100926 documents matched the search for Wimberly, Michael in authors.
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Remote Sensing of Climatic Anomalies and West Nile Virus Incidence in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, Ting-Wu Chuang and Michael C Wimberly,
Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology of Human West Nile Virus Disease in South Dakota, Michael C. Wimberly, Paolla Giacomo, Lon Kightlinger and Michael B. Hildreth,
Keywords: West Nile virus; disease map; seasonality; early detection; climate; physiography
Divergent projections of future land use in the United States arising from different models and scenarios, Terry L. Sohl, Michael C. Wimberly, Volker C. Radeloff, David M. Theobald and Benjamin M. Sleeter,
in Ecological Modelling
Keywords: Land use; Modeling; United States; Review; Comparison; Scenario;
Determinants of Motives for Land Use Decisions at the Margins of the Corn Belt, Tong Wang, Moses Luri, Larry Janssen, David Hennessy, Hongli Feng, Michael C. Wimberly and Gaurav Arora,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Cropping systems; Ecosystem services; Food-fuel-environment debate; Grassland conversion; Human dimensions to ecosystems;
Farmers’ Rankings of the Determinants of Land Use Decisions at the Margins of the Corn Belt, Tong Wang, Moses Luri, Larry Janssen, David Hennessy, Hongli Feng, Michael Wimberly and Gaurav Arora,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use
Determinants of Motives for Land Use Decisions at the Margins of the Corn Belt, Tong Wang, Moses Luri, Larry Janssen, David Hennessy, Hongli Feng, Michael C. Wimberly and Gaurav Arora,
from Iowa State University, Department of Economics
Structure of U.S. Agriculture Bibliography, Ronald C. Wimberly and Charles N. Bebee,
from United States Department of Agriculture
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Marketing, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
The Customer Stewardship Program: Successfully Linking Consumer Education and Corporate Strategy, Jamie Wimberly, Ken Malloy and Kent Van Liere,
in The Electricity Journal
Diversification into Specialty Crops Production as a Regional Economic Development Strategy for Northeast Arkansas: An Economic Impact Analysis, Paul Armah, Jim Wimberly, Gregory Phillips, Anett Pagan and Alan McVey,
in Journal of Food Distribution Research
Keywords: Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries
R-loops and nicks initiate DNA breakage and genome instability in non-growing Escherichia coli, Hallie Wimberly, Chandan Shee, P. C. Thornton, Priya Sivaramakrishnan, Susan M. Rosenberg and P. J. Hastings,
in Nature Communications
Correction: Corrigendum: R-loops and nicks initiate DNA breakage and genome instability in non-growing Escherichia coli, Hallie Wimberly, Chandan Shee, P. C. Thornton, Priya Sivaramakrishnan, Susan M. Rosenberg and P. J. Hastings,
in Nature Communications
A proposed framework for the development and qualitative evaluation of West Nile virus models and their application to local public health decision-making, Alexander C Keyel, Morgan E Gorris, Ilia Rochlin, Johnny A Uelmen, Luis F Chaves, Gabriel L Hamer, Imelda K Moise, Marta Shocket, A Marm Kilpatrick, Nicholas B DeFelice, Justin K Davis, Eliza Little, Patrick Irwin, Andrew J Tyre, Kelly Helm Smith, Chris L Fredregill, Oliver Elison Timm, Karen M Holcomb, Michael C Wimberly, Matthew J Ward, Christopher M Barker, Charlotte G Rhodes and Rebecca L Smith,
in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
Risk assessment: Identifying patterns of risk in young offenders with the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory, Eyitayo Onifade, William Davidson, Sarah Livsey, Garrett Turke, Chris Horton, Jill Malinowski, Dan Atkinson and Dominique Wimberly,
in Journal of Criminal Justice
Structure of a bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit at 5.5 Å resolution, William M. Clemons, Joanna L. C. May, Brian T. Wimberly, John P. McCutcheon, Malcolm S. Capel and V. Ramakrishnan,
in Nature
Functional insights from the structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit and its interactions with antibiotics, Andrew P. Carter, William M. Clemons, Ditlev E. Brodersen, Robert J. Morgan-Warren, Brian T. Wimberly and V. Ramakrishnan,
in Nature
Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit, Brian T. Wimberly, Ditlev E. Brodersen, William M. Clemons, Robert J. Morgan-Warren, Andrew P. Carter, Clemens Vonrhein, Thomas Hartsch and V. Ramakrishnan,
in Nature
Mind map Value Proporsition Design Business Model, , Michael,
from Center for Open Science
Cyprus under the Common Agricultural Policy: The Impact Effect, Michael Michael,
in Journal of Economic Studies
International Factor Mobility, Non-traded Goods, Tariffs, and the Terms of Trade, Michael Michael,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
International migration, income taxes and transfers: a welfare analysis, Michael Michael,
in Journal of Development Economics
From a customs union to a common market: The need for factor-tax harmonization, Michael Michael,
in Economics Letters
The Optimal Tariff for Public Good and Public Input Provision, Michael Michael,
in Public Finance Review
Welfare Effects of Immigration Policies in the Presence of Skilled, Unskilled Labor and Capital Mobility, Michael Michael,
in Review of Development Economics
Why Free Trade May Hurt Developing Countries, Michael Michael,
in Review of International Economics
Optimal Capital Taxes for Public Good Provision, Michael Michael,
in Bulletin of Economic Research
International Migration, Income Taxes and Transfers: A Welfare Analysis, Michael Michael,
from CESifo
Keywords: international migration, taxes, transfers, welfare
Are Migration Policies that Induce Skilled (Unskilled) Migration Beneficial (Harmful) for the Host Country?, Michael Michael,
from CESifo
Keywords: migration policies, skilled and unskilled labour, capital mobility, welfare
from HAL
Business Ethics: The Law of Rules, Michael L. Michael,
in Business Ethics Quarterly
Registered author: Michael S. Michael
Gab es Überinvestitionen im Vorfeld der Großen Depression?, Michael Grömling,
in Historical Social Research (Section 'Cliometrics')
Power Failure: Addressing the Causes of Underinvestment, Inefficiency and Governance Problems in Ontario's Electricity Sector, Michael Wyman,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: governance and public institutions
A Matter of Trust: Expanding the Preclearance of Commerce between Canada and the United States, Michael Hart,
in C.D. Howe Institute Commentary
Keywords: Border Papers. Canada, United States, Canada-US border, cross-border trade, preclearance
Semi-static hedging for certain Margrabe type options with barriers, Michael Schmutz,
from arXiv.org
Quantum Portfolios of Observables and the Risk Neutral Valuation Model, Fredrick Michael,
from arXiv.org
Interacting Many-Investor Models, Opinion Formation and Price Formation with Non-extensive Statistics, Fredrick Michael,
from arXiv.org
Development Towards Sustainability: How to judge past and proposed policies?, Michael Dittmar,
from arXiv.org
Rational Use And Protection Forest Land, Michael Schuryk,
in Economics of Nature and the Environment
Gobernar las ciudades-región: política, economía y desarrollo, Michael Keating,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: desterritorialización, globalización, reterritorialización multicultural
John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx: Some Problems and Perspectives, Michael Evans,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: J. S. Mill, Karl Marx
German Economists and the Depression of 1929–1933, Michael Hudson,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: German, depression
Gustav Cassel's Early Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory: A Note, Michael Michaely,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: Gustav Cassel, purchasing-power-parity theory
Luigi Einaudi, Selected Economic Essays, ed. by Luca Einaudi, Riccardo Faucci and Roberto Marchionatti, Houndmills-Basingstoke-New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp. 322, Michael McLure,
in History of Economic Ideas
Foresight in South Africa: Estimating Results through the Prism of Time, Michael Kahn,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: innovation policy; research and development; national strategy; constructed crisis
Innovation Strategy of South Africa under Transition: Technology in the Time of Cholera, Michael Kahn,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: innovation policy; innovation system
Medical Practices as Processes, Michael Imhoff,
in Homo Oeconomicus
General Practioners as Gatekeepers - Economic Comment on John Powell, Michael Arnold,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Assessments of A. C. Pigou's Fellowship Theses, Michael McLure,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: A. C. Pigou, Robert Browning, welfare economics
Adjustable-Rate and Fixed-Rate Mortgage Choice: A Logit Analysis, Michael Tucker,
in Journal of Real Estate Research
in Polish Journal of Management Studies
Keywords: scheduling, batching, flexible routing, local search algorithms
Front Pay Damage Assessment: A Summary of Vocational and Psychological Considerations, Michael Shahnasarian,
in Journal of Forensic Economics
Wie ausgeprägt war die «Wachstumsschwäche» der Arbeitsproduktivität in der Schweiz? Eine Analyse der Produktivitätsentwicklung in der Schweiz seit 1950, Michael Siegenthaler,
in KOF Analysen
Keywords: Arbeitsproduktivität, Arbeitsvolumen, Arbeitszeit, Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Schweiz
A General Model for Making Short-Run Operating Decisions: Methodology and Steps, Michael Musov,
in Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi
Keywords: management accounting, shortrun operating decisions, relevant costs, contribution approach
Review of monetary conditions and policy, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Inflation and the monetary policy strategy, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
The yield curve and monetary policy, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Origins and early development of the inflation target, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Outcomes of the Financial Sector Assessment Programme for New Zealand, Michael Gordon,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Foreign reserves for crisis management, Michael Gordon,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Editor's note, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Editor's note, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
Editor's note, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
The New Zealand Debt Conversion Act 1933: a case study in coercive domestic public debt restructuring, Michael Reddell,
in Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin
La destrucción de Grecia y el futuro de Europa, Michael Hudson,
in Revista de Economía Institucional
Holding Company Affiliation and the Upstreaming on Capital Among Stock Life Insurers, Michael Devaney,
in Journal of Insurance Issues
Banking Deregulation, Michael Fry.,
from David Hume Institute
“The Olympic Torch Burns, and Great Suspicion Blazes” – China Narratives in the German Media during the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing 2008, Michael Poerner,
in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell
Keywords: Print Media; International Cultural Relations
Lamb Buddha’s Migrant Workers: Self-Assertion on China’s Urban Fringe, Michael Griffiths,
in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell
Keywords: China; individuals; identity; rural population; migrant workers; consumption; boundary; distinction
Uluslararası Saydamlık, Michael Wi̇ehen,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: saydamlık, açıklık, yolsuzluk, yönetim, corraption, Michael Wienen
Birleşmenin Öncüsü: Michael Gorbaçov, Michael Gorbaçov,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Birleşme, Federal Almanya, Almanya, Glasnost, Prestorika, Michael Gorbaçov
Uluslararası Finansman Ve İhracat Politikası, Michael Czi̇nkato,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: uluslar arası, finansman, ihracat, ithalat, Türkiye, ekonomi, Michael Czınkato
The Effectiveness of Direct Trade between China and Near-Border Subjects of the Russian Federation, Michael Zharikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: Russian near-border regions, international use of rouble and yuan, direct trade efficiency, BRICS countries
Book Review: The Social Construction of Free Trade - The European Union, NAFTA, and Mercosur, Michael Meier,
in Aussenwirtschaft
User Experience Research: Modelling and Describing the Subjective, Michael Glanznig,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: human computer interaction, user experience, method comparison, overview
Can Latin America Learn from Developing Asia’s Focused FDI Policies?, Michael Mortimore,
in Institutions and Economies (formerly known as International Journal of Institutions and Economies)
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, transnational corporations, industrial policy, development
Implied volatility explosions: European calls and implied volatilities close to expiry in exponential L\'evy models, Michael Roper,
from arXiv.org
in The International Journal of Business and Finance Research
Keywords: Securitization, ABS Spreads, TALF, Central Banking
in The International Journal of Business and Finance Research
Keywords: Board structure, board size, board independence, Scope of Operations Hypothesis, Board Monitoring Hypothesis
Regional Oil Extraction and Consumption: A simple production model for the next 35 years Part I, Michael Dittmar,
from arXiv.org
in International Journal of Management and Marketing Research
Keywords: Decision Process, Factor Analysis, Leisure Travel, Product Knowledge, Travel Products Journal: International Journal of Management and Marketing Research
Réflexions sur l'État en Angleterre (XVIe-XVIIe siècles), Michael Braddick,
in Histoire, économie & société
Un point de vue américain sur les nouvelles télécommunications, Michaël Borrus,
in Revue d'Économie Industrielle
Le débat parlementaire en France et en Grande-Bretagne, Michael Sutton,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
Réflexions éthiques dans le monde de la finance: La moralité qui rapporte des dividendes ?, Michael Blair,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
L'évolution des politiques agricoles, Michael Tracy,
in Économie rurale
Objectifs et contraintes de la politique agricole, Michael Tracy,
in Économie rurale
Les économistes et la politique agricole, Michael Tracy,
in Économie rurale
L'esprit de Stresa, Michael Tracy,
in Économie rurale
L'Union européenne et l'Europe centrale et orientale. Politique agricole et incidences commerciales, Michael Tracy,
in Économie rurale
Marcel Jollivet et Nicole Eizner (sous la direction de) L'Europe et ses campagnes, Tracy Michael,
in Économie rurale
Implantations et agrandissements de grandes surfaces alimentaires [Les faiblesses géographiques des études de marché], Michaël Pouzenc,
in Économie rurale
Marxisme et christianisme en Amérique latine, Michael Löwy,
in Revue Tiers Monde
Goodwin's Lectures on the Phillips Machine in 1963, Michael Kuczynski,
in Economia politica
Keywords: A22, B22, C02, E12
The Search for the Fountain of Prosperity, Michael Stevenson,
in Economia politica
Keywords: A20, B23, B31, B41, C02
Culture and Creative Industry in Germany and in the European Context, Michael Söndermann,
in Economia della Cultura
Note on Oligopoly: Rival Behavior and Efficiency, Michael Jones,
in Bell Journal of Economics
Manageability of Technical Innovation through Technical Property Rights, Michael Horeth,
in International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning
Keywords: innovation management, technical property rights, patent, utility model, technical innovation, open innovation, restrictions of technical protection rights
Closed-form approximations in derivatives pricing: The Kristensen-Mele approach, Michael Kurz,
from arXiv.org
La sociologia ?nanziaria di Gino Borgatta (The fiscal sociology of Gino Borgatta), Michael McLure,
in Il Pensiero Economico Italiano
Keywords: Gino Borgatta; Italian economic thought of twentieth century (Gino Borgatta; pensiero economico italiano del Novecento)
General Equilibrium Analysis of Florida Agricultural Exports to Cuba, Michael O'Connell,
in Annual Proceedings
Keywords: General, Equilibrium, Analysis, Florida, Agricultural, Exports