3370 documents matched the search for Voronov, Mikhail in authors.
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Киотский протокол и активность России: механизмы сокращения выбросов парниковых газов, Rajko Bukvić, Mikhail Voronov and Viktor Chasovskikh,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Greenhouse gases, Kyoto Protocol, carbon markets, the atmosphere, the reduction of emissions. парниковые газы, Киотский протокол, рынки углерода, атмосфера, сокращение выбросов.
Technological development of industrial regions: The ecosystem approach, Marina V. Evseeva, Evgeny N. Starikov and Mikhail P. Voronov,
in Upravlenets
Keywords: technologies; technological development; industrial policy; state support; industry; industrial ecosystem; industrial region
Experimental and Mathematical Analysis of the Kinetics of the Low-Waste Process of Butyl Lactate Synthesis, Valeriy P. Meshalkin, Roman A. Kozlovskiy, Mikhail R. Kozlovskiy, Yaroslav A. Ibatov, Mikhail S. Voronov, Ivan A. Kozlovskiy, Tamara B. Chistyakova and Antony M. Nzioka,
in Energies
Keywords: kinetics; butyl lactate; lactamide; ammonium lactate; n -butanol; lactic acid; esterification
All-dielectric magnetic metasurface for advanced light control in dual polarizations combined with high-Q resonances, Daria O. Ignatyeva, Dolendra Karki, Andrey A. Voronov, Mikhail A. Kozhaev, Denis M. Krichevsky, Alexander I. Chernov, Miguel Levy and Vladimir I. Belotelov,
in Nature Communications
Innovation management for education organizations: modelling and analysis at economoc processes, A. A. Voronov,
in Business Strategies
in Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law
Keywords: corruption, corporations, databases, leadership, corruption model
in Transport Problems
Siberian market of iron scrap, Yu.P. Voronov and A.O. Dudoviyev,
in Journal "Region: Economics and Sociology"
People, Actors, and the Humanizing of Institutional Theory, Maxim Voronov and Klaus Weber,
in Journal of Management Studies
in Финансы: теория и практика/Finance: Theory and Practice // Finance: Theory and Practice
Keywords: financial monitoring; preventive tax audits; tax monitoring; financial policy;финансовый мониторинг; превентивный налоговый контроль; налоговый мониторинг; фи- нансовая политика
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
О теории контрактов (о Нобелевских премиях по экономике) // About the Contract Theory (about Nobel Prizes on Economy), Ju. Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: Nobel prize; contract theory; ratchet effect; Hart; Holmstrom; property rights; theory of firm;Нобелевская премия по экономике; теория контрактов; эффект храповика; Харт; Хольмстром; права собственности; теория фирмы
Региональные суверенные фонды и перспективы заимствования их опыта в России // Regional Sovereign Funds and Prospects for Borrowing their Experience in Russia, Yu. Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: regional sovereign funds; development of region; land in government ownership; funds resources; world experience; mining revenues; northern allowances;региональные суверенные фонды; развитие региона; земля в федеральной собственности; источники формирования фондов; мировой опыт; доходы от добычи полезных ископаемых; северные надбавки
К реальному человеку. Долгий путь экономической теории (о Нобелевской премии по экономике 2017 г.) // Toward Real Man. The Long Way of Economic Theory (about Nobel Prize in Economics 2017), Yuri Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: Nobel prize; behavioral economics; nudge theory; non-price economics; experimental economics; restricted rationality; Nobel prize; behavioral economics; nudge theory; non-price economics; experimental economics; restricted rationality;Нобелевская премия; поведенческая экономика; теория подталкивания; неценовая экономика; экспериментальная экономика; ограниченная рациональность
Второй разлом экономической науки (о Нобелевской премии по экономике 2018 года) // The Second Split in Economic Science (About 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences), Y. Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences; mathematical models; scientific and technological progress; climate change; feedback; endogenous; exogenous; long-run development; charter cities;Нобелевская премия по экономике; математические модели; научно-технический прогресс; изменения климата; обратная связь; долгосрочный рост; города хартии
Помог бедным — не спи спокойно (О Нобелевской премии по экономическим наукам 2019 года) // After Helping the Poor — Don’t Sleep Well (Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2019), Yu. Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences; fight against poverty; misery; effectiveness of foreign aid; randomized trials; Kenia; India;Нобелевская премия по экономическим наукам; борьба с бедностью; нищета; эффективность иностранной помощи; рандомизированные эксперименты; вакцинация; денежные потоки; Кения; Индия
Строгие правила свободной конкуренции (о нобелевской премии по экономике 2020 г.) // Strict Rules of Free Competition (about The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2020), Y. Voronov P. and Ю. Воронов П.,
in Мир новой экономики // The world of new economy
Keywords: Nobel prize on economics; auctions;asymmetry of information; restricted rationality; market mechanism design; game theory; mathematical economics; “predatory pricing”; market monopolization; free competition; the reputation of auction participants; collusion;Нобелевская премия по экономическим наукам; аукционы; асимметрия информации; ограниченная рациональность; дизайн рыночных механизмов; теория игр; математическая экономика; «хищническое ценообразование»; монополизация рынка; свободная конкуренция; репутация участников аукциона; сговор
Marketing and Operational Aspects of the Strategy of Industrial Import Substitution, V.A. Bespalko, A.A. Voronov and O.V. Martynenko,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: Competitive strategy, marketing in industry and agriculture, competitive stability.
Analyzing the Siberian development by applying the Voronoi diagrams, Yu.P. Voronov (wrn@online.nsk.su) and A.Ye. Lopatkina,
in Journal "Region: Economics and Sociology"
Keywords: Voronoi diagrams, regional analysis, zoning, powers of branches in a large corporation, demographic potential dynamics
Evaluation of the cost of capital and the discount rate based on the Russian financial statistics, Dmitry S. Voronov and Lyudmila A. Ramenskaya,
in Journal of New Economy
Keywords: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM); weighted average cost of capital (WACC); discount rate; investment project; risk-free asset; risk assessment
The Role of Cultural and Symbolic Capital in Entrepreneurs' Ability to Meet Expectations about Conformity and Innovation, Dirk De clercq and Maxim Voronov,
in Journal of Small Business Management
The “ Ensemble ”—A Group Music Therapy Treatment for Developing Preschool Children’s Social Skills, Raya Blanky-Voronov and Avi Gilboa,
Keywords: social skills; music therapy treatments; mixed methods; children; group work; group dynamics
Sustainability in the Face of Institutional Adversity: Market Turbulence, Network Embeddedness, and Innovative Orientation, Dirk Clercq, Narongsak Thongpapanl and Maxim Voronov,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Sustainability, Market turbulence, Network embeddedness, Innovative orientation, Strategic choice
The development of Russian regional markets by means of foreign economic activity, A. S. Voronov and V. N. Kruglov,
in International Trade and Trade Policy
Financial and Marketing Monitoring in Power Selling Sector, Bondarenko V.A., Voronov A.A., Zimina A.A. and Penyugalova A.V.,
in European Research Studies Journal
Keywords: Financial management, financial monitoring, energy industry, financial results.
Higher Education Competitiveness: Definition, Assessment and Ways of Growth, A.A. Voronov, V.E. Garkovenko, A.M. Safonov and S.N. Kosnikov,
in European Research Studies Journal
Keywords: Educational services, higher school, marketing environment.Read the Full Version here
Civil Society of Modern Russia: Problems of Implementation of Constitutional Rights and Freedoms, A.M. Voronov, M.N. Kobzar-Frolova, V.M. Redkous and A.M. Gogolev,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: Legal relations, legal regulation, security, public administration, services.
The Role and Tasks of Civil Society Institutions in Ensuring National Security and Countering Modern Threats and Challenges, A.M. Voronov, M.N. Kobzar-Frolova, R.N. Lapidus and A.I. Samsonov,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: Civil society, civil society institutions, national security, protection and security, counteraction, challenges and threats, covid-19 pandemic.
Digital Solutions and HR Marketing Opportunities: The Current Level and Prospects for Increasing Efficiency, V.A. Bondarenko, A.A. Voronov, P.P. Kapustin and A.A. Maksaev,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: HR marketing, regional economy, Southern Federal district, digital economy, control systems digitalization.
Foreign Practices for Innovative Development of Regions: Application Prospects and Socio-Economic Consequences, V.A. Bondarenko, A.A. Voronov, A.A. Maksaev and N.V. Poluyanova,
in International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Keywords: Innovative focus, regional economy, foreign experience, innovative development.
The Agroindustrial Complex in Novosibirsk Oblast: Resources and Scenarios of Its Development, V.I. Suslov, D.A. Fomin, K.K. Kostikov and Yu.P. Voronov,
in Journal "Region: Economics and Sociology"
Under the Radar: Institutional Drift and Non‐Strategic Institutional Change, Maxim Voronov, Mary Ann Glynn and Klaus Weber,
in Journal of Management Studies
Conformity and Distinctiveness in a Global Institutional Framework: The Legitimation of Ontario Fine Wine, Maxim Voronov, Dirk De Clercq and C. R. Hinings,
in Journal of Management Studies
Nematode phylogeny and embryology, D. A. Voronov, Yu. V. Panchin and S. E. Spiridonov,
in Nature
The Underlying Dynamics of Credit Correlations, Arthur M. Berd, Robert Engle and Artem Voronov,
from arXiv.org
Reindustrialization of the economies of rural territories (a case study of Novosibirsk oblast), G. V. Zhdan, I. V. Shchetinina and Yu. P. Voronov,
in Regional Research of Russia
Keywords: agroindustrial complex (AIC), infrastructure, production, reindustrialization, rural territories, economy, management, state support
New quality of strategic planning of the national economy in the face of geopolitical instability, Generalova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Shcherbakov Vladimir Aleksandrovich and Voronov Anton Sergeevich,
from Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Keywords: strategic planning, national economy, geopolitical instability
Adding a fiscal rule into a DSGE model: How much does it change the forecasts?, Mikhail Andreyev, Mikhail Andreyev and Mikhail Andreyev,
from Bank of Russia
Keywords: DSGE model, fiscal rule, reserve fund, credit cycle, commodity prices, financial frictions, monetary policy
Wealth dynamics in a sentiment-driven market, Mikhail Goykhman,
from arXiv.org
KISS approach to credit portfolio modeling, Mikhail Voropaev,
from arXiv.org
On the way and result reformation economics and change prioritis of the international economic activity Chine`s, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Innovative aspect of industrial policy, Mikhail Pestunov,
in Economy of region
The industrial policy of subjects of federation as the basis of development of inter-regional economic integration, Mikhail Dobyndo,
in Economy of region
Russia-2020: long-term challenges of development, Mikhail Dmitriyev,
in Economy of region
Development the resource base of the production as factor race international economic potential of the Russia and Ural regions, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Directions of development of small and average business of the Tambov region in modern conditions of an economic crisis, Mikhail Bespalov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: business development, support of small and average business, the Tambov region.
Regional analysis of the industrial development of Yakutia, Mikhail Prisyazhnyy,
in Economy of region
Keywords: level of development, Yakutia, industrial areas
Model of development of vertically and horizontally integrated structures in metallurgical engineering, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: holdings, metallurgy, metallurgical engineering, modernization, sources of funds, Russia and regions
Development of the human potential in Russian and foreign countries, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: international differentiation, levels developing, human potential, social sector, science, education, health, Russian, foreign countries, regions
International economic trade partners and competitions of the Russian on world agricultural market, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: international agricultural relation, partners and competitions, Russia, Russian regions
Economic Demography in the Journal, Mikhail Denisenko,
in HSE Economic Journal
Transformations du système bancaire en Russie, Mikhaïl Litviakov,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: determination of the management processes, balanced use of natural resources, factor model, consumption level, intensity of reproduction
in Baltic Journal of Economic Studies
Keywords: oil and gas complex, investments, innovations, modernization, energy security
Variance-covariance based risk allocation in credit portfolios: analytical approximation, Mikhail Voropaev,
from arXiv.org
Comparison Of Pareto Phenomena In Statistics Of Bank Assets In Ukraine, Russia And The U.S, Mikhail Loshchinin,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
A Huge Social Inequality: Theoretical And Ethical Aspects, Mikhail Loshchinin,
in Ukrainian Journal Ekonomist
Asymptotic minimization of expected time to reach a large wealth level in an asset market game, Mikhail Zhitlukhin,
from arXiv.org
Multipoint Approximation of Statistical Descriptors of Local Strain and Stress Fields in Heterogeneous Media Using Integral Equation Method, Mikhail Tashkinov,
in Advances in Mathematical Physics
Survival investment strategies in a continuous-time market model with competition, Mikhail Zhitlukhin,
from arXiv.org
A continuous-time asset market game with short-lived assets, Mikhail Zhitlukhin,
from arXiv.org
Legal Regulation of Technology Transfer from the Military to the Civil Sphere, Mikhail Gaponenko,
in Science Governance and Scientometrics Journal
Keywords: Scientific and technological sector, intellectual property, technology transfer, agreement on the alienation of exclusive rights, license agreement
Approving the ISDWIR Method of Risk Measurement in Making Risk Management Decision || Aprobación del método de medición del riesgo SIIPDR en el manejo de asunción de riesgos, Mikhail Strelnik,
in Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa = Journal of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business Administration
Keywords: uncertainty; risk; risk management; risk measurement; matrix; incertidumbre; riesgo; gestión de riesgos; medición del riesgo; matriz
Development of bank lending in Dnieper Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - at the beginning of XX century, Mikhail Orlik,
in University Economic Bulletin
Keywords: joint-stock banks, money, credit system, credit, mortgage loan, zemstvo bank, borrower, creditor
in International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF)
Keywords: Survival strategies, market competition, relative wealth, growth optimal strategies, martingales
Asymptotically optimal strategies in a diffusion approximation of a repeated betting game, Mikhail Zhitlukhin,
from arXiv.org
Conjoint axiomatization of the Choquet integral for heterogeneous product sets, Mikhail Timonin,
from arXiv.org
Choquet integral in decision analysis - lessons from the axiomatization, Mikhail Timonin,
from arXiv.org
Vertical Take-Off And Landing Aircrafts: Myth Or Reality Of Modern Aviation, Mikhail Kuprikov,
in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments (JMERD)
Keywords: Geometry, airborne group, infrastructure, flying machine.
Background: Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) are medications approved for treatment of type 2 diabetes. Recent evidence suggests that these agents exert Reno protective effects, Nasser Mikhail,
in Current Research in Diabetes & Obesity Journal
Keywords: juniper publishers, diabetes journals, diabetes impact factor, endocrinology journal, endocrinology impact factor, endocrinology research journal, endocrinology research articles, diabetes open access journals,Obesity Journal,Diabetes & Obesity Journal
Analytical Framework for Credit Portfolios. Part I: Systematic Risk, Mikhail Voropaev,
from arXiv.org
Analytical Framework for Credit Portfolios, Mikhail Voropaev,
from arXiv.org
Strategic approaches to innovative development of electric power industry of region, Mikhail Petrov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: electricity, energy, cogeneration, energy technologies, efficiency, regional energy strategy
Regional tendencies of business capitalization in the conditions of growth of financial instability, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: capitalization, stock exchange, theory, business, indicators, real and financial sector, foreign countries, Russia, regions
The Technological Innovations and Their Impact on the Economy, Mikhail Maslennikov,
in Economy of region
Keywords: technological innovations, technology, research and development, industrial society, scientific and technological potential, «digitalization», Russia, the Urals, foreign countries
Axiomatization of the Choquet integral for 2-dimensional heterogeneous product sets, Mikhail Timonin,
from arXiv.org
On the Concavity of Expected Shortfall, Mikhail Tselishchev,
from arXiv.org
Method of indirect estimation of default probability dynamics for industry-target segments according to the data of Bank of Russia, Mikhail Pomazanov,
from arXiv.org
An Approach to Changing Competence Assessment for Human Resources in Expert Networks, Mikhail Petrov,
in Future Internet
Keywords: competence management; human resource management; changing competence assessment; expert networks; project management
Instability of Grain Yields and Soil Conditions in Wisconsin Counties: A First Impression, Mikhail Lugachyov,
from University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy
Cross-Polar Routes As A Factor That Changed The Geometric Layout Of Long-Haul Aircrafts Flying Over Long Distances, Mikhail Kuprikov,
in Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research & Developments (JMERD)
Keywords: Aircraft, geometry, layout, long-haul, cargo-range capability, aerodynamic, schemes.
Equilibria in the Stackelberg Oligopoly Reflexive Games with Different Marginal Costs of Agents, Mikhail Geraskin,
in International Game Theory Review (IGTR)
Keywords: Oligopoly, Stackelberg model, Nash equilibrium, reflexive behavior, reasoning, leader, follower
Two Models of Speculative Bubbles Dynamics for Cryptocurrency Prices, Mikhail Perepelitsa,
in Applied Economics and Finance
Respecting Persons, Respecting Preferences, Mikhail Valdman,
in Utilitas
Problems and decisions on the regulation of payment of civil servants activity in Russia, Mikhail Chekin,
in Public administration issues
Keywords: public service, types of public service, salaries of civil servants, regional coefficients, ratio and percentages increase to the offi cial salary
Russian education reforms in the 19th and 20th centuries As a global project, Mikhail Boguslavsky,
in Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow
Keywords: educational reforms, counter-reforms, catch-up modernization
The New Quality of Humanitarian Education in Specialist Schools, Mikhail Mokrinskiy,
in Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow
Keywords: schools, humanitarian education, mass culture, cooperative learning
The Myth of University Strategy. Market Niches and Organizational Careers of Russian Universities, Mikhail Sokolov,
in Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow
Keywords: organizational theory, sociology of higher education, higher education in Russia, University Management
On Possible Reasons for University Resource Base Decline, Mikhail Lisyutkin,
in Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow
Keywords: university resource base, financial resources of the university, intellectual resources of the university, dynamics of university development, decline of the resource base
Transformative and Selective Systems: A Study in Comparative Sociology of Academic Markets Careers, Mikhail Sokolov,
in Voprosy obrazovaniya / Educational Studies Moscow
Keywords: national academic system, selective academic system, transformative academic system, academic labour markets, recruitment, selection process, academic mobility, tenure, academic career, inbreeding
Social design technology in the history and practice of contemporary Russia, Mikhail Gelvanovsky,
in RSUH/RGGU BULLETIN. Series Economics. Management. Law
Professional networks in the virtual labour market, Mikhail Kaluzhsky,
in Economics of Contemporary Russia
Registered author: Mikhail Kulakov
Registered author: Mikhail Klarin
Registered author: Mikhail Semenov
Staying on the Top: A Case Study of Johnson&Johnson, Mikhail Salazkin,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: Corporate Foresight; future markets
Economic Crisis: Implications for Russian Science, Mikhail Kuzyk,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: R&D institutions; science-industry co-operation
Innovation Development Programmes for the State-owned Companies: First Results, Mikhail Gershman,
in Foresight and STI Governance (Foresight-Russia till No. 3/2015)
Keywords: innovation performance; innovative development programme; state-owned company; coercion to innovation
Dynamics îf Production Factors in Regional Economy: Econophysical Approach, Mikhail Khavinson,
in Spatial Economics=Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika
Keywords: ? basic model ? Econophysics ? phenomenological approach ? exponential model ? equation of heat transfer ? law of radioactive decay ? production factors ? Jewish Autonomous Region
Econophysics: From Finance Analysis to the Fate of Mankind, Mikhail Khavinson,
in Spatial Economics=Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika
Keywords: ? econophysics ? synergy ? theory of nonlinear dynamics ? crisis in Economics ? social analysis ? new humanitarian thinking