1936 documents matched the search for C01 C13 C14 C20 C81 in JEL-codes.
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Preserving Logical Relations while Estimating Missing Values, Ton de Waal and Wieger Coutinho,
in Romanian Statistical Review
Keywords: Nearest-neighbour Imputation, Edit restrictions, Linear programming, Data adjustment
Utility Analysis for Multiple Selection Devices and Multiple Outcomes, M. Sturman and T. Judge,
from Cornell - Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies
Identification and Estimation with Contaminated Data: When Does Covariate Data Sharpen Inference?, Charles Mullin,
from Vanderbilt University Department of Economics
Keywords: Robust estimation, contaminated sampling, covariate data, bounds, identification
The Econometric Modelling of the Number of the Unemployed in the SE Region of Romania According to the Number of Higher Education Graduates and the Investment Level, Aivaz Kamer Ainur,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: the econometric modelling; unemployment phenomenon; labour market indicators; the multivariate analysis.
Análisis de eficiencia por programas en el sector de la economía social: el caso del Principado de Asturias, Isidoro Guzmán Raja, Aydee Hurtado Garcés and Carmen Ramos Carvajal,
in REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos
Keywords: Eficiencia, Desempeño, Eficiencia por programas, Economía social, Análisis envolvente de datos (DEA).
in IIUM Journal of Economics and Management
Keywords: Tourism Demand, ARDL Model, ASEAN.
Análisis borroso del impacto del índice de inflación y de la cotización del dólar sobre el índice de confianza en México / Fuzzy Analysis of the Inflation Index and the Dollar Exchange Rate Impact on the Trust Indext in Mexico, Sergio G De los cobos Silva, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez Andrade and Pedro Lara Velázquez,
in Estocástica: finanzas y riesgo
Keywords: Regresión lineal, Regresión borrosa, Programación lineal borrosa / Linear Regression, Fuzzy Regression, Fuzzy Linear Programming
Eficiencia de los modelos Poisson y Logístico en la asignación de probabilidades de incumplimiento a empresas mineras mexicanas, Salvador Cruz Aké, Nora Gavira Durón and Reyna Susana García Ruíz,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Credit Scoring, Riesgo de crédito, Probabilidad de incumplimiento, Modelos Logit y de Poisson, Empresas mineras
Bankruptcy Prediction: Dynamic Geometric Genetic Programming (DGGP) Approach, Alireza Bahiraie and Ali Arshadi ,
in Journal of Money and Economy
Keywords: Genetic Programming, Dynamic Risk Space, Financial Ratio, Risk Box, Bankruptcy
Capital Requirement under the Three Approaches for a Credit Institution in Romania, Anghelache Gabriela-Victoria, Olteanu Ana-Cornelia and Radu Alina-Nicoleta,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: operational risk, basic indicator approach, standardized approach, advanced measurement approach, internal measurement approach.
Application of Kernel Estimators to Estimation Efficiency of Active Labor Market Programs, Dominik Sliwicki,
in Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia
Keywords: net effectiveness of labor market programs, kernel estimator
Square Density Weighted Average Derivatives Estimation of Single Index Models, Myung Jae Sung,
in Korean Economic Review
Keywords: Index Coefficients, Square Density Weighting, Average Derivatives, Kernel, Nonparametric
Adaptive Non-Parametric Instrumental Regression in the Presence of Dependence, Nicolas Asin and Jan Johannes,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Non-Parametric Regression, Instrumental Variable, Dependence, Mixing, Minimax Theory, Adaptive.
Financiamiento del sistema de pensiones mexicano por medio de bonos de longevidad, Fernando Cruz-Aranda, Claudia Estrella Castillo Ramírez and Citlalli Pérez Flores,
in Remef - Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas Nueva Época REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance)
Keywords: Sistema de pensiones, envejecimiento poblacional, bono de longevidad
in Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas
Keywords: Diversification, Return, Volatility, Risk, Systematic, Idiosyncratic
in The International Journal of Business and Finance Research
Keywords: Diversification, Return, Volatility, Risk, Systematic, Idiosyncratic
Nonparametric Estimation of First-Price Auctions: Technical Appendices, E. Guerre, I. Perrigne and Q. Vuong,
from Southern California - Department of Economics
Nonparametric Estimation of First-Price Auctions, E. Guerre, I. Perrigne and Q. Vuong,
from Southern California - Department of Economics
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: analysis, economic security, taxation, process, stereometric approach
A semiparametric assessment of export-led growth in the Philippines, Lorna E. Amrinto and Hector O. Zapata,
in Philippine Review of Economics
Keywords: export-led growth, semiparametric error-correction model, Granger causality
Modelos estatísticos e econométricos para estudo da sazonalidade de preços: o caso do preço da carne e do boi, Antônio Aguirre and Luís A. Aguirre,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: seasonality; beef catle price
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Simple regression, Correlation, Footwear industry, Exports, Turnover
in SEA - Practical Application of Science
Keywords: Lean, Value stream, Value stream mapping, Footwear industry
Decomposing R2 with the Owen value, Frank Hüttner and Marco Sunder,
from University of Leipzig, Faculty of Economics and Management Science
Keywords: Shapley value, Owen value, OLS, variance decomposition, German Socio-Economic Panel
Measurement Errors in Introductory Econometric Courses, John Herbert,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: Econometrics; Measurement Error; Regression
Regional Disparities and their Development in Czech Re-public over 1996-2010 Years, Libuše Svatošová and Zuzana Novotná,
in Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionales
Keywords: Regional Development; Reduce of Disparities; Regions of Czech Republic; Statistical Methods
Density forecasting of the Dow Jones share index, Lars-Erik Öller and P Stockhammar,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Density forecasting, heteroscedasticity, mixed Normal- Asymmetric Laplace distribution, Method of Moments estimation, connection with economic growth.
An Adaptive Model on Asset Pricing and Wealth Dynamics with Heterogeneous Trading Strategies, Carl Chiarella and Xuezhong (Tony) He,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Asset pricing, wealth dynamics, profitability, trading strategies
Consistent Speciffcation Tests for Regression Models, Chunrong Ai,
in Annals of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Nonparametric, Hypothesis Testing, Moment Restrictions, Series Estimator
Estimation of Parameters in Multiple Regression with Missing Covariates Using a Modified First Order Regression Procedure, H. Toutenburg, V. Srivastava, Shalabh and C. Heumann,
in Annals of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Missing data, Regression model, Least squares estimator
Finite Sample Exact tests for Linear, Oliver Gossner and Karl Schlag,
from University of Vienna, Department of Economics
The Zero-Information-Limit Condition and Spurious Inference, Richard Startz and Charles Nelson,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: weak identification, ARMA
A New Paradigm: A Joint Test of Structural and Correlation Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression When Perfect Exogeneity is Violated, Mehmet Caner and Melinda Morrill,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Violation of exogeneity; Instrumental variables regression: Joint test
The Contribution of Small Scale Irrigation Water Use to Households Food Security in Gorogutu District of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia, Abdulwafik Kelilo, Mengistu Ketema and Adem Kedir,
in International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (IJEER)
Keywords: Small-scale irrigation, Food security, Binary logit model
Unit Root Test Popularity among Economists: Sampling the Literature, Franklin Mixon, W. Charles Sawyer and Kamal Upadhyaya,
in Economia Internazionale / International Economics
Keywords: Unit root tests; time-series econometrics
What is a standard error? (And how should we compute it?), Jeffrey Wooldridge,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Standard error; Model-based approach; Design-based approach; Sampling-based approach; Clustering;
The Finite-Sample Distribution of Post-Model-Selection Estimators, and Uniform Versus Non-Uniform Approximations, Hannes Leeb and Benedikt M. Poetscher,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Model selection, post-model-selection estimator, pre-test estimator, asymptotic distribution, finite-sample distribution, uniform approximation
Partial Identification in Econometrics, Elie Tamer,
in Annual Review of Economics
Keywords: non-point-identified models, sensitivity analysis, robust inference, bounds
A Comparison of Alternative Methods to Model Endogeneity in Count Models. An Application to the Demand for Health Care and Health Insurance Choice, Martin Schellhorn,
from McMaster University
Keywords: demand for health care and insurance, count models, endogenous regressors
The Cost of Job Security Regulation: Evidence from Latin American Labor Markets, James Heckman and Carmen Pages,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Decomposition of non-linear models using simulated residuals, François-Charles Wolff,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition; Non-linear models; Simulated residuals;
WTO Disciplines on Domestic Support and Market Access in Agri-Food Supply Chains, Jean-Philippe Gervais, Bruno Larue and Harvey Lapan,
from Iowa State University, Department of Economics
Keywords: domestic support; market access; agri-food trade negotiations; vertical linkages; uncertainty
Quantile Regression, Roger Koenker and Kevin Hallock,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Assessing the accuracy of efficiency rankings obtained from a stochastic frontier model, Ilya Nikolskiy and Kirill Furmanov,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: stochastic frontier; ranking; technical efficiency
A Representation Theorem for Domains with Discrete and Continuous Variables, Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson,
from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques
Keywords: continuous and discrete variables, reesentations
A Representation Theorem for Domains with Discrete and Continuous Variables, Charles Blackorby, Walter Bossert and David Donaldson,
from Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative, CIREQ
On prediction of individual sequences, Nicolo Cesa Bianchi and Gabor Lugosi,
from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: Universal prediction, prediction with experts, absolute loss, empirical processes, covering numbers, finite-state machines
Comment on W. Norton Grubb, 'The Varied Economic Returns to Postsecondary Education: New Evidence from the Class of 1972', Thomas Kane and Cecilia Rouse,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: returns to education, returns to community college, junior college, two-year college
When Can We Determine the Direction of Omitted Variable Bias of OLS Estimators?, Deepankar Basu,
from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Economics
Keywords: omitted variable bias; ordinary least squares
Bias of OLS Estimators due to Exclusion of Relevant Variables and Inclusion of Irrelevant Variables, Deepankar Basu,
from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Economics
Keywords: omitted variable; irrelevant variables; ordinary least squares; bias
The Taylor Decomposition: A Unified Generalization of the Oaxaca Method to Nonlinear Models, Stephen Bazen and Xavier Joutard,
from Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France
Keywords: Oaxaca decomposotion,nonlinear models
Bias-Aware Inference in Regularized Regression Models, Timothy Armstrong, Michal Kolesár and Soonwoo Kwon,
from Princeton University. Economics Department.
Keywords: Regularized regression
Unemployment in the SADC Region, Johane Moilwa Motsatsi,
from Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis
Keywords: Unemployment, SADC, Panel Data Analysis.
in CES Working Papers
Keywords: transatlantic partnership; security; neorealism; neoliberalism; constructivism; multipolarity; global governance Romania
The Efficiency of OLS Estimators of Structural Parameters in a Simple Linear Regression Model in the Calibration of the Averages Scheme, Kowal Robert,
in Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia
Keywords: simple linear regression model, OLS estimators, efficiency of OLS estimators, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, conditional optimization
Characteristics and Properties of a Simple Linear Regression Model, Kowal Robert,
in Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia
Keywords: simple linear regression model, OLS estimators, variance, unbiasedness
Effets des points aberrants sur les tests de normalité et de linéarité. Applications à la bourse de Tokyo, Mohamed Ali Houfi and Ghassen El Montasser,
in Romanian Economic Journal
Keywords: outliers, coefficients de normalité, volatilité, non linéarité, FIGARCH, out of sample
Türkiye’de finans ve reel ekonomi ilişkisi: Schumpeter haklı mıydı?*, Harun Doğan,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Finansal Piyasalar, Ekonomik Büyüme, Birim Kök Testi, Eşbütünleşme Testi, Hata Düzeltme Modeline Dayalı Nedensellik Testi.
Twin Deficit Hypothesis: A Case of Pakistan, Farrah Yasmin,
in Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business
Keywords: Budget deficit; Current account deficit; Pakistan
Econometric Test on Growth-Unemployment Nexus in India, Debesh Bhowmik,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: Output gap; Unemployment Gap; Cointegration; Vector Error Correction
Detecting Stationarity of GDP:A Test of Unit Root Tests, Atiq -ur- Rehman,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: unit root tests; stationarity; GDP
A review of the Granger-causality fallacy, Mariusz Maziarz,
in The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Keywords: Granger-causality, epistemology of causality, causality testing
Characterization of the Compound Poisson Distribution, Evdokia Xekalaki and John Panaretos,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Note d'introduction sur l'évaluation d'impact d'un programme public par la méthode de régression par discontinuité, Gino Santarossa,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: regression discontinuity program evaluation impact econometric
Investigation of the World Railway Sector Development Prospects and Turkey's Status, Alper Uğur,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Forecast, Product Groups, Railway Sector, Turkish Rail Market, World Market Growth
Investigation of Attitude About Nuclear and Renewable Energy by Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Veysel Yılmaz, Yasemin Can and Nil Aras,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Nuclear Energy, Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling , Renewable Energy, Sustainable Consumption Behavior
Using Machine Learning Algorithms For Forecasting Rate of Return Product In Reverse Logistics Process, Ayşe Nur Adıgüzel Tüylü and Ergün Eroğlu,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Forecasting Rate of Return Product, Machine Learning, Reverse Logistics, Textile
Determining the Factors Affecting the Market Clearing Price by Using Multiple Linear Regression Method, Veli Rıza Kalfa, Burak Arslan and İrfan Ertuğrul,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Market Clearing Price, Multiple Linear Regression
Ground Truth in Network Communities and Metadata-Aware Community Detection: A Case of School Friendship Network, Kenan Kafkas, Nazım Ziya Perdahçı and Mehmet Nazif Aydın,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Best Friends Network, Community Detection, SBM, neoSBM
Disassembly Line Balancing by Using Simulation Optimization, Muhammet Enes Akpınar, Mehmet Ali Ilgın and Hüseyin Aktaş,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Disassembly, Genetic Algorithm, Line Balancing, Simulated Annealing, Simulation
Pharmacy Duty Scheduling Problem: Gumushane Case, Ahmet Bahadır Şimşek, Seher Merdane, Aydanur Belindir and Ayşenur Akbaş,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Integer Programming, Pharmacy Duty Scheduling, The Fixed Duty Frequency, The Inheritance of Duty Distribution
The Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Oil Price, Economic Growth and Export In OPEC Countries, Fatih Çemrek and Hüseyin Naci Bayraç,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: OPEC, Oil Price, Panel Data Analysis
Classification of Cancer Types by Cluster Analysis Methods, Aynur İncekırık, Öznur İşçi Güneri and Burcu Durmuş,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Cancer Types, Cluster Analysis, Cluster Validity İndex, Cophenetic Correlation Coefficient, K-means
The Impact of Google Trends on the Tourist Arrivals: A Case of Antalya Tourism, Hatice Öncel Çekim and Ahmet Koyuncu,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Google Trends, ARIMAX, MSSA, Multivariate Models, Tourism Forecast
Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder for Adolescents Using Artificial Neural Networks, Sümeyye Çelik, Melike Şişeci Çeşmeli, İhsan Pençe and Özlem Çetinkaya Bozkurt,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Adolescent Subset, Artificial Neural Networks, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Classification
Benchmarking healthcare systems of OECD countries: A DEA - based Malmquist Productivity Index Approach, Ayhan Aydın,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Healthcare, Malmquist, OECD
Financial Stability and Creating Financial Stability Index for Turkey, Ahmet Zelka,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Financial Crisis, Financial Stability, Financial Stability Index, Financial System, Logistic Regression Analysis
The Characteristics of Cryptocurrency Market Volatility: Empirical Study For Five Cryptocurrency, Tuğba Güz and İlayda İsabetli Fidan,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, DCCGARCH, EGARCH, Volatility
Impact of Political Risk on Foreign Direct Investment with Fourier Approach: The Case of Turkiye, Gökhan Konat,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investments, Fourier ARDL, Fourier KPSS, Fractional Frequency Fourier, Political Risk, Stationarity
The Evaluation of The Development Agency Regions In Turkey In Terms of Some Socioeconomic Indicator with Factor Analysis, Hasan Bulut and Yüksel Öner,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Development Agency, Development of Social-Economic, Factor Analysis
An asymptotic test for the Conditional Value-at-Risk, Péter Vékás,
from Corvinus University of Budapest
Keywords: risk measures, Conditional Value-at-Risk, hypothesis testing, actuarial science
Teaching the Median with Terms of Absolute Value, Differentiability, and Optimization, Mehmet Hakan Satman,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Absolute Value, Median, Optimization, Statistics, Teaching
The Correlation Problem in Operational Risk, Antoine Frachot, Thierry Roncalli and Eric Salomon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: operational risk; LDA model; severity correlation; frequency correlation; aggregate loss correlation;
Large sample properties of the three-step euclidean likelihood estimators under model misspecification, Prosper Dovonon,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Misspecified models, Empirical likelihood, Three-step Euclidean likelihood
Market Basket Analysis of Basket Data with Demographics: A Case Study in E-Retailing, Ural Gökay Çiçekli and İnanç Kabasakal,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Association Rule Mining, Data Mining, Demographic Association Rules, Market Basket Analysis
Multi-cutoff RD designs with observations located at each cutoff: problems and solutions, Margherita Fort, Andrea Ichino, Enrico Rettore and Giulio Zanella,
from Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche "Marco Fanno"
Keywords: Regression Discontinuity, multiple cutoffs, Normalizing-and-Pooling
Multicutoff RD designs with observations located at each cutoff: problems and solutions, Margherita Fort, Andrea Ichino, Enrico Rettore and Giulio Zanella,
from Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP), Bruno Kessler Foundation
Keywords: Regression Discontinuity, Multiple Cutoffs, Normalizing and Pooling
Bootstrap Inferences in Heteroscedastic Sample Selection Models: A Monte Carlo Investigation, Lee Adkins and Carter Hill,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: bootstrap Inferences, sample selection models, monte carlo
Small Sample Performance of Instrumental Variables Probit Estimators: A Monte Carlo Investigation, Lee Adkins,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: instrumental variables, probit, small sample performance, monte carlo
Monte Carlo Experiments Using gretl: A Primer, Lee Adkins,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: Monte Carlo, econometrics, gretl, simulations
The Restricted Least Squares Stein-Rule in gretl, Lee Adkins,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: Shrinkage estimation, prior information, gretl
Using gretl for Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition, Lee Adkins,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: Economometrics, gretl
Collinearity Diagnostics in gretl, Lee Adkins, Melissa Waters and Carter Hill,
from Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Keywords: collinearity, gretl
An Automatic Portmanteau Test For Nonlinear Dependence, Charisios Grivas,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ARMA time series;Akaike's AIC;Schwarz's BIC; Portmanteau test; Data-driven test
The path from cause to effect: mastering 'metrics, Joshua Angrist and Jorn-Steffen Pischke,
from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Keywords: applied econometrics, research design, natural experiment, quasi-experiment, structural models
Stationarity Test of Renewable Energy Consumption with Fractional Frequency Fourier Unit Root Test: Evidence from BRICS-T Countries, Eda Fendoğlu,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: BRICS-T, Energy, Fourier Unit Root, Fractional Frequency, Renewable Energy
Efficient Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimation and Indirect Inference, Richard Nickl and Benedikt Pötscher,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Simulation-based minimum distance estimation, indirect inference
What Makes Econometric Ideas Popular: The Role of Connectivity, Bertrand Candelon, Marc Joëts and Valérie Mignon,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain Finance (LFIN)
Keywords: Connectivity ; Idea diffusion ; Econometric publications ; Citations ; Structural Topic Model ; Hurdle count model
Spatial Stochastic Frontier Models, Erniel Barrios and Rouselle Lavado,
from East Asian Bureau of Economic Research
Keywords: stochastic frontier models, technical efficiency, spatial externalities, spatial-temporal model, backfitting
Volatility modelling of foreign exchange rate: discrete GARCH family versus continuous GARCH, Yakup Ari,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Volatility, Levy Process,GARCH, EGARCH, TGARCH,COGARCH,