1139 documents matched the search for Webster, Mort in authors.
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The Curious Role of "Learning" in Climate Policy: Should We Wait for More Data?, Mort Webster,
in The Energy Journal
The Curious Role of "Learning" in Climate Policy: Should We Wait for More Data?, Mort Webster,
in The Energy Journal
Keywords: Climate policy; uncertainty; learning; Environmental policy; climate change; integrated assessment model
Incorporating Path Dependency into Decision-Analytic Methods: An Application to Global Climate-Change Policy, Mort Webster,
in Decision Analysis
Keywords: climate policy, decision analysis, path dependency
Uncertainty and the IPCC. An editorial comment, Mort Webster,
in Climatic Change
A stochastic multiscale model for electricity generation capacity expansion, Panos Parpas and Mort Webster,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: (I) Control; (I) OR in energy; (I) Markov processes;
Modeling adaptation as a flow and stock decision with mitigation, Tyler Felgenhauer and Mort Webster,
in Climatic Change
Analysis of variability and correlation in long-term economic growth rates, Mort Webster and Cheol-Hung Cho,
in Energy Economics
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Framework for Modeling Global Climate Policy under Decision-Dependent Uncertainty, Mort Webster, Nidhi Santen and Panos Parpas,
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
A stochastic optimization framework to planing for geographically correlated failures in coupled natural gas and electric power systems, Wenjing Su, Seth Blumsack and Mort Webster,
in Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Keywords: Geographically correlated failures; Transmission planning; Coupled electric power and natural gas system; Infrastructure resilience; Energy resilience; Stochastic optimization;
Water–CO2 trade-offs in electricity generation planning, Mort Webster, Pearl Donohoo and Bryan Palmintier,
in Nature Climate Change
Autonomous efficiency improvement or income elasticity of energy demand: Does it matter?, Mort Webster, Sergey Paltsev and John Reilly,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Technical change Energy intensity Emission projections AEEI Income elasticity
The hedge value of international emissions trading under uncertainty, Mort Webster, Sergey Paltsev and John Reilly,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Climate change Emissions trading Uncertainty
An approximate dynamic programming framework for modeling global climate policy under decision-dependent uncertainty, Mort Webster, Nidhi Santen and Panos Parpas,
in Computational Management Science
Keywords: Climate policy analysis, Approximate dynamic programming, Decision dependent uncertainty, Stochastic dynamic programming, Endogenous uncertainty,
Should We Give Up after Solyndra? Optimal Technology R&D Portfolios under Uncertainty, Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp and Nidhi Santen,
in Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Dynamic Control of Runway Configurations and of Arrival and Departure Service Rates at JFK Airport Under Stochastic Queue Conditions, Alexandre Jacquillat, Amedeo R. Odoni and Mort D. Webster,
in Transportation Science
Keywords: airport capacity and delays; queuing theory; dynamic programming
Second-best instruments for near-term climate policy: Intensity targets vs. the safety valve, Mort Webster, Ian Sue Wing and Lisa Jakobovits,
in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Keywords: Uncertainty Climate change Instrument choice Safety valve Intensity target
Intraday markets, wind integration and uplift payments in a regional U.S. power system, Cody Hohl, Chiara Lo Prete, Ashish Radhakrishnan and Mort Webster,
in Energy Policy
Keywords: Electricity market design; Intraday; Wind energy; Uplift;
Technology variation vs. R&D uncertainty: What matters most for energy patent success?, David Popp, Nidhi Santen, Karen Fisher-Vanden and Mort Webster,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Keywords: Technological change; Energy efficiency; Alternative energy; R&D; Patents; Climate change; Uncertainty;
Technology adoption under time-differentiated market-based instruments for pollution control, Michael Craig, Elena McDonald-Buller and Mort Webster,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Emissions pricing; Time-differentiated pricing; Emission control technology installation decisions; Unit commitment; Emission abatement;
Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 concentrations:: technical, political, and economic dimensions, L. James Valverde A. and Mort D. Webster,
in Energy Policy
The Economics of Power System Transitions, Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden and Ian Sue Wing,
in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
The Land and Water Implications of Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO region, Shanxia Sun, Thomas Hertel, Brayam Valqui and Mort Webster,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Natural Resource Economics, Resource and Environmental Policy Analysis, Environmental and Nonmarket Valuation
Coal-Biomass Co-firing within Renewable Portfolio Standards: Strategic Adoption by Heterogeneous Firms and Emissions Implications, Brayam Valqui, Mort D. Webster, Shanxia Sun and Thomas Hertel,
in The Energy Journal
Keywords: Electricity markets; Game theory; Technology adoption; Equilibrium framework; Environmental regulations
Hedging Strategies: Electricity Investment Decisions under Policy Uncertainty, Jennifer Morris, Vivek Srikrishnan, Mort Webster and John Reilly,
in The Energy Journal
Technology Variation vs. R&D Uncertainty: What Matters Most for Energy Patent Success?, David Popp, Nidhi Santen, Karen Fisher-Vanden and Mort Webster,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Should We Give Up After Solyndra? Optimal Technology R&D Portfolios under Uncertainty, Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp and Nidhi Santen,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Inter-temporal R&D and capital investment portfolios for the electricity industrys low carbon future, Nidhi R. Santen, Mort D. Webster, David Popp and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga,
in The Energy Journal
Coal-Biomass Co-firing within Renewable Portfolio Standards: Strategic Adoption by Heterogeneous Firms and Emissions Implications, Brayam Valqui, Mort D. Webster, Shanxia Sun, and Thomas W. Hertel,
in The Energy Journal
CO2 emission standards and investment in carbon capture, Jan Eide, Fernando J. de Sisternes, Howard J. Herzog and Mort D. Webster,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Electricity generation; CO2 emission standards; Carbon capture and storage;
The Effect of Variability in Industrial Emissions on Ozone Formation in Houston, Texas, Mort Webster, Junsang Nam, Yosuke Kimura, Harvey Jeffries, William Vizuete and David T. Allen,
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Reductions in Ozone Concentrations Due to Controls on Variability in Industrial Flare Emissions in Houston, Texas, Junsang Nam, Mort Webster, Yosuke Kimura, Harvey Jeffries, William Vizuete and David T. Allen,
from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Inter-temporal R&D and Capital Investment Portfolios for the Electricity Industry’s Low Carbon Future, Nidhi R. Santen, Mort D. Webster, David Popp and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga,
in The Energy Journal
Keywords: Electricity generation capacity planning; Energy R&D portfolios; Energy innovation; Endogenous technical change
Biomass Co-Firing Potential and Land Use Changes: A General Equilibrium Study in the United States, Shanxia Sun, Jing Liu, Thomas Hertel, Mort Webster and Uris Lantz Baldos,
from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
The Land and Water Implications of Biomass Co-Firing in the MISO region, Brayam Valqui, Mort Webster, Jing Liu, Shanxia Sun and Thomas Hertel,
from Purdue University, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Global Trade Analysis Project
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Labor and Human Capital
Integrated hydrological, power system and economic modelling of climate impacts on electricity demand and cost, Mort Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, Vijay Kumar, Richard B. Lammers and Joseph Perla,
in Nature Energy
Hedging Strategies: Electricity Investment Decisions under Policy Uncertainty, Jennifer F. Morris, Vivek Srikrishnan, Mort D. Webster and John Reilly,
in The Energy Journal
Keywords: Energy policy; Uncertainty; Electricity; Investment; Emissions; General equilibrium; Approximate dynamic programming
Inter-temporal R&D and Capital Investment Portfolios for the Electricity Industry’s Low Carbon Future, Nidhi R. Santen, Mort D. Webster, David Popp and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Should We Give Up After Solyndra? Optimal Technology R&D Portfolios under Uncertainty, Mort D. Webster, Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp and Nidhi R. Santen,
from CESifo
Keywords: innovation, climate change, solar energy, wind energy
Inter-temporal R&D and Capital Investment Portfolios for the Electricity Industry's Low Carbon Future, Nidhi R. Santen, Mort D. Webster, David Popp and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga,
from CESifo
Keywords: electricity generation, electricity capacity planning, energy R&D portfolios, energy innovation, endogenous technical change
Uses for expanded production of natural gas liquids: chemicals or power?, David T. Allen, Felipe J. Cardoso‐Saldaña, Gary McGaughey, Elena McDonald‐Buller and Mort Webster,
in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
Cityscapes: Consumption, Masculinities and the Mapping of London since 1950, Frank Mort,
in Urban Studies
Building the Trident Network: A Study of the Enrollment of People, Knowledge, and Machines, Maggie Mort,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: Trident program, sociotechnical network, disenrollment, absent intermediaries
Performance auditing in governments, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Reengineering the internal auditing organization, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Analytical auditing and risk analysis in government, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Strategy for the Internal Audit Engagement, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Behavioural aspects of internal auditing “revisited”, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Internal auditing effectiveness: an expansion of present methods, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Environmental accounting and auditing, Mort Dittenhofer,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
On the Informational Size of Message Spaces, Mort Walker,
from Northwestern University, Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science
Analysis of climate policy targets under uncertainty, Mort Webster, Andrei Sokolov, John Reilly, Chris Forest, Sergey Paltsev, Adam Schlosser, Chien Wang, David Kicklighter, Marcus Sarofim, Jerry Melillo, Ronald Prinn and Henry Jacoby,
in Climatic Change
Valuing climate impacts in integrated assessment models: the MIT IGSM, John Reilly, Sergey Paltsev, Ken Strzepek, Noelle Selin, Yongxia Cai, Kyung-Min Nam, Erwan Monier, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Jeffery Scott, Mort Webster and Andrei Sokolov,
in Climatic Change
Learning and climate change, Brian C. O'Neill, Paul Crutzen, Arnulf Gr�bler, Minh Ha-Duong, Klaus Keller, Charles Kolstad, Jonathan Koomey, Andreas Lange, Michael Obersteiner, Michael Oppenheimer, William Pepper, Warren Sanderson, Michael Schlesinger, Nicolas Treich, Alistair Ulph, Mort Webster and Chris Wilson,
in Climate Policy
Learning and climate change, Brian C. O'Neill, Paul Crutzen, Arnulf Grübler, Minh Ha-Duong, Klaus Keller, Charles Kolstad, Jonathan Koomey, Andreas Lange, Michael Obersteiner, Michael Oppenheimer, William Pepper, Warren Sanderson, Michael Schlesinger, Nicolas Treich, Alistair Ulph, Mort Webster and Chris Wilson,
from HAL
Keywords: Learning,Uncertainty,Climate change,Decision analysis
ALLEN, HOLLIS P. The Federal Govern ment and Education. Pp. xvii, 333. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1950. $4.00, Paul R. Mort,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Sustainable Business, Gillian Sullivan Mort,
in Journal of World Business
Ethics and the internal auditor phase II, Mort Dittenhofer and John Sennetti,
in Managerial Auditing Journal
Defence and the decline of UK mechanical engineering: the case of Vickers at Barrow, Maggie Mort and Graham Spinardi,
in Business History
World Bank lending for small and medium enterprises, L. Webster,
from World Bank
Keywords: credit ; financial institutions
The Emergence of Private Sector Manufacturing in Hungary, A Survey of Firms, L.M. Webster,
from World Bank - Technical Papers
Keywords: economic reform ; private sector
The Emergence of Private Sector Manufacturing in Polande, A survey of Firms, L.M. Webster,
from World Bank - Technical Papers
Keywords: private sector ; economic reform
Changing the Landscape of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology:The Experience of The UK, Juliet Webster,
in Brussels Economic Review
Keywords: Women's Under-Representation in SET; Policy Initiatives; Practical Measures; Evaluation
Health: Historical Issues, Charles Webster,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Great Depression; Health; Morbidity Data
Private incentives for voluntary on-farm management of ovine Johne’s disease, Stewart Webster,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries
The Economics and Policy of Organic Farming: What Can Be Learned From the European Experience?, Paul Webster,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Farm Management
Ranking Planning Journals, Chris Webster,
in Environment and Planning B
Property Rights and the Public Realm: Gates, Green Belts, and Gemeinschaft, Chris Webster,
in Environment and Planning B
Book Review: The International Handbook of Labour Unions: Responses to Neo-Liberalism, Edward Webster,
in ILR Review
Hidden Sources, Ken Webster,
in Journal of Education for Sustainable Development
China: Development, change and engagement, David Webster,
in Local Economy
The Donald Robertson Memorial Prizewinner 2003 The Nature of the Neighbourhood, Chris Webster,
in Urban Studies
Unemployment, Health and Welfare During the Depression, Charles Webster,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Health; Nutrition; Unemployment; Welfare
Book Review: K. Bronfenbrenner (ed.) Global Unions: Challenging Transnational Capital through Cross-Border Campaigns. New York: Cornell University Press, 2007, £30.50 hbk, £11.50 pbk (ISBN: 9780801473913), 280 pp, Edward Webster,
in Work, Employment & Society
Domain knowledge is necessary but not sufficient, Zoë Webster,
in Journal of AI, Robotics & Workplace Automation
Keywords: AI, domain knowledge, domain expert, data science
Patterns of Bilateral Trade Flows Within the Characteristics Approach to Trade, Allan Webster,
in Journal of Economic Studies
Book Reviews, Juliet Webster,
in Work, Employment & Society
Thinking about Technology, Frank Webster,
in Work, Employment & Society
Book Reviews, Juliet Webster,
in Work, Employment & Society
Continuous improvement improved, Anne Webster,
in Work Study
Benefit sanctions, social citizenship and the economy, David Webster,
in Local Economy
Keywords: benefit sanctions; national insurance; social insurance; unemployment; welfare conditionality
Wage Differentials and Their Determinants in US Tourism and Tourism-Associated Industries, Allan Webster,
in Tourism Economics
Keywords: wages; occupations; tourism industry; skills; US tourism
Changing the story: 'Cradle-to-cradle' thinking as a compelling framework for ESD in a globalised world, Ken Webster,
in International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
Keywords: education for sustainable development; ESD; circular economy; cradle to cradle thinking; education for sustainability; closed loop models; linear economy; systems thinking.
The Correlates of Vacationing: Greek Cypriots and their Vacationing Habits, Craig Webster,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Cyprus, vacation habits, holiday behavior, econometrics, push factors
What drives interest group collaboration at the EU level? Evidence from the European environmental interest groups, Ruth Webster,
in European Integration online Papers (EIoP)
Keywords: environmental policy; institutions; institutionalism; interest representation; lobbying; NGOs; political science
Inward FDI and innovation in transitional countries, Allan Webster,
from Department of Accounting, Finance & Economic, Bournemouth University
Keywords: FDI; innovation; transition; firm; technology transfer; strategic asset seeking
Note on “Parallel Machine Scheduling with Batch Setup Times”, Scott Webster,
in Operations Research
Keywords: Analysis of algorithms, computational complexity, NP-hardness, production/scheduling, parallel machine scheduling
Farming and the countryside: an economic analysis of external costs and benefits: Edited by N. Hanley. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, 1991. 328 pp. Price: $76, [pound sign]40 (hardback). ISBN 0 85198 713 3, Paul Webster,
in Agricultural Systems
Multiple discrete choice and quantity with order statistic marginal utilities, Scott Webster,
in Journal of choice modelling
Keywords: Order statistics; Random utility maximization; Choice models;
The rediscovery of the marketing concept, Frederick Webster,
in Business Horizons
The industrial salesman as a source of market information, Frederick Webster,
in Business Horizons
Remarks on: "Some Extensions of the Discrete Lotsizing and Scheduling Problem", Scott Webster,
in Management Science
Weighted flow time bounds for scheduling identical processors, Scott Webster,
in European Journal of Operational Research
New Bounds for the Identical Parallel Processor Weighted Flow Time Problem, Scott Webster,
in Management Science
Keywords: scheduling, parallel processors, deterministic, bounds
The internationalisation of clerical work: A study of offshore services in the Carribbean: Annie Posthuma, Science policy research unit occasional paper no 24, University of Sussex, pp. 72, [UK pound]6, Juliet Webster,
in Research Policy
The irony and the exclusivity of Atlantic bluefin tuna management, D.G. Webster,
in Marine Policy
Keywords: International fisheries management Atlantic bluefin tuna Highly migratory species Endangered species Vulnerability response
Effects of researcher presence and appeal on response quality in hand-delivered, self-administered surveys, Cynthia Webster,
in Journal of Business Research
Refinement of the marketing culture scale and the relationship between marketing culture and profitability of a service firm, Cynthia Webster,
in Journal of Business Research
Toward the measurement of the marketing culture of a service firm, Cynthia Webster,
in Journal of Business Research
Coupling planning models with models of spontaneous order, Chris Webster,
in Environment and Planning B
Keywords: Urban models; Urban scaling; Spontaneous order