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12388 documents matched the search for Wolfgang Schmid in authors.
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Outliers in a multivariate autoregressive moving-average process,
Wolfgang Schmid, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (1990)
Keywords: multivariate outlier type I outlier multivariate ARMA-process test of discordancy

Projections of digital nets and sequences,
Wolfgang Ch. Schmid, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2001)
Keywords: Quasi-Monte Carlo method; Digital nets; Low-discrepancy point sets; Projections;

Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF) (2008)
Keywords: Optimal portfolio weights, finite sample moments, shrinkage

Discussion of “Statistical methods for network surveillance” by Daniel Jeske, Nathaniel Stevens, Alexander Tartakovsky, and James Wilson,
Philipp Otto and Wolfgang Schmid, in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2018) Downloads

Europäische Arbeitsmarktpolitik nach der Krise,
Günther Schmid and Wolfgang Schroeder, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2020) Downloads

Generalized Spatial and Spatiotemporal ARCH Models,
Philipp Otto and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2021) Downloads

Europäische Arbeitsmarktpolitik nach der Krise,
Günther Schmid and Wolfgang Schroeder, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2020) Downloads

A new high-dimensional time series approach for wind speed, wind direction and air pressure forecasting,
Daniel Ambach and Wolfgang Schmid, in Energy (2017)
Keywords: Wind speed; Wind direction; Air pressure; Heteroscedasticity; Stochastic modelling; Multivariate model; Time series;

Distributional properties of portfolio weights,
Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Journal of Econometrics (2006) Downloads

On the Joint Distribution of a Quadratic and a Linear Form in Normal Variables,
Alexander Schöne and Wolfgang Schmid, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2000)
Keywords: quadratic form, linear form, joint distribution, Laguerre polynomials

Econometrical analysis of the sample efficient frontier,
Taras Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in The European Journal of Finance (2009)
Keywords: asset allocation, efficient frontier, portfolio analysis, mean-variance portfolio, parameter uncertainty, interval estimation,

Monitoring means and covariances of multivariate non linear time series with heavy tails,
Robert Garthoff and Wolfgang Schmid, in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2017) Downloads

Periodic and long range dependent models for high frequency wind speed data,
Daniel Ambach and Wolfgang Schmid, in Energy (2015)
Keywords: ARFIMA-APARCH; Time-varying regression; High frequency data; Comparison study; Forecasting;

Asset allocation with distorted beliefs and transaction costs,
Roman Kozhan and Wolfgang Schmid, in European Journal of Operational Research (2009)
Keywords: Knightian uncertainty Asset allocation Distortion function Transaction costs

Surveillance of the mean behavior of multivariate time series,
Olha Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in Statistica Neerlandica (2007) Downloads

On the exact distribution of the estimated expected utility portfolio weights: Theory and applications,
Bodnar Taras and Schmid Wolfgang, in Statistics & Risk Modeling (2011)
Keywords: asset pricing, expected quadratic utility, multivariate test, portfolio efficiency, exact distribution

Tail behaviour of a general family of control charts,
Schmid Wolfgang and Okhrin Yarema, in Statistics & Risk Modeling (2003) Downloads

Estimation of optimal portfolio compositions for Gaussian returns,
Bodnar Taras and Schmid Wolfgang, in Statistics & Risk Modeling (2009)
Keywords: asset allocation, portfolio analysis, mean-variance portfolio, parameter uncertainty, portfolio characteristics

Spatiotemporal analysis of German real-estate prices,
Philipp Otto and Wolfgang Schmid, in The Annals of Regional Science (2018) Downloads

The right digital strategy for your business: an empirical analysis of the design and implementation of digital strategies in SMEs and LSEs,
Wolfgang Becker and Oliver Schmid, in Business Research (2020)
Keywords: Digital strategy, SME, LSE

Comparison of different estimation techniques for portfolio selection,
Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2007)
Keywords: Portfolio analysis, Mean-variance analysis, Estimation of portfolio weights, Shrinkage estimation,

On the existence of unbiased estimators for the portfolio weights obtained by maximizing the Sharpe ratio,
Wolfgang Schmid and Taras Zabolotskyy, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2008)
Keywords: Optimal portfolio weights, Unbiased estimator, Asymptotically unbiased estimator, Sharpe ratio optimal weights,

Surveillance of non-stationary processes,
Taras Lazariv and Wolfgang Schmid, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2019)
Keywords: Control chart, Statistical process control, Change-point detection, Time series, State-space model

An outlier test for linear processes — II. Large contamination,
Thomas Flak and Wolfgang Schmid, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (1996)
Keywords: Outlier, ARMA process, linear process, outlier test,

An outlier test for linear processes,
Thomas Flak and Wolfgang Schmid, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (1993)
Keywords: Outlier, ARMA-process, linear process, outlier test, robust estimates, 62M10, 62F03,

Monitoring the cross-covariances of a multivariate time series,
Przemyslaw Sliwa and Wolfgang Schmid, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2005)
Keywords: Statistical process control, Multivariate time series, Simultaneous control charts, Exponential smoothing, Financial application,

A test for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio in an elliptical model,
Taras Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2008)
Keywords: Portfolio analysis, Global minimum variance portfolio, Elliptically contoured distribution, General linear hypothesis,

A general framework for spatial GARCH models,
Philipp Otto and Wolfgang Schmid, in Statistical Papers (2023)
Keywords: Spatial GARCH, Spatiotemporal statistics, Volatility clusters, Real estate prices

Die demographische Entwicklung - welche Optionen bestehen?,
Josef Schmid, Bert Rürup and Wolfgang Klauder, in Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (1949 - 2007) (2000) Downloads

Behavior of EWMA type control charts for small smoothing parameters,
Taras Lazariv, Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2015)
Keywords: EWMA chart; Stationary process; Statistical process control; Run length;

Techniques for parallel quasi-Monte Carlo integration with digital sequences and associated problems,
Wolfgang Ch. Schmid and Andreas Uhl, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2001)
Keywords: Quasi-Monte Carlo methods; Low-discrepancy sequences; Numerical integration; Parallel computation;

Particle approximation of convection–diffusion equations,
Christian Lécot and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2001)
Keywords: Random walk; Convection–diffusion equations; Discrepancy;

MinT—Architecture and applications of the (t, m, s)-net and OOA database,
Rudolf Schürer and Wolfgang Ch. Schmid, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2010)
Keywords: MinT; (t,m,s)-Net; Ordered orthogonal array (OOA); Database; Quasi-Monte Carlo;

Monitoring the mean of multivariate financial time series,
Robert Garthoff, Vasyl Golosnoy and Wolfgang Schmid, in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2014) Downloads

CUSUM control charts for monitoring optimal portfolio weights,
Vasyl Golosnoy, Sergiy Ragulin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2011)
Keywords: CUSUM charts Minimum variance portfolio Changes in the covariance matrix Statistical process control

Multivariate autoregressive extreme value process and its application for modeling the time series properties of the extreme daily asset prices,
Rostyslav Bodnar, Taras Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2016) Downloads

Estimating the Cost of Executive Stock Options: Evidence from Switzerland,
Wolfgang Drobetz, Pascal Pensa and Markus Schmid, from Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel (2007)
Keywords: Managerial compensation, incentives, executive stock options, option valuation, risk aversion

Sequential monitoring of high‐dimensional time series,
Rostyslav Bodnar, Taras Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2023) Downloads

Estimating the Cost of Executive Stock Options: evidence from Switzerland,
Wolfgang Drobetz, Pascal Pensa and Markus Schmid, in Corporate Governance: An International Review (2007) Downloads

On the equivalence of quadratic optimization problems commonly used in portfolio theory,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in European Journal of Operational Research (2013)
Keywords: Investment analysis; Mean–variance analysis; Parameter uncertainty; Interval estimation; Test theory;

On the exact solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for an exponential utility under return predictability,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in European Journal of Operational Research (2015)
Keywords: Multi-period asset allocation; Expected utility optimization; Exponential utility function; Return predictability;

Estimation of the global minimum variance portfolio in high dimensions,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in European Journal of Operational Research (2018)
Keywords: Finance; Global minimum variance portfolio; Large-dimensional asymptotics; Covariance matrix estimation; Random matrix theory;

A Closed-Form Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for a Quadratic Utility Function,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2014) Downloads

On the Equivalence of Quadratic Optimization Problems Commonly Used in Portfolio Theory,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2013) Downloads

On the Exact Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for an Exponential Utility under Return Predictability,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2012) Downloads

Estimation of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in High Dimensions,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2015) Downloads

On the structure and estimation of hierarchical Archimedean copulas,
Ostap Okhrin, Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Journal of Econometrics (2013)
Keywords: Hierarchical Archimedean copula; Multivariate distribution; Density estimation; Asymptotic theory;

Statistical Surveillance of Volatility Forecasting Models,
Vasyl Golosnoy, Iryna Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Journal of Financial Econometrics (2012) Downloads

Properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas,
Ostap Okhrin, Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, from Humboldt University Berlin, Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk (2009)
Keywords: Copula, multivariate distribution, Archimedean copula, stochastic ordering, hierarchical copula

Minimum VaR and minimum CVaR optimal portfolios: Estimators, confidence regions, and tests,
Bodnar Taras, Schmid Wolfgang and Zabolotskyy Tara, in Statistics & Risk Modeling (2012)
Keywords: asset allocation, efficient frontier, minimum VaR portfolio, minimum CVaR portfolio, parameter uncertainty

Properties of hierarchical Archimedean copulas,
Ostap Okhrin, Okhrin Yarema and Schmid Wolfgang, in Statistics & Risk Modeling (2013)
Keywords: copula, multivariate distribution, Archimedean copula, stochastic ordering, hierarchical copula

A good permutation for one-dimensional diaphony,
Pausinger Florian and Schmid Wolfgang Ch., in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications (2010)
Keywords: Diaphony, generalised van der Corput sequence

Quality surveillance with EWMA control charts based on exact control limits,
Manuel Morais, Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Statistical Papers (2015)
Keywords: Statistical process control, Run length, Stochastic ordering,

Multivariate CUSUM chart: properties and enhancements,
Vasyl Golosnoy, Sergiy Ragulin and Wolfgang Schmid, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2009)
Keywords: Multivariate CUSUM charts, Log transformation, Multivariate normal distribution,

A closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in Annals of Operations Research (2015)
Keywords: Multi-period asset allocation, Quadratic utility function, Closed-form solution, Tangency portfolio,

Asymptotic behavior of the estimated weights and of the estimated performance measures of the minimum VaR and the minimum CVaR optimal portfolios for dependent data,
Taras Bodnar, Wolfgang Schmid and Taras Zabolotskyy, in Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics (2013)
Keywords: Efficient frontier, Minimum VaR portfolio, Minimum CVaR portfolio, Parameter uncertainty, Statistical inference , Asymptotic distribution, Matrix differentiation,

The Exact Solution of Multi-period Portfolio Choice Problem with Exponential Utility,
Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Optimal Portfolio, Risky Asset, Asset Return, Portfolio Weight, Absolute Risk Aversion

Spatio-temporal statistical analysis of the carbon budget of the terrestrial ecosystem,
Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze, in Statistical Methods & Applications (2016)
Keywords: Spatio-temporal smoothing, Carbon dioxide concentrations, Net Ecosystem Exchange, Remote sensing, EM-algorithm

Spatio-temporal statistical analysis of the carbon budget of the terrestrial ecosystem,
Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze, in Statistical Methods & Applications (2016)
Keywords: Spatio-temporal smoothing, Carbon dioxide concentrations, Net Ecosystem Exchange, Remote sensing, EM-algorithm,

Efficient Approximation of the Spatial Covariance Function for Large Datasets - Analysis of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations,
Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze, from RECAP15, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (2013)
Keywords: spatial covariance function, fixed rank kriging, covariance tapering, full-scale approximation, large spatial data sets, mid-tropospheric CO2, remote sensing, efficient approximation

Spatio-temporal statistical assessment of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from satellite data,
Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze, from RECAP15, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) (2016)
Keywords: Anthropogenic CO2 emissions, Net Ecosystem Production, Linear mixed effects, Spatio- temporal model

Stochastic properties of spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH models,
Philipp Otto, Wolfgang Schmid and Robert Garthoff, in Statistical Papers (2021)
Keywords: Moments, Probability structure, Spatial ARCH, Variance clusters

Statistical inference of the efficient frontier for dependent asset returns,
Taras Bodnar, Wolfgang Schmid and Taras Zabolotskyy, in Statistical Papers (2009)
Keywords: Asset allocation, Mean–variance efficient frontier, Optimal portfolios, Asymptotic normality,

Statistical surveillance of the mean vector and the covariance matrix of nonlinear time series,
Robert Garthoff, Iryna Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2014)
Keywords: Statistical process control, Multivariate CUSUM charts , Multivariate EWMA charts, Conditional correlation model,

GARCH processes and the phenomenon of misleading and unambiguous signals,
Beatriz Sousa, Manuel Cabral Morais, Yarema Okhrin and Wolfgang Schmid, in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2018) Downloads

Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Implementation und Wirksamkeit des Sonderprogramms: ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung,
Alfons Schmid, Silvia Krömmelbein, Wolfgang Klems and Gerald Gaß, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1993)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; berufliche Reintegration ; Erfolgskontrolle ; Förderung ; Langzeitarbeitslose ; Programm ; schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose ; Teilnehmerstruktur ; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik

Comparing air quality among Italy, Germany and Poland using BC indexes,
Olha Bodnar, Michela Cameletti, Alessandro Fassò and Wolfgang Schmid, from European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Department of Business Administration and Economics (2008) Downloads

Karl Entacher, Wolfgang Ch Schmid and Andreas Uhl, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (2003) Downloads

Next generation single-aisle aircraft – Requirements and technological solutions,
Joachim Szodruch, Wolfgang Grimme, Frederik Blumrich and Rainer Schmid, in Journal of Air Transport Management (2011)
Keywords: Airliner development; Narrow-bodied aircraft; Aircraft and the environment;

Corporate Governance, Unternehmensbewertung und Wettbewerb: eine Untersuchung für die Schweiz,
Heinz Zimmermann, Stefan Beiner, Wolfgang Drobetz and Markus Schmid, from Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel (2004)
Keywords: Corporate governance; ownership structure; competition; firm valuation; endogeneity

Misleading Signals in Simultaneous Residual Schemes for the Mean and Variance of a Stationary Process,
Sven Knoth, Manuel Cabral Morais, António Pacheco and Wolfgang Schmid, in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods (2009) Downloads

Statistical inferences for realized portfolio weights,
Vasyl Golosnoy, Wolfgang Schmid, Miriam Isabel Seifert and Taras Lazariv, in Econometrics and Statistics (2020)
Keywords: Minimum variance portfolio; Realized covariance matrix; Structural change; Control charts; Tests for portfolio weights;

Industry expert directors,
Wolfgang Drobetz, Felix von Meyerinck, David Oesch and Markus Schmid, in Journal of Banking & Finance (2018)
Keywords: Board of directors; Director skills and experience; Corporate governance; Corporate investments;

Bayesian estimation of the efficient frontier,
David Bauder, Rostyslav Bodnar, Taras Bodnar and Wolfgang Schmid, in Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2019) Downloads

Is Board Size an Independent Corporate Governance Mechanism?,
Stefan Beiner, Wolfgang Drobetz, Frank Schmid and Heinz Zimmermann, in Kyklos (2004) Downloads

Bayesian inference of the multi-period optimal portfolio for an exponential utility,
David Bauder, Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2020)
Keywords: Bayesian estimation; Credible sets; Multi-period optimal portfolio; Posterior predictive distribution; Stochastic representation;

Bayesian mean–variance analysis: optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty,
David Bauder, Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in Quantitative Finance (2021) Downloads

Bayesian Inference of the Multi-Period Optimal Portfolio for an Exponential Utility,
David Bauder, Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2017) Downloads

Tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio in a high-dimensional setting,
Taras Bodnar, Solomiia Dmytriv, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2019) Downloads

Bayesian mean-variance analysis: Optimal portfolio selection under parameter uncertainty,
David Bauder, Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2018) Downloads

Multi-period power utility optimization under stock return predictability,
Taras Bodnar, Dmytro Ivasiuk, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, in Computational Management Science (2023)
Keywords: Finance, Power utility, CRRA, Multi-period solution, Dynamic optimization

An Integrated Framework of Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation,
Stefan Beiner, Wolfgang Drobetz, Markus Schmid and Heinz Zimmermann, in European Financial Management (2006) Downloads

Board Industry Experience, Firm Value, and Investment Behavior,
Wolfgang Drobetz, Felix von Meyerinck, David Oesch and Markus Schmid, from University of St. Gallen, School of Finance (2015)
Keywords: Board of directors, Director skills and experience, Corporate governance

Neue Wege der Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Langzeitarbeitslose: Sonderprogramm und Modellvorhaben,
Alfons Schmid, Silvia Krömmelbein, Wolfgang Klems, Gerald Gaß and Susanne Angerhausen, in Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1992)
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Beschäftigungshilfe ; Langzeitarbeitslose ; Problemgruppe ; Programm ; schwervermittelbare Arbeitslose ; Arbeitslosigkeitsbekämpfung ; Arbeitsmarktpolitik ; 1984-1991

Accuracy and precision of ScvO2 measured with the CeVOX-device: A prospective study in patients with a wide variation of ScvO2-values,
Alexander Herner, Bernhard Haller, Ulrich Mayr, Sebastian Rasch, Lea Offman, Roland Schmid and Wolfgang Huber, in PLOS ONE (2018) Downloads

A Hybrid Solution Approach for Ready-Mixed Concrete Delivery,
Verena Schmid, Karl F. Doerner, Richard F. Hartl, Martin W. P. Savelsbergh and Wolfgang Stoecher, in Transportation Science (2009)
Keywords: hybrid approach, variable neighborhood search, integer multicommodity flow, ready-mixed concrete delivery

Software tools for management of conjunctive use of surface- and ground-water in the rural environment: integration of the Farm Process and the Crop Growth Module in the FREEWAT platform,
Rudy Rossetto, Giovanna De Filippis, Federico Triana, Matteo Ghetta, Iacopo Borsi and Wolfgang Schmid, in Agricultural Water Management (2019)
Keywords: Irrigation; Evapotranspiration; Groundwater; QGIS; MODFLOW-OWHM; Open source software;

Statistical inference for the EU portfolio in high dimensions,
Taras Bodnar, Solomiia Dmytriv, Yarema Okhrin, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid, from arXiv.org (2020) Downloads

Comparison of joint control schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output,
Manuel Cabral Morais, Wolfgang Schmid, Patrícia Ferreira Ramos, Taras Lazariv and António Pacheco, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2019)
Keywords: Average run length, Joint schemes, Multivariate normal, Statistical process control

Correction to: Comparison of joint control schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output,
Manuel Cabral Morais, Wolfgang Schmid, Patrícia Ferreira Ramos, Taras Lazariv, António Pacheco and Ivan Semeniuk, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2019) Downloads

Control charts for measurement error models,
Vasyl Golosnoy, Benno Hildebrandt, Steffen Köhler, Wolfgang Schmid and Miriam Isabel Seifert, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2023)
Keywords: Statistical process control, Measurement error, Control charts, Volatility modeling

Vermögensteuer: Steuergerechtigkeit und zusätzliches Steuereinkommen oder Belastung für den Standort Deutschland?,
Wolfgang Scherf, Christian Waldhoff, Christoph Spengel, Frank Streif, Andreas Richter, Lutz Goebel, Nils Schmid, Claudia Neugebauer and Kerstin Schneider, in ifo Schnelldienst (2013)
Keywords: Vermögensteuer, Steuergerechtigkeit, Steuerbelastung, Steuerrecht, Steuerinzidenz, Einkommensteuer, Deutschland

A Comparison of Stress Perception in International and Local First Semester Medical Students Using Psychometric, Psychophysiological, and Humoral Methods,
Daniel Huhn, Carolin Schmid, Rebecca Erschens, Florian Junne, Anne Herrmann-Werner, Andreas Möltner, Wolfgang Herzog and Christoph Nikendei, in IJERPH (2018)
Keywords: undergraduate medical education; international students; stress; heart rate variabilities; hair cortisol

Políticas laborales, reducción del tiempo de trabajo y estrategias de bienestar social en los países escandinavos,
Herman Schmid, in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía (1996)
Keywords: Política de empleo, reducción del tiempo de trabajo, Estado de bienestar

Stärkung der Autonomie durch verhaltenssensible Arbeitsmarktpolitik,
Günther Schmid, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2011) Downloads

Entgrenzung der Erwerbsarbeit - Erweiterung der sozialen Sicherheit,
Günther Schmid, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2008) Downloads

Europa in Arbeit: Plädoyer für eine neue Vollbeschäftigung durch inklusives Wachstum,
Günther Schmid, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2019) Downloads

Peace Research and Politics,
Herman Schmid, in Journal of Peace Research (1968) Downloads

Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Algebras in Mathematical Physics,
Rudolf Schmid, in Advances in Mathematical Physics (2010) Downloads

Inclusive Growth: The Case of Germany,
Günther Schmid, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2018)
Keywords: labour market policy, labour law, human right law, inclusion, institutions, growth, non-standard work, Germany

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