506 documents matched the search for Yucel, Eray in authors.
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Registered author: Mustafa Eray Yücel
Registered author: Eray Cumbul
Registered author: Eray AKDAĞ
A New Boost to Transatlantic Ties: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the EU-Turkey Customs Union, Eray Akdağ,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Turkey, EU, Transatlantic Relations, Trade, Investment, Customs Union, T-TIP, TTIP, TPP, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Asean, B20, WTO
“Decentralize or Else”: Russia's Use of Offensive Coercive Diplomacy against Ukraine, Eray Alim,
in World Affairs
Acquisition, Aggregation, and Sharing of Information in Sequential-Move Aggregative Games, Eray Cumbul,
in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Urban maps: instruments of narrative and interpretation in the city, Eray Çaylı,
in Journal of Urban Design
Book review: urban maps: instruments of narrative and interpretation in the city, Eray Cayli,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Making Violence Public: Spatializing (Counter)publicness through the 1993 Sivas Arson Attack, Turkey, Eray Çaylı,
in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Stackelberg versus Cournot oligopoly with private information, Eray Cumbul,
in International Journal of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Stackelberg; Cournot; Private and public information; Signaling games; Cost uncertainty; Demand and quality uncertainty; First and late-mover advantages;
Registered author: Eray Turkel
Multinational Banks and Foreign Expansion Decisions, Cansu Eray,
from Springer
Creating Loyal Customers with Digital Marketing Applications: The 5A Model, Eray Polat,
from Springer
Keywords: Tourist loyalty, Brand, Digital marketing, 5A, Asia
Digital Marketing and Digital Marketing Applications in the Asian Tourism Industry, Eray Polat,
from Springer
Keywords: Tourism, Digital marketing, Enterprises, Asia
Development of prototype battery management system for PV system, Kamil Okay, Sermet Eray and Aynur Eray,
in Renewable Energy
Keywords: Battery management system; Li-on batteries; Energy management system; PV-Battery system;
Uluslararası İnsancıl Hukukun Silahlı Çatışmalara Uygunalabilir Bazı Kurallarına İlişkin Yorumlar, Şahin Eray Kirdim,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Jus in Bello, Yasadışı Savaşçılar, Savaş Esirlerinin Statüsü, Cenevre Sözleşmeleri
Surplus-producing labour as a capability: a Marxian contribution to Amartya Sen’s revival of classical political economy, Faruk Eray Düzenli,
in Cambridge Journal of Economics
The Distinction between Legislative and Administrative Functions and the Administrative Acts of Legislative Organ in view of the Categorization of Legal Acts, Bulent Yucel,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Legislative, executive, administration, separation of powers, administrative act.
BÝST Endekslerinin Risk Temelli Performans Karþýlaþtýrmasý, Öykü Yücel,
in Isletme ve Iktisat Calismalari Dergisi
Keywords: Pay endeksleri, Risk temelli performans deðerleme, Portföy performans ölçütleri.
“Tarımsal gelişme” politikalarında “verimlilik” sorunu ve ülkesel bağımsızlık, Yücel Çağlar,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: tarımsal gelişme, verim, verimlilik, dışa bağımlılık
Türkiye’nin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Olanakları Ve Strateji Önerileri, Yücel Çağlar,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Yirmibeş Milyar Dolarlık Bir Düş Ve Düşündürdükleri, Yücel Çağlar,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: “2 b”, orman vasfını kaybetmiş yerler, özelleştirme.
Finansal Türev Piyasalardaki Riskler, Yücel Ayriçay,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Finansal Başarısızlık Durumunda Sermaye Yapısı ve Firmaların Aldıkları Tavırlar, Tülay Yücel,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Türkiye''de Toprak Erozyonu, Yücel Çağlar,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Ormanlarımızı Koruyalım, Yücel Çağlar,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Hegemon, Hegemonic Stability, US Foreign Policy, the Middle East
Dördüncü Sanayi Devrimi, Küreselleşme ve Ulusal Gelir Muhasebesi, Yücel Candemir,
in Ekonomi-tek - International Economics Journal
Keywords: Girdi-çıktı analizi, küresel arz ve değer zincirleri, küreselleşme, makroiktisadi analiz, sanayi devrimi, teknolojik gelişme
Application of TOPSIS to Analyze Stakeholder Relations, Yucel Ozturkoglu,
in International Journal of Business and Social Research
Keywords: Interorganizational relations; multi-criteria decision making; stakeholders;TOPSIS
Application of TOPSIS to Analyze Stakeholder Relations, Yucel Ozturkoglu,
in International Journal of Business and Social Research
Keywords: Interorganizational relations; multi-criteria decision making; stakeholders;TOPSIS
Working hours adjustment and gender profiles during the crises: The case of Turkey, Yelda Yucel,
in Politica economica
Keywords: working hours, gender, recession, work sharing, Turkey.
Marka Bağlılığının Yeni Ürünün Benimsenmesine Etkisi: Algılanan Riskin Aracılık Rolü, Engin Yücel,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Marka Bağlılığı, Yeni Ürün, Algılanan Risk, Aracılık Etkisi, YEM.
Mind Games in International Strategic Economy: Exchange Wars and Stratagems, Fatih Yücel,
in Fiscaoeconomia
Keywords: International Economics, Exchange Wars, Foreign Trade Policies, Exchange Rate, Stratagems
Transformational Leadership and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic, İlhami Yücel,
in Administrative Sciences
Keywords: transformational leadership; employee performance; turnover intention
Temel Bileşenler Yöntemiyle Türk Sermaye Piyasası Gelişiminin Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkilerinin Bir Analizi, Fatih Yücel,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Stock Market Development, Economic Development, Principle Components Method.
Dış Ticaretin Belirleyicileri Üzerine Teorik Bir Yaklaşım, Fatih Yücel,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Foreign Trade, Determinants of Foreign Trade, Approaches of Foreign Trade.
Bütcesel Kontrol ve Gevseklik Iliskisinde Bütcesel Katilim, Dagitimsal Adalet ve Iletisimin Rolü, Rahmi Yücel,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Butcesel gevseklik, butcesel kontrol, butcesel katilim, dagitimsal adalet, gorev iletisimi, performans iletisimi, yapisal esitlik modeli
Zarar Ve Karların Hisse Senedi Getirileri Ve Muhasebe Karları Arasındaki İlişki Üzerindeki Etkileri, Rahmi Yücel,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: muhasebe kârları, getiri, kâr değişimi, kâr düzeyi
Registered author: Rahmi YÜCEL
Registered author: Fatih YÜCEL
Emission-reduction strategies for energy-supply systems near urban areas, Yücel Ercan,
in Energy
A dynamic model of natural gas deregulation, Mine Yucel,
in Energy Economics
A revised tax code--Impact on oil and gas producers and consumers, Mine Yucel,
in Journal of Policy Modeling
Scarcity rent reconsidered: The effects of exploration, Mine Yucel,
in Resources and Energy
Severance tax shifting: A quantitative analysis, Mine Yucel,
in Resources and Energy
Dynamic analysis of severance taxation in a competitive exhaustible resource industry, Mine Yucel,
in Resources and Energy
Applied Econometrics, Ali Yucel,
in Quantitative Finance
Are shocks to tourist arrivals permanent or transitory? A comprehensive analysis on the top 20 most-visited countries, Ali Yucel,
in Current Issues in Tourism
A Different Approach to Nurse Scheduling Problem: Lagrangian Relaxation, Yücel Öztürkoğlu,
in Alphanumeric Journal
Keywords: Lagrangian Relaxation, Mathematical Model, Nurse, Scheduling
Entrepreneurial orientation, executives individualism and Firm Performance: The moderating role of executives individualism, Ilhami Yucel,
in Far East Journal of Psychology and Business
Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, executive personality characteristics, individualism, firm performance.
Selahattín Ülkümen: The Turkish Righteous Among the Nations, Yücel Güçlü,
in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Number of Siblings and Participation in Voluntary Associations, Deniz Yucel,
in European Review
Philip L. Cottrell, Iain L. Fraser and Monika Pohle Fraser (eds.), East Meets West – Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire (London: Ashgate, 2008, 214 pp., £55), Yücel Terzibaşoğlu,
in Financial History Review
Oil and the economy: evolution not revolution, Mine Yucel,
in Business Economics
Keywords: Oil price shocks, Macroeconomy, OPEC, Shale boom, Energy security
Banques de Turquie: entre dynamisme et tensions, Mustafa Yücel,
in Revue d'économie financière
Severance taxes and market structure in an exhaustible resource industry, Mine Yucel,
in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Does Ramadan Have Any Effect on Food Prices: A Dual-Calendar Perspective on the Turkish Data, Mustafa Yücel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Seasonality; Ramadan; Food prices; Calendar effects
Democracy and trade: a gentle trade-off, Mustafa Yücel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Democracy; Autocracy; POLITY IV project; International trade; Trade-adjusted measures
A bibliometric review of the research papers of the Central Bank of Turkey, Mustafa Yücel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Bibliometrics; Central bank research; Economic research
A Review and Bibliography of Early Warning Models, Mustafa Yücel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Early warning systems, bibliometric analysis
İktisat Politikasının Tasarımı - Design of Economic Policy, Mustafa Yücel,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Economic policy; design; policy design; welfare; efficiency; effectiveness; sustainability
Work-To-Family Conflict and Life Satisfaction: the Moderating Role of Type of Employment, Deniz Yucel,
in Applied Research in Quality of Life
Keywords: Work-to-family conflict, Life satisfaction, Self-employment
The Dyadic Nature of Relationships: Relationship Satisfaction among Married and Cohabiting Couples, Deniz Yucel,
in Applied Research in Quality of Life
Keywords: Relationship satisfaction, Dyadic data analysis, Married couples, Cohabiting couples
Job Autonomy and Schedule Flexibility as Moderators of the Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Work-Related Outcomes, Deniz Yucel,
in Applied Research in Quality of Life
Keywords: Work-family conflict, Job autonomy, Schedule flexibility, Job satisfaction, Work engagement, Job demands-resources model
Different Types of Work–Family Balance, Social Support, and Job Satisfaction: A Latent Class Analysis, Deniz Yucel,
in Applied Research in Quality of Life
Keywords: Typology of work–family balance, National Study of the Changing Workforce, Job satisfaction, Social support
Together, Forever? Correlates of Marital Well-Being, Deniz Yucel,
in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
Keywords: Marital instability, Marital quality, Depression, Gender ideology, Northern Cyprus,
What Predicts Egalitarian Attitudes Towards Marriage and Children: Evidence from the European Values Study, Deniz Yucel,
in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
Keywords: Attitudes toward marriage and children, European Values Study, Second demographic transition theory, Religiosity, Gender ideology,
Assessment of a flash flood event using different precipitation datasets, Ismail Yucel,
in Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards
Keywords: Satellite rainfall, Radar, NWP, Hydrological model, Flash flood, Turkey,
A LabVIEW-based fire monitoring software using multi-criteria AHP approach for detecting geolocation of wildfire, Yucel Gulluce,
in Natural Hazards: Journal of the International Society for the Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Hazards
Keywords: AHP, Flame detectors, Fire behavior, GIS, HCV forests, LabVIEW, Wildfire monitoring
Information and Communication Technologies and the Environment: The Case of the Traffic System, Yücel Calbay,
from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Methanol as an alternative fuel: economic and health effects, Mine Yucel,
in Economic and Financial Policy Review
Keywords: Power resources; Petroleum industry and trade
The border economy; introduction, Mine Yucel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Keywords: Employment (Economic theory); Texas; North American Free Trade Agreement
The face of Texas; jobs, people, business, change - introduction, Mine Yucel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Texas in the most recent recession and recovery, Mine Yucel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Keywords: Employment
Regional update, Mine Yucel,
in Southwest Economy
Keywords: Texas; Economic indicators; Employment (Economic theory); economic conditions - United States
Regional update, Mine Yucel,
in Southwest Economy
Keywords: Federal Reserve District, 11th; Regional economics
Regional update, Mine Yucel,
in Southwest Economy
Keywords: Economic indicators; Employment (Economic theory); New Mexico; economic conditions - United States; Louisiana; Texas
Regional update: high energy prices spur economy despite growing labor shortages, Mine Yucel,
in Southwest Economy
Keywords: Construction industry; National income; Maquiladora; Employment; Manufacturing industries; Housing - Prices
Regional update, Mine Yucel,
in Southwest Economy
Methanol as an alternative fuel, Mine Yucel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Keywords: Power resources; Petroleum industry and trade
Atmospheric Model Applications, Ismail Yucel,
from IntechOpen
Smart Community Wireless Platforms: Costs, Benefits, Drawbacks, Risks, Sakir Yucel,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: smart community wireless platform, cost of community wireless networks, benefits of community wireless networks, smart community, system dynamics modeling
Capabilities Indicators for Human Rights Cities in Turkey: A Gender-Specific Approach, Yelda Yucel,
in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
Keywords: Human rights, Indicators, Gender, Municipalities, Measurement, Turkey
A New Paradigm of Transport in the Wake of a New Age?, Yücel Candemir,
from Springer
Keywords: New Paradigm, Transformation, Connectivity, Unbundling, New age
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Dynamics in the Energy Sector: Strategic Approaches for Sustainable Development, Mustafa Yucel and Sevgi Yucel,
in Energies
Keywords: sustainability strategies; ESG performance; systems thinking; creating shared value (CSV); energy industry
LR, C5.0, CART, DVM Yöntemlerini Kullanarak Hisse Senedi Getiri Siniflandirma Tahmini Yapilmasi ve Kullanilan Yöntemlerin Karsilastirilmasi: Türkiye’de BIST’de Bir Uygulama, Emre Yakut and Eray Gemici,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Hisse Senedi Getiri Siniflandirma Tahmini, LR Analizi, C5.0, CART Algoritmasi, DVM.
ÇKE’nin 25 OECD Ülkesinde Panel Veri Analizi İle Test Edilmesi: 1990-2014 Yılları, Gökçen Özkan and Eray Karakaş,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Ekonomik Büyüme, Çevresel Kuznets Eğrisi, OECD
Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Serbestleştirici Politikaların Ekonomik Kalkınma Üzerindeki Etkileri, Banu TANRIÖVER Z. Eray ESER,
in Fiscaoeconomia
Keywords: Economic Freedom, Human Development, Fiscal Feedom Index, Monetary Feedom Index And Trade Freedom Indexes, Panel Data Analysis
Relationship between price and volume in the Bitcoin market, Eray Gemici and Müslüm Polat,
in Journal of Risk Finance
Keywords: Price-volume relationship, Asymmetric causality test, Bitcoin market
Causality-in-mean and causality-in-variance among Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum, Eray Gemici and Müslüm Polat,
in Studies in Economics and Finance
Keywords: Causality, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Volatility spillovers, C10, G15
Grandes entreprises et management intrapreneurial, enjeux de travail, d'organisation, de management et de profil de manager, Philippe Eray and Maud Degruel,
from HAL
Keywords: grandes entreprises,management,entrepreneuriat
from HAL
Mass-conserving dynamic organic Rankine cycle model to investigate the link between mass distribution and system state, Moslem Yousefzadeh and Eray Uzgoren,
in Energy
Keywords: Dynamic model; Organic Rankine cycle; Liquid receiver tank; Working fluid charge; Control strategy;
Persuasion with Coarse Communication, Yunus Aybas and Eray Turkel,
from arXiv.org
Examining the Relationship Between Tourism Index Return and Financial, Macroeconomic and Tourism Industry Development Indicators: An Application of MS-VAR Models, Yesim Helhel and Eray Akgun,
in Politická ekonomie
Keywords: Causality, financial development, macroeconomy, MS-VAR, Toda-, Yamamoto, tourism index return
Multilateral limit pricing in price-setting games, Eray Cumbul and Gábor Virág,
in Games and Economic Behavior
Keywords: Bertrand; Supermodularity; Market entry and exit; Limit pricing; Stackelberg;
Photovoltaic power plant design considering multiple uncertainties and risk, Yasemin Merzifonluoglu and Eray Uzgoren,
in Annals of Operations Research
Keywords: Stochastic programming, Renewable energy, Conditional Value-at-Risk, Photovoltaic system sizing
Production Boosting Effects of Football, Hakan Berument and Eray YŸcel,
from Department of Economics, Bilkent University
Registered author: Alp Yücel Kaya
Le Bureau de la statistique générale de France et l’institutionnalisation des statistiques agricoles: l’Enquête agricole de 1836, Alp Yücel Kaya,
in OEconomia