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1397 documents matched the search for C0 G0 in JEL-codes.
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Ambiguity in Fama's market equilibrium?,
John Nuttall, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006) Downloads

On the combinatorics of iterated stochastic integrals,
Farshid Jamshidian, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2008)
Keywords: Semimartingale; iterated integrals; power jump processes; Ito's formula; stochastic exponential; chaotic representation

Preference programming and inconsistent interval matrices,
R Islam, Mp Biswal and Ss Alam, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1995)
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process; Interval judgment; Preferente programming

Fusion of digital elevation models from various data sources,
Boda Florentin, in Impact of Socio-economic and Technological Transformations at National, European and International Level (ISETT) (2015)
Keywords: digital terrain model (DTM), Digital Surface Model (MDS), LIDAR

Work cycles of independent ensembles,
Thomas Friedrich, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: dependent ensemble, independent ensemble, irrationality, source, sink, superadditivity, subadditivity, deception, brute force, peaceful ensemble, violent ensemble, work cycles

World’s Economy: what is money? Physicist’s approach to tendencies in world’s economy,
Dainis Zeps, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: world’s economy, crisis, money, bubble of value, greed, noosphere, psychology, religion, physics, commonwealth, common benefit

Answer to question what is money: gauge freedom. Physicist’s approach to tendencies in world’s economy,
Dainis Zeps, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: world’s economy, money, gauge freedom, physics, commonwealth

Improving Modeling of Extreme Events using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution or Generalized Pareto Distribution with Mixing Unconditional Disturbances,
R Suarez, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2001)
Keywords: Extreme Value, Block Maxima, Peak Over Threshold, Mixing Unconditional Disturbances

On Elements of Axiomatizing Eventology,
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2010)
Keywords: Event, co-being, probability, Kolmogorov’s axiomatics, eventology, axiomatizing eventology, eventologic axiomatics, universal elementary event, universal event, universal measurable space, universal probability space, eventologic space, name of event, set of names of events, sufficiency of eventologic space, simplicity of eventologic space.

Eventologically multivariate extensions of probability theory’s limit theorems,
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Lavrentyi S. Golovkov, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Event, probability, set of events, Bernoulli univariate test, Bernoulli multivariate test, eventological distribution, multivariate discrete distribution, limit theorem.

Foundations of Mathematical Economics,
Michael Carter, from The MIT Press (2001)
Keywords: mathematical economics, set theory

Foundations of Mathematical Economics,
Michael Carter, from The MIT Press (2001)
Keywords: mathematical economics, set theory

Is the Dutch stock market getting riskier?,
Ronny Suarez, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2018)
Keywords: AEX Index; Generalized Pareto Distribution, Return Level

Climate Finance Portfolio Management: Measuring Efficiency ($/CO2) at Risk,
Ronny Suarez, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2019)
Keywords: Climate finance, Efficiency at Risk

Matching Renewable Energy Supply and Demand in Green Datacenters,
Inigo Goiri, Kien Le, Ryan Beauchea and Jordi Guitart, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Green energy, energy-aware job scheduling, datacenters

A new proxy of the average volatility of a basket of returns: A Monte Carlo study,
Fulvia Focker and Umberto Triacca, in Economics Bulletin (2006) Downloads

On Forecasting Recessions via Neural Nets,
Yasuhiko Nakamura, in Economics Bulletin (2008)
Keywords: business cycles neural network out-of-sample forecasts recession real GDP

Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Instability - Unix version,
William Brock, David A. Hsieh and Blake Lebaron, from The MIT Press (1992)
Keywords: chaos theory, nonlinear dynamics

Group Actions on Spin Manifolds,
Graciela Chichilnisky, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1972)
Keywords: Spin Manifolds; Manifold; V. Bargmann; unitary representations; ray representations; topological; topology;

Common mathematical foundations of expected utility and dual utility theories,
Darinka Dentcheva and Andrzej Ruszczynski, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2012)
Keywords: Preferences, Utility Functions, Rank Dependent Utility Functions, Separation, Choquet Representation

Measurement error: econometrics and practice,
David Edgerton and Jane Binner, in Economics Bulletin (2006) Downloads

Belief change in branching time: AGM-consistency and iterated revision,
Giacomo Bonanno, from University of California, Davis, Department of Economics (2010)
Keywords: iterated belief revision, branching time, information, belief, modal logic, AGM belief revision

A Kripke-Stalnaker-Lewis semantics for AGM belief revision,
Giacomo Bonanno, from University of California, Davis, Department of Economics (2023)
Keywords: belief revision, conditional, belief relation, selection function, supposition, information

A Kripke-Lewis semantics for belief update and belief revision,
Giacomo Bonanno, from University of California, Davis, Department of Economics (2023)
Keywords: belief revision, belief update, indicative conditional, subjunctive conditional, belief relation, selection function, supposition, information.

Using Google Analytics for measuring inlinks effectiveness,
Beatriz Plaza, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2009)
Keywords: Web analytics; Online marketing; E-commerce; Wikipedia links.

Integrating economic knowledge in data mining algorithms,
Hennie Daniels,, Ad Feelders and Marina Velikova, from Society for Computational Economics (2002)
Keywords: data mining, prior knowledge, monotonicity, neural networks, decision trees

Comparison of market price variations and fluctuations of plasma in fusion devices,
V.P. Budaev, from Society for Computational Economics (2002)
Keywords: fluctuation phenomena, statistics,

Finding and Verifying All Solutions of a System of Nonlinear Equations Using Public Domain,
Wendy Campione and Max Jerrell, from Society for Computational Economics (2003)
Keywords: Non-linear models, interval arithmetic

Treasury Auctions, Uniform or Discriminatory?: An Agent-based Approach,
Deddy Koesrindartoto, from Society for Computational Economics (2003)
Keywords: Agent-based, treasury auctions

Solving RE models for dummies,
Patrick Fève and Fabrice Collard, from Society for Computational Economics (2005)

Behavioral Modeling in Micro Simulation Models. A Survey,
N. Anders Klevmarken, from Uppsala - Working Paper Series (1997)

Mathematical analysis and convexity with applications to economics,
Jerry Green and Walter P. Heller, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Mathematical programming with applications to economics,
Michael Intriligator, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Dynamical systems with applications to economics,
Hal Varian, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Measure theory with applications to economics,
Alan Kirman, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

The economics of uncertainty: Selected topics and probabilistic methods,
Steven A. Lippman and John J. McCall, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Global analysis and economics,
Steve Smale, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Consumer theory,
Anton P. Barten and Volker Bohm, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Producers theory,
M. Ishaq Nadiri, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Duality approaches to microeconomic theory,
Walter Diewert, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Existence of competitive equilibrium,
Gerard Debreu, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Frank Hahn, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Regular economies,
Egbert Dierker, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Core of an economy,
Werner Hildenbrand, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Temporary general equilibrium theory,
Jean-Michel Grandmont, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Equilibrium under uncertainty,
Roy Radner, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

The computation of equilibrium prices: An exposition,
Herbert Scarf, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Social choice theory,
Amartya Sen, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

Agency and the market,
Kenneth Arrow, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

The theory of optimal taxation,
James Mirrlees, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

Optimal economic growth, turnpike theorems and comparative dynamics,
Lionel McKenzie, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

Organization design,
Thomas Marschak, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

Incentive aspects of decentralization,
Leonid Hurwicz, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

A computational trick for calculating the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition and its standard error,
Peter Kennedy and Jutta Heinrichs, in Economics Bulletin (2007) Downloads

Quantile uncorrelation and instrumental regression,
Tatiana Komarova, Thomas Severini and Elie Tamer, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2010) Downloads

Improved Lagrange multiplier tests in spatial autoregressions,
Peter M. Robinson and Francesca Rossi, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2014)
Keywords: bootstrap; Edgeworth expansion; finite-sample corrections; Lagrange multiplier test; spatial autocorrelation

A branch and bound algorithm for computing the best subset regression models,
Cristian Gatu and Erricos Kontoghiorghes, from Society for Computational Economics (2002)
Keywords: model selection; least-squares; QR decomposition; branch and bound

Matrixes Satisfying Siljak’s Conjecture,
Guoqiang Tian, from University Library of Munich, Germany (1981)
Keywords: Matrix; Siljak’s Conjecture

A Measure to Compare Matchings in Marriage Markets,
Florian Biermann, from Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (2011)
Keywords: Stable Marriage Problem, Matching, Blocking Pair, Instability, Matching Comparison, Decentralized Market, Bargaining Set

Oligopoly theory,
James Friedman, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

A New Scoring Algorithm for Multiple-Choice Tests: Conditional Knowledge Model,
Alex Strashny, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2002)
Keywords: grading, education measurement, multiple-choice

Game theory models and methods in political economy,
Martin Shubik, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

The Theory of Money and Financial Institutions: Volume 2,
Martin Shubik, from The MIT Press (2004)
Keywords: mathematical institutional economics, game theory, multi-period horizon economies

Geoffrey Heal, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

Optimal control with switches in the objective functional,
Frank Caliendo, in Economics Bulletin (2004)
Keywords: necessary conditions

On the microeconomic theory of investment under uncertainty,
Robert Merton, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Handbook of Mathematical Economics,
Kenneth Arrow and Michael Intriligator, from Elsevier (1993)
Keywords: Mathematical Approaches to Microeconomic Theory, Mathematical Approaches to Competitive Equilibrium

Market demand and excess demand functions,
Wayne Shafer and Hugo Sonnenschein, from Elsevier (1993) Downloads

Incomplete markets,
Michael Magill and Wayne Shafer, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Sunspot equilibria in sequential markets models,
Pierre Chiappori and Roger Guesnerie, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Utility theory with uncertainty,
Edi Karni and David Schmeidler, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Equilibrium theory in infinite dimensional spaces,
Andreu Mas-Colell and William Zame, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Overlapping generations,
John D. Geanakoplos and Heraklis M. Polemarchakis, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Equilibrium analysis with non-convex technologies,
Donald Brown, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Monopolistic competition,
Jean-Pascal Benassy, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Non-standard analysis with applications to economics,
Robert M. Anderson, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Non-linear dynamical systems: Instability and chaos in economics,
William Brock and W. Davis Dechert, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Control theory with applications to economics,
David Kendrick, from Elsevier (2000) Downloads

Handbook of Mathematical Economics,
Kenneth Arrow and Michael Intriligator, from Elsevier (2000)
Keywords: Mathematical Methods in Economics

Linear Public Goods Experiments: A Meta-Analysis,
Jennifer Zelmer, from McMaster University (2001)
Keywords: meta-analysis; public goods

Mathematics for Economics,
Michael Hoy, John Livernois, Chris McKenna, Ray Rees and Thanasis Stengos, from The MIT Press (2011)
Keywords: mathematics

Mathematics for Economics,
Michael Hoy, John Livernois, Chris McKenna, Ray Rees and Thanasis Stengos, from The MIT Press (2011)
Keywords: mathematics

Discovering the evolution of online reviews: A bibliometric review,
Yucheng Zhang, Zhiling Wang, Lin Xiao, Lijun Wang and Pei Huang, in Electronic Markets (2023)
Keywords: Online reviews, Bibliometrics, Science mapping, Literature review

Computation and multiplicity of equilibria,
Timothy Kehoe, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Анализ и обобщение теоретических аспектов экономико-математического моделирования инновационного развития на макро-, мезо- и микроэкономическом уровнях экономики России и стран СНГ (Заключительный отчет),
Цветков В.А., Зоидов К.Х., Андреев В.В., Медков А.А., Быкадоров М.А., Губин В.А., Ильин М.В., Кондраков А.В., Биджамова К.В., Зоидов З.К. and Медников В.В., from Институт проблем рынка РАН (2010)
Keywords: инновационная экономика, научно-технический прогресс, экономические циклы, экономические кризисы, производственные зависимости, эластичность замещения, совокупные факторные производительности, сценарный подход, прогнозирование, глобализация, конкуренция, опережающая модернизация

Forecasting the Success Rate of Reward Based Crowdfunding Projects,
Ivelin Elenchev and Aleksandar Vasilev, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2017)
Keywords: microfinance, entrepreneurial finance, crowdfunding

Deep Learning for Economists,
Melissa Dell, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2024) Downloads

Data Privacy for Record Linkage and Beyond,
Shurong Lin and Eric Kolaczyk, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2024) Downloads

Counterfactual Priors: A Bayesian Response to Ellsberg's Paradox,
Phoebe Koundouri, Nikitas Pittis and Panagiotis Samartzis, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2023)
Keywords: JEL Classifcation: C44, D81, D83, D89

Positive second-best theory: A brief survey of the theory of ramsey pricing,
Kare P. Hagen and Eytan Sheshinski, from Elsevier (2005) Downloads

The theory of value in security markets,
Darrell Duffie, from Elsevier (1991) Downloads

Handbook of Mathematical Economics,
Kenneth Arrow and Michael Intriligator, from Elsevier (2005)
Keywords: Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning

Handbook of Mathematical Economics,
W. Hildenbrand and Hugo Sonnenschein, from Elsevier (1991)
Keywords: Uncertainty, Infinite Economies, Non-Convexity and Imperfect Competition, Computation and Mathematical Methods

Human Capital Outflow and Economic Misery:Fresh Evidence for Pakistan,
Amjad Ali, Noreen Mujahid, Yahya Rashid and Muhammad Shahbaz, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2014)
Keywords: Economic misery, human capital outflow, Pakistan

Dynamic Inter-relationships among tourism, economic growth and energy consumption in India,
Chor Foon Tang, Aviral Tiwari and Muhammad Shahbaz, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: Cointegration; Economic growth; Energy consumption, Tourism; Variance decomposition

Considering the effect of biomass energy consumption on economic growth:fresh evidence from BRICS region,
Muhammad Shahbaz, Khalid Ahmed, Ghulam Rasool and Mantu Kumar, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: Biomass energy, Growth, Capital, Trade

Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth in India: New Evidence from a Nonlinear and Asymmetric Analysis,
Muhammad Shahbaz, Thi Hong Van Hoang, Mantu Kumar and David Roubaud, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Financial Development, Energy, Growth, India, Asymmetries

Is globalization detrimental to financial development? Further evidence from a very large emerging economy with significant orientation towards policies,
Muhammad Shahbaz, Hrushikesh Mallick, Mantu Kumar and Shawkat Hammoudeh, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2017)
Keywords: Globalization, financial development, institutional quality, inflation, India

Artificial intelligence and machine learning,
Niklas Kühl, Max Schemmer, Marc Goutier and Gerhard Satzger, in Electronic Markets (2022)
Keywords: Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Terminology, Framework

Convex radiant costarshaped sets and the least sublinear gauge,
Alberto Zaffaroni, from University of Modena and Reggio E., Dept. of Economics "Marco Biagi" (2012)
Keywords: Convex sets; Minkowski gauge; sublinear gauge; radiant sets; costar-shaped sets; kernel; outer kernel; polar set; reverse polar; hyperbolic convex sets

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