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806 documents matched the search for Sneeringer, Stacy in authors.
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Developing Alternatives to Antibiotics Used in Food Animal Production,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2019)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries

AJAE appendix for ‘Does Animal Feeding Operation Pollution Hurt Public Health? A National Longitudinal Study of Health Externalities Identified by Geographic Shifts in Livestock Production’,
Stacy Sneeringer, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES (2008)
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Public Economics

Effects of Environmental Regulation and Urban Encroachment on California’s Dairy Structure,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2011)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries

Alternative Policies To Promote Anaerobic Digesters Produce Positive Net Benefits,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2012)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Confined Livestock Operations Account For a Majority of the Chesapeake Bay Area’s Farmland With Applied Manure,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Comparing Participation in Nutrient Trading by Livestock Operations to Crop Producers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed,
Stacy Sneeringer, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2016)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Differences between Livestock and Crop Producers’ Participation in Nutrient Trading,
Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries

Comment on “Why Reduced‐Form Regression Models of Health Effects Versus Exposures Should Not Replace QRA: Livestock Production and Infant Mortality as an Example,” by Louis Anthony (Tony) Cox, Jr., Risk Analysis 2009, Vol. 29, No. 12,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Risk Analysis (2010) Downloads

Effects of Environmental Regulation on Economic Activity and Pollution in Commercial Agriculture,
Stacy Sneeringer, from Southern Agricultural Economics Association (2009)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Health Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

A Question of Balance: Weighing the Options on Global Warming Policies,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Global Environmental Politics (2009) Downloads

Characterizing Economically Relevant Environmental Regulation of the Livestock Sector Over Time (PowerPoint),
Stacy Sneeringer, from USDA Economists Group (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

Queer Economics: A Reader,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Feminist Economics (2009) Downloads

A National, Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Concentrated Hog Production on Ambient Air Pollution,
Stacy Sneeringer, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2010) Downloads

Differences between Livestock and Crop Producers' Participation in Nutrient Trading,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2013) Downloads

Differences between Livestock and Crop Producers' Participation in Nutrient Trading,
Stacy Sneeringer, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2013) Downloads

Effects of Environmental Regulation on Economic Activity and Pollution in Commercial Agriculture,
Stacy Sneeringer, in The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2009)
Keywords: livestock, externality, regulation, public health

Does Animal Feeding Operation Pollution Hurt Public Health? A National Longitudinal Study of Health Externalities Identified by Geographic Shifts in Livestock Production,
Stacy Sneeringer, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2009) Downloads

Registered author: Stacy Ellen Sneeringer

Variation in Environmental Regulations in California and Effects on Dairy Location,
Stacy Sneeringer and Regina Hogle, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2008)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Carbon Emissions, Renewable Electricity, and Profits: Comparing Policies to Promote Anaerobic Digesters on Dairies,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2012)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Carbon Markets and Methane Digesters: Potential Implications for the Dairy Sector,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

The Effects of Large-Scale Hog Production on Local Labor Markets,
Stacy Sneeringer and Tom Hertz, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2013)
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development, Production Economics

Higher Carbon Prices Could Spur Adoption of Methane Digesters,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2011)
Keywords: Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Stricter Rules Prompt Livestock Producers To Choose Farm Size Just Below Regulatory Cutoff,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2012)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Farm Management

Greater Heat Stress From Climate Change Could Lower Dairy Productivity,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2014)
Keywords: Farm Management, Production Economics

Effects of Large-Scale Hog Production on Local Labor Markets,
Stacy Sneeringer and Tom Hertz, in Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America (2013)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics

Carbon Prices and the Adoption of Methane Digesters on Dairy and Hog Farms,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2011)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries

Effects of Clean Water Act Regulations on Firm-Level Decisions in Agriculture,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2010)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management

Local Effects of Hog Production on Farm and Non-Farm Economic Outcomes,
Stacy Sneeringer and Tom Hertz, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2010)
Keywords: Labor and Human Capital, Livestock Production/Industries

Carbon Emissions, Renewable Electricity and Profits: Comparing Alternative Policies to Promote Anaerobic Digesters on Dairies,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

The Potential Effects of Climate Change on the Productivity, Costs, and Returns of U.S. Dairy Production,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2011)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics

The Potential Effects of Climate Change on the Productivity of U.S. Dairies,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2012)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Effects of CAFO Regulations on Livestock Producers’ Behaviors,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2013)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy

Effects of Increased Environmental Regulation of Manure Management at Livestock Operations: A Differences-in-Differences Approach,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Do nutrient management plans actually manage nutrients? Evidence from a nationally-representative survey of hog producers,
Stacy Sneeringer and Shirley Pon, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2016)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Livestock Production/Industries

Does Regulation Hurt Innovation in Animal Pharma? The Case of New Animal Antibiotics,
Matthew Clancy and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2017)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy

How Much Does it Cost to Induce R&D in Animal Health?,
Matthew Clancy and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2018)
Keywords: Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis and Emerging Technologies

Eating the Seed Corn? The Impact of Generic Drug Entry on Innovation in Animal Health,
Matthew Clancy and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2018)
Keywords: Productivity Analysis and Emerging Technologies, Industrial Org./Supply Chain Management, Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis

Variation in Environmental Regulations in California and Effects on Dairy Location,
Stacy Sneeringer and Regina Hogle, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2008) Downloads

Carbon Emissions, Renewable Electricity, and Profits: Comparing Policies to Promote Anaerobic Digesters on Dairies,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2012) Downloads

The Effects of Large-Scale Hog Production on Local Labor Markets,
Stacy Sneeringer and Tom Hertz, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2013) Downloads

Incentivizing New Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products to Combat Antibiotic Resistance,
Stacy Sneeringer and Matthew Clancy, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2020) Downloads

Climate Change Policy and the Adoption of Methane Digesters on Livestock Operations,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, Livestock Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy

Carbon Markets and Methane Digesters: Potential Implications for the Dairy Sector,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (2011) Downloads

Effects of Size-Based Environmental Regulations: Evidence of Regulatory Avoidance,
Stacy Sneeringer and Nigel Key, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2011) Downloads

Potential Effects of Climate Change on the Productivity of U.S. Dairies,
Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2014) Downloads

The U.S. and EU Animal Pharmaceutical Industries in the Age of Antibiotic Resistance,
Stacy Sneeringer, Maria Bowman and Matthew Clancy, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2019)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Health Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Risk and Uncertainty

Do Nutrient Management Plans Actually Manage Nutrients? Evidence from a Nationally‐Representative Survey of Hog Producers,
Stacy Sneeringer, Nigel Key and Shirley Pon, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2018) Downloads

Climate Change, Heat Stress, and U.S. Dairy Production,
Nigel Key, Stacy Sneeringer and David Marquardt, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2014)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

The Potential Role for a Nitrogen Compliance Policy in Mitigating Gulf Hypoxia,
Marc Ribaudo, Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2017)
Keywords: compliance, nitrogen, hypoxia, farm programs

The Potential Role for Nitrogen Compliance in Mitigating Gulf Hypoxia,
Marc Ribaudo, Nigel Key and Stacy Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2015)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy

The Market for Chicken Raised Without Antibiotics, 2012–17,
Elina T. Page, Gianna Short, Stacy Sneeringer and Maria Bowman, from United States Department of Agriculture (2021)
Keywords: Agribusiness, Consumer/Household Economics, Financial Economics, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing, Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods

The Market for Chicken Raised Without Antibiotics, 2012–17,
Elina T Page, Gianna Short, Stacy Sneeringer and Maria Bowman, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2021)
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis

Impacts on Livestock Producers and Veterinarians of FDA Policies on Use of Medically Important Antibiotics in Food Animal Production,
Stacy Sneeringer, Gianna Short, Matthew MacLachlan and Maria Bowman, in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2020) Downloads

The Impacts of Federal Anti-Microbial Guidance on the Livestock Industry,
Matthew J. MacLachlan, Christina Letsou and Stacy E. Sneeringer, from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (2019)
Keywords: Production Economics

Trends and Developments in Hog Manure Management: 1998-2009,
Nigel Key, William McBride, Marc Ribaudo and Stacy Sneeringer, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2011)
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries

Economics of Antibiotic Use in U.S. Livestock Production,
Stacy Sneeringer, James MacDonald, Nigel Key, William McBride and Kenneth Mathews, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2015)
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Health Economics and Policy, Livestock Production/Industries, Productivity Analysis

Reducing Nutrient Losses From Cropland in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Basin: Cost Efficiency and Regional Distribution,
Elizabeth Marshall, Marcel Aillery, Marc Ribaudo, Nigel Key, Stacy Sneeringer, LeRoy Hansen, Scott Malcolm and Anne Riddle, from United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (2018)
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Health Economics and Policy

Rethinking the Food Chain,
Stacy Tessier, in Journal of Developing Societies (2007)
Keywords: labor activism; migrant farmworkers; globalization of food production

Nation's economy to expand moderately in 1993,
Stacy Kottman, in Economics Update (1993)
Keywords: economic conditions - United States

Recovery will gain momentum in spring,
Stacy Kottman, in Regional Update (1992)
Keywords: Regional economics

Southeastern economy still outperforming the nation's,
Stacy Kottman, in Regional Update (1993)
Keywords: Federal Reserve District, 6th

Southeastern recovery continues to strengthen,
Stacy Kottman, in Regional Update (1992)
Keywords: Federal Reserve District, 6th

An examination of measurement methods for valuing heritage assets using a tourism perspective,
Stacy Porter, in Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management (2004) Downloads

Looking back while moving Forward: When teacher Attitudes Belie Teacher Motive in Bidialectal Classrooms,
Stacy Denny, in International Journal of Learning and Development (2012) Downloads

Gutenberg and the social media revolution: an investigation of the world where it costs nothing to distribute information,
Richard Stacy, in Journal of Financial Transformation (2008)
Keywords: social media; social media revolution; Gutenberg; Richard Stacy

Ranking Teachers when Teacher Value-Added is Heterogeneous Across Students,
Brian Stacy, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2014)
Keywords: teacher value-added, heterogeneity, value-added variance, teacher quality

Standing out in a saturated market: Engaging consumers through product placement,
Stacy Jones, in Journal of Brand Strategy (2015)
Keywords: advertising alternatives, product placement, brand integration, entertainment marketing, branded content, consumer engagement, celebrity marketing

`Branded Entertainment: Dealmaking Strategies & Techniques for Industry Professionals` by Stacy Jones,
Stacy Jones, in Journal of Brand Strategy (2015) Downloads

Sport as medicine: How F3 is building healthier men and communities,
Stacy Warner, in Sport Management Review (2019)
Keywords: Sport management theory; Public health; Physical activity; Community sport;

The military and energy: Moving the United States beyond oil,
Stacy Closson, in Energy Policy (2013)
Keywords: Oil; Military; United States;

Left with Bias? Quantile Regression with Measurement Error in Left Hand Side Variables,
Brian Stacy, from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (2014)
Keywords: Quantile Regression, Dependent Variable Measurement Error, Returns to Education

Gender is not “a dummy variable”: a discussion of current gender research in accounting,
Stacy Chavez, in Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (2019) Downloads

Sport as medicine: How F3 is building healthier men and communities,
Stacy Warner, in Sport Management Review (2019) Downloads

True and fair view: a UK auditor's perspective,
Graham Stacy, in European Accounting Review (1997) Downloads

Parental Consent and Children's Rights in Europe: A Balancing Act,
Stacy Kosko, in Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (2010)
Keywords: Education, Human rights, Agency, Cultural liberty, Roma,

State Weakness in Perspective: Strong Politico-Economic Networks in Georgia's Energy Sector,
Stacy Closson, in Europe-Asia Studies (2009) Downloads

Globalisation masculinities, empire building and forced prostitution: a critical analysis of the gendered impact of the neoliberal economic agenda in post-invasion/occupation Iraq,
Stacy Banwell, in Third World Quarterly (2015) Downloads

Gender, North–South relations: reviewing the Global Gag Rule and the defunding of UNFPA under President Trump,
Stacy Banwell, in Third World Quarterly (2020) Downloads

Power dynamics in an era of big data,
Stacy Langworthy, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2019) Downloads

Altmetrics: diversifying the understanding of influential scholarship,
Stacy Konkiel, in Palgrave Communications (2016) Downloads

The Future of Consumer Research Methods: Lessons of a Prospective Retrospective,
Stacy Wood, in Journal of Consumer Research (2024)
Keywords: conceptual validity, data integrity, replication, AI, impact

The Comfort Food Fallacy: Avoiding Old Favorites in Times of Change,
Stacy Wood, in Journal of Consumer Research (2010) Downloads

Can a Complicated “Consensus” Survive a Dose of Populist Poison? Exploring the Potential Impact of Brexit and Trumpism on the Developed Country Approach to Trade Law and Policy,
Stacy Sean, in The Law and Development Review (2021)
Keywords: international trade, populism, WTO

Regional employment by industry: do returns to capital matter?,
Stacy Kottman, in Economic Review (1992)
Keywords: Capital movements; Employment (Economic theory); Regional economics

Continuité et robustesse des principaux marchés financiers: le point de vue des régulateurs américains,
Stacy L. Coleman, in Revue d'Économie Financière (2006) Downloads

Object and Arbiter: The Police and the Los Angeles Times, 1996-2006,
Stacy K. McGoldrick, in Studies in Media and Communication (2014)
Keywords: police, Los Angeles Times, reporting, professionalizing police communications

The Preliminary Reference Process,
Stacy A. Nyikos, in European Union Politics (2003) Downloads

Edutocracy: The New West Indian Plantocracy?,
Stacy L. Denny, in SAGE Open (2020)
Keywords: language education; multilingualism; Anglophone Caribbean; WordTree design-by analogy; colonialism; edutocracy

Edutocracy: A Model of the New West Indian Plantocracy in Barbados,
Stacy L. Denny, in SAGE Open (2021)
Keywords: education reform; dependency theory; inner plantation theory; plantation pedagogy; colonialism; edutocracy

School Mekkin We Sickâ€. Diagnosis: English less it is,
Stacy L. Denny, in International Journal of Management Sciences (2014)
Keywords: English language teaching, teacher attitude, teacher proficiency, student performance, L2 proficiency

The Shadows of Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment,
Stacy D. VanDeveer, in Global Environmental Politics (2010) Downloads

Rare Earth Politics across Time, Space, and Scale,
Stacy D. VanDeveer, in Global Environmental Politics (2019) Downloads

North Sea Cooperation: Linking International and Domestic Pollution Control,
Stacy D. VanDeveer, in Global Environmental Politics (2002) Downloads

Energizing Comparative Environmental Politics and Comparative Political Economy,
Stacy D. VanDeveer, in Global Environmental Politics (2022) Downloads

Changing Rules, Changing Practices: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Tight Coupling in Figure Skating,
Stacy E. Lom, in Organization Science (2016)
Keywords: tight coupling, rule changes, institutional change, evaluation, figure skating

On sitting and doing: Ethnography as action in global health,
Stacy Leigh Pigg, in Social Science & Medicine (2013)
Keywords: Nepal; Ethnography; AIDS prevention; Global health; Public anthropology; Development discourse;

Acronyms and effacement: Traditional medical practitioners (TMP) in international health development,
Stacy Leigh Pigg, in Social Science & Medicine (1995)
Keywords: traditional medical practitioners health development policy development discourse Nepal

On defining at-risk status,
E. Webb Stacy, in Evaluation and Program Planning (1981) Downloads

Managing for long-term profitability,
T. Don Stacy, in Utilities Policy (1991) Downloads

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