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74432 documents matched the search for Thomas W.L. Norman in authors.
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Pigouvian algorithmic platform design,
Thomas W.L. Norman, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2023)
Keywords: Algorithms; Reinforcement learning; Collusion; Platform design; replicator dynamics; Pigouvian taxation;

Land Settlement in Dutch New Guinea,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

Agricultural Co‐operatives in Japan,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

A Program for Land Reform in India,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

Stalin's Perversion of Land Reform,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

Lumber Production Incentives in North korea,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

The Land Shortage in the Netherlands,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1950) Downloads

The Rush Toward “Privatization”,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

An Outstanding Research Guide,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

Collaborative Research in the Social Sciences,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

The Factors that Create a Slum,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

A New Text on Mathematical Graduation,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

The Transition to a Water‐efficient Society,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

The Property Tax—A Pervasive Influence,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1986) Downloads

Non profit Enterprise in the U.S. Economy,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Further Proof of Discrimination,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

An Important Resource for Study of Youth Problems,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Changes at Journal of Forecasting,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Statistics: Weapon Against Discrimination,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Fighting Cyclical and Long Term Economic Decline,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

The Land Question in Ex‐Colonial Kenya,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

A Short‐sighted Geosphere‐Biosphere Program,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Trespassers on the People's Land,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Add in the Earth's Atmosphere,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Is Population Decline Fearsome?,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

The Influence of Exchange Rates on Trade,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

America's Distinguished Journals,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

What Really Causes Mass Unemployment,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

A Dynamic Model of the U.S. Economy,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

How Women Fare in the World Economy,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Focus on Human Suffering,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1987) Downloads

Two New Guides to Available Statistical Series,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

The Modern Corporation—Not Perfect, Just Better,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

An Advance for Feminism on the Campus,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

A ‘Golden key’ to Urban Renewal and City Growth,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

The Influence of Exchange Rates on Trade,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

Group Carries on Schumpeter's Work,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

A Challenge: Rediscocvering Classics,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

An Influence on Wage Dynamics,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

Information About the Informal Economy,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

Ethical Neutrality and the Distribution of Income,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1988) Downloads

Pluses and Minuses of Tradition,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1989) Downloads

Redistribution—of Other People's Land,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1989) Downloads

Why Decent Americans Hang Their Heads in Shame,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1989) Downloads

The Bribery of Politicians and Legislators,
W.L., in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (1989) Downloads

Do Left-Wing Parties Belong in Our System?,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1948) Downloads

National Interests and World Peace,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1952) Downloads

American Government and History,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1962) Downloads

A Socialist Looks at the Constitution,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1936) Downloads

How to Fight for Democracy,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1941) Downloads

Arming Against Russia,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1945) Downloads

Armaments and Peace,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1929) Downloads

The Basis of International Cooperation,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1930) Downloads

America's Contribution to an Enduring Peace,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1940) Downloads

AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND HISTORY H. WAYNE MORGAN. Eugene V. Debs: Socialist for President. Pp. x, 257. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1962. $5.50,
Norman Thomas, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1963) Downloads

Thomas Norman, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2009)
Keywords: Evolution, noise, skew-symmetry, simultaneous revisions, C73

Market selection with an endogenous state,
Thomas Norman, in Journal of Mathematical Economics (2020)
Keywords: Market selection; Replicator dynamics; Heterogeneous consumers; Taylor rule; Zero lower bound; Liquidity trap;

Dynamically stable sets in infinite strategy spaces,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2008) Downloads

The evolution of monetary equilibrium,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2020)
Keywords: Money; Hahn problem; Preference evolution; Evolutionary stability; Money in the utility function;

The possibility of Bayesian learning in repeated games,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2022)
Keywords: Repeated games; Nash equilibrium; Bayesian learning; Rational learning; Consistency;

Learning, hypothesis testing, and rational-expectations equilibrium,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2015)
Keywords: Rational-expectations equilibrium; Learning; Hypothesis testing;

Sequential Rationality in Continuous No-Limit Poker,
Thomas Norman, in Games (2014)
Keywords: poker; mixed strategies; sequential rationality

Ergodic Inequality,
Thomas Norman, in Games (2016)
Keywords: inequality; ergodicity; libertarianism

Cycles versus equilibrium in evolutionary games,
Thomas Norman, in Theory and Decision (2010)
Keywords: Evolution, Switching costs, Mixed-strategy equilibrium, Cycles, Stochastic stability,

Rapid evolution under inertia,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2009)
Keywords: Evolution Mutations Long-run equilibrium Waiting times Inertia Switching costs

Equilibrium selection and the dynamic evolution of preferences,
Thomas Norman, in Games and Economic Behavior (2012)
Keywords: Evolution; Preferences; Equilibrium selection;

Inefficient stage Nash is not stable,
Thomas Norman, in Journal of Economic Theory (2018)
Keywords: Repeated games; Strategic stability; Evolutionary stability;

Evolutionary stability in the generalized second-price auction,
Thomas Norman, in Economic Theory (2021)
Keywords: Online advertising, Internet auctions, Position auctions, Evolutionarily stable strategy, Locally envy-free equilibrium, Symmetric Nash equilibrium, Vickrey–Clarke–Groves outcome, Spite

Almost-Rational Learning of Nash Equilibrium without Absolute Continuity,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Repeated games, Nash equilibrium, Rational learning, Bayesian learning, Absolute continuity

Bluffing as a Mixed Strategy,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Poker, Game theory, Mixed strategies, Perfect Bayesian equilibrium, Sequential equilibrium

Learning Within Rational-Expectations Equilibrium,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2012)
Keywords: Rational-expectations equilibrium, Learning, Hypothesis testing

Rapid Evolution under Inertia,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2007)
Keywords: Evolution, Mutations, Long-run Equilibrium, Waiting Times, Inertia, Switching Costs

Learning to Forgive,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Repeated Games, Folk Theorem, Learning, Hypothesis Testing, Equilibrium Selection

Dynamically Stable Sets in Infinite Strategy Spaces,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Replicator dynamics, Evolutionary stability, Continouus strategy spaces, Stable sets

Dynamically Stable Preferences,
Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2004)
Keywords: Evolution, Preferences, Global Games, Replicator Dynamics, Continuous Strategy Space, Evolutionary Stability

The Evolution of Coordination under Inertia,
Thomas Norman, from Economics Group, Nuffield College, University of Oxford (2003) Downloads

The Evolution of Conflict under Inertia,
Thomas Norman, from Economics Group, Nuffield College, University of Oxford (2003) Downloads

Step-by-Step Evolution with State-Dependent Mutations,
Thomas Norman, from Economics Group, Nuffield College, University of Oxford Downloads

Handbook of Political Science, Volume 5: Governmental Institutions and Processes. Edited by Fred I. Greenstein and Nelson W. Polsby. (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1975. Pp. xx + 459. $15.95.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1977) Downloads

The Politics of Organizational Decision-Making. By Andrew M. Pettigrew. (London: Tavistock, 1973. Pp. 302. $13.50.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1977) Downloads

Politics and the Professors: The Great Society in Perspective. By Henry J. Aaron. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1978. Pp. 185. $9.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1979) Downloads

The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, 2nd ed. By Theodore J. Lowi. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1979. Pp. xvii + 331. $ 15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1980) Downloads

Politics and the Oval Office: Toward Presidential Governance. Edited by Arnold J. Meltsner. (San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1981. Pp. xi + 332. $18.75, cloth; $7.95, paper.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1981) Downloads

White House Operations: The Johnson Presidency. By Emmette S. Redford and Richard T. McCulley (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. xii, 274p. $30.00),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1987) Downloads

The Rhetorical Presidency. By Jeffrey K. Tulis. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987. 209p. $19.95,
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1989) Downloads

The Symbolic Presidency: How Presidents Portray Themselves. By Barbara Hinckley. New York: Routledge, 1990. 193p. $35.00,
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1991) Downloads

The Clinton Presidency: First Appraisals. Edited by Colin Campbell and Bert A. Rockman. Chatham, NJ: Chatham House, 1996. 408p. $32.00 cloth, $22.95 paper,
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1996) Downloads

Student Politics in America: A Historical Analysis. By Philip G. Altbach. (New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1974. Pp. 249. $6.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.),
Norman C. Thomas, in American Political Science Review (1977) Downloads

Registered author: Thomas W. L. Norman

Choice Shift: Insurance Buying Decisions,
Mark L. Power, W.L. Dellva and Thomas L. Heflin, in Journal of Insurance Issues (1985) Downloads

Design considerations for appropriate wind energy systems in developing countries,
C.V. Nayar, F.P. Thomas, S.J. Phillips and W.L. James, in Renewable Energy (1991) Downloads

Learning curves and production functions: An integration,
Thomas Gulledge and Norman Womer, in Engineering Costs and Production Economics (1990) Downloads

A dynamic cost function for an airframe production program,
Norman Womer and Thomas Gulledge, in Engineering Costs and Production Economics (1983) Downloads

Co-movement of Australian State Business Cycles,
David Norman and Thomas Walker, from Reserve Bank of Australia (2004)
Keywords: business cycles; concordance; unobserved components

Co-movement of Australian State Business Cycles,
Thomas Walker and David Norman, from Econometric Society (2004)
Keywords: business cycles, concordance, unobserved components

Learning to Live with and without Animals,
Thomas Greaves and Norman Dandy, in Environmental Values (2022) Downloads

David Norman and Thomas Walker, in Australian Economic Papers (2007) Downloads

An interactive preference ordering model and its monte carlo evaluation,
Thomas Reynolds and Norman Cliff, in Psychometrika (1984) Downloads

Ergodic Equilibria in Stochastic Sequential Games,
Jeremy Large and Thomas Norman, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2008)
Keywords: Stochastic Games, Sequential Games, Ergodicity, Market Games

Population Games with Vector Payoff and Approachability,
Dario Bauso and Thomas Norman, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Mixed Strategy, Repeated Game, Vector Payoff, Coalitional Game, Markovian Strategy

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