1697 documents matched the search for C10 C19 C51 C62 in JEL-codes.
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The Similarity between the Square of the Coefficient of Variation and the Gini Index of a General Random Variable = Similitud entre el cuadrado del coeficiente de variación y el índice de Gini en una variable aleatoria general, Luis González Abril and Francisco Velasco Morente,
in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
Keywords: concentration measures; cumulative distribution function; Lorenz curve; mean difference; medidas de concentración; función de distribución; curva de Lorenz; diferencia media
Collusion in a Debt Contract, I. Brundin,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
SML Estimation in Transition Models, T. Kamionka,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
SML Estimation in Transition Models (revision du 96.10.413), T. Kamionka,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
Modelisation de croissance decrites par une courbe sigmoide, J. Bair, G. Haesbroeck and P. Salengros,
from UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE, Faculte d'economie, de gestion et de sciences sociales, Groupe d'Etude des Mathematiques du Management et de l'Economie
Keywords: MODELES
Description of world GDP rate changes by using discrete dynamic model, Anatoly Kilyachkov and Larisa Chaldaeva,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: Economic cycles, attractive fixed points, periodic points, strange attractor, radii of convergence
Application of discrete dynamic model for the assessment of stability of the world economy development, Anatoly Kilyachkov, Larisa Chaldaeva and Nikolay Kilyachkov,
in Business and Economic Horizons (BEH)
Keywords: Discrete dynamic model, world GDP annual change rate, attractors, Julia set, Mandelbrot set.
On Some Mathematical Aspects of Autonomous Differential Equations, Kostadin Sheyretski,
in Economic Alternatives
Keywords: Nonlinear Dynamics, economic models, asymptotic methods, differential equations, periodic solutions
Measuring the Influence of the US Market over Observed Interdependencies in Latin America, Alba Regina Moretti and Beatriz Vaz de Melo Mendes,
in Brazilian Review of Finance
Keywords: extreme value theory, bivariate models, polinomial regressions, GARCH models
Contrat avec aversion pout le risque et risque moral: une application a l'industrie spatiale, F. Fouquet-Bastie,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
Conficuration of enterprise networks, Aleksandr M. Batkovskiy, Pavel A. Kalachikhin, Elena G. Semenova, Yury F. Telnov, Alena V. Fomina and Viktor M. Balashov,
in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Keywords: business model, network structure, value chain, key competencies, clusters, technology transfer
Modelo de medición de riesgo empresarial para la gestión de MIPYMEs en Costa Rica: Un análisis exploratorio, Juan Diego Sánchez Sánchez, Luz Chacón León and Edgar Hernandez Vasquez,
in Small Business International Review
Keywords: gestión; finanzas; empresario; modelo matemático; riesgo empresarial
Araştırma-geliştirme (AR-GE) faaliyetlerinin Türkiye-OECD ülkelerinde kümeleme analizi ile incelenmesi ve ekonomik büyümedeki önemi, Mevlüdiye Şi̇mşek and Sema Behdi̇oğlu,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: araştırma-geliştirme (ar-ge) faaliyetleri, oecd ülkeleri, kümeleme analizi, ekonomik büyüme
Choice between the Discrete and Continuous Models in Economic Applications and Its Implications, Petr Kadeřábek,
in Acta Oeconomica Pragensia
Keywords: continuous models, discrete models, stability
An Elementary Proof of the Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium in Some SPecial Classes of Economies, Jean Frayssé,
from Toulouse - GREMAQ
Implicit Programming and the Invariant Manifold for Ramsey Equilibria, Robert Becker and C. Foias,
from Indiana - Center for Econometric Model Research
Hopf bifurcation in a environmental defensive expenditures model with time delay, Paolo Russu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: delay differential equation; stability; Hopf bifurcation; defensive expenditures;
Economic Inequality as a Statistical Outcome, Oded Kafri and Eli Fishof,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: economic inequality, Gini index, relative poverty, Pareto law
The Distributions in Nature and Entropy Principle, Oded Kafri,
in Turkish Economic Review
Keywords: Maximum Entropy, Long tail distribution, 20:80 Pareto's rule, Zipf Law, Benford's law, Bell-like distribution
Sociological Inequality and the Second Law, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Economic and Social Thought
Keywords: Maximum Entropy, Long tail distribution, 20:80 Pareto's rule, Zipf Law, Benford's law, Bell-like distribution.
Information Theoretic Approach to Social Networks, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Economic and Social Thought
Keywords: Social networks, Economic networks, Information theory.
Informatics Carnot Machine in an Optical Fiber, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences
Keywords: Information theory, Second law.
A Comment on Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Economics Library
Keywords: Long-tail distribution, Power Law, Zipf Law, Tsallis Entropy
Information Theory and Thermodynamics, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Economics Library
Keywords: Information theory, Thermodynamics, Entropy.
Economic Inequality as a Statistical Outcome, Oded Kafri and Eli Fishof,
in Journal of Economics Bibliography
Keywords: Economic inequality, Gini index, Relative poverty, Pareto law
The Second Law as a Cause of the Evolution, Oded Kafri,
in Journal of Economics Bibliography
Keywords: Information theory, Thermodynamics, Entropy, Evolution.
The Hunt Hypothesis and the Dividend policy of the firm. The Chaotic Motion of the Profits, Safieddine Bouali,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Strange attractors, Nonlinear dynamics
Abstract Convexity and Fixed Points, H. Ben-El-Mechaiekh, S. Chebbi, Monique Florenzano and Juan Vicente Llinares,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
The Real Net National Product in Sustainable Development, Dr Haradhan Mohajan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Real NNP, Dynamic welfare, Social Welfare and Sustainability
Uniqueness of Positive Fixed Points for Increasing Concave Functions on Rn: An Elementary Result, John Kennan,
in Review of Economic Dynamics
Keywords: fixed points, concavity.
E-Stabilty: Über die Lernbarkeit von rationalen Erwatungsgleichgewichten, Steffen Henzel, Eric Mayer and Bodo Schimpfermann,
from University of Würzburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: MSV-Solution, Adaptive Learning, E-Stability
Sample-Path Stability of Non-Stationary Dynamic Economic Systems, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hopp�,
from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: Sample-Path Stability, Random Fixed Points, Non-Stationary Random Dynamical Systems
Understanding Fixed Point Theorems, Lutz Arnold,
from University of Regensburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Brouwerscher Fixpunktsatz ; Allgemeines Gleichgewicht ; Nash-Gleichgewicht; ; Fixed Point Theorems ; General Equilibrium ; Nash Equilibrium
Heterogeneous Investment Horizons in a Simple Asset Pricing Model, Giulio Bottazzi and Mikhail Anoufriev,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Asset pricing; Heterogenous beliefs; Investment horizons
Externalities, income taxes and indeterminacy in OLG models, Yan Chen and Yan Zhang,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Indeterminacy; Endogenous income tax rates; Externalities.
Network formation, preferential meeting and equilibrium selection, Pascale Roux and Nicolas Carayol,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Network Formation, Equilibrium Selection, Stability, Preferential Meeting
Approximate Versus Exact Equilibria, Karl Schmedders and Felix Kubler,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: error analysis, incomplete markets
Existence of Sunspot Equilibria and Uniqueness of Spot Market Equilibria: The Case of Intrinsically Complete Markets, Thorsten Hens, Janós Mayer and Beate Pilgrim,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
Keywords: Sunspot Equilibria; Intrinsically Complete Markets; Transfer Paradox
Assessment of a method for usability testing by determining usability of the online learning platform, Darko Števančec and Iris Fink Grubačević,
in Journal of Innovative Business and Management
Keywords: method, usability, e-learning
The Current State of the Gamification in E-Learning: A literature Review of Literature Reviews, Tomislav Rozman and Liliana Donath,
in Journal of Innovative Business and Management
Keywords: gamification, e-learning, meta-study
The Impact of Personality Dimensions on Study Behaviour and Study Attitudes of Online Students, Marko Divjak, Valentina Prevolnik Rupel and Tjaša Bartolj,
in Journal of Innovative Business and Management
Keywords: big five personality dimensions, study attitudes
Marginal Analysis to Improve the Efficiency of Companies and Improve the Management of Its Level, Oleksandr Kostenko and Volodymyr Krayevskyy,
in Oblik i finansi
Keywords: information, indicator, marginal analysis, informational and analytical control system
Mathematical Theory of Labour Motivation, Ivan Kotliarov,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: motivation, vector, needs
Устойчивость оценок сезонно-скорректированной инфляции к выбросам // Robustness to macroeconomic outliers of seasonally adjusted inflation, Sabit Khakimzhanov, Бейсембетов Я.И. // Beisembetov Y.I. and Мухамбетжанова Д.Ж. // Mukhambetzhanova D.Zh.,
in Economic Review(National Bank of Kazakhstan)
Keywords: инфляция, сезонная корректировка, тесты на сезонность, inflation, seasonal adjustment, seasonality tests
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for the year 2000, Viktor Kotlán,
in Czech Journal of Economics and Finance (Finance a uver)
Keywords: microeconometrics; Nobel Prize
From 5PL providers to Zero-level logistics, Svetlana A. Karkhova,
in Economic Consultant
Keywords: provider; 5PL; e-logistics; virtual organization; supply chain management
1.5 Sigma Kaymanin Ýstatistiksel Kaymasi Nedenleri Uzerine Bir Arastirma, Ali Riza Firuzan and Umit Kuvvetli,
in Istanbul University Econometrics and Statistics e-Journal
Keywords: Six Sigma, 1.5 sigma shift, control charts
Student evaluations of teacher effectiveness, Murvet Pamuk,
in Istanbul University Econometrics and Statistics e-Journal
Keywords: Factor analysis, evaluation of university teacher, student perceptions
Investigation of Iterative Algorithms for Evaluation of Capital Structure and Cost, Vigen Minasyan,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: company’s value, structure of capital, free cash flow, iterative method, principle of contracting mappings, fixed point of mapping, duration of cash flows, convergence of recurrent process.
Causal Framework on the Determinants of Delivery Expenditure in Emilia-Romagna region, Italy, Violeta Balinskaite,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Maternal smoking, delivery cost, conceptual framework
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Actions for the Benefit of Persons of Non-Mobile Age in European Union Countries, Załuska Urszula and Kwiatkowska-Ciotucha Dorota,
in Econometrics. Advances in Applied Data Analysis
Keywords: non-mobile age, taxonomic methods, comparison of EU countries
Dealing with Rightcensored Wages through Imputation, Johannes Ludsteck and Jörg Drechsler,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
The Impact of the Risk Functional Form Assumptions on Maximum Acceptable Risk Measures, Juan Marcos Gonzalez and Marco Boeri,
in The Patient: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Resistant outlier rules and the non-Gaussian case, Kenneth Carling,
from IFAU - Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy
Keywords: Asymptotic efficiency; Generalized Lambda Distribution; Kurtosis; Outside rate; Resistance; Skewness; Small-sample bias
Are happier people less judgmental of other people's selfish behaviors? Laboratory evidence from trust and gift exchange games, Michalis Drouvelis and Nattavudh Powdthavee,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Bifurcation theory of a square lattice economy: Racetrack economy analogy in an economic geography model, Kiyohrio Ikeda, Mikihisa Onda and Yuki Takayama,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Bifurcation, Economic geography model, Group theory, Replicator dynamics, Spatial period doubling
Modified Likelihood and Related Methods for Handling Nuisance Parameters in the Linear Regression Model, M.R. Laskar and Maxwell King,
from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Observations on Employment-Based Government Mandates, With Particular Reference to Health Insurance, Alan Krueger,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: mandated benefits, health insurance
Dynamic of the Money Flows Between Stock Exchanges, Eliza Anna Buszkowska,
in Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia
Keywords: stock indexes, volatility, DCC models, impulse response function, crisis
Study of the Interdependence between Economic Indicators using Statistical MethodsAbstract:Economic indicators, socio-economic phenomena in general, do not evolve independently, being in contact with other economic variables. In many economic decisions it is necessary the study of dependence between variables through statistical methods such as: graphical method, regression method, the correlation report, ANOVA). This gives the possibility that using the knowledge of a particular variable to be predicted the other variables that are in a certain dependency, Podaºcã Raluca,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Singularity Theory in Comparative Statics and Comparative Dynamics, P-N-V Tu,
from Calgary - Department of Economics
Identification Problems in a Class of Mixture Models with an Application to the LISREL Model, M. Mouchart and E. San Martin,
from Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique
Keywords: MODELS
A Nonconevx Separation Property in Banach Spaces, J. Borwein and A. Jofre,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Eligible Start-Time Fair Queuing: A New Fair Queuing Policy and its Analysis with a Stochastic Comparison Approach, O. Abuamsha and N. Pekergin,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
in Perspectives of Innovation in Economics and Business (PIEB)
Keywords: Forecasting, econometric models, management.
in Contemporary Economy Journal
Keywords: financial performance, stock market indicators, Price Earnings Ratio, Price to book value, Dividend Yield, Turnover Velocity
Determinants of Retirement Wealth Adequacy: A Case Study in Malaysia, Ros Idayuwati Alaudin, Noriszura Ismail and Zaidi Isa,
in Institutions and Economies (formerly known as International Journal of Institutions and Economies)
Keywords: Consumption, regression, retirement adequacy, wealth
Russian Financial Crisis of 1998: An Econometric Investigation, Mete Feridun,
in International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies
Keywords: Russian financial crisis, probit model, early warning systems
The Stability of South African Stock Returns, Allan Clark and Casparus Troskie,
in The African Finance Journal
Respect the Fundamental Right for Environment in Establishing the Strategies of the Company, Corina Adriana Dumitrescu and Dragos Marian Radulescu,
in Knowledge Horizons - Economics
Keywords: The right to environment, price, ecosystem, competition, social responsibility, non-monetary costs
Una aplicación de las medidas de Alkire-Foster al estudio de la pobreza y desigualdad multidimensional de los hogares urbanos argentinos entre 2004 y 2008, Jimena Macció,
in Ensayos de Política Económica
Keywords: Alkire-Foster, descomposición temporal, estrato socioeconómico
from Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", Department for Management of the Defence Resources and Education
Keywords: Scientific production, indicators system, methodology, evaluation, performance.
in Romanian Journal of Economics
Keywords: computerized data processing, statistics, synthetic indicators
Maximal Elements in Topological Convex Spaces, Vladimir Danilov and A. Sotskov,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Methods of identification, assessment and ranking of financial risks in the oil industry, Vera A. Grebennikova and Polina V. Baranova,
in Economic Consultant
Keywords: financial risks; oil industry; assessment method; SWOT analysis; risk rose; risk situation; financial condition; liquidity analysis ratios; solvency; financial stability; profitability
Behavioral biases and investor performance, Todd Feldman,
in Algorithmic Finance
Keywords: Behavioral finance; agent-based models; financial markets
The Cornish-Fisher-Expansion in the context of Delta - Gamma - Normal approximations, Stefan R. Jaschke,
from Humboldt University of Berlin, Interdisciplinary Research Project 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes
Keywords: Value at Risk, Delta-Gamma-Normal, Cornish-Fisher expansion, Edgeworth series, Gram-Charlier series
Wettervorhersage mit vorwärts gerichteten neuronalen Netzen, Anne Kroll,
from Hochschule Wismar, Wismar Business School
Housing multivariate analysis, Elsy Garnica Olmos,
in Economía
Keywords: Ingreso familiar, bienestar, perfil de la vivienda.
An environment for data analysis, Marta Sananes and Elizabeth Torres,
in Economía
Keywords: Análisis de datos, lenguaje Glider, herramientas de base de datos.
A linear programming production model integrated in a computerized sustem of industrial production, inventories and sales, Ernesto Ponsot Balaguer and Víctor Márquez,
in Economía
Keywords: Inventario, base de datos, modelo, programación lineal, Access, SQL, Visual Basic, Excel, demanda, Solver.
Systém pojištění vkladů v České republice: historie, současný stav a porovnání s Evropskou unií, Jiri Hlavacek,
in Politická ekonomie
Keywords: Deposit Insurance, the Czech Deposit Insurance Fund, the European Directive on Deposit Guarantee-Schemes
Фазочастотный критерий Валлиса-Мура в статистическом анализе наличия трендов рентабельности производства продукции растениеводства, Tatiana Chaika,
in Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science
Keywords: Wallis-Moore criterion; phase-frequency criterion; profitability; profitability of agriculture; trend; trend detection; confidence level; significance level
A measure of association (correlation) in nominal data (contingency tables), using determinants, Thomas Colignatus,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: association; correlation; contingency table; volume ratio; determinant; nonparametric methods; nominal data; nominal scale; categorical data; Fisher’s exact test; odds ratio; tetrachoric correlation coefficient; phi; Cramer’s V; Pearson; contingency coefficient; uncertainty coefficient; Theil’s U; eta; meta-analysis; Simpson’s paradox; causality; statistical independence
The 2 x 2 x 2 case in causality, of an effect, a cause and a confounder. A cross-over’s guide to the 2 x 2 x 2 contingency table, Thomas Colignatus,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Experimental economics; causality; cause and effect; confounding; contingency table; Simpson paradox; conditional independence; risk; safety; epidemiology; correlation; regression; Cornfield’s condition; inference
Correlation and regression in contingency tables. A measure of association or correlation in nominal data (contingency tables), using determinants, Thomas Colignatus,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: association; correlation; contingency table; volume ratio; determinant; nonparametric methods; nominal data; nominal scale; categorical data; Fisher’s exact test; odds ratio; tetrachoric correlation coefficient; phi; Cramer’s V; Pearson; contingency coefficient; uncertainty coefficient; Theil’s U; eta; meta-analysis; Simpson’s paradox; causality; statistical independence; regression
A comparison of nominal regression and logistic regression for contingency tables, including the 2 × 2 × 2 case in causality, Thomas Colignatus,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Experimental economics; causality; cause and effect; confounding; contingency table; epidemiology; correlation; regression; logistic regression;
A New Procedure to Monitor the Mean of a Quality Characteristic, Mehdi Kiani, John Panaretos and Stelios Psarakis,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Shewhart, Bonferroni-adjustment, Analysis of means, Average run length, False alarm probability
BOOK REVIEW of “Statistical Foundations for Econometric Techniques” by Asad Zaman, Norman Swanson,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: empirical Bayes, robust regression, Edgeworth expansion, higher order asymptotic theory, stringency, tests for structural change
Monte Carlo experiment on the pooled ols estimator in large mixed panels, Malvina Marchese,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: large panel, pooled ols estimators, stationary and nonstationary regressors
Calibration of factor models with equity data: parade of correlations, Alexander L. Baranovski,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: intra/inter asset correlations, maximum likelihood estimation, single risk factor model, normal mixture, VAR of equity portfolio
Būvniecības tirgus novērtēšana jaunās ekonomikas apstākļos, Valerijs Skribans,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Jaunā ekonomika, nozares analīze, būvniecība, finanses
Repere de fundamentare a structurii sistemului informational statistic in Republica Moldova, Gheorghe Costandachi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Sistemul Naţional Informaţional Statistic (SNIS), sistem de indicatori statistici, cadru legislativ, cadrul instituţional, integrare europeană etc.
Return level applied to portfolio analysis, Ronny Suarez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Generalized Pareto Distribution, Return Level
Financial Portfolios based on Tsallis Relative Entropy as the Risk Measure, Sandhya Devi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Non-extensive statistics, Tsallis relative entropy, Kullback-Leibler relative entropy, q-Gaussian distribution, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Beta, Risk optimal portfolio, Econophysics
Modeling Determinants of Private Banks Profitability in Ethiopia, Habib Mohammed,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Dynamic Panel Model, Ethiopia, Generalized Moment Method, Panel Data, Private Banks, Profitability
New results on the correlation problem in operational risk, Vivien Brunel,
in Journal of Financial Perspectives
Keywords: risk
in Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series
Keywords: mathematical modelling; cellular automata model; forest fire;
in Annals of Spiru Haret University, Economic Series
Keywords: individual loans; credit; activity risk; warranty
Modeling Determinants of Private Banks Profitability in Ethiopia, Habib Mohammed,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Dynamic Panel Model, Ethiopia, Generalized Moment Method, Panel Data, Private Banks, Profitability