Review of Richard E. Caves, Creative Industries: Contracts between Art and Commerce,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Political Economy
Alan Peacock and Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
in Economic Journal
Copyright and Economic Incentives: An Application to Performers’ Rights in the Music Industry,
Ruth Towse,
in Kyklos
Partly for the Money: Rewards and Incentives to Artists,
Ruth Towse,
in Kyklos
Creativity, Copyright and the Creative Industries Paradigm,
Ruth Towse,
in Kyklos
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Economic Surveys
If it ain't broke, don't price fix it: the OFT and the PPRS,
Adrian Towse,
in Health Economics
The Political Economy of Healthcare. By David Resisman. MacMillan Press, London, 1993. No. of pages: 267. ISBN: 0‐333‐58579‐8,
Adrian Towse,
in Health Economics
The Cultural Economy of Heritage,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy
Copyright policy, cultural policy and support for artists,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Law - Academic,
Why has cultural economics ignored copyright?,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Keywords: Cultural economics, Copyright, Cultural policy, Z11, K11, O34, O38,
Comments on David Throsby’s paper,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Niva Elkin-Koren and Neil Weinstock Netanel (eds.): 2002, The Commodification of Information, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, ISBN 9-041-19876-8,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
The Monopolies and Mergers Commission's Investigation of the U.K. Music Market,
R. Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Farewell Editorial,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Bernard Casey, Rachael Dunlop and Sara Selwood. Culture as Commodity? The Economics of the Arts and Built Heritage in the U.K,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Economics of music publishing: copyright and the market,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Keywords: Copyright, Business model, Music publishing, Creative industries
Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake: Capitalism without capital: the rise of the intangible economy,
Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
The quest for evidence on the economic effects of copyright law,
Ruth Towse,
in Cambridge Journal of Economics
The Singer or the Song? Developments in Performers' Rights from the Perspective of a Cultural Economist,
Towse Ruth,
in Review of Law & Economics
Human Capital and Artists' Labour Markets,
Ruth Towse,
from Elsevier
Copyright in the Cultural Industries,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
A Handbook of Cultural Economics, Second Edition,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Creativity, Incentive and Reward,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
A Handbook of Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Baumol’s Cost Disease,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Recent Developments in Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Advanced Introduction to Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Producing pearls of wisdom: a memoir of Mark Blaug's work practice,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Cultural industries,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Teaching cultural economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
Contracts for creators and performers in the creative industries,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
Creators and performers earnings from copyright,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
BBC3 goes digital,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
The Market for Biosimilars: Evolution and Policy Options,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: The Market for Biosimilars: Evolution and Policy Options
Three Challenges to Achieving Better Analysis for Better Decisions: Generalisability, Complexity and Thresholds,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Three Challenges to Achieving Better Analysis for Better Decisions: Generalisability, Complexity and Thresholds
From Efficacy to Cost-Effectiveness,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: From Efficacy to Cost-Effectiveness
Incentives for New Drugs to Tackle Anti-Microbial Resistance,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Incentives for New Drugs to Tackle Anti-Microbial Resistance
The R&D Cost of a New Medicine,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: The R&D Cost of a New Medicine
New Drugs to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: Analysis of EU Policy Options,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: New Drugs to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: Analysis of EU Policy Options
Biosimilars: How Much Entry and Price Competition Will Result?,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Biosimilars: How Much Entry and Price Competition Will Result?
Financing Health Care in the UK: A Discussion of NERA’s Prototype Model to Replace the NHS,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Financing Health Care in the UK: A Discussion of NERA’s Prototype Model to Replace the NHS
Industrial Policy and the Pharmaceutical Industry,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Industrial Policy and the Pharmaceutical Industry
Value of the Pharmaceutical Industry to the UK Economy,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Value of the Pharmaceutical Industry to the UK Economy
Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals: Can the UK learn from Australia and Canada?,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals: Can the UK learn from Australia and Canada?
Public Private Partnerships for Research and Development: Medicines and Vaccines for Diseases of Poverty,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Public Private Partnerships for Research and Development: Medicines and Vaccines for Diseases of Poverty
How Should the World Pay for a COVID-19 Vaccine?,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: How Should the World Pay for a COVID-19 Vaccine?
The Use of Pay-for-Performance for Drugs: Can It Improve Incentives for Innovation?,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: The Use of Pay-for-Performance for Drugs: Can It Improve Incentives for Innovation?
New Drugs to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: EU Policy Options,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: New Drugs to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: EU Policy Options
Comparative and Relative Effectiveness: A Challenge For Health Systems, Regulators, or Pharmaceutical Companies?,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Comparative and Relative Effectiveness: A Challenge For Health Systems, Regulators, or Pharmaceutical Companies?
Multi-indication Pricing: Pros, Cons and Applicability to the UK,
Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Multi-indication Pricing: Pros, Cons and Applicability to the UK
The Economics of the Artist's Labour Markets,
R. Towse,
from University of Exeter, Department of Economics
A Textbook of Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Cambridge University Press
A Textbook of Cultural Economics,
Ruth Towse,
from Cambridge University Press
Creative Industries,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Opera and Ballet,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Performing Arts,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Economics of performers’ rights,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Law - Academic,
Performing arts,
Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology, Law - Academic,
Registered author: Adrian Towse
Regulating Prices Paid by the NHS for Medicines Supplied by the UK-Based Pharmaceutical Industry,
Martin Cave;Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Regulating Prices Paid by the NHS for Medicines Supplied by the UK-Based Pharmaceutical Industry
Antimicrobials Resistance: A Call for Multi-disciplinary Action. How Can HTA Help?,
Margherita Neri;Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Antimicrobials Resistance: A Call for Multi-disciplinary Action. How Can HTA Help?
Exploring the Assessment and Appraisal of Regenerative Medicines and Cell Therapy Products: Is the NICE Approach Fit for Purpose?,
Grace Hampson;Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Exploring the Assessment and Appraisal of Regenerative Medicines and Cell Therapy Products: Is the NICE Approach Fit for Purpose?
Appraising Ultra-Orphan Drugs: Is Cost-Per-QALY Appropriate? A Review of the Evidence,
Adrian Towse;Martina Garau,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Appraising Ultra-Orphan Drugs: Is Cost-Per-QALY Appropriate? A Review of the Evidence
Legal Barriers to the Better Use of Health Data to Deliver Pharmaceutical Innovation,
Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Legal Barriers to the Better Use of Health Data to Deliver Pharmaceutical Innovation
Proposal for a General Outcome-based Value Attribution Framework for Combination Therapies,
Adrian Towse;Lotte Steuten,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Proposal for a General Outcome-based Value Attribution Framework for Combination Therapies
Supply-Side Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds: Questions for Evidence-Based Policy,
Christopher Sampson, Bernarda Zamora, Sam Watson, John Cairns, Kalipso Chalkidou, Patricia Cubi-Molla, Nancy Devlin, Borja García-Lorenzo, Dyfrig A. Hughes, Ashley A. Leech and Adrian Towse,
in Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
Researching song titles, product cycles and copyright in published music: problems, results and data sources,
Ruth Towse and Hyojung Sun,
from Association for Cultural Economics International
Keywords: Song titles, product cycles, copyright
The Current State of the British Economics Profession,
Ruth Towse and Mark Blaug,
in Economic Journal
Incentives for R&D for New Antimicrobial Drugs,
Adrian Towse and Priya Sharma,
in International Journal of the Economics of Business
Keywords: Antimicrobial Resistance, Incentives, Research and Development, Antibacterials, Net Present Value and Europe,
Medical negligence and the NHS: an economic analysis,
Adrian Towse and Patricia Danzon,
in Health Economics
In memoriam Alan Peacock: a pioneer in cultural economics,
Ilde Rizzo and Ruth Towse,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Copyright protection standards and authors' time allocation,
Richard Watt and Ruth Towse,
in Industrial and Corporate Change
Genetic screening, health care and the insurance industry,
Diego Ossa and Adrian Towse,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Genetic screening, Health care sector, Insurance, Europe, Models, economic,
Is it time to reconsider the role of patient co-payments for pharmaceuticals in Europe?,
Michael Drummond and Adrian Towse,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Orphan drugs policies: a suitable case for treatment,
Michael Drummond and Adrian Towse,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Rare diseases, Cost-effectiveness analysis, Drug reimbursement, Health technology assessment,
Is rate of return pricing a useful approach when value-based pricing is not appropriate?,
Michael Drummond and Adrian Towse,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
An Ambitious USG Advanced Commitment for Subscription-Based Purchasing of Novel Antimicrobials and Its Expected Return on Investment,
Adrian Towse and Rachel Bonnifield,
from Center for Global Development
Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy,
Ruth Towse and Christian Handke,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology, Law - Academic,
The Economics of Intellectual Property,
Ruth Towse and Rudi Holzhauer,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
The Economics of Heritage,
Ilde Rizzo and Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy
Recent Trends in the Economics of Copyright,
Ruth Towse and Richard Watt,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
The Ideas and Influence of Alan Williams: Be Reasonable – Do It My Way,
Anne R. Mason;Adrian Towse,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: The Ideas and Influence of Alan Williams: Be Reasonable – Do It My Way
Cultural Entrepreneurship,
Mark Blaug and Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
The Artful Economist,
Ilde Rizzo and Ruth Towse,
from Springer
Health Opportunity Costs and Expert Elicitation: A Comment on Soares et al,
Christopher Sampson, Isobel Firth and Adrian Towse,
in Medical Decision Making
Is disease management relevant in Europe: some evidence from the United Kingdom,
Anne Mason, Michael Drummond and Adrian Towse,
in Health Policy
Fostering incentives for research, development, and delivery of interventions for neglected tropical diseases: lessons from malaria,
Mikel Berdud, Adrian Towse and Hannah Kettler,
in Oxford Review of Economic Policy
The desirability and feasibility of economic studies of drugs post-launch,
Michael Drummond, Anne Mason and Adrian Towse,
in The European Journal of Health Economics
Operationalizing Value-Based Pricing of Medicines,
Jon Sussex, Adrian Towse and Nancy Devlin,
in PharmacoEconomics
Teaching Cultural Economics,
Trine Bille, Anna Mignosa and Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
Handbook of Cultural Economics, Third Edition,
Ruth Towse and Trilce Navarrete Hernández,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Cultural economics and the Internet,
Christian Handke, Paul Stepan and Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Innovations and Technology,
Trine Bille, Anna Mignosa and Ruth Towse,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Teaching Methods,
Multi-Indication Pricing (MIP): Practical Solutions and Steps to Move Forward,
Margherita Neri;Adrian Towse;Martina Garau,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Multi-Indication Pricing (MIP): Practical Solutions and Steps to Move Forward
Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?,
Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Bernarda Zamora,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?
Documento de debate sobre la fijación de precios en función de la indicación (IBP) ¿Deben variar los precios de los medicamentos según la indicación?,
Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Bernarda Zamora,
from Office of Health Economics
Keywords: Documento de debate sobre la fijación de precios en función de la indicación (IBP) ¿Deben variar los precios de los medicamentos según la indicación?