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16459 documents matched the search for Wegener, Jens Karl in authors.
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Potentieller Beitrag der Landwirtschaft zur Verminderung der Treibhausgasemissionen in Deutschland,
Jens Karl Wegener, Wolfgang Lucke and Jorg Heinzemann, in German Journal of Agricultural Economics (2006)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Influence of production methods and transport distances on the Greenhouse Gas-Balance of organic apple juice,
Anna-Maria Engel, Jens Karl Wegener and Marco Lange, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2010)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis

Anna-Maria Engel, Jens Karl Wegener, Marco Lange and Christian Schaper, from German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA) (2012)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

KANO Model for experience quality measurement of wine tourism events,
Rüdiger Jens and Wegener Linda, in Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft (2023)
Keywords: Wine tourism, wine tourism events, experience, experience quality, satisfaction measurement, KANO model

Determinanten beruflicher Karrieren unter den Bedingungen flexibilisierter Arbeitsmärkte: Eine Untersuchung des Berufseinstiegs von Hochschulabsolventen und -absolventinnen,
Jens Ambrasat, Martin Groß, Jakob Tesch and Bernd Wegener, from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf (2011) Downloads

Dead and Gone? Reply to Jenkins,
Karl Ekendahl and Jens Johansson, in Utilitas (2014) Downloads

Does Abortion Harm the Fetus?,
Karl Ekendahl and Jens Johansson, in Utilitas (2022) Downloads

Long-run selection and the work ethic,
Jens Josephson and Karl Wärneryd, in Games and Economic Behavior (2008) Downloads

Modelling and Solving a Train Path Assignment Model,
Karl Nachtigall and Jens Opitz, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Train Paths, Train Requests, Time-space Network, Real-world Instances, Fractional Decision Variables

A Modulo Network Simplex Method for Solving Periodic Timetable Optimisation Problems,
Karl Nachtigall and Jens Opitz, from Springer (2008)
Keywords: Slack Time, Stop Activity, Timetable Optimisation, Period Tension, Timetable Problem

Long-Run Selection and the Work Ethic,
Jens Josephson and Karl Wärneryd, from CESifo (2004)
Keywords: work ethic, evolution, group selection, public goods, stochastic dynamics

Long-run selection and the work ethic,
Jens Josephson and Karl Wärneryd, from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2004)
Keywords: Work ethic, evolution, group selection, public goods, stochastic dynamics

A tiered area‐of‐review framework for geologic carbon sequestration,
Jens Birkholzer, Abdullah Cihan and Karl Bandilla, in Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology (2014) Downloads

Umweltzeichen und Verbraucherverhalten: Wie grün ist der Blaue Engel?,
Karl Ludwig Brockmann and Jens Hemmelskamp, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (1995) Downloads

A Novel Approach to Strategic Planning of Rail Freight Transport,
Reyk Weiß, Jens Opitz and Karl Nachtigall, from Springer (2014)
Keywords: Time Table, Freight Train, Rail Freight, Passing Train, Train Characteristic

How corruption may corrupt,
Jens Chr. Andvig and Karl Ove Moene, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (1990) Downloads

Towards Environmental Innovation Systems,
Karl Matthias Weber and Jens Hemmelskamp, from Springer (2005)

Merging Research Perspectives on Innovation Systems and Environmental Innovation: An Introduction,
Karl Matthias Weber and Jens Hemmelskamp, from Springer (2005)
Keywords: Innovation System, Regime Shift, Transition Management, Innovation Policy, Lead Market

Problems of Employment-Effective Working Time Policies — Theoretical Considerations and Lessons from France, the Netherlands and West Germany,
Jens Bastian, Karl Hinrichs and Karl-Heinz van Kevelaer, in Work, Employment & Society (1989) Downloads

The challenge of renewable energy policy in Australia: Insights from Australian sugar industry experience,
Malcolm Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2013)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, International Relations/Trade, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Douglas Henry McKAY, CBE, 1923–2012,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2013)
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

Book Review,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2014)
Keywords: International Development, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

Interaktive computergestützte Modellierung für die Gestaltung von Agrarumweltprogrammen – Ein Programmierungsansatz zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in Sachsen-Anhalt,
Stefan Wegener, in Proceedings “Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V.” (2005)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy

Comment 1 on ‘Farm management’ by Malcolm and Wright,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2016)
Keywords: Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession

The construction of an optimal distribution of search effort,
Ingo Wegener, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1981) Downloads

The discrete search problem and the construction of optimal allocations,
Ingo Wegener, in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly (1982) Downloads

Urban/Regional Models and Planning Cultures: Lessons from Cross-National Modelling Projects,
M Wegener, in Environment and Planning B (1994) Downloads

GIS and Spatial Planning,
M Wegener, in Environment and Planning B (1998) Downloads

Modeling Urban Decline: A Multilevel Economic-Demographic Model for the Dortmund Region,
Michael Wegener, in International Regional Science Review (1982) Downloads

Category-Rating and Magnitude Estimation Scaling Techniques,
Bernd Wegener, in Sociological Methods & Research (1983) Downloads

Book review: The Way I Saw It; the Way It Was: The Making of National Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Policy,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2019)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

Die Gestaltung kommunalen Wettbewerbs: Strategien in den USA, Großbritannien und Neuseeland,
Alexander Wegener, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2002)
Keywords: öffentlicher Sektor, Kommunalverwaltung, Wettbewerb, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, internationaler Vergleich, USA, Großbritannien, Neuseeland

Die Kommunen als arbeitsmarktpolitischer Akteur,
Alexander Wegener, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (1994)
Keywords: Gemeinde, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, politischer Akteur, Kommunalpolitik, regionale Faktoren, Sozialpolitik, Beschäftigungspolitik, Arbeitslosigkeit, Arbeitslosengeld, Sozialausgaben, öffentliche Leistung, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Institutionelle Aspekte der Regionalisierung von Wirtschafts- und Strukturpolitik,
Torsten Wegener, from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Chair of Labour and Regional Economics (2000)
Keywords: Regionalpolitik, Institutionen, Regionalisierung

Die Zeit und ihre Facetten in der Fotografie,
Petra Wegener, from Hochschule Wismar, Wismar Business School (2008) Downloads

Die Bedeutung der Szenario-Technik in unsicheren Zeiten: Am Beispiel der Tourismusindustrie,
Linda Wegener, from IU International University of Applied Sciences (2020)
Keywords: Szenario-Technik, Umfeldanalyse, Makro-Umwelt, Planungsprozess, Scenario technique, macro-environment analysis, macro-environment, planning process

Registered author: Michael Wegener

Transport Network Equilibrium and Regional Deconcentration,
M Wegener, in Environment and Planning A (1986) Downloads

Bibliographic Section,
Michael Wegener, in Transportation Science (1995) Downloads

The future of mobility in cities: Challenges for urban modelling,
Michael Wegener, in Transport Policy (2013)
Keywords: Land use; Transport; Environment; Energy; Climate; Lifestyles;

How to Analyze Communication Data from Laboratory Experiments Without Being a Machine Learning Specialist,
Benjamin Wegener, in Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies (2021) Downloads

From Macro to Micro—How Much Micro is too Much?,
Michael Wegener, in Transport Reviews (2011) Downloads

Institutionelle Aspekte der Regionalisierung von Wirtschafts- und Strukturpolitik: das Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalt,
Torsten Wegener, from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (2000)

The Way I Saw It; the Way It Was: The Making of National Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Policy,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2019) Downloads

Douglas Henry McKAY, CBE, 1923–2012,
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2013) Downloads

Developing Successful Agriculture: An Australian Case Study, edited by Zhang-Yue Zhou (James Cook University, Townsville). Published by CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 2013, 240 pages, ISBN 9781845939458, AUD$115.92 (hardcover),
Malcolm Wegener, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2014) Downloads

Probleme der Institutionalisierung der regionalen Strukturpolitik in Sachsen-Anhalt,
Torsten Wegener, in ifo Dresden berichtet (1996)
Keywords: Regionalpolitik, Strukturpolitik, Sachsen-Anhalt

Strukturelle Unterschiede zwischen positiven und negativen Einkünften – eine Untersuchung der einkommensteuerlichen Verlusteinkunftsarten Gewerbebetrieb sowie Vermietung und Verpachtung auf Basis des Taxpayer-Panels,
Laura Wegener, in AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv (2017)
Keywords: Verlusteinkunftsart, Einkommensteuer, Übergangswahrscheinlichkeit, Markov-Prozess, Taxpayer-Panel

Heterogeneous expectations and debt in a growth model for a small open economy,
Michael Wegener, in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2014)
Keywords: Endogenous business cycles, Heterogeneous expectations , Nonlinear dynamics, Growth models, E32, C62,

Iteration-free microassignment,
Michael Wegener, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2004)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Environment, Urban and Regional Studies,

Registered author: Christoph Wegener

Transport in Spatial Models of Economic Development,
Michael Wegener, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2011)
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Environment, Urban and Regional Studies,

Employment and Labour in Urban Markets in the IRPUD Model,
Michael Wegener, from Springer (2013)
Keywords: Housing Price, Household Type, Public Programme, Commercial Building, Floor Space

Applied Models of Urban Land Use, Transport and Environment: State of the Art and Future Developments,
Michael Wegener, from Springer (1998)
Keywords: Environmental Indicator, Noise Propagation, Traffic Noise, Transport Policy, Urban Transport

Gig Economy: Umgang Mit Freelancern als Neue Aufgabe für Führungskräfte,
Jan Wegener, from Springer (2024)

Jens Dieter Becker‐Platen, Gerd Luettig and Karl‐Heinz Meine, in Natural Resources Forum (1979) Downloads

Suicide Mortality in Comparison to Traffic Accidents and Homicides as Causes of Unnatural Death. An Analysis of 14,441 Cases in Germany in the Year 2010,
Karoline Lukaschek, Natalia Erazo, Jens Baumert and Karl-Heinz Ladwig, in IJERPH (2012)
Keywords: unnatural death; suicide; traffic accidents; homicide; years of life lost; Germany; suicide prevention

Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics,
Rüdiger Schaldach, Karl-Heinz Simon, Jens Weismüller and Volker Wohlgemuth, from Springer (2020)

Reward signaling in a recurrent circuit of dopaminergic neurons and peptidergic Kenyon cells,
Radostina Lyutova, Mareike Selcho, Maximilian Pfeuffer, Dennis Segebarth, Jens Habenstein, Astrid Rohwedder, Felix Frantzmann, Christian Wegener, Andreas S. Thum and Dennis Pauls, in Nature Communications (2019) Downloads

A Generic Crop Simulation Model for Agricultural Planning,
Malcolm K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1988)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Risk Analysis in Sugarcane Production,
Malcolm K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1990)
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty

Optimum land use in the Moreton canegrowing area: An application of spatial analysis using linear programming,
Malcolm K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1993)
Keywords: Land Economics/Use

Variety Selection in Sugarcane: Assistance from economics and modelling,
M. K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1996)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Optimum number of regional trials for selection of wheat varieties in northern grain region,
Malcolm K. Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1999)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Evaluation of Some Factors Associated with Potato Blackleg Disease,
Christina B. Wegener, in Sustainable Agriculture Research (2020)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries

Evaluation of Some Factors Associated with Potato Blackleg Disease,
Christina B. Wegener, in Sustainable Agriculture Research (2021) Downloads

Auctions and the Distribution of Silks in the Eighteenth-Century United Provinces,
Anne Wegener Sleeswijk, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: Auctions, United Provinces, VOC, Silk trade, Distribution chains, Middlemen in trade, Shopkeepers

Discovering Genetic Interactions in Large-Scale Association Studies by Stage-wise Likelihood Ratio Tests,
Mattias Frånberg, Karl Gertow, Anders Hamsten, Consortium Procardis, Jens Lagergren and Bengt Sennblad, in PLOS Genetics (2015) Downloads

Towards the colonization of Mars by in-situ resource utilization: Slip cast ceramics from Martian soil simulant,
David Karl, Franz Kamutzki, Andrea Zocca, Oliver Goerke, Jens Guenster and Aleksander Gurlo, in PLOS ONE (2018) Downloads

Effect of fuel injector deposit on spray characteristics, gaseous emissions and particulate matter in a gasoline direct injection engine,
Changzhao Jiang, Hongming Xu, Dhananjay Srivastava, Xiao Ma, Karl Dearn, Roger Cracknell and Jens Krueger-Venus, in Applied Energy (2017)
Keywords: Deposits; Particulate matter; Gasoline direct injection; Spray characteristics;

Analytical body forces in numerical actuator disc model of wind turbines,
Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Karl Nilsson, Stefan Ivanell, Henrik Asmuth and Robert Flemming Mikkelsen, in Renewable Energy (2020)
Keywords: Actuator disc; Rotor aerodynamics; Wind energy; Body forces;

Towards Dependable Agent Systems,
Jens Nimis, Peter C. Lockemann, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Erik Buchmann and Klemens Böhm, from Springer (2006)
Keywords: Bayesian Network, Multiagent System, Error Processing, Distribute Hash Table, Reference Architecture

Trotz Krise: Tariflicher Gesundheitsschutz im Sozial- und Erziehungsdienst,
Alexander Wegener and Sylvia Skrabs, in WSI-Mitteilungen (2010) Downloads

An analysis of the Political Economy of the Sugar Trading System in Indonesia,
Nur Syamsudin and Malcolm Wegener, from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (2015)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries

Regional aspects of decision-making support for rural development in Poland,
Stefan Wegener and E. Kiryluk, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2008)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development

Velocities of a spatial–temporal stochastic field with embedded dynamics,
Krzysztof Podgórski and Jörg Wegener, in Environmetrics (2012)

The Shrinking Continent: New Time—Space Maps of Europe,
K Spiekermann and M Wegener, in Environment and Planning B (1994) Downloads

Brave New GIS Worlds Revisited,
Ian Masser and Michael Wegener, in Environment and Planning B (2016) Downloads

Guest Editorial,
Ying Jin and Michael Wegener, in Environment and Planning B (2013) Downloads

Accessibility and spatial Development in Europe,
Klaus Spiekermann and Michael Wegener, in SCIENZE REGIONALI (2006) Downloads

Restrukturierung der kommunalen Dienstleistungsproduktion: Innovationsfähigkeit deutscher Kommunen in internationaler Perspektive,
Maria Oppen and Alexander Wegener, from WZB Berlin Social Science Center (1998) Downloads

Mitigating Safety Concerns and Profit/Production Losses for Chemical Process Control Systems under Cyberattacks via Design/Control Methods,
Helen Durand and Matthew Wegener, in Mathematics (2020)
Keywords: process control; process design; cybersecurity; process operational safety; nonlinear dynamic systems

Time-varying persistence in real oil prices and its determinant,
Robinson Kruse and Christoph Wegener, in Energy Economics (2020)
Keywords: Oil prices; Fundamentals; Speculation; Explosiveness; Model averaging;

Correlational kinetics II. Boltzmann collision terms,
R. Wegener and J. Schröter, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1995) Downloads

Correlational kinetics I. General theory,
R. Wegener and J. Schröter, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (1995) Downloads

Industry Structure and the Reform of the Queensland Sugar Industry: A Computational Model,
Rodney Beard and Malcolm Wegener, in Economic Analysis and Policy (2001)
Keywords: Pricing, Sugar, Sugarcane

Multiple selves in intertemporal choice,
Julian Jamison and Jon Wegener, in Journal of Economic Psychology (2010)
Keywords: Intertemporal choice Theory of mind Mentalizing Intrapersonal games Neuroeconomics

The Stability of Factor Sensitivities of German Stock Market Sector Indices: Empirical Evidence and Some Thoughts about Practical Implications,
Christoph Wegener and Tobias Basse, in JRFM (2019)
Keywords: factor models; parameter stability; stock market; sector indices

Is natural language processing the cheap charlie of analyzing cheap talk? A horse race between classifiers on experimental communication data,
Eva Tebbe and Benjamin Wegener, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics) (2022)
Keywords: Laboratory experiments; Communication; Cheap talk; Classification of natural language messages; Machine learning;

Mandatory Versus Voluntary GHG Emissions Disclosures and Credit Risk,
Anis Maaloul and Matthew Wegener, in Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (2022) Downloads

An empirically based just linear income tax system,
Guillermina Jasso and Bernd Wegener, in The Journal of Mathematical Sociology (2022) Downloads

Inflation expectations: Australian consumer survey data versus the bond market,
Tobias Basse and Christoph Wegener, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2022)
Keywords: Inflations expectations; Granger causality; Fisher effect; Lucas critique;

Value Relevance of Environmental Provisions Pre‐ and Post‐IFRS,
Matthew Wegener and Réal Labelle, in Accounting Perspectives (2017) Downloads

Explosive behaviour and long memory with an application to European bond yield spreads,
Robinson Kruse and Christoph Wegener, in Scottish Journal of Political Economy (2019) Downloads

An evolutionary economic perspective on technical change and adjustment in cane harvesting systems in the Australian sugar industry,
Lisa Brennan and Wegener Malcolm, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2003) Downloads

Evolutionary competition between prediction rules and the emergence of business cycles within Metzler’s inventory model,
Michael Wegener and Frank Westerhoff, in Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2012)
Keywords: Business cycles, Inventory adjustment, Heterogeneous expectations, Learning behaviour, Nonlinear dynamics, D84, E12, E32,

The good, the bad, the well-connected,
Michael Wegener and Evla Mutlu, in International Journal of Game Theory (2021)
Keywords: Truels, Evolutionary game theory, Scale-free networks, Survival of the fittest

Examining heterogeneity in implied equity risk premium using penalized splines,
Michael Wegener and Göran Kauermann, in AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (2008)
Keywords: Equity risk premium, Penalized splines, Subject-specific curves, Linear mixed models, Nonparametric estimation,

Multiple selves in intertemporal choice,
Julian Jamison and Jon Wegener, from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2009)
Keywords: Human behavior; Game theory

Forecasting in nonlinear univariate time series using penalized splines,
Michael Wegener and Göran Kauermann, in Statistical Papers (2017)
Keywords: Time series, Penalized splines, Model selection, EONIA-rate

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