy analytic network process, E-Commerce, Multi criteria decision making, Online shopping, Iran

Methodological Considerations in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,
Demissie Alemayehu, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2014)
Keywords: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Network Meta-analysis, Indirect Comparisons, Health Economics

Dealing with small sample bias in post-crisis samples,
Makram El-Shagi, in Economic Modelling (2017)
Keywords: Finite sample; Short period;

Efficiency of improved peeled longan drying technology in Thailand: A metafrontier approach,
Sombat Singkharat, Aree Wiboonpongse and Yaovarate Chaovanapoonphol, in The Empirical Econometrics and Quantitative Economics Letters (2012)
Keywords: Metafrontier, Dried longan, CO2 emissions, Energy reduction, Community enterprises

Quantitative Methods for the Evaluation of Institutional Work Performance Based on the Example of Cleaning Services Market in Russia and in Poland,
Chernovalov Aliaksandr V., Kuźmicki Marek and Chernovalov Pavel A., in Economic and Regional Studies / Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne (2018)
Keywords: productivity, work, institutions, human capital, opportunism, quantitative analysis

Paper2GIS: improving accessibility without limiting analytical potential in Participatory Mapping,
Timna Denwood, Jonathan J. Huck and Sarah Lindley, in Journal of Geographical Systems (2023)
Keywords: PPGIS, Participatory Mapping, Digital divides, Sketch mapping

Una metodología de clustering para agrupar series temporales en regiones contiguas,
Pablo Quintana, from Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (2022) Downloads

Konsekwencje wyboru typu skali odpowiedzi w badaniach ankietowych (Consequences of using different types of rating scales),
Jerzy Wierzbinski, Anna O. Kuzminska and Grzegorz Krol, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2014)
Keywords: work engagement measurement, UWES, work arrangements

Comparability Problems of International Survey Data: The Example of Japan and Italy (Problem porownywalnosci danych sondazowych pochodzacych z roznych krajow: przyklad Japonii i W³och),
Jerzy Wierzbinski and Anna Olga Kuzminska, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2016)
Keywords: “don’t know” responses, extreme responses, International Social Survey Programme, eastwest cultural differences, Japan, Nisbett

Viewpoint: Estimating the causal effects of policies and programs,
Jeffrey Smith and Arthur Sweetman, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2016) Downloads

The k-NN algorithm for compositional data: a revised approach with and without zero values present,
Michail Tsagris, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: compositional data, entropy, k-NN algorithm, metric, supervised classification

Improved classi cation for compositional data using the $\alpha$-transformation,
Michail Tsagris, Simon Preston and Andrew T.A. Wood, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: compositional data, classi�cation, �-transformation, �-metric, Jensen-Shannon divergence

Regression analysis with compositional data containing zero values,
Michail Tsagris, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2015)
Keywords: Compositional data, regression, prediction, α-transformation, principal component regression

Distributional compatibility for change of measures,
Jie Shen, Yi Shen, Bin Wang and Ruodu Wang, in Finance and Stochastics (2019)
Keywords: Change of measure, Compatibility, Heterogeneity order, Optimisation

Researchers’ data analysis choices: an excess of false positives?,
James A. Ohlson, in Review of Accounting Studies (2022)
Keywords: Data analysis, False positives, Publication process

Reliability of researcher capacity estimates and count data dispersion: a comparison of Poisson, negative binomial, and Conway-Maxwell-Poisson models,
Boris Forthmann and Philipp Doebler, in Scientometrics (2021)
Keywords: Researcher capacity, Item response models, Rasch Poisson count model, Conway-Maxwell-Poisson count model, Dispersion, Reliability

Researcher capacity estimation based on the Q model: a generalized linear mixed model perspective,
Boris Forthmann, in Scientometrics (2023)
Keywords: Q model, Researcher capacity, Generalized linear mixed model

To what extent does the use of crosswalks instead of EQ-5D value sets impact reimbursement decisions?: a simulation study,
Ângela Jornada Ben, Johanna M. Dongen, Aureliano Paolo Finch, Mohamed El Alili and Judith E. Bosmans, in The European Journal of Health Economics (2023)
Keywords: Quality of life, Methods, Cost–benefit analysis, EQ-5D

A Model of Scientific Communication,
Isaiah Andrews and Jesse Shapiro, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2020) Downloads

The Properties of Model Selection when Retaining Theory Variables,
David Hendry and Soren Johansen, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics (2011)
Keywords: Model selection, theory retention

Dynamic discrete choice models with incomplete data: Sharp identification,
Yuya Sasaki, Yuya Takahashi, Yi Xin and Yingyao Hu, in Journal of Econometrics (2023)
Keywords: Dynamic discrete choice; Incomplete data; Industry dynamics; Partial identification; Sharp identification;

Unconditional and Conditional Quantile Treatment Effect: Identification Strategies and Interpretations,
Margherita Fort, from Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Universita' di Bologna (2012) Downloads

Extending the Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition to the Independent Double Hurdle Model: With Application to Parental Spending on Education in Malawi,
Richard Mussa, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Double Hurdle; Decomposition; Blinder-Oaxaca; Malawi

A mathematical resurgence of risk management: an extreme modeling of expert opinions,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2011)
Keywords: Basel II; operational risks; EVT; AMA; expert; Value-at-Risk; excepted shortfall

Operational risk: A Basel II++ step before Basel III,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2012)
Keywords: Operational risks; Loos Distribution Function; risk measures; EVT; Vine Copula

Operational risk: A Basel II++ step before Basel III,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2012)
Keywords: Operational risks; Loos Distribution Function; risk measures; EVT; Vine Copula

Operational risk: a Basel II++ step before Basel III,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2011)
Keywords: Operational risks; Loos Distribution Function; risk measures; EVT; Vine Copula

Using a time series approach to correct serial correlation in Operational Risk capital calculation,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2013)
Keywords: Operational risk; time series; Gegenbauer processes; Monte Carlo; risk measures

An Autocorrelated Loss Distribution Approach: back to the time series,
Dominique Guegan and Bertrand K. Hassani, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2012)
Keywords: Operational risk; time series; Gegenbauer processes; Monte Carlo; risk measures

Qualitative Analysis of the Goodwin Model of the Growth Cycle || Análisis cualitativo del modelo de Goodwin de ciclos de crecimiento,
Vladimir Serebriakov and Mirko Dohnal, in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration (2017)
Keywords: Goodwin model; business cycle; qualitative; scenario; transition; modelo de Goodwin; ciclo empresarial; cualitativo; escenario; transición

Agent Based Modelling of Aid,
Andras Margitay-Becht, in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal (2005)
Keywords: growth, aid, agent-based modelling, adaptive agents

Stimulating income generation for the population in Uzbekistan: an econometric analysis,
Sergey V. Chepel, in Asia-Pacific Development Journal (2008)
Keywords: population disposable incomes, factors of incom, average salary, econometric analysis and modeling, economic reforms and liberalization, index of economic freedom, sensitivity of disposable incomes, GDP deflator, regression equations, dependent variable, money supply, contribution to growth of disposable incomesm inequality in distribution of income, forecast, alternative assumptions, economic policy measures

Inter-sector Inter-Region Model for Russian Economy: Methodology and Application,
Nikita Suslov, Vladimir Buzulutskov and Ekaterina Isupova, in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (2022)
Keywords: Inter-regional Economic Analysis Optimization Model, Energy Sector, Economic Growth

Quarterly Bayesian DSGE Model of Pakistan Economy with Informality,
Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Rehman and Muhammad Jahanzeb Malik, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2013)
Keywords: Bayesian Estimation, DSGE Model, Shock Process.

Causality deficit-inflation: Wavelet Transform,
Maissa Elmrabet and Ghazi Boulila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: Few researchers have addressed the problem of the causality inflation-deficits, and even Previous worktreated this causality they have only focused on the Granger causality technique in which the results of thisapproach raises many doubts. This investigation aim to study the relationship between inflation and the pri-mary deficit using the wavelet transform for different euro area member countries from 1980 until 2014 withquarterly data. We have characterized the inflation-primary deficit relationship in a time-frequency scale.First we found that the deficit causes inflation in log term. We detected also, that inflation-primary deficitrelationship is highly consistent during the post-financial crisis in the euro area in the long run. Finally wecan judge through the wavelet transform that this relationship is non linear.

The role of monetary conditions and the monetary conditions index in the conduct of policy [speech],
Charles Freedman, in Bank of Canada Review (1995) Downloads

How CBO Produces Its 10-Year Economic Forecast: Working Paper 2018-02,
Robert W. Arnold, from Congressional Budget Office (2018) Downloads

Lucian Albu and Elena Pelinescu, in Journal for Economic Forecasting (2002)
Keywords: forecast, macroeconomic indicators

Lucian Albu and Elena Pelinescu, in Journal for Economic Forecasting (2002)
Keywords: forecast, macroeconomic indicators

An empirical model of international and domestic food inflation,
Javier Gómez-Pineda, from Banco de la Republica (2008)
Keywords: Food ination, International food ination.

Trends in Factor Price Elasticities Adding Energy to Capital and Labor in the US Economy Net Foreign Assets, Financial Liberalization and Real Exchange Rates,
Henry Thompson, in Review of Economic Analysis (2019)
Keywords: energy input; factor productivity; factor price elasticity

Forecasting bankruptcy and physical default intensity,
Ping Zhou, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2007) Downloads

Foreign bank entry: a liquidity based theory of entry and credit market segmentation,
Nikolaj Schmidt, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2008) Downloads

Quarterly Bayesian DSGE Model of Pakistan Economy with Informality,
Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Jahanzeb Malik and Muhammad Rehman, from State Bank of Pakistan, Research Department (2014)
Keywords: Bayesian Estimation, DSGE Model, Shock Process

ifo DSGE Model 2.0,
Radek Šauer, from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (2022)
Keywords: DSGE, simulations, forecasting, business-cycle analysis

The limited usefulness of macroeconomic Bayesian VARs when estimating the probability of a US recession,
Pär Österholm, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2012)
Keywords: Predictive density; Fan chart; Leading indicator; Survey data;

Climate-resilient economic development in Vietnam: Insights from a dynamic general equilibrium analysis (DGE-CRED). A technical documentation,
Andrej Drygalla, Katja Heinisch and Christoph Schult, from Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) (2024)
Keywords: adaptation, climate change, cost-benefit analysis, dynamic general equilibrium models

Partial Current Information and Signal Extraction in a Rational Expectations Macroeconomic Model: A Computational Solution,
Laurian Lungu and Kent Matthews, from Society for Computational Economics (2002)
Keywords: Rational Expectations, Partial Current Information, Signal Extraction, Macroeconomic modelling

Forecasting Aggregate Productivity Using Information from Firm-Level Data,
Eric Bartelsman and Zoltán Wolf, in The Review of Economics and Statistics (2014)
Keywords: forecasting, aggregate, productivity, firm-level, Bayesian

Forecast the Gross Value Added in Construction Sector of Bulgaria with SARIMA Model,
Plamen Yankov, Julian Vasilev, Pavel Petrov, Liliya Mileva and Svetlana Todorova, in Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Economic Sciences Series (2021)
Keywords: SARIMA, gross value added, forecast, construction

Baby-Boom Aging and Average Living Standards,
William Scarth and Marick Souare, from McMaster University (2002)
Keywords: over-lapping generations model; living standards; baby-boom; aging

Baby-Boom Aging and Average Living Standards,
William Scarth and Malick Souare, from McMaster University (2002)
Keywords: over-lapping generations model; living standards; baby-boom; aging

Real-Time Forecast Evaluation of DSGE Models with Stochastic Volatility,
Francis Diebold, Frank Schorfheide and Minchul Shin, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2016) Downloads

A Macroeconomic Rationing Model Estimated by Cointegration Techniques and Generalized Method of Moments,
Eskil Heinesen, from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics (1993)
Keywords: general aggregative models; general forecasts and models; Denmark

Revision of an Econometric Model for Slovakia,
Michal Bencik, from Institute for Advanced Studies (1996)
Keywords: Econometric Model, Labor Productivity, Fiscal Policy

A Quarterly Econometric Model for the Slovak Economy SR-1Q,
Jan Haluska, from Institute for Advanced Studies (1997)
Keywords: Data Base, Econometric Model, Verification of the Model

An institutional theory of momentum and reversal,
Dimitri Vayanos and Paul Woolley, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2011) Downloads

Is Fiscal Stimulus a Good Idea",
Ray C. Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2012)
Keywords: Fiscal stimulus, Multipliers

What It Takes to Solve the U.S. Government Deficit Problem,
Ray C. Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2012)
Keywords: Federal deficit, Debt/GDP ratio

Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of the U.S. Stimulus Bill,
Ray Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2010)
Keywords: Stimulus effects, Government spending multipliers

Estimated Macroeconomic Effects of a Chinese Yuan Appreciation,
Ray Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2010)
Keywords: Yuan appreciation

Possible Macroeconomic Consequences of Large Future Federal Government Deficits,
Ray Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2010)
Keywords: Federal deficit, Federal debt

Analyzing Macroeconomic Forecastability,
Ray Fair, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2010)
Keywords: Macroeconomic forecasting, Recessions, Booms

The Quarterly Japanese Economic Model (Q-JEM): 2019 version,
Naohisa Hirakata, Kazutoshi Kan, Akihiro Kanafuji, Yosuke Kido, Yui Kishaba, Tomonori Murakoshi and Takeshi Shinohara, from Bank of Japan (2019)
Keywords: Macroeconomic model; Japanese economy

Economic Predictions with Big Data: The Illusion of Sparsity,
Domenico Giannone, Michele Lenza and Giorgio Primiceri, from Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2018)
Keywords: Shrinkage; High Dimensional Data; Model Selection

Some Economic Scenarios for the 1980's,
Lawrence Klein, from Nobel Prize Committee (1980)
Keywords: forecasting

Lawrence Klein, from Nobel Prize Committee (1981)
Keywords: forecasting

Основные принципы модельного подхода и развития межотраслевого аспекта баланса народного хозяйства,
Vera Sechenova, from Institute of Economics (1976)

Модели распределения и прогнозирования в плановых балансах,
Vera Sechenova, from Institute of Economics (1983)

An Empirical Model of International and Domestic Food Inflation,
Javier Gómez-Pineda, from Banco de la Republica de Colombia (2008)
Keywords: Food inflation, International food inflation.

Model of Matrix-based Regression used in Economic Analyses,
Constantin Anghelache, Radu Titus Marinescu, Georgeta Bardasu and Ligia Prodan, in Romanian Statistical Review Supplement (2013)
Keywords: linear, estimator, extension, covariance, condition

Partially Studied Models Based on Discreet Variables,
Constantin Anghelache, Gabriela Victoria Anghelache, Andreea Gabriela Baltac and Claudia Catalina Sava, in Romanian Statistical Review Supplement (2013)
Keywords: models, discrete dependent variables, limited dependent variables

Provocari majore in vederea dezvoltarii pe mai departe a statisticii oficiale,
Ioan Partachi, Liviu Begu, Oleg Verejan and Oleg Cara, in Romanian Statistical Review Supplement (2013)
Keywords: information, indicators, GDP, progress, policies

Determination of the Optimal Stratum Boundaries in the Monthly Retail Trade Survey in the Croatian Bureau of Statistics,
Ivana Jurina and Lidija Gligorova, in Romanian Statistical Review (2017)
Keywords: Monthly Retail Trade Survey, strata construction, optimal boundaries, discrepancy

Methods library of embedded R functions at Statistics Norway,
Oyvind Langsrud, in Romanian Statistical Review (2017)
Keywords: Official statistics, R, Common Statistical Production Architecture, Generic Statistical Information Model, Validation and Transformation Language, Imputation, Statistical disclosure control

Nadim Nassif, in Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport (2018)
Keywords: Performance, Methodology, Countries, Sport.

Mid-p-Values Meta-Analysis,
Rachel Donald and Katie Sierminski, in Journal of Economics and Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Convex order, Meta-analysis, p-Value

Robust Bayesian Inference,
John Kenny, in Journal of Economics and Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Model error, Model misspecification, Clustering, Power likelihood

Variational Bayesian Methods and Frequentist Consistency,
Cliff Severin and Katie Sierminski, in Journal of Economics and Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Asymptotic normality, Bayesian inference, Consistency

Infinite-Dimensional Models: Efficient Estimation,
Dan Pierce and Michael Perlberg, in Journal of Economics and Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Asymptotic efficiency, Nonparametric models, Semiparametric models, Path-wise differentiability

Bayesian Uncertainty Directed Designs,
Stephen Madsen, in Journal of Economics and Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Information theory, Decision theory, Trials, Response-adaptive designs

An Inverse Problem: Recovery of a Distribution Using Wasserstein Barycenter,
Eustasio DEL Barrio, Jean-Michel Loubes and Bruno Pelletier, in Annals of Economics and Statistics (2017)
Keywords: Wasserstein Distance, Inverse Problem, Registration.

Wiggles and Curves: The Analysis of Ordinal Patterns (Analiza Struktur Porzadkowych),
Warren Thorngate and Chunyun Ma, in Problemy Zarzadzania (2016)
Keywords: confounding, suppression, mediation, organization and management studies, European Social Survey

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