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63326 documents matched the search for Van Hertem, Tom in authors.
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Towards a Sustainable Meat Production with Precision Livestock Farming,
Tom Van Hertem, Simon Lague, Luc Rooijakkers and Erik Vranken, from International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (2016)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries

Objective sustainability assessment by Precision Livestock Farming,
Tom Van Hertem, Simon Lague and Erik Vranken, from European Association of Agricultural Economists (2018)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy

Hosting capacity of photovoltaic systems in low voltage distribution systems: A benchmark of deterministic and stochastic approaches,
Arpan Koirala, Tom Van Acker, D’hulst, Reinhilde and Dirk Van Hertem, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022)
Keywords: Low voltage; Distribution feeder; Photovoltaics; Hosting capacity; Stochastic;

Multi-terminal VSC HVDC for the European supergrid: Obstacles,
Dirk Van Hertem and Mehrdad Ghandhari, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2010)
Keywords: VSC HVDC Multi-terminal Supergrid Renewable energy

Appropriate transmission grid representation for European resource adequacy assessments,
Tamás Borbáth and Dirk Van Hertem, in Applied Energy (2024)
Keywords: Resource adequacy; Power system simulation; Transmission model;

The relevance of inertia in power systems,
Pieter Tielens and Dirk Van Hertem, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016)
Keywords: Synchronous inertia; Converter connected generation; Renewable energy; Virtual (synthetic) inertia; Power system stability;

Cross-Border Electricity Transmission Network Investment: Perspective and Risk Framework of Third Party Investors,
Diyun Huang and Dirk Van Hertem, in Energies (2018)
Keywords: cross-border network investment; transmission investment risk analysis; European case study

An Overview of Ancillary Services and HVDC Systems in European Context,
Abhimanyu Kaushal and Dirk Van Hertem, in Energies (2019)
Keywords: ancillary services; HVDC systems; loss management; frequency control; voltage and reactive power control; black start; congestion management

Review and classification of reliability indicators for power systems with a high share of renewable energy sources,
Evelyn Heylen, Geert Deconinck and Dirk Van Hertem, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2018)
Keywords: Classification; Indicators; Adequacy; Security; Reliability management;

Transmission investment problems in Europe: Going beyond standard solutions,
Patrik Buijs, David Bekaert, Stijn Cole, Dirk Van Hertem and Ronnie Belmans, in Energy Policy (2011)
Keywords: Transmission investments Transmission technologies Investment barriers

How detailed value of lost load data impact power system reliability decisions,
Marten Ovaere, Evelyn Heylen, Stef Proost, Geert Deconinck and Dirk Van Hertem, in Energy Policy (2019)
Keywords: Value of lost load; Electric power system reliability; Power system management; Interruption costs; Power interruption characteristics;

How detailed value of lost load data impact power system reliability decisions: a trade-off between efficiency and equity,
Marten Ovaere, Evelyn Heylen, Stef Proost, Geert Deconinck and Dirk Van Hertem, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (2016) Downloads

Bribing the Grantee: Asymmetric Information and the Enforcement of Local Minimum-Provision Levels through Grants-in-Aid,
Tom Van Puyenbroeckf, in Environment and Planning C (2001) Downloads

Audit pricing and the Big4 fee premium: evidence from Belgium,
Tom Van Caneghem, in Managerial Auditing Journal (2010)
Keywords: Auditor's fees, Auditing, Belgium

Armoedemaatstaven, IGL-curven en de bootstrap: Een empirische studie naar de evolutie van het armoedeniveau in België tussen 1985 en 1997,
Tom Van Ourti, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (2000)
Keywords: Armoedemeting, Bootstrap

It’s the Story, Stupid: The Consumer Reviews Most Likely to Influence Purchasing Decisions,
Tom van Laer, in NIM Marketing Intelligence Review (2020)
Keywords: Consumer Choice, Consumer Research, Online Reviews, Storytelling

Measuring horizontal inequity in Belgian health care using a Gaussian random effects two part count data model,
Tom Van Ourti, in Health Economics (2004) Downloads

Modeling of transport demand – analyzing, calculating, and forecasting transport demand,
Tom van Vuren, in Transport Reviews (2020) Downloads

The 30-Minute City: Designing for Access,
Tom van Vuren, in Transport Reviews (2020) Downloads

The impact of audit quality on earnings rounding-up behaviour: some UK evidence,
Tom Van Caneghem, in European Accounting Review (2004) Downloads

Warwick Conference on Humanitarianism,
Tom Van den Steen, in Development in Practice (2011) Downloads

Proportional Representation, Gini Coefficients, and the Principle of Transfers,
Tom Van Puyenbroeck, in Journal of Theoretical Politics (2008)
Keywords: apportionment methods; Gini coefficient; Lorenz curve; malapportionment; proportional representation

European Economic and Monetary Integration and the Euro,
Tom van Veen, in Australian Economic Review (2002) Downloads

Institutions and the Labour Market: Examining the Benefits,
Tom van Veen, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2006)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Socio-economic inequality in ill-health amongst the elderly: Should one use current or permanent income?,
Tom Van Ourti, in Journal of Health Economics (2003) Downloads

Have Macroeconomic Models Lost Their Connection with Economic Reality?,
Tom van Veen, from CESifo (2020)
Keywords: macroeconomic theory, Keynes, Friedman, Lucas

Contingent claims analysis and the valuation of pension liabilities,
Tom B.M. van Steenkamp, from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics (1999)
Keywords: Pensions; economic value; contingent claims analysis; option pricing; pension funds; pension liabilities

Registered author: Tom van Woensel

Registered author: Tom Van Ourti

Audit quality, materiality & threshold-induced earnings management,
Tom van Caneghem, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads

Measuring horizontal inequity in health care using Belgian panel data,
Tom Van Ourti, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2002)
Keywords: Equity in health care, Count data, Two-part model, Panel data

The impact of audit quality on earnings rounding-up behaviour,
Tom van Caneghem, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2002) Downloads

Earnings management induced by cognitive reference points,
Tom van Caneghem, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics Downloads

Measuring socio-economic inequality in illhealth using permanent income,
Tom Van Ourti, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
Keywords: Inequality, Ill-health, Permanent income

Early Alpine industry,
A. J. (Tom) van Loon, in Nature (1998) Downloads

Corals resist extinction by global warming,
A. J. (Tom) van Loon, in Nature (1999) Downloads

Peer review: recognition via year-end statements,
A. J. (Tom) van Loon, in Nature (2003) Downloads

Explorers' challenge sunk by Arctic warming,
A. J. (Tom) van Loon, in Nature (2007) Downloads

Article Contribution and Subsequent Citation Rates: Evidence from European Accounting Review,
Geert Van Campenhout and Tom Van Caneghem, in European Accounting Review (2010) Downloads

Locating the European Accounting Review: A citation-based study,
Geert Van Campenhout and Tom Van Caneghem, from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management (2008)
Keywords: accounting journal; citation analysis; content analysis; authorship networks; European Accounting Review; journal influence

Information Availability, Information Quality and the Financial Structure of Belgian SME's,
Geert Van Campenhout and Tom Van Caneghem, from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management (2009)
Keywords: financial structure; leverage; SME; information asymmetry; financial statements; external audit

Financial statement information and the prédiction of stock returns in a small capital market: the case of Belgium,
Geert Van Campenhout, Tom Van Caneghem and Steve Van Uytbergen, in Brussels Economic Review (2002)
Keywords: Accounting; capital markets; Market efficiency; Predictability; Trading strategy; Financial statements

Tom van Woensel and Nico Vandaele, in Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (APJOR) (2007)
Keywords: Traffic flows, queueing networks, finite and infinite buffer sizes

Process intensification routes for mineral carbonation,
Rafael M. Santos and Tom Van Gerven, in Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology (2011) Downloads

Alexander Boer and Tom Van Engers, in Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management (2013) Downloads

Reducing nitrogen applications on Irish dairy farms: effectiveness and efficiency of different strategies,
Breda Lally and Tom M. van Rensburg, in International Journal of Agricultural Management (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Trait‐based conformity in reporting of selling, general and administrative expenses,
Walter Aerts and Tom Van Caneghem, in Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (2011)
Keywords: Financial reporting, Overhead costs, United States of America

Performance drivers of German institutional property funds,
Tom van den Heuvel and Jaroslaw Morawski, in Journal of Property Investment & Finance (2014)
Keywords: Performance drivers, Panel regression, Real estate funds, Spezialfonds

Thinking Allowed: Reforming Indicator-Based Accountability to Enhance Innovation,
Wouter Van Dooren and Tom Willems, from Center for Open Science (2018) Downloads

From Planning the Port/City to Planning the Port-City. Exploring the Economic Interface in European Port Cities,
Karel Van den Berghe and Tom Daamen, from Center for Open Science (2019) Downloads

Thinking Allowed: Reforming Indicator-Based Accountability to Enhance Innovation,
Wouter Van Dooren and Tom Willems, from Center for Open Science (2016) Downloads

Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment,
Laoucine Kerbache and Tom van Woensel, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: transportation,vehicle fleet,planning,scheduling,congested traffic

Alternatieve nutstheorieën ter ondersteuning van risicovolle beslissingen. Een overzicht,
Noël Pauwels and Tom van Woensel, in Economic and Social Journal (Economisch en Sociaal Tijdschrift) (1999)
Keywords: Beslissingen onder risico, Nutstheorie

Financial Strategies of Small, Public Firms: A Comparative Analysis with Small, Private Firms and Large, Public Firms,
Howard E. Van Auken and Tom Holman, in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (1995) Downloads

Comparing regional human development using global frontier difference indices,
Tom Van Puyenbroeck and Nicky Rogge, in Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (2020)
Keywords: Composite indicator; Benefit of the doubt; Data envelopment analysis; Human development index; Inter-regional differences; Global frontier difference index;

Narrative Agency,
Tom van Laer and Davide C. Orazi, in Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (2024) Downloads

Detlef P. van Vuuren and Tom Kram, in Energy Economics (2011)
Keywords: Technology Research-and-development Integrated assessment Portfolio Uncertainty

An approach to the asymmetric multi-depot capacitated arc routing problem,
Dmitry Krushinsky and Tom van Woensel, in European Journal of Operational Research (2015)
Keywords: Arc routing; Valid inequalities; Branch-and-cut;

Geometric mean quantity index numbers with Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights,
Tom Van Puyenbroeck and Nicky Rogge, in European Journal of Operational Research (2017)
Keywords: Geometric mean index numbers; Multiplicative aggregation; Benefit-of-the-Doubt model; Composite indicator; Multi-factor decomposition;

Realizing innovation in services,
Wietze van der Aa and Tom Elfring, in Scandinavian Journal of Management (2002)
Keywords: Technological innovations Organizational innovations Supporting processes Multi-unit organization New combinations Client as co-producer

Realizing Innovations in Service Firms: new organizational forms and supporting processes,
Wietze van der Aa and Tom Elfring, from Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2001)
Keywords: client as co-producer, multi-unit organization, supporting processes, technological innovations

Calculating the concentration index when income is grouped,
Philip Clarke and Tom Van Ourti, in Journal of Health Economics (2010)
Keywords: Concentration index Errors-in-variables Instrumental variables Categorical data First-order correction

Putting the cart before the horse. A comment on Wagstaff on inequality measurement in the presence of binary variables,
Guido Erreygers and Tom Van Ourti, in Health Economics (2011) Downloads

The ‘curse of dimensionality’ resolved: The effects of climate change and trade barriers in large dimensional modelling,
Tom Kompas and Pham Van Ha, in Economic Modelling (2019)
Keywords: Climate change; Trade barriers; Large-scale intertemporal CGE models; GTAP;

The agricultural invasion and the political economy of agricultural trade policy in Belgium, 1875-1900,
Maarten van Dijck and Tom Truyts, from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (2014) Downloads

The elderly centre location problem,
Soheil Davari and Tom Van Woensel, in Journal of the Operational Research Society (2021) Downloads

Coming to Terms with Accountability,
Tom Willems and Wouter Van Dooren, in Public Management Review (2012) Downloads

(De)Politicization Dynamics in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Lessons from a comparison between UK and Flemish PPP policy,
Tom Willems and Wouter Van Dooren, in Public Management Review (2016) Downloads

Legitimate businesses and crime vulnerabilities,
Tom Vander Beken and Stijn Van Daele, in International Journal of Social Economics (2008)
Keywords: Market economy, Crimes, Risk analysis, Economic conditions

Differences in levels of accessibility: The importance of spatial scale when measuring distributions of the accessibility of health and emergency services,
Bert van Wee and Tom de Jong, in Journal of Transport Geography (2023)
Keywords: Accessibility; Equity; Spatial aggregation; MAUP;

Solving intertemporal CGE models in parallel using a singly bordered block diagonal ordering technique,
Pham Van Ha and Tom Kompas, in Economic Modelling (2016)
Keywords: Singly bordered block diagonal ordering; parallel computing; Intertemporal CGE models;

Adoption of organic farming: Are there differences between early and late adoption?,
Doris Läpple and Tom Van Rensburg, in Ecological Economics (2011)
Keywords: Organic farming Early and late adoption Multinomial logit analysis Farmer attitudes

In stories we trust: How narrative apologies provide cover for competitive vulnerability after integrity-violating blog posts,
Tom van Laer and Ko de Ruyter, in International Journal of Research in Marketing (2010)
Keywords: Attitude; Cognition; Consumer behavior; Denial; Empathy; Imagery; Market orientation; Marketing strategy; Customer relationship management and customer satisfaction; Electronic commerce and internet marketing; Information processing; Intention–behavior link; Market analysis and response; Organization behavior; Public policy; Services marketing; Transportation; Trust repair; Empirical generalizations;

Frames and counter-frames giving meaning to dementia: A framing analysis of media content,
Baldwin Van Gorp and Tom Vercruysse, in Social Science & Medicine (2012)
Keywords: Belgium; Dementia; Alzheimer’s disease; Framing; Identity; Media; Health communication; Stigma;

Tax Competition Among Belgian Municipalities: a Multidimensional Battle?,
Stefan Van Parys and Tom Verbeke, from EcoMod (2000) Downloads

Dynamic vehicle routing with random requests: A literature review,
Jian Zhang and Tom Van Woensel, in International Journal of Production Economics (2023)
Keywords: Dynamic vehicle routing; Dynamic requests; Stochastic information; Literature review;

Ideas, Interests, and Politics in the Case of Belgian Corn Law Repeal, 1834–1873,
Maarten Van Dijck and Tom Truyts, in The Journal of Economic History (2011) Downloads

The Distributional Impact of Health Financing in Europe: A Review,
Diana De Graeve and Tom Van Ourti, in The World Economy (2003) Downloads

From realism to surrealism: investing in Belgian art,
Luc Renneboog and Tom Van Houtte, in Brussels Economic Review (2000) Downloads

The Monitoring Role of the Board: one approach does not fit all,
Lutgart van Den Berghe and Tom Baelden, in Corporate Governance: An International Review (2005) Downloads

The impact of heuristics on the practice of risk management: The example of default probabilities,
Donald R. Van Deventer and Tom Zimmermann, in Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions (2014)
Keywords: heuristics, representativeness, prospect theory, risk management, default probabilities

A Simple Correction to Remove the Bias of the Gini Coefficient due to Grouping,
Tom Van Ourti and Philip Clarke, in The Review of Economics and Statistics (2011) Downloads

Measuring socioeconomic inequality in health, health care and health financing by means of rank-dependent indices: A recipe for good practice,
Guido Erreygers and Tom Van Ourti, in Journal of Health Economics (2011)
Keywords: Health inequality Socioeconomic inequality Concentration index

The temporal stability of children's neighborhood experiences: A follow-up from birth to age 15,
Tom Kleinepier and Maarten van Ham, in Demographic Research (2017)
Keywords: children, neighborhood effects, longitudinal data

To comply, or not to comply: the question is why,
Anne-Mie Reheul and Tom Van Caneghem, in European Journal of Law and Economics (2024)
Keywords: Compliance, Anti-money laundering, Regulation, Nonprofit, Capacity

Bayesian analysis of Formula One race results: disentangling driver skill and constructor advantage,
Erik-Jan van Kesteren and Bergkamp Tom, in Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports (2023)
Keywords: multilevel model, racing, ranking, sports performance

Ideas, interests, and politics in the case of Belgian corn law repeal, 1834-1873,
Maarten van Dijk and Tom Truyts, from Université catholique de Louvain, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) (2011)

50th Anniversary Invited Article—City Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities,
Martin Savelsbergh and Tom van Woensel, in Transportation Science (2016)
Keywords: city logistics, direct-to-consumer, same-day delivery, omnichannel, crowdshipping, multimodal, multiechelon

Strategy implementation through hierarchical couplings in a management control package: an explorative case study,
Berend Van der Kolk and Tom Schokker, in Journal of Management Control: Zeitschrift für Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung (2016)
Keywords: Package, Coupling, Hierarchy, Municipality, Public sector, Strategy

Learning from input-output mixes in DEA: a proportional measure for slack-based efficient projections,
Laurens Cherchye and Tom Van Puyenbroeck, in Managerial and Decision Economics (1999)

Minimally Disproportional Representation: Generalized Entropy and Stolarsky Mean-Divisor Methods of Apportionment,
Luc Lauwers and Tom Van Puyenbroeck, from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management (2008) Downloads

An empirical analysis of factors related to auditor switching after corporate takeovers,
Mathieu Luypaert and Tom Van Caneghem, from Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Economie en Management (2012)
Keywords: takeover, auditor switch, auditor choice, agency costs

Productivity and Exchange Rate Dynamics: Supporting the Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis through an ‘Errors in Variables’ Analysis,
Pham Van Ha and Tom Kompas, from International and Development Economics (2008) Downloads

Learning from Input-Output Mixes in DEA: A Proportional Measure for Slack-Based Efficient Projections,
Laurens Cherchye and Tom Van Puyenbroeck, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (1998) Downloads

Product Mixes as Objects of Choice in Nonparametric Efficiency Measurement,
Laurens Cherchye and Tom van Puyenbroeck, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (1999)
Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Non-radial efficiency measures, Product mix benchmarking

A Shadow Price Approach to Technical Efficiency Measurement,
Laurens Cherchye and Tom van Puyenbroeck, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (1999) Downloads

Minimally disproportional representation: generalized entropy and Stolarsky Mean-Divisor Methods of Apportionment,
Luc Lauwers and Tom Van Puyenbroeck, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (2008) Downloads

A re-evaluation of ideas, interests and politics in repeal: the case of Belgian corn laws, 1834 -1873,
Maarten van Dijck and Tom Truyts, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (2009) Downloads

The agricultural invasion and the political economy of agricultural trade policy in Belgium, 1875-1900,
Maarten van Dijck and Tom Truyts, from KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Economics, Leuven (2014) Downloads

Planning and Scheduling Transportation Vehicle Fleet in a Congested Traffic Environment,
Laoucine Kerbache and Tom van Woensel, from HEC Paris (2004)
Keywords: transportation; vehicle fleet; planning; scheduling; congested traffic

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