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34125 documents matched the search for Xueyan Zhao in authors.
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Who bears the burden and who receives the gain?-The case of GWRDC R&D investments in the Australian grape and wine industry,
Xueyan Zhao, in Agribusiness (2003) Downloads

The Demand for Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana: International Evidence ‐ by Saroja Selvanathan and Eliyathamby A. Selvanathan,
Xueyan Zhao, in The Economic Record (2008) Downloads

Drugs as a Rational Choice: Preliminary Explorations of Marijuana Consumption in Australia,
Xueyan Zhao, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2003)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis

Who Bears the Burden and Who Receives the Gain? - The Case of GWRDC R&D Investments in the Australian Grape and Wine Industry,
Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2002)
Keywords: Economics of R&D, R&D policies, incidence of levies, wine, equilibrium displacement modelling.

Registered author: Xueyan Zhao

Baseline model based structural health monitoring method under varying environment,
Xueyan Zhao and Ziqiang Lang, in Renewable Energy (2019)
Keywords: Wind turbine; Varying environment; B-spline model; Structural health monitoring;

Farmers' perception and choice preference of grassland ecosystem services: Evidence from the northeastern region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,
Xiaoqi Wang and Xueyan Zhao, in Land Use Policy (2023)
Keywords: Farmers; GES; Perception; Choice preference; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;

New-type stability theorem for stochastic functional differential equations with application to SFDSs with distributed delays,
Xueyan Zhao and Feiqi Deng, in International Journal of Systems Science (2014) Downloads

Non-monotonicity of Lyapunov functions for functional differential equations with enlightenments for related research methods,
Xueyan Zhao and Feiqi Deng, in International Journal of Systems Science (2016) Downloads

What Affects the Livelihood Risk Coping Preferences of Smallholder Farmers? A Case Study from the Eastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China,
Yanyan Ma and Xueyan Zhao, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: livelihood risk; livelihood risk perception; risk preferences; livelihood capital; the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Participation in marijuana, cocaine and heroin consumption in Australia: a multivariate probit approach,
Preety Ramful and Xueyan Zhao, in Applied Economics (2009) Downloads

Yongsheng Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, in Division of Labor & Transaction Costs (DLTC) (2006)
Keywords: Scale effect, firm size, the Krugman model, the Dixit-Stiglitz model

Heterogeneity in Alcohol Consumption: The Case of Beer, Wine and Spirits in Australia,
Preety Ramful and Xueyan Zhao, from International Association of Agricultural Economists (2006)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety

William Griffiths and Xueyan Zhao, from University of New England, School of Economics (1999)
Keywords: Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

A zero-inflated ordered probit model, with an application to modelling tobacco consumption,
Mark Harris and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Econometrics (2007) Downloads

Testing the scale effect predicted by the Fujita-Krugman urbanization model,
Yongsheng Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2004) Downloads

Demand for Marijuana, Alcohol and Tobacco: Participation, Levels of Consumption and Cross‐equation Correlations,
Xueyan Zhao and Mark Harris, in The Economic Record (2004) Downloads

Individual Heterogeneity in Alcohol Consumption: The Case of Beer, Wine and Spirits in Australia,
Preety Ramful and Xueyan Zhao, in The Economic Record (2008) Downloads

Modelling Tobacco Consumption with a Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit Model,
Xueyan Zhao and Mark Harris, from Econometric Society (2004)
Keywords: Ordered outcomes, discrete data, drug consumption, zero-inflated responses.

A Unified Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Equilibrium Displacement Models: Comment,
William Griffiths and Xueyan Zhao, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2000) Downloads

Economics and Marijuana,
Kenneth Clements and Xueyan Zhao, from Cambridge University Press (2009)

Economics and Marijuana,
Kenneth Clements and Xueyan Zhao, from Cambridge University Press (2014)

Economic Aspects of Marijuana,
Kenneth Clements and Xueyan Zhao, from The University of Western Australia, Department of Economics (2005) Downloads

Modelling Tobacco Consumption with a Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit Model,
Mark Harris and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2004)
Keywords: Ordered outcomes, discrete data, drug consumption, zero-inflated responses.

The Econometric Specification of Input Demand Systems Implied by Cost Function Representations,
Keith McLaren and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2009)
Keywords: Cost Function; Input demands; Share equations; Translog; Normalized Quadratic; Error specification.

A structural equation model of adverse events and length of stay in hospitals,
Katharina Hauck and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2010)
Keywords: Medical errors, complications of care, adverse drug reactions, infections, ulcers, hospital quality

Bootstrap Hausdorff Confidence Regions for Average Treatment Effect Identified Sets,
Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2023)
Keywords: binary models, bounds, coverage, partial identification

LaSalle-Type Theorems for General Nonlinear Stochastic Functional Differential Equations by Multiple Lyapunov Functions,
Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng and Xiaojing Zhong, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2014) Downloads

Numerical Schemes for Stochastic Differential Equations with Variable and Distributed Delays: The Interpolation Approach,
Xueyan Zhao, Feiqi Deng and Shifang Kuang, in Abstract and Applied Analysis (2014) Downloads

Incremental Newton’s iterative algorithm for optimal control of Itô stochastic systems,
Jiayue Tian, Xueyan Zhao and Feiqi Deng, in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2022)
Keywords: Stochastic systems; Optimal control; Stochastic algebraic Riccati equation; Newton’s method;

Analysis of linear asynchronous hybrid stochastic systems and its application to multi-agent systems with Markovian switching topologies,
Shixian Luo, Feiqi Deng and Xueyan Zhao, in International Journal of Systems Science (2019) Downloads

Spatial–Temporal Evolution of Socio-Ecological System Vulnerability on the Loess Plateau under Rapid Urbanization,
Pingyi Ma, Xueyan Zhao and Hua Li, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: rapid urbanization; socio-ecological system; vulnerability; dominant factor approach; Loess Plateau

The demand for marijuana, tobacco and alcohol: inter-commodity interactions with uncertainty,
Kenneth Clements, Yihui Lan and Xueyan Zhao, in Empirical Economics (2010)
Keywords: Marijuana consumption, Alcohol consumption, Legislation and taxation, Differential demand systems, H2, K0, I0, D5, C6,

Occupational transition and country-of-origin effects in the early stage occupational assimilation of immigrants: some evidence from Australia,
Weiping Kostenko, Mark Harris and Xueyan Zhao, in Applied Economics (2012) Downloads

Exponential mean-square stability of the θ-method for neutral stochastic delay differential equations with jumps,
Haoyi Mo, Xueyan Zhao and Feiqi Deng, in International Journal of Systems Science (2017) Downloads

Xiaohui Zhang, Katharina Hauck and Xueyan Zhao, in Health Economics (2013) Downloads

Partially Identified Heterogeneous Treatment Effect with Selection: An Application to Gender Gaps,
Xiaolin Sun, Xueyan Zhao and Donald Poskitt, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

The bivariate probit model, maximum likelihood estimation, pseudo true parameters and partial identification,
Chuhui Li, Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Econometrics (2019)
Keywords: Average treatment effect; Binary outcome models; Copula; Identified set; Instrumental variables; Misspecification;

Who Gains from Australian Generic Wine R&D and Promotion?,
Xueyan Zhao, Kym Anderson and Glyn Wittwer, from University of Adelaide, Centre for International Economic Studies (2002)
Keywords: Economics of R&D, Promotion, Wine, Equilibrium displacement modelling

Decriminalization and Marijuana Smoking Prevalence: Evidence From Australia,
Kannika Damrongplasit, Cheng Hsiao and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2010) Downloads

Who gains from Australian generic wine promotion and R&D?,
Xueyan Zhao, Kym Anderson and Glyn Wittwer, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2003) Downloads

What Do the Bingers Drink? Micro‐Unit Evidence on Negative Externalities and Drinker Characteristics of Alcohol Consumption by Beverage Types,
Preety Pratima Srivastava and Xueyan Zhao, in Economic Papers (2010) Downloads

Equal Tax for Equal Alcohol? Beverage Types and Antisocial and Unlawful Behaviours,
Preety Srivastava, Ou Yang and Xueyan Zhao, in The Economic Record (2022) Downloads

Health status and labour market outcome: Empirical evidence from Australia,
Kannika Damrongplasit, Cheng Hsiao and Xueyan Zhao, in Pacific Economic Review (2019) Downloads

Alcohol Consumption in Australia: An Application of the Ordered Generalised Extreme Value Model,
Xueyan Zhao, Mark Harris and Preety Ramful, from Econometric Society (2004)
Keywords: Drug consumption, discrete ordered data, Ordered Generalised Extreme Value model, random utility maximisation, rational addiction.

Adverse event rates as measures of hospital performance,
Katharina Hauck, Xueyan Zhao and Terri Jackson, in Health Policy (2012)
Keywords: Adverse events; Medical errors; Complications; Hospital quality; Patient complexity;

Chronic diseases and labour force participation in Australia,
Xiaohui Zhang, Xueyan Zhao and Anthony Harris, in Journal of Health Economics (2009)
Keywords: Labour force participation Chronic diseases Multivariate probit Endogeneity Treatment effect

An ordered generalised extreme value model with application to alcohol consumption in Australia,
Mark Harris, Preety Ramful and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Health Economics (2006) Downloads

The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure and Trends: A Semiparametric Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries,
Ming Kong, Jiti Gao and Xueyan Zhao, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2020)
Keywords: Cross-sectional dependence, detection of trend, heterogeneity, parametric calibration, partially linear model, healthcare expenditure

Estimation and efficiency measurement in stochastic production frontiers with ordinal outcomes,
William Griffiths, Xiaohui Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, in Journal of Productivity Analysis (2014)
Keywords: Bayesian estimation, Gibbs sampling, Ordered probit, Production efficiency, C11, C23,

Who Gains from Australian Generic Wine R&D and Promotion?,
Xueyan Zhao, Kym Anderson and Glyn Wittwer, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2002)
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Who gains from Australian generic wine promotion and R&D?,
Xueyan Zhao, Kym Anderson and Glyn Wittwer, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2003)
Keywords: Marketing, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Ageing Workforces, Ill‐health and Multi‐state Labour Market Transitions,
Mark Harris, Xueyan Zhao and Eugenio Zucchelli, in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (2021) Downloads

Ill-health and transitions to part-time work and self-employment among older workers,
Eugenio Zucchelli, Mark Harris and Xueyan Zhao, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2012)
Keywords: ill-health; health shocks; labour transitions; dynamic multinomial choice models

The dynamics of health and labour market transitions at older ages: evidence from a multi-state model,
Mark Harris, Xueyan Zhao and Eugenio Zucchelli, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2016)
Keywords: health; dynamic labour transitions; captivity; unobserved heterogeneity;

Occupational Transition and Country-of-Origin Effects in the Early Stage Occupational Assimilation of Immigrants: Some Evidence from Australia,
Weiping Kostenko, Mark Harris and Xueyan Zhao, from Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne (2009)
Keywords: Immigrant, occupational assimilation, ordered discrete data, ordered generalised extreme value model, labour market outcomes

Who Gains from Australian Generic Wine Promotion and R&D?,
Xueyan Zhao, Kym Anderson and Glyn Wittwer, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2019)
Keywords: Wine Globalization, Australia's Wine Internationalization, Wine Markets in Asia, Wine Price Distortions, Modelling Global Wine Markets,

Impact of Private Health Insurance on the Choice of Public versus Private Hospital Services,
Preety Pratima Srivastava and Xueyan Zhao, from HEDG, c/o Department of Economics, University of York (2008)
Keywords: Hospital utilisation, Public/Private health care, Private health insurance, FIML

The Demand for Vice: Inter-Commodity Interactions with Uncertainty,
Kenneth Clements, Yihui Lan and Xueyan Zhao, from The University of Western Australia, Department of Economics (2005) Downloads

The Demand for Vice: Inter-Commodity Interactions with Uncertainty,
Kenneth Clements, Yihui Lan and Xueyan Zhao, from The University of Western Australia, Department of Economics (2006) Downloads

Adverse events in surgical inpatients: A comparative analysis of public hospitals in Victoria,
Katharina Hauck, Xueyan Zhao and Terri Jackson, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2010)
Keywords: Adverse events, hospital performance, hospital quality, patient complexity

A Stochastic Frontier Model for Discrete Ordinal Outcomes: A Health Production Function,
William Griffiths, Xiaohui Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2010)
Keywords: Bayesian estimation, Gibbs sampling, ordered probit, production efficiency.

What Do the Bingers Drink? Microeconometric Evidence on Negative Externatilities of Alcohol Consumption by Beverage Types,
Preety Pratima Srivastava and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2010)
Keywords: Alcohol consumption, alcohol tax, binge drinking, beer, wine and spirits

The Bivariate Probit Model, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Pseudo True Parameters and Partial Identification,
Chuhui Li, Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2016)
Keywords: partial identification, binary outcome models, mis-specification, average treatment effect

A Stochastic Frontier Model for Discrete Ordinal Outcomes: A Health Production Function,
William Griffiths, Xiaohui Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, from The University of Melbourne (2010)
Keywords: Bayesian estimation, Gibbs sampling, ordered probit, production efficiency

Farmer households’ livelihood resilience in ecological-function areas: case of the Yellow River water source area of China,
Xueyan Zhao, Huanhuan Chen, Haili Zhao and Bing Xue, in Environment, Development and Sustainability: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development (2022)
Keywords: Farmer household, Livelihood resilience, Livelihood capital, IEA, Yellow River, China

Structural Optimization of Slender Robot Arm Based on Sensitivity Analysis,
Zhong Luo, Xueyan Zhao, Le Liang and Fei Wang, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2012) Downloads

Periodic and Chaotic Motions of a Two-Bar Linkage with OPCL Controller,
Qingkai Han, Xueyan Zhao, Xiaoguang Yang and Bangchun Wen, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2010) Downloads

Interpretable Variational Graph Autoencoder with Noninformative Prior,
Lili Sun, Xueyan Liu, Min Zhao and Bo Yang, in Future Internet (2021)
Keywords: neural networks; network representation learning; noninformative prior distribution; variational graph autoencoder; deep learning

Study on Urban Resilience from the Perspective of the Complex Adaptive System Theory: A Case Study of the Lanzhou-Xining Urban Agglomeration,
Liangjie Yang, Hainan Yang, Xueyan Zhao and Yongchun Yang, in IJERPH (2022)
Keywords: complex adaptive system theory; evolutionary resilience; adaptive cycle model; urban system; Lanzhou-Xining urban agglomeration

Spatial-Temporal Evolution, Trade-Offs and Synergies of Ecosystem Services in the Qinba Mountains,
Xiaofeng He, Wenqing Li, Xingchao Xu and Xueyan Zhao, in Sustainability (2023)
Keywords: ecosystem services; trade-offs and synergies; spatial and temporal variability; Qinba Mountains

Experimental and chemical kinetics study on the flammability limit of CO2/C3H6 mixture working fluid at variable initial temperature,
Xueyan Wang, Hua Tian, Gequn Shu and Zhao Yang, in Energy (2024)
Keywords: Working fluid; Flammability limit; Flame characteristics; Inhibition mechanism;

A panel data model of length of stay in hospitals for hip replacements,
Yan Meng, Jiti Gao, Xibin Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, in Econometric Reviews (2021) Downloads

Binary outcomes, OLS, 2SLS and IV probit,
Chuhui Li, Donald Poskitt, Frank Windmeijer and Xueyan Zhao, in Econometric Reviews (2022) Downloads

Weak Identification in Discrete Choice Models,
David T. Frazier, Eric Renault, Lina Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, from University of Warwick, Department of Economics (2021)
Keywords: Discrete Choice Models ; Weak Instruments ; Weak identification ; Identification Testing

Disaggregated econometric estimation of consumer demand response by alcoholic beverage types,
Preety Srivastava, Keith McLaren, Michael Wohlgenant and Xueyan Zhao, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2015)
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis

Economic Surplus Measurement in Multi-Market Models,
Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Garry R. Griffith, from University of New England, School of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis

Decomposing Identification Gains and Evaluating Instrument Identification Power for Partially Identified Average Treatment Effects,
Lina Zhang, David T. Frazier, Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, from arXiv.org (2022) Downloads

Weak Identification in Discrete Choice Models,
David T. Frazier, Eric Renault, Lina Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, from arXiv.org (2021) Downloads

Partial Identification of Distributional Treatment Effects in Panel Data using Copula Equality Assumptions,
Heshani Madigasekara, Donald Poskitt, Lina Zhang and Xueyan Zhao, from arXiv.org (2024) Downloads

Disaggregated econometric estimation of consumer demand response by alcoholic beverage types,
Preety Pratima Srivastava, Keith McLaren, Michael Wohlgenant and Xueyan Zhao, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2015) Downloads

Binge Drinking and Antisocial and Unlawful Behaviours in Australia,
Ou Yang, Xueyan Zhao and Preety Pratima Srivastava, in The Economic Record (2016) Downloads

Spatiotemporal of the Coupling Relationship between Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being in Guanzhong Plain Urban Agglomeration,
Jianxiu Yang, Xing Ma, Xueyan Zhao and Wenqing Li, in IJERPH (2022)
Keywords: Guanzhong Plain urban agglomeration; ecosystem services; human well-being; InVEST model; coupling coordination degree

Functional Forms, Exogenous Shifts, and Economic Surplus Changes,
Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Gary R. Griffith, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1997) Downloads

Returns to New Technologies in the Australian Beef Industry: On-farm Research versus Off-farm Research,
Xueyan Zhao, Garry R. Griffith and John D. Mullen, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2000)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Some Practical Issues in Economic Surplus Measurement in Multi-Market Models,
Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Garry R. Griffith, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2001)
Keywords: International Relations/Trade

Multi-Output Broadacre Agricultural Production: Estimating A Cost Function Using Quasi-Micro Farm Level Data From Australia,
Duong T.M. Nguyen, Keith McLaren and Xueyan Zhao, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2008)
Keywords: Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Functional Forms and Economic Surplus Changes,
Xueyan Zhao, John D. Mullen and Garry R. Griffith, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1996)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

The Competitive Structure of the Australian Meat and Livestock Industries,
Xueyan Zhao, Garry R. Griffith and John D. Mullen, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1996)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

Binge Drinking, Antisocial and Unlawful Behaviours, and Beverage Types,
Ou Yang, Xueyan Zhao and Preety Pratima Srivastava, from Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne (2015)
Keywords: Binge drinking, negative externalities, alcohol taxation, multivariate probit, misclassification

Study on flammability limit and combustion reactions behaviors of R744/R152a environmentally friendly mixed working fluid by experiments and molecular dynamic simulation,
Xueyan Wang, Hua Tian, Gequn Shu and Zhao Yang, in Energy (2024)
Keywords: Flammability limit; Combustion mechanism; ReaxFF MD; Reaction pathways; Rate constant; Activation energy;

A novel performance measure approach for reliability-based design optimization with adaptive Barzilai-Borwein steps,
Xiaoping Wang, Wei Zhao, Yangyang Chen and Xueyan Li, in Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2024)
Keywords: Reliability-based design optimization; Double loop approach; Performance measure approach; Minimum performance target point; Barzilai-Borwein step size;

Jumps Versus Bursts: Dissection and Origins via a New Endogenous Thresholding Approach,
Xueyan Zhao, Seok Young Hong and Oliver B. Linton, from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge (2024)
Keywords: Price Jumps, Volatility Bursts, Market Microstructure Noise, Endogenous Sampling, High-Frequency Trading, News Sentiment

Jumps Versus Bursts: Dissection and Origins via a New Endogenous Thresholding Approach,
Xueyan Zhao, Seok Young Hong and Oliver B. Linton, from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge (2024)
Keywords: Price Jumps, Volatility Bursts, Market Microstructure Noise, Endogenous Sampling, High-Frequency Trading, News Sentiment

Econometric Modelling of Social Bads,
William Greene, Mark Harris, Preety Pratima Srivastava and Xueyan Zhao, from Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC), Curtin Business School (2013)
Keywords: Ordered outcomes, discrete data, cannabis consumption, zero-inflated responses

Econometric Modelling of Price Response by Alcohol Types to Inform Alcohol Tax Policies,
Preety Pratima Srivastava, Keith McLaren, Michael Wohlgenant and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2014)
Keywords: alcohol, demand system, elasticities, semiflexible AIDS, tax.

A panel data analysis of hospital variations in length of stay for hip replacements: Private versus public,
Yan Meng, Xueyan Zhao, Xibin Zhang and Jiti Gao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2017)
Keywords: Gibbs sampler, hierarchical random coefficients, length of stay, hospital ranking.

Binary Outcomes, OLS, 2SLS and IV Probit,
Chuhui Li, Donald Poskitt, Frank Windmeijer and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2019) Downloads

Decomposing Identification Gains and Evaluating Instrument Identification Power for Partially Identified Average Treatment Effects,
Lina Zhang, David Frazier, Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2020)
Keywords: binary dependent variables, average treatment effect, instrument identification power, instrument relevance, endogeneity, partial identification

Decomposing Identification Gains and Evaluating Instrument Identification Power for Partially Identified Average Treatment Effects,
Lina Zhang, David Frazier, Donald Poskitt and Xueyan Zhao, from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics (2021)
Keywords: heterogeneous treatment effect, binary dependent variables, propensity score, asymmetric endogeneity, instrument identification power

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