4352 documents matched the search for Sven Wunder in authors.
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Tropical forests: Regional paths of destruction and regeneration in the late 20th century, Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Ecotourism and economic incentives -- an empirical approach, Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Revisiting the concept of payments for environmental services, Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Incentives; Conservation; Natural resource management; Definition; Max Weber;
Macroeconomic Change, Competitiveness and Timber Production: A Five-Country Comparison, Sven Wunder,
in World Development
La enfermedad holandesa y el caso colombiano, Sven Wunder,
in Coyuntura Económica
Keywords: Informes de Investigación, Enfermedad Holandesa, Modelos Econométricos, Bonanza Cafetera, Política Económica, Precios, Tipo de Cambio, Colombia
Payments for environmental services and the poor: concepts and preliminary evidence, Sven Wunder,
in Environment and Development Economics
Inequality and Development - A Regression Analysis of the Cross-Country Pattern, Sven Wunder,
from University of Copenhagen. Department of Economics
Poverty Alleviation and Tropical Forests--What Scope for Synergies?, Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Registered author: Sven Wunder
Value Determinants of Plant Extractivism in Brazil, Sven Wunder,
from Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada - IPEA
Decentralized payments for environmental services: The cases of Pimampiro and PROFAFOR in Ecuador, Sven Wunder and Montserrat Albán,
in Ecological Economics
Designing payments for environmental services in theory and practice: An overview of the issues, Stefanie Engel, Stefano Pagiola and Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Spatial targeting of payments for environmental services: A tool for boosting conservation benefits, Tobias Wünscher, Stefanie Engel and Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Taking stock: A comparative analysis of payments for environmental services programs in developed and developing countries, Sven Wunder, Stefanie Engel and Stefano Pagiola,
in Ecological Economics
Forests, Livelihoods, and Conservation: Broadening the Empirical Base, Sven Wunder, Arild Angelsen and Brian Belcher,
in World Development
Keywords: environmental income; smallholders; wildlands; poverty;
Why do payments for watershed services emerge? A cross-country analysis of adoption contexts, Matthias Bösch, Peter Elsasser and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Keywords: Payments for environmental services; Tropical countries; Logistic regression; Ecosystems;
Show Me the Money: Do Payments Supply Environmental Services in Developing Countries?, Subhrendu Pattanayak, Sven Wunder and Paul Ferraro,
in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Oil, Macroeconomics, and Forests: Assessing the Linkages, Sven Wunder and William D. Sunderlin,
in The World Bank Research Observer
Practical Alternatives to Estimate Opportunity Costs of Forest Conservation, Tobias Wunscher, Stefanie Engel and Sven Wunder,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Opportunity Costs as a Determinant of Participation in Payments for Ecosystem Service Schemes, Tobias Wunscher, Stefanie Engel and Sven Wunder,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Mixing Carrots and Sticks to Conserve Forests in the Brazilian Amazon: A Spatial Probabilistic Modeling Approach, Jan Börner, Eduardo Marinho and Sven Wunder,
Climate, crops, and forests: a pan-tropical analysis of household income generation, Sven Wunder, Frederik Noack and Arild Angelsen,
in Environment and Development Economics
The influence of mineral exports on the variability of tropical deforestation, William D. Sunderlin and Sven Wunder,
in Environment and Development Economics
Pagos por carbono en America Latina: de la experiencia de proyectos piloto a la implementatcion a gran escala, Jan Börner, Sven Wunder and Angel Armas,
in Revista Espanola de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, International Relations/Trade
Selling two environmental services: In-kind payments for bird habitat and watershed protection in Los Negros, Bolivia, Nigel M. Asquith, Maria Teresa Vargas and Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Why were upscaled incentive programs for forest conservation adopted? Comparing policy choices in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru, Hugo Rosa da Conceição, Jan Börner and Sven Wunder,
in Ecosystem Services
Keywords: Political economy; Governance; Forest conservation; Public policies; Equity;
What scope for certifying forest ecosystem services?, Erik Meijaard, Sven Wunder, Manuel R. Guariguata and Douglas Sheil,
in Ecosystem Services
Keywords: Carbon; Co-benefits; Monitoring; Payment for environmental services; Trade off;
Impacts of conservation incentives in protected areas: The case of Bolsa Floresta, Brazil, Elías Cisneros, Jan Börner, Stefano Pagiola and Sven Wunder,
in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Keywords: Deforestation; Protected areas; Payments for environmental services (PES); Spatial matching; Amazonas; Brazil;
Incentive-based conservation in Peru: Assessing the state of six ongoing PES and REDD+ initiatives, Javier Montoya-Zumaeta, Sven Wunder and Luca Tacconi,
in Land Use Policy
Keywords: Payment for environmental services; Environmental policy; Deforestation; Hydrological services; Climate services;
What matters most in determining European farmers’ participation in agri-environmental measures? A systematic review of the quantitative literature, Carolin Canessa, Amer Ait-Sidhoum, Sven Wunder and Johannes Sauer,
in Land Use Policy
Keywords: Agri-environmental schemes; Participation; Systematic review; Decision-making; Europe;
How can market mechanisms for forest environmental services help the poor? Preliminary lessons from Latin America, Maryanne Grieg-Gran, Ina Porras and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Safety Nets, Gap Filling and Forests: A Global-Comparative Perspective, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner, Gerald Shively and Miriam Wyman,
in World Development
Keywords: livelihoods; risk; shocks; coping strategies; income; diversification;
The Effectiveness of Forest Conservation Policies and Programs, Jan Börner, Dario Schulz, Sven Wunder and Alexander Pfaff,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
How do rural households respond to economic shocks? Insights from hierarchical analysis using global data, Jan Börner, Gerald Shively, Sven Wunder and Miriam Wyman,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Farm Management, Risk and Uncertainty
Adding rewards to regulation: The impacts of watershed conservation on land cover and household wellbeing in Moyobamba, Peru, Javier Montoya-Zumaeta, Eduardo Rojas and Sven Wunder,
How Do Rural Households Cope with Economic Shocks? Insights from Global Data using Hierarchical Analysis, Jan Börner, Gerald Shively, Sven Wunder and Miriam Wyman,
in Journal of Agricultural Economics
Do Environmental Services Buyers Prefer Differentiated Rates? A Case Study from the Colombian Andes, Rocio Moreno-Sanchez, Jorge Maldonado and Sven Wunder,
from Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE
Keywords: PES, WTP, environmental services, Colombia, watershed protection.
Responses to weather and climate: a cross-section analysis of rural incomes, Frederik Noack, Sven Wunder, Arild Angelsen and Jan Börner,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases,Rural Poverty Reduction,Climate Change and Environment,Climate Change Economics,Environmental Economics&Policies
Ecosystem service tradeoffs and ecological-economic production possibilities frontier: A case study in Costa Rica, Améline Vallet, Bruno Locatelli, Harold Levrel and Sven Wunder,
from HAL
Keywords: Ecosystem Services mapping,Tradeoff,Modeling,Production possibilities frontier
Direct conservation payments in the Brazilian Amazon: Scope and equity implications, Jan Börner, Sven Wunder, Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff, Marcos Rügnitz Tito, Ligia Pereira and Nathalia Nascimento,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Payments for environmental services Opportunity costs Land tenure REDD
Heterogeneous users and willingness to pay in an ongoing payment for watershed protection initiative in the Colombian Andes, Rocio Moreno-Sanchez, Jorge Maldonado, Sven Wunder and Carlos Borda-Almanza,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Payment for environmental services; Willingness to pay; Environmental services; Hydrological services; Colombia; Watershed protection; Heterogeneous consumers;
Relationships Between Ecosystem Services: Comparing Methods for Assessing Tradeoffs and Synergies, Améline Vallet, Bruno Locatelli, Harold Levrel, Sven Wunder, Ralf Seppelt, Robert J. Scholes and Johan Oszwald,
in Ecological Economics
Biodiversity offsets and payments for environmental services: Clarifying the family ties, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Fabien Quétier, Coralie Calvet, Harold Levrel and Sven Wunder,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Ecosystems; Biodiversity offsets; Payment for environmental services; Conservation policies; Economic incentives;
Permanence of avoided deforestation in a Transamazon REDD+ project (Pará, Brazil), Cauê D. Carrilho, Gabriela Demarchi, Amy E. Duchelle, Sven Wunder and Carla Morsello,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Conservation incentives; Emission reductions; Additionality; Climate change mitigation; Impact assessment;
Measuring forest and wild product contributions to household welfare: Testing a scalable household survey instrument in Indonesia, Riyong Kim Bakkegaard, Nicholas J. Hogarth, Indah Waty Bong, Aske S. Bosselmann and Sven Wunder,
in Forest Policy and Economics
Keywords: Socioeconomic survey; Methodology; Forest-based livelihoods; Household income; West Kalimantan;
Quantifying the economic contribution of wild food harvests to rural livelihoods: A global-comparative analysis, Gordon M. Hickey, Mariève Pouliot, Carsten Smith-Hall, Sven Wunder and Martin R. Nielsen,
in Food Policy
Keywords: Environmental income; Household income surveys; Food security; Forests; Integrative policy;
Comparing tools to predict REDD+ conservation costs to Amazon smallholders, Riyong Kim-Bakkegaard, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Sven Wunder and Bo Thorsen,
in Resource and Energy Economics
Livelihoods, forests, and conservation in developing countries: An Overview, William D. Sunderlin, Arild Angelsen, Brian Belcher, Paul Burgers, Robert Nasi, Levania Santoso and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Smallholder Specialization Strategies along the Forest Transition Curve in Southwestern Amazonia, Amy E. Duchelle, Angélica M. Almeyda Zambrano, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner and Karen A. Kainer,
in World Development
Keywords: Brazil; Bolivia; NTFPs; protected areas; livelihoods; deforestation;
European Agri-environmental Policy: Evolution, Effectiveness, and Challenges, Berit Hasler, Mette Termansen, Helle Ørsted Nielsen, Carsten Daugbjerg, Sven Wunder and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann,
in Review of Environmental Economics and Policy
Payments for Environmental Services: Past Performance and Pending Potentials, Sven Wunder, Jan Börner, Driss Ezzine- de-Blas, Sarah Feder and Stefano Pagiola,
in Annual Review of Resource Economics
Land use spillovers of bioeconomy-driven trade shocks under imperfect environmental law enforcement, J. Borner, M. Bruckner, R. Flach, B. Soares-Filho and Sven Wunder,
from International Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Global Patterns in the Implementation of Payments for Environmental Services, Driss Ezzine- de-Blas, Sven Wunder, Manuel Ruiz-Pérez and Rocio del Pilar Moreno-Sanchez,
Household participation in a Payments for Environmental Services programme: the Nhambita Forest Carbon Project (Mozambique), Ravi Hegde, Gary Q. Bull, Sven Wunder and Robert A. Kozak,
in Environment and Development Economics
'Forests and carbon: The impacts of local REDD+ initiatives, Gabriela Simonet, Amy Duchelle, Astrid B. Bos, Julie Subervie, Sven Wunder and Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo,
from HAL
Biodiversity offsets and payments for environmental services: Clarifying the family ties, Anne-Charlotte Vaissière, Fabien Quetier, Coralie Calvet, Harold Levrel and Sven Wunder,
from HAL
Keywords: Payment for environmental services,Conservation policies,Economic incentives,Ecosystems,Biodiversity offsets
What is REDD+ achieving on the ground?, Amy E. Duchelle, Gabriela Simonet, William D. Sunderlin and Sven Wunder,
from HAL
Permanence of avoided deforestation in a Transamazon REDD+ project (Pará, Brazil), Cauê Carrilho, Gabriela Demarchi, Amy Duchelle, Sven Wunder and Carla Morsello,
from HAL
Keywords: Conservation incentives,Emission reductions,Additionality,Climate change mitigation,Impact assessment
Permanence of avoided deforestation in a Transamazon REDD+ initiative (Pará, Brazil), Cauê Carrilho, Gabriela Demarchi, Amy Duchelle, Sven Wunder and Carla Morsello,
from HAL
Keywords: conservation incentives,emission reductions,additionality,climate change mitigation,impact assessment.
Permanence of avoided deforestation in a Transamazon REDD+ initiative (Pará, Brazil), Cauê Carrilho, Gabriela Demarchi, Amy Duchelle, Sven Wunder and Carla Morsello,
from CEE-M, Universtiy of Montpellier, CNRS, INRA, Montpellier SupAgro
Keywords: conservation incentives,emission reductions,additionality,climate change mitigation,impact assessment.
Do Environmental Services Buyers Prefer Differentiated Rates? A Case Study from the Colombian Andes, Rocio Moreno-Sanchez, Jorge Maldonado, Sven Wunder and Carlos Andres Borda,
from Universidad de Los Andes, Economics Department
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Forest Clearing in Rural Livelihoods: Household-Level Global-Comparative Evidence, Ronnie Babigumira, Arild Angelsen, Maarten Buis, Simone Bauch, Terry Sunderland and Sven Wunder,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: land-use change, deforestation, poverty, smallholder farmers
Forest Clearing in Rural Livelihoods: Household-Level Global-Comparative Evidence, Ronnie Babigumira, Arild Angelsen, Maarten Buis, Simone Bauch, Terry Sunderland and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Keywords: land-use change; deforestation; poverty; smallholder farmers;
The Dynamics of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon, Lykke Andersen, Clive Granger, Eustaquio J. Reis, Diana Weinhold and Sven Wunder,
from Cambridge University Press
Global variation in the cost of increasing ecosystem carbon, Markku Larjavaara, Markku Kanninen, Harold Gordillo, Joni Koskinen, Markus Kukkonen, Niina Käyhkö, Anne M. Larson and Sven Wunder,
in Nature Climate Change
From principles to practice in paying for nature’s services, Sven Wunder, R. Brouwer, S. Engel, D. Ezzine- de-Blas, R. Muradian, U. Pascual and R. Pinto,
in Nature Sustainability
Reply to: In defence of simplified PES designs, Sven Wunder, R. Brouwer, S. Engel, D. Ezzine- de-Blas, R. Muradian, U. Pascual and R. Pinto,
in Nature Sustainability
The implementation costs of forest conservation policies in Brazil, Felipe Arias Fogliano de Souza Cunha, Jan Börner, Sven Wunder, Carlos Alberto Nunes Cosenza and André F.P. Lucena,
in Ecological Economics
Keywords: Implementation costs; Forest conservation; REDD+; Policy instruments; Decentralization; Brazil;
The Effectiveness of Payments for Environmental Services, Jan Börner, Kathy Baylis, Esteve Corbera, Driss Ezzine-de-Blas, Jordi Honey-Rosés, U. Martin Persson and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Keywords: payments for ecosystem services; environmental effectiveness; trade-offs; policy design; impact evaluation;
National Socioeconomic Surveys in Forestry, Riyong Kim Bakkegaard, Arun Agrawal, Illias Animon, Nicholas Hogarth, Daniel Miller, Lauren Persha, Ewald Rametsteiner, Sven Wunder and Alberto Zezza,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Agriculture - Agricultural Sector Economics Agriculture - Forestry Management Environment - Forests and Forestry Poverty Reduction - Living Standards Poverty Reduction - Rural Poverty Reduction
Inflación en Colombia: estimación de un modelo de ecuaciones simultáneas, Dieter Wunder,
in Estudios de Economia
Keywords: Inflación, Colombia, ecuaciones simultáneas.
Arbeitslosigkeit und Alterssicherung: der Einfluss früherer Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Höhe der gesetzlichen Altersrente (Unemployment and old-age provision: the impact of previous unemployment on the level of the state old-age pension), Christoph Wunder,
in Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung - Journal for Labour Market Research
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Auswirkungen ; Berufsverlauf ; Humankapitalansatz ; Lohnhöhe ; Alterssicherung ; Rentenhöhe ; Arbeitslosigkeit
Working hours mismatch and well-being: comparative evidence from Australian and German panel data, Christoph Wunder,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Setting a Principal to Interest Cap on the Issuance of Home Mortgages: a Proposed Change to Mortgage Underwriting Rules Designed to Control Housing Price Inflation, Timothy Wunder,
in World Economic Review
Intrafamilial Upstream Transfers and Household Production, Christoph Wunder,
in Schmollers Jahrbuch : Journal of Applied Social Science Studies / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
But That Is Unfair Professor: Using a Grade Structure to Help Students Understand Income Quintiles, Timothy Wunder,
in Forum for Social Economics
Does subjective well-being dynamically adjust to circumstances?, Christoph Wunder,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Subjective well-being; Adaptation level; Dynamic panel data model;
Toward an Evolutionary Economics: The ‘Theory of the Individual’ in Thorstein Veblen and Joseph Schumpeter, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Fighting Childhood Poverty: How a Universal Child Allowance Would Impact the U.S. Population, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Thomas Kemp: Basic Macroeconomics, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
The Commodification of Social Relationships: What Is Capital?, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Jeff Madrick: Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Organizing America: Wealth, Power, and the Origins of Corporate Capitalism, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
A Systemic Debt Payoff Policy, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Income Distribution and Consumption Driven Growth: How Consumption Behaviors of the Top Two Income Quintiles Help to Explain the Economy, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Mainstream Amnesia, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Financial Insecurity in a World of Plenty, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
The Crisis of 2029: How to Fight the Next Corporate Boondoggle, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Lost in Translation: Scarcity and Small Government Within Mainstream Economics, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
Social Security Privatization: Zombies Never Die, Timothy Wunder,
in Journal of Economic Issues
What do economists really mean? Post-Keynesian Institutionalists as economic translators, Timothy Wunder,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy
Adaptation to Income over Time: A Weak Point of Subjective Well-Being, Christoph Wunder,
in Schmollers Jahrbuch : Journal of Applied Social Science Studies / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Adaptation to Income over Time: A Weak Point of Subjective Well-Being, Christoph Wunder,
from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
Keywords: Adaptation, financial satisfaction, subjective well-being, standards of judgment
Mindsets for Linking Strategy and Sustainability: Planetary Boundaries, Social Foundations, and Sustainable Strategizing, Thomas Wunder,
from Springer
Keywords: Sustainable strategizing, Strategy, Strategic management, Business case for sustainability, Sustainability, Anthropocene, Planetary boundaries, Mindsets, Socio-ecological system, Positive systems impact
Epilogue, Thomas Wunder,
from Springer
Rethinking Strategic Management, Thomas Wunder,
from Springer
Environmental Income and Rural Livelihoods: A Global-Comparative Analysis, Arild Angelsen, Pamela Jagger, Ronnie Babigumira, Brian Belcher, Nicholas J. Hogarth, Simone Bauch, Jan Börner, Carsten Smith-Hall and Sven Wunder,
in World Development
Keywords: forests; household income surveys; inequality; poverty;
Emerging Evidence on the Effectiveness of Tropical Forest Conservation, Jan Börner, Kathy Baylis, Esteve Corbera, Driss Ezzine- de-Blas, Paul Ferraro, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Renaud Lapeyre, U Martin Persson and Sven Wunder,
Action needed to make carbon offsets from tropical forest conservation work for climate change mitigation, Thales A. P. West, Sven Wunder, Erin O. Sills, Jan B\"orner, Sami W. Rifai, Alexandra N. Neidermeier and Andreas Kontoleon,
from arXiv.org
Tanzi (1987): A Retrospective, Haroldene F. Wunder,
in National Tax Journal