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462 documents matched the search for Ufuk Demiroglu in authors.
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Calculating a Country’s Capital Input: A Review, and Calculations for the Turkish Capital Stock,
Ufuk Demiroglu, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (2015)
Keywords: Turkish Capital stock, Capital Services Index, Potential GDP, Turkish Economy

Ufuk Demiroglu, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: offshoring, outsourcing, India, worker displacement

Large Foreign Markets and Export-Led Growth in Developing Countries: Technical Paper 2004-10,
Ufuk Demiroglu, from Congressional Budget Office (2004) Downloads

TL Deger Kaybi Karsisinda Ihracatin Karliligi,
Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2019) Downloads

Turkiye’de 2001 ve 2009 Krizlerinde Sabit Sermaye Buyumesindeki Kayiplar ve Bu Kayiplarin Potansiyel GSYH’ye Etkisi,
Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2013) Downloads

Turkiye’de Sermaye Stogu ve Sermaye Hizmetleri Endeksi,
Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2012) Downloads

The Effects of the Investment Decline on Potential GDP in Turkey’s 2001 and 2009 Crises,
Ufuk Demiroglu, in Central Bank Review (2013)
Keywords: Turkish Economy, Capital Stock in Turkey, Turkish Capital Services Index, 2001 Crisis, 2009 Crisis

Offshoring of Service Jobs,
Ufuk Demiroglu, in Central Bank Review (2008)
Keywords: Offshoring, Outsourcing, Service trade

Registered author: Ufuk Demiroglu

Using Time-Series Models to Project Output Over the Medium Term: Technical Paper 2002-1,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Matthew Salomon, from Congressional Budget Office (2002) Downloads

Factor Accumulation Without Diminishing Returns: The Case of East Asia: Technical Paper 2003-11,
Peter Debaere and Ufuk Demiroglu, from Congressional Budget Office (2003) Downloads

The Capacity Buildup over the Past Decade and the Capacity Utilization Rate in Turkey,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Cagri Sarikaya, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2013) Downloads

Estimating light-vehicle sales in Turkey,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Çağlar Yüncüler, in Central Bank Review (2016)
Keywords: Light vehicles, Light-vehicle stock, Number of registered cars, Light-vehicle scrappage, Automobile sales, Turkey, Turkish economy

Estimating Light-Vehicle Sales in Turkey,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Çağlar Yüncüler, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2016)
Keywords: Light vehicles, Light-vehicle stock, Number of registered cars, Light-vehicle scrappage, Automobile sales, Turkish economy

On the similarity of country endowments,
Peter Debaere and Ufuk Demiroglu, in Journal of International Economics (2003) Downloads

Factor Accumulation without Diminishing Returns: the Case of East Asia*,
Peter Debaere and Ufuk Demiroglu, in Review of International Economics (2006) Downloads

International Saving, Investment and Trade,
Peter Debaere and Ufuk Demiroglu, in Open Economies Review (2008)
Keywords: Investment, Savings, OECD, Capital, Heckscher-Ohlin, International capital mobility, F1, F2,

Residual-Based Bootstrap Tests for Normality in Autoregressions,
Lutz Kilian and Ufuk Demiroglu, from Michigan - Center for Research on Economic & Social Theory (1997)

Residual-Based Tests for Normality in Autoregressions: Asymptotic Theory and Simulation Evidence,
Lutz Kilian and Ufuk Demiroglu, in Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (2000)

International Saving, Investment and Trade,
P. Debaere and Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research Seminar in International Economics, University of Michigan (1997)

The lens condition for factor price equalization,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Kwan Koo Yun, in Journal of International Economics (1999) Downloads

Turkiye’de Ihracatin Ithalati Karsilama Orani,
Faruk Aydin, Yusuf Baskaya and Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2014) Downloads

An Empirical Analysis on the Export/Import Coverage Ratio in Turkey,
Faruk Aydin, Yusuf Baskaya and Ufuk Demiroglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2015)
Keywords: Turkish Economy, Coverage Ratio, Trade Elasticities, Trade Performance Measures and Indicators

Türkiye’de İhracatın İthalatı Karşılama Oranı Üzerine Ampirik Bir Analiz,
Faruk Aydin, Yusuf Baskaya and Ufuk Demiroglu, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (2015)
Keywords: Karşılama Oranı, Ticaret Esneklikleri, Dış Ticaret Performans Ölçüleri, Dış Ticaret Göstergeleri

The Lens Conditions for factor Price Equalization,
Ufuk Demiroglu and Kwan Koo Yun, from Research Seminar in International Economics, University of Michigan (1997)

Macroeconomic Analysis of a 10 Percent Cut in Income Tax Rates: Technical Paper 2004-07,
Robert Arnold, Ufuk Demiroglu, Robert Dennis and Tracy Foertsch, from Congressional Budget Office (2004) Downloads

Potential growth in Turkey: Sources and trends,
Orhun Sevinc, Ufuk Demiroglu, Emre Cakir and E. Meltem Bastan, in Central Bank Review (2022)
Keywords: Potential GDP, Output Gap, Turkish Economy

Potential Growth in Turkey: Sources and Trends,
Orhun Sevinc, Ufuk Demiroglu, Emre Cakir and E. Meltem Bastan, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2021)
Keywords: Potential growth, Labor force participation, Productivity, Capital accumulation

An analysis to detect exuberance and implosion in regional house prices in Turkey,
Evren Ceritoğlu, Seyit Cilasun, Ufuk Demiroglu and Aytul Ganioglu, in Central Bank Review (2019)
Keywords: Hedonic house prices, Price-to-rent ratio, Explosive price behavior, Right-tailed unit root tests

An Analysis to Detect Exuberance and Implosion in Regional House Prices in Turkey,
Evren Ceritoğlu, Seyit Cilasun, Ufuk Demiroglu and Aytul Ganioglu, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2019)
Keywords: Hedonic house prices, Price-to-rent ratio, Explosive price behavior, Right-tailed unit root tests

Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-through with Product-level Data,
Yusuf Emre Akgunduz, Emine Meltem Bastan, Ufuk Demiroglu and Semih Tumen, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2019)
Keywords: Exchange rate pass-through, Product-level estimates, Turkish export prices, Turkish import prices

Product‐level estimates of exchange rate pass‐through: Evidence from Turkey☆,
Yusuf Emre Akgunduz, Emine Meltem Bastan, Ufuk Demiroglu and Semih Tumen, in The World Economy (2021) Downloads

Registered author: Ozlem Demiroglu

Quantitative Analysis of Peri-Urbanization: Developing a Peri-Urban Index for Medium-Sized Cities Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process—A Case Study of Yozgat, Turkey,
Begüm Demiroğlu İzgi, in Sustainability (2024)
Keywords: peri-urbanization; urban expansion; analytical hierarchy process (AHP); sustainable urbanization; quantitative analysis

Bank loans and troubled debt restructurings,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, in Journal of Financial Economics (2015)
Keywords: Debt restructuring; Bankruptcy; Holdout problem; CLOs;

The First Analyst Coverage of Neglected Stocks,
Cem Demiroglu and Michael Ryngaert, in Financial Management (2010) Downloads

The Information Content of Bank Loan Covenants,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, in The Review of Financial Studies (2010) Downloads

How Important is Having Skin in the Game? Originator-Sponsor Affiliation and Losses on Mortgage-backed Securities,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, in The Review of Financial Studies (2012) Downloads

The use of bank lines of credit in corporate liquidity management: A review of empirical evidence,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, in Journal of Banking & Finance (2011)
Keywords: Liquidity Line of credit Cash Bank financing Credit crisis

The role of private equity group reputation in LBO financing,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, in Journal of Financial Economics (2010)
Keywords: Leveraged buyout Private equity Reputation Bank financing Market timing

The information content of bank loan covenants,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2007)
Keywords: Debt; Bank loans

Lender control and the role of private equity group reputation in buyout financing,
Cem Demiroglu and Christopher James, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2008)
Keywords: Bank loans; Leveraged buyouts

Whistleblowing of the Employee,
Ufuk Aydin, in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences (2002)
Keywords: Whistleblowing; Duty of fidelity; Dismissal; Labour dispute; English

Orgutlerde Grup Dusunusun Sessizlige Etkisi Uzerine Ampirik Bir Arastirma,
Ufuk Orhan, in Ege Academic Review (2016)
Keywords: Sessizlik, Grup Dusunus, Otomotiv Sektoru.

Bedelsiz İthalat,
Ufuk Bulut, in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (1987)

İktisatta Kadın Bakış Açısını İçerecek Bir Yaklaşım Postmodernist Olabilir Mi?,
Ufuk Serdaroğlu, in Ekonomik Yaklasim (1995) Downloads

Sabit Fiyat Geçici Genel Denge Modelleri,
Ufuk Serdaroğlu, in Ekonomik Yaklasim (1997) Downloads

Sabit Fiyat Geçici Denge Modelleri II (Makroiktisadın Mikro Temelleri),
Ufuk Serdaroğlu, in Ekonomik Yaklasim (1998) Downloads

Sabit Fiyat Geçici Denge Modelleri III (Sabit Fiyat Makroekonomik Dengeler Ve Fiyat İntibaksızlığının Kökenleri),
Ufuk Serdaroğlu, in Ekonomik Yaklasim (1998) Downloads

Feminist İktisat "Bilim"i Sorguluyor!,
Ufuk Serdaroğlu, in Ekonomik Yaklasim (2008)
Keywords: Feminist İktisat, Bilim Felsefesi, Süreç Ontolojisi

Registered author: Ufuk Özer

Ufuk Demirel, in Macroeconomic Dynamics (2014) Downloads

The neoclassical Robinson: antecedents and implications,
Ufuk Karagöz, in History of Economic Ideas (2014) Downloads

Registered author: Ufuk Karagöz

Identification of technology shocks using misspecified VARs,
Ufuk Demirel, in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique (2015) Downloads

Registered author: Ufuk Turen

Registered author: Ufuk Kaya

Macroeconomic stabilization in developing economies: Are optimal policies procyclical?,
Ufuk Demirel, in European Economic Review (2010)
Keywords: Optimal macroeconomic policies Procyclicality Stabilization

The value of monetary policy commitment under imperfect fiscal credibility,
Ufuk Demirel, in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (2012)
Keywords: Quasi-commitment; Optimal fiscal and monetary policy;

Identification of technology shocks using misspecified VARs,
Ufuk Demirel, in Canadian Journal of Economics (2015) Downloads

Gains from commitment in monetary policy: Implications of the cost channel,
Ufuk Demirel, in Journal of Macroeconomics (2013)
Keywords: Cost channel; Optimal monetary policy; Commitment; Discretion;

A Study to Determine the Impact of Perception of Promotion Practices in Banks on Organizational Commitment,
Ufuk Unlu, in Journal of BRSA Banking and Financial Markets (2019)
Keywords: Banking, Promotion, Organizational Commitment, Regression Analysis

The Short-Term Effects of Tax Changes—Evidence for State Dependence: Working Paper 2016-03,
Ufuk Demirel, from Congressional Budget Office (2016) Downloads

Labor Market Effects of Tax Changes in Times of High and Low Unemployment: Working Paper 2020-05,
Ufuk Demirel, from Congressional Budget Office (2020) Downloads

Kahramanmaras Depremleri Sonrasi Bölgesel Ihracattaki Toparlanma Egilimi,
Ufuk Can, from Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2024) Downloads

Why do some Chinese technology firms avoid ChiNext and go public in the US?,
Ufuk Güçbilmez, in International Review of Financial Analysis (2014)
Keywords: IPO; Venture capital; China;

IPO waves in China and Hong Kong,
Ufuk Güçbilmez, in International Review of Financial Analysis (2015)
Keywords: IPO cycles; Initial returns; China; Hong Kong;

The short-term effects of tax changes: The role of state dependence,
Ufuk Demirel, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2021)
Keywords: Tax Policy; Fiscal Policy; State Dependence; Labor Market Frictions; Credit Constraints;

Water, Sewage and Sanitation: Infrastructure Projects and Public Health in Izmir in the Late Ottoman Empire,
Ufuk Adak, in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies (2022) Downloads

Why do countries use temporary trade barriers?,
Ufuk Selen, in Applied Economics Letters (2020) Downloads

Innovation, Public Policy and Growth: What the Data Say,
Ufuk Akcigit, from Palgrave Macmillan (2022)
Keywords: Innovation, public policy, R&D, growth, patents, happiness, social mobility

The Transmission of Foreign Interest Rate Shocks to a Small-Open Economy: The Role of External Debt and Financial Integration,
Ufuk Demirel, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2009)
Keywords: financial integration, external debt, foreign shock transmission, Turkish economy

Optimal Monetary Policy in a Financially Fragile Economy,
Ufuk Demirel, in The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2009)
Keywords: optimal monetary policy, indirect cost channel, default risk

4-Tage-Woche – Modell für die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft?: „4-Tage-Woche“ ist nicht gleich „4-Tage-Woche“,
Altun Ufuk, in Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik (2024) Downloads

Economic Growth: The Past, the Present, and the Future,
Ufuk Akcigit, in Journal of Political Economy (2017) Downloads

The Research Agenda: Ufuk Akcigit on Innovation and Economic Growth,
Ufuk Akcigit, in EconomicDynamics Newsletter (2017) Downloads

Innovation and Trade Policy in a Globalizing World,
Ufuk Akcigit, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2017) Downloads

Absorptive Capacity Approach to Technology Transfer at Corporate Accelerators: A Systematic Literature Review,
Ufuk Gür, from Springer (2021)
Keywords: Absorptive capacity, Corporate accelerators, Technology transfer, Corporate acceleration, Startup accelerators

Firm Size, Innovation Dynamics and Growth,
Ufuk Akcigit, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2009) Downloads

Registered author: Ufuk Güçbilmez

Registered author: Ufuk Akcigit

State Foreclosure Laws and the Incidence of Mortgage Default,
Cem Demiroglu, Evan Dudley and Christopher James, in Journal of Law and Economics (2014) Downloads

Bank Lending Standards and Access to Lines of Credit,
Cem Demiroglu, Christopher James and Atay Kizilaslan, in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2012) Downloads

Why are commercial loan rates so sticky? The effect of private information on loan spreads,
Cem Demiroglu, Christopher James and Guner Velioglu, in Journal of Financial Economics (2022)
Keywords: Loan spreads; Relationship lending; Private information; Anchoring;

Managing Emerging Destinations: the Case of Azerbaijan,
O. Cenk Demiroglu and Dieter K. Müller, in Journal of Tourismology (2021)
Keywords: Emerging Destinations, Tourism Development, Destination Governance, Destination Management Organization, Azerbaijan

Do Market Prices Improve the Accuracy of Court Valuations in Chapter 11?,
Cem Demiroglu, Julian Franks and Ryan Lewis, in Journal of Finance (2022) Downloads

The Relevance of Credit Ratings in Transparent Bond Markets,
Dominique C Badoer and Cem Demiroglu, in The Review of Financial Studies (2019) Downloads

Bank Lending Standards and Access to Lines of Credit,
Cem Demiroglu, Christopher James and Atay Kizilaslan, in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2012) Downloads

Disentangling human trafficking types and the identification of pathways to forced labor and sex: an explainable analytics approach,
Enes Eryarsoy, Kazim Topuz and Cenk Demiroglu, in Annals of Operations Research (2024)
Keywords: Human trafficking, Forced sex, Forced labor, Machine learning, Bayesian belief networks, Analytics

The Gender Economics: The Debate Over Gender Inequality and “Human” Poverty During The 1990s,
M. Ufuk Turan, in Ege Academic Review (2003) Downloads

Bazaaris’ Interests on The Iranian Economy: A Coalition With Ulama,
Mehmet Ufuk Tutan, in Ege Academic Review (2008)
Keywords: Bazaar, Bazaaris, Coalition, Iran, Protest, Ulama

The Political Economy Of Human Development: A Comparative Study Between The Twelve Members Of The European Union And Turkey,
Mehmet Ufuk Tutan, in Ege Academic Review (2009) Downloads

Kapitalist Üretim Sisteminde Üretim ile Tüketim Dengesizligine Tarihsel Ve Teorik Yaklasimlar,
Mehmet Ufuk Tutan, in Ege Academic Review (2010)
Keywords: Kapitalizm, Kriz, Tüketim, Üretim, Yatirim

Keywords: Attitude Tax Amnesty Factor Analysis Turkey

The positive contributions of moral values in educational activities: a case of Madrasa school in Albania,
Fatih Ufuk Ba?c?, from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (2014)
Keywords: Madrasa Education, Universal Values, Moral Values, Curricula

International financial reporting and analysis, fourth edition, David Alexander, Anne Britton and Ann Jorissen, Cengage Learning, Andover, UK (2009), xxii + 894 pages, £45.99, ISBN 978-1-4080-1792-0,
Ismail Ufuk Misirlioglu, in The International Journal of Accounting (2010) Downloads

Registered author: Cenk Ufuk YILDIRAN

Monotonicity of additive indices of revealed comparative advantage,
Ufuk Gunes Bebek, in Economics Bulletin (2011)
Keywords: Revealed comparative advantage, monotonicity

Consistency of the proposed additive measures of revealed comparative advantage,
Ufuk Gunes Bebek, in Economics Bulletin (2011)
Keywords: Revealed comparative advantage

Introduction to the Special Section,
Mehmet Ufuk Çag̃layan, in European Review (2017) Downloads

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