12141 documents matched the search for Vincent Blanfort in authors.
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from Caribbean Food Crops Society
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and design of mitigation options: a whole farm approach based on farm management data and mechanistic models, Jean-Louis Fiorelli, Jean-Louis Drouet, Sylvia Duretz, Benoît Gabrielle, Anne-Isabelle Graux, Vincent Blanfort, Mathieu Capitaine, Pierre Cellier and Jean-François Soussana,
in International Journal of Sustainable Development
Keywords: greenhouse gases; GHG emissions; farm management; mixed crop livestock farming; mechanistic modelling; whole farm approach; nitrous oxide; methane; carbon dioxide; nutrient cycling; farm working; France; simulation.
Paris Climate Agreement: Promoting Interdisciplinary Science and Stakeholders’ Approaches for Multi-Scale Implementation of Continental Carbon Sequestration, Tiphaine Chevallier, Maud Loireau, Romain Courault, Lydie Chapuis-Lardy, Thierry Desjardins, Cécile Gomez, Alexandre Grondin, Frédéric Guérin, Didier Orange, Raphaël Pélissier, Georges Serpantié, Marie-Hélène Durand, Pierre Derioz, Goulven Gildas Laruelle, Marie-Hélène Schwoob, Nicolas Viovy, Olivier Barrière, Eric Blanchart, Vincent Blanfort, Michel Brossard, Julien Demenois, Mireille Fargette, Thierry Heulin, Gil Mahe, Raphaël Manlay, Pascal Podwojewski, Cornélia Rumpel, Benjamin Sultan and Jean-Luc Chotte,
in Sustainability
Keywords: climate change and sustainable development; continental carbon sequestration; multi-scalar management; carbon modelling; participative research
Paris climate agreement: Promoting interdisciplinary science and stakeholders' approaches for multi-scale implementation of continental carbon sequestration, Tiphaine Chevallier, Maud Loireau, Romain Courault, Lydie Chapuis-Lardy, Thierry Desjardins, Cécile Gomez, Alexandre Grondin, Frédéric Guérin, Didier Orange, Raphaël Pélissier, Georges Serpantié, Marie Hélène Durand, Pierre Derioz, Goulven Gildas Laruelle, Marie Hélène Schwoob, Nicolas Viovy, Olivier Barrière, Eric Blanchart, Vincent Blanfort, Michel Brossard, Julien Demenois, Mireille Fargette, Thierry Heulin, Gil Mahe, Raphaël Manlay, Pascal Podwojewski, Cornélia Rumpel, Benjamin Sultan and Jean Luc Chotte,
from ULB -- Universite Libre de Bruxelles
Keywords: Carbon modelling; Climate change and sustainable development; Continental carbon sequestration; Multi-scalar management; Participative research
A cost benefit analysis of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board, Vincent (Vincent Peter) Hogan,
from School of Economics, University College Dublin
Keywords: Personal injuries--Cases; Personal Injuries Assessment Board--Cost effectiveness
Les élites techniques, le développement et les transferts de technologie: moyens scientifiques, techniques et capacités d'adaptation dans les secteurs industriels innovants en France, de 1914 à 1940, Vincent Dray,
in Economies et Sociétés (Serie 'Histoire Economique Quantitative')
Les secteurs de la construction, un panorama des analyses récentes et des voies de recherches, Maurice Vincent,
in Revue d'Économie Industrielle
Les enseignements de l'application de la notion de filière à l'étude de la construction immobilière, Maurice Vincent,
in Revue d'Économie Industrielle
Internationalisation ou internalisation par extension de la zone d'influence allemande: le cas hongrois, Vincent Lamande,
in Revue d'Économie Industrielle
En Italie: la Cassa di depositi e prestiti, Vincent Feltesse,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
La Caisse des dépôts et prêts hellénique, Vincent Feltesse,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
Fonds de pension: déontologie, normes financières et comptables, Vincent Vandier,
in Revue d'Économie Financière
Du postulat de cohérence à l'hypothèse que les comportements sont significatifs d'une tension intra-psychique, Jean Vincent,
in Économie rurale
Jean-Pierre Boinon. — La géographie du prix des terres (1950-1985), rôle des rapports fonciers et des systèmes de production, Briquel Vincent,
in Économie rurale
L'avenir à long terme des zones rurales fragiles apport des jeux de prospective à la réflexion stratégique, Vincent Piveteau,
in Économie rurale
Les difficultés de l'assainissement des finances publiques allemandes, Vincent Radisson,
in Revue de l'OFCE
Royaume-Uni: croissance lente et poursuite de l'assainissement, Vincent Radisson,
in Revue de l'OFCE
Bertolini (Gérard) - Rebuts ou ressources ? La socio-économie du déchet, Plauchu Vincent,
in Revue Économique
Ordonneau (Pascal) - La bataille mondiale des matières premières, Plauchu Vincent,
in Revue Économique
Badouin (Robert) - Systèmes fonciers et développement économique, Plauchu Vincent,
in Revue Économique
La production française de connaissances économiques: analyse bibliométrique, Vincent Koen,
in Revue Économique
Le Mexique et le plan Brady: le surendettement n'est pas une fatalité, Vincent Destival,
in Revue Française d'Économie
Urbanisation et développement au Cameroun, Maurice Vincent,
in Revue Tiers Monde
Coca, développement et coopération internationale en Bolivie, Vincent Brackelaire,
in Revue Tiers Monde
Impacts de différents instruments de politique agricole en termes de surplus domestique et de relations commerciales, Vincent Richard,
in Économie et Prévision
A new phase in the industrialisation of culture: content selection and treatment by data, Vincent Bullich,
in Economia della Cultura
Keywords: Big Data; Algorithms; Cultural Industries; Rationalization; Industrialization.
La fine del dirigismo? La Francia negli anni Novanta, Vincent Wright,
in Stato e mercato
La politique de soutien aux clusters dans une région en restructuration, évaluation de trois années d'expérimentation en Région wallonne, Vincent Lepage,
in Brussels Economic Review
Keywords: réseaux d'entreprises; clusters; Wallonie; évaluation; firms networks; clusters; Wallonia; evaluation
L'industrie textile en 1970, Micheline Vincent,
in Économie et Statistique
La construction de logements neufs a triplé, en valeur, de 1964 à 1974, Vincent Briquel,
in Économie et Statistique
Dépendance et domination économiques inter-régionales, Vincent Briquel,
in Économie et Statistique
Être artisan aujourd'hui en Languedoc-Roussillon, Vincent Briquel,
in Économie et Statistique
Vingt ans de textile-habillement, Micheline Vincent,
in Économie et Statistique
Le redéploiement: ampleur et orientation, Vincent Rigal,
in Économie et Statistique
Revenu et prestations sociales, Vincent Poubelle,
in Économie et Statistique
Près d'un million de personnes sont passées par le dispositif du RMI en trois ans, Vincent Poubelle,
in Économie et Statistique
Emploi et territoires de 1975 à 2009: tertiarisation et rétrécissement de la sphère productive, Vincent Hecquet,
in Économie et Statistique
An Error Analysis of Econometric and Noneconometric Forecasts, Vincent Su,
in American Economic Review
Pacification Without Collective Identification: Russia and the Transatlantic Security Community in the Post-Cold War Era, Vincent Pouliot,
in Journal of Peace Research
2013 Methods-of-Payment Survey: Sample Calibration Analysis, Kyle Vincent,
from Bank of Canada
Keywords: Central bank research
The Seven Station Series, Vincent Gray,
in Energy & Environment
Resonance as a Social Phenomenon, Vincent Miller,
in Sociological Research Online
Keywords: Resonance; Intimacy; Everyday Life; Communitas; Anonymity; Phenomenology
Impact of Cross-Channel Strategy on Brand's Commitment: A Case Study in an Affordable Luxury Industry, Vincent Dutot,
in International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI)
Adoption of Social Media Using Technology Acceptance Model: The Generational Effect, Vincent Dutot,
in International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI)
Role of Visual Rhetoric in Teaching and Learning Political Science, Aparna Vincent,
in Studies in Indian Politics
Behavioral Responses to Threatened Ethnic Identity in a Sports Setting, Vincent Dru,
in Conflict Management and Peace Science
Keywords: competition; social identity; sport; threat
Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere, Vincent Gray,
in Energy & Environment
in Journal of Food Distribution Research
Keywords: Industrial Organization
Pheasants Forever, Inc. and Quail Forever (PowerPoint), Howard Vincent,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Managing the Food/Feed/Finance Intersection (PowerPoint), Vincent Andrews,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
On a Model for the Storage of Files on a Hardware: Statistics at a Fixed Time and Asymptotic Regimes, Vincent Bansaye,
in Journal of Probability and Statistics
from Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
from Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government
Keywords: Public Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Extending Protection at the WTO to Products Other Than Wines and Spirits: Who Will Benefit?, Michel Vincent,
in Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy
Keywords: International Relations/Trade
Competition, Monopoly, and the Organization of Government in Metropolitan Areas: Comment, Vincent Ostrom,
in Journal of Law and Economics
Origin of horizontal needle ice at Charit Creek Station, Tennessee, Vincent Matthews,
in Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
in Natural Resources Forum
in Public Administration & Development
Betwixt and between Cultural Milieus: African Female Refugee Adolescents Striving for Scholastic Success in USA, Vincent Mugisha,
in Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology
The separation of market and price in some free competitions and its related solution to the over-application problem in the job market, Vincent Zha,
from arXiv.org
Growth and ideas in a perfectly competitive world: A complement, Vincent Boitier,
in Economics and Business Letters
The functional form of yield curves, Vincent Brousseau,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: affine models, bonds, bootstrapping, functional form, futures, swaps, Yield curves
China–Africa cooperation: Struggling commodities and the silver-lining in the innovation economy, Vincent Ibonye,
in International Area Studies Review
Keywords: Foreign investment; economic cooperation; China; Africa; commodity slump; innovation
Russia's Integration to the Globalized Automotive System: Solutions Adopted by Multinationals and Impact on the Local Industrial Environment, Vincent Montenero,
in European Journal of Business Science and Technology
Keywords: Russia, automotive, management, globalization, suppliers, business culture
Some Directions for Citizen Involvement in Corrections, Vincent O'Leary,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Discretion and domination in criminal procedure, Vincent Chiao,
in Politics, Philosophy & Economics
Keywords: republicanism; Pettit; freedom; nondomination; criminal law; criminal procedure; discretion
Problems of Cognition as a Challenge to Policy Analysts and Democratic Societies, Vincent Ostrom,
in Journal of Theoretical Politics
Keywords: cognitive bias; language; method of normative inquiry; analysis; principle of complementarity
Payment by Results: Delivering high quality public services in straitened fiscal times, Vincent Pattison,
in Local Economy
Keywords: active employment policy; payment by results; performance management; public employment service; public services delivery; welfare reform; welfare-to-work; Work Programme
Book Review: Skills for Planning Practice Ted Kitchen, 2006 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 260 pp. no price given hardback; £22.99 paperback ISBN 0 333 69071 0 hardback; 0 333 69072 9 paperback, Vincent Goodstadt,
in Urban Studies
FRED CHARLES IKLÉ. The Social Impact of Bomb Destruction. Pp. xxii, 250. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. $3.95, Vincent Heath,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
ALAN JAMES. The Politics of Peace-Keeping. Pp. 452. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. $11.00, Vincent Davis,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Financial and Social Returns in Housing Asset Management: Theory and Dutch Housing Associations' Practice, Vincent Gruis,
in Urban Studies
Pratiques modales des déplacements de personnes en milieu urbain: des rationalités d'usage à la cohérence de l'action publique, Vincent Kaufmann,
in Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine
Keywords: urban mobility, modal choice, land use planing, transport, rationales
Les objectifs de développement durable. Nouveau référentiel pour mesurer l’impact de l’investissement responsable ?, Vincent Bouchet,
in Revue française de gestion
Emploi flexible et protection sociale. Les retraites des artistes intermittents du spectacle, Vincent Cardon,
in Revue française de socio-Economie
Keywords: social protection, employment, retirement, artists, project-based careers
Départ à la retraite et escompte hyperbolique, Vincent Frogneux,
in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique
in Revue Tiers-Monde
Keywords: African National Congress, organizational analysis, political party, local politics, South Africa, Africa
Hygiène intérieure et salubrité extérieure: un point aveugle de l’action publique ?. Chronique de deux domaines séparés en France (1810-1917), Vincent Viet,
in Travail et Emploi
Keywords: unhealthy, troublesome or dangerous industries, Labour inspectorate, Inspection of unhealthy, industrial risks, occupational hazards, industrial law, health and safety
Cécile Maire, Vivre et mourir de l’amiante. Une histoire syndicale en Normandie . Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016, Vincent Porhel,
in Travail et Emploi
Continuing Education: A Family Matter?, Vincent Lignon,
in Travail et Emploi
Keywords: family events, inequalities, continuing education
Le réseau formel d'entrepreneurs comme dispositif d'accompagnement, Vincent Lefebvre,
in Entreprendre & innover
Matthieu TEYOMNOU L’Afrique face aux défis de la dégradation de l’environnement et du réchauffement climatique de la planète Meylan, Éditions Campus ouvert, 2019, 266 pages, Vincent Plauchu,
in Mondes en développement
Vieillissement de la population, retraites et immigration, Paul Vincent,
in Population (french edition)
La normalisation technique, Vincent Giard,
in Revue française de gestion
AOF Sugar Outlook, Vincent O'Rourke,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Organisational Archetypes for Dutch Housing Associations, Vincent Gruis,
in Environment and Planning C
Economic Globalization, Domestic Politics and Income Inequality in the Developed Countries: A Cross-National Analysis, Vincent Mahler,
from LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg
7. Quel est le coût des applications gratuites ?, Vincent Lefrère,
in Regards croisés sur l'économie
The Social Scientist and the Control and Development of Natural Resources, Vincent Ostrom,
in Land Economics
The Cause of Global Warming, Vincent Gray,
in Energy & Environment
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis Summary for Policymakers, Vincent Gray,
in Energy & Environment
L’ ajustement fiscal à la frontière, qualification et interactions avec le système commercial international, Vincent Doix,
in Revue internationale de droit économique
Keywords: border tax adjustment, customs duties, tariffs, GATT, WTO, carbon border adjustment mechanism
Titration Excellence™ — Helping Ensure, Safe and Cost Efficient Oil Extraction for Our Energy Hungry World, Steve Vincent,
in Energy & Environment
Farmer Management of Groundwater Irrigation in Asia: Parameters of Doubt: Prospects for Groundwater Assessment to Help Farmers in Hard Rock Areas of South India, Linden Vincent,
from International Water Management Institute
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
World, European and French trade in oilseeds, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: Oilseeds,Soybeans,Vegetable oils,International trade,EU trade,Oléagineux,Soja,Huiles végétales,Commerce international,Echanges de l’UE
Agricultural and rural diversity and the challenge of corporate agriculture, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: Agricultural diversity,Agricultural production,Rural transformations,Capitalistic agriculture,Diversité de l’agriculture,Production agricole,Transformations rurales,Agriculture capitalistique
The competitiveness of the European and French dairy industry, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: Dairy sector,Competitiveness,Dairy products trade,Dairy farms,Secteur laitier,Compétitivité,Commerce de produits laitiers,Exploitations laitières
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): history and challenges of successive reforms, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: CAP,Livestock,Subsidiarity,PAC,Green deal,Elevage,Subsidiairité
The competitiveness of the French agri-food industry, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: Agricultural sectors,Competitiveness,Trade,Milk,Wheat,Chicken,Tomatoes,Apples,Filières agricoles,Compétitivité,Echanges,Lait,Blé,Poulet,Tomates,Pommes
The internationalization of agricultural markets and the place of the EU-27 and France, Vincent Chatellier,
from HAL
Keywords: Agricultural sectors,Agri-food trade,Competitiveness,Russia,Filières agricoles,Commerce agroalimentaire,Compétitivité,UE-27,France,Russie,Ukraine