Neoliberal Unshared Growth Regime of Turkey in the Post-2001 Period,
Hansjörg Herr and Zeynep M. Sonat,
from ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Keywords: economic development, economic policy, economic conditions, trend, Turkey
Neoliberal Unshared Growth Regime of Turkey in the Post-2001 Period,
Hansjörg Herr and Zeynep M. Sonat,
from Global Labour University (GLU)
Keywords: economic development, economic policy, economic conditions, trend, Turkey
Macroprudential institutions in Europe - what are the blind spots?,
Zeynep Sonat Nettekoven,
from Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute for International Political Economy (IPE)
Keywords: macroprudential policy, institutions, Great Financial Crisis, shadow banking system
Konut Kullanımının GSMH Ve Gelir Dağılımına Etkisi,
Arslan Sonat,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Serbest Ticaret: Amaçlar ve Araçlar,
Arslan Sonat,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Treatment and Follow-up for Teeth with Apical Lesion after Complicated Crown Fracture,
Bilge Ozcan and Bade Sonat,
in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Keywords: Journals on Biomedical Science, Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal, Journals on Biomedical Imaging, Journals on Medical Microbiology, Journals on Medical Drug and Therapeutics, Immunological Diseases, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Zeynep Kantur and GÜLSERİM Özcan,
in The Singapore Economic Review (SER)
Keywords: Model uncertainty, financial stability, optimal monetary policy, robust control, Knightian uncertainty
What can we learn from a cross‐country comparison of the costs of child delivery?,
Martine M. Bellanger and Zeynep Or,
in Health Economics
Is the Modern or Classical Presentation of Turkish Cuisine More Acceptable? A Study on the Visual Senses of Europeans,
Sami Sonat Özdemir and Ceyhun Uçuk,
in Journal of Tourismology
Keywords: Visual Sense, Food Acceptance, Food Presentation, Turkish Food, European Consumers
Yüksek Enflasyondan Düşük Enflasyona Geçiş Sürecinde Türk Bankacılık Sektörü,
Arzu Ünsün, M. Oğuz Köksal, Şenol Babuşcu and Zeynep Yazici,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
The Rise of Mobile Marketing: A Decade of Research in Review,
Zeynep Aydin-Gokgoz, M. Berk Ataman and Gerrit van Bruggen,
in Foundations and Trends(R) in Marketing
Keywords: Market Research
Supplemental nutrition assistance program and body weight outcomes: The role of economic contextual factors,
Euna Han, Lisa M. Powell and Zeynep Isgor,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP); Body mass index (BMI); Economic contextual factors; United States;
Monetary policy in Turkey after Central Bank independence,
Refet Gürkaynak, Zeynep Kantur, M. Anil Tas and Secil Yildirim,
from Center for Financial Studies (CFS)
Keywords: Turkey, CBRT, monetary policy, fiscal policy
Monetary Policy in Turkey after Central Bank Independence,
Refet Gürkaynak, Zeynep Kantur, M. Anil Tas and Seçil Yildirim,
from CESifo
Keywords: Turkey, CBRT, monetary policy, fiscal policy
Zeynep Erdinc,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Twin Deficits Hypothes›s, Budget Deficits, Current Account, Granger Causality Test, Cointegration Analys›s.
Vergi Kaçağının Nedenleri Ve Çözüm Yolları,
Zeynep Arikan,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Firm Heterogeneity, Non-Tariff Measures, and International Trade Agreements: The Case of US-EU TTIP Agreement on Beef Trade,
Zeynep Akgul,
from International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade
Zeynep Karaca,
in Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Cluster, K-Means, Algorithm
Assessment of agricultural energy consumption of Turkey by MLR and Bayesian optimized SVR and GPR models,
Zeynep Ceylan,
in Journal of Forecasting
The Impact of Power and Civic Engagement in the Decentralized Management of Natural Resources: The Case of Turkey,
Zeynep Kadirbeyoglu,
in Public Administration & Development
Refah Devleti Kavramı ve Refah Devleti Modellerine Göre Avrupa’da Bazı Ülkelerin Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemlerinin Finansman Yönünden İncelenmesi,
Zeynep Özmen,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Sosyal Güvenlik, Refah Devleti, Sosyal Güvenliğin Finansmanı
Sosyal Güvenlik Reformu Bağlamında Türk Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemi Finansmanının Değerlendirilmesi,
Zeynep Özmen,
in Journal of Academic Value Studies
Keywords: Sosyal Güvenlik, Sosyal Güvenliğin Finansmanı, Emeklilik Sistemleri, 5510 Sayılı Sosyal Güvenlik Kanunu
Marx, Engels and Taxes,
Zeynep Ağdemi̇r,
in Fiscaoeconomia
Keywords: K. Marx, F. Engels, Taxes, The Theory of Economy, The Theory of Revolution
Physiocracy and Taxes: A Historical Social Analysis,
Zeynep Ağdemi̇r,
in Fiscaoeconomia
Keywords: Vauban, Boisguilbert, Absolute Monarchy, Physiocracy, Single Tax
Kültür ile ilgili Faaliyetlerin Ekonomik Etkisi,
Zeynep Ekşioğlu,
from Ekonomik Yaklasim Association
Keywords: Kültürel Sermaye, Kültür Ekonomisi, Ekonomik Etki Değerlendirmesi, Girdi Çıktı Analizi, Çarpan Katsayısı
Human resource management in Turkey ‐ Current issues and future challenges,
Zeynep Aycan,
in International Journal of Manpower
The Life Opportunities of Young Refugees: Understanding the Role, Function and Perceptions of Local Stakeholders,
Zeynep Aydar,
in Social Sciences
Keywords: refugee integration; stakeholder perspectives; multi-level governance; local level; non-governmental actors
Factor analysis of permanent and transitory dynamics of the US economy and the stock market,
Zeynep Senyuz,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
A Brief Evaluation of the Presidency of Strategy and Budget as a New Institution,
Zeynep Ağdemi̇r,
in Bulletin of Economic Theory and Analysis
Keywords: The Ministry of Development; The General Directorate of Budget and Financial Control; The General Directorate of Public Financial Management and Transformation and Presidency of Strategy and Budget
Ecological Modernization at the Intersection of Environment and Energy,
Zeynep Sezgin,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Keywords: sustainable development; ecological modernization; fight against climate change
The Alevi Diaspora – Its emergence as a political actor and its impact on the homeland,
Zeynep Arslan,
in Border Crossing
Keywords: Eastern Anatolian Alevis; European (Anatolian) Alevis; Ethno-religious community; Democratization processes; Self-identification processes
Zazaca ve Zaza kimliğinin algılanması ve yansımaları üzerine bir tartışma,
Zeynep Arslan,
in Border Crossing
Keywords: Zazalar; Zazaca; kimlik; milliyeçilik; Dersim
Financial Harmonization and Financial Development: An Application of Europe’s Financial Services Action Plan,
Zeynep Ozkok,
in Applied Economics Quarterly (formerly: Konjunkturpolitik)
Keywords: Financial integration; European Union; FSAP; Legal, regulatory harmonization; Financial development; Principal component analysis
Girls’ Education in Turkey: A Provincial Analysis of Private Funding Campaigns,
Zeynep Ozkok,
in Journal of Contextual Economics (JCE) – Schmollers Jahrbuch
Registered author: Zeynep Nettekoven
Alevi Diasporası ve resmi din olarak Alevilikte çoklu kimlik,
Zeynep Arslan,
in Goc Dergisi
Keywords: Alevilik; tanınma; Avrupa; Avusturya; Diaspora; Kimlik; Alevis; religion; recognition; Austria; Alevis in Europe
The Effects of Interim Performance Evaluations under Risk Aversion,
Zeynep Yurday,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Performance Evaluation; Dynamic Contracts
Financial Harmonization and Industrial Growth: Evidence from the European Union,
Zeynep Ozkok,
in Journal of Economic Integration
Keywords: Financial Integration; Legal; Regulatory Harmonization; External Finance Dependence; European Union; FSAP
Opinions of the certified public accountants on the application and training programs of accounting standards: an empirical study,
Zeynep Hatunoglu,
in International Journal of Economics and Accounting
Keywords: International Financial Reporting Standards; IFRS; Turkish Financial Reporting Standards; TFRS; Turkish Accounting Standards Board; TASB; Certified Public Accountants; CPA; Turkey; training.
Financial Openness and Financial Development: An Analysis Using Indices,
Zeynep Ozkok,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Financial liberalization; Financial development; Financial openness; Financial markets; Principal component analysis; Dynamic panel data analysis
Financial Harmonization and Financial Development: An Application of Europe’s Financial Services Action Plan,
Zeynep Ozkok,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Financial integration; European Union; FSAP; Legal, regulatory harmonization; Financial development; Principal component analysis
Financial Harmonization and Industrial Growth: Evidence from Europe,
Zeynep Ozkok,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Financial integration; Legal, regulatory harmonization; External finance dependence; European Union; FSAP
Registered author: Zeynep Yurday
Do Depreciations Really Trigger an Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment? The Case of Turkey,
Zeynep Erünlü,
in Sosyoekonomi Journal
Keywords: Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct Investment, Smooth Transition Regression Model, Threshold Effect.
Homeownership and FHA Mortgage Activity in Neighborhoods and Metropolitan Areas,
Zeynep Onder,
in Journal of Housing Economics
Individual and Neighborhood Effects on FHA Mortgage Activity: Evidence from HMDA Data,
Zeynep Onder,
in Journal of Housing Economics
The Moderating Role of Employees’ Humor Styles on the Relationship between Job Stress and Emotional Exhaustion,
Zeynep Oktug,
in International Business Research
Keywords: humor styles, job stress, emotional exhaustion
Factor Analysis of Permanent and Transitory Dynamics of the U.S. Economy and the Stock Market,
Zeynep Senyuz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Business Cycles, Stock Market, Permanent and Transitory Components, Dynamic Factor Markov Switching Models
Book Reviews,
Zeynep Bilgin,
in The Service Industries Journal
Shall we play again? The effects of repetitive gameplay and self-efficacy on behavioural intentions to take earthquake precautions,
Zeynep Tanes,
in Behaviour and Information Technology
Democracy, electoral systems and emissions: explaining when and why democratization promotes mitigation,
Zeynep Clulow,
in Climate Policy
Turkish Migrant Organisations after the 2011 Van Earthquake: Member Interests versus Humanitarian Principles,
Zeynep Sezgin,
in Oxford Development Studies
Predicting stock returns with financial ratios: A new methodology incorporating machine learning techniques to beat the market,
Zeynep İltüzer,
in Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
Conservation versus Regeneration?: Case of European Capital of Culture 2010 Istanbul,
Zeynep Gunay,
in European Planning Studies
Financial openness and financial development: an analysis using indices,
Zeynep Ozkok,
in International Review of Applied Economics
Managing oil theft: socio-material relations, debt, and disruption in Southeastern Turkey,
Zeynep Oguz,
in Journal of Cultural Economy
High inflation and returns on residential real estate: evidence from Turkey,
Zeynep Onder,
in Applied Economics
The Impact of Economic Factors on Public Health Expenditure in Türkiye: Principal Component Analysis Evaluation for the Period 2002-2022,
Zeynep Özmen,
in Journal of Research in Economics, Politics & Finance
Keywords: H51, I15, C32
Exploring the Effects of Health Care on Mortality Across OECD Countries,
Zeynep Or,
from OECD Publishing
Improving the Performance of Health Care Systems: From Measures to Action (A Review of Experiences in Four OECD Countries),
Zeynep Or,
from OECD Publishing
Implementation of DRG Payment in France: Issues and recent developments,
Zeynep Or,
in Health Policy
Keywords: DRG payment; Payment reforms; France; Evaluation;
The Impact of Decarbonization on Physical Capital Asset Utilization in Latvia,
Zeynep Kantur,
from Latvijas Banka
Keywords: capital utilization, stranded assets, Input-Output Model, Ghosh multipliers
“Houston, We Do Have a Problem!”: Why Should Industrial–Organizational Psychologists Be Pulled by Psychology Departments?,
Zeynep Aycan,
in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
The British Academy Brian Barry Prize Essay Justifying Public Funding for Science,
Zeynep Pamuk,
in British Journal of Political Science
Cop Watch: Spectators, Social Media and Police Reform by Hans Toch. Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2012. 188pp., £43.50, ISBN 978 1 4338 1119 7,
Zeynep Gönen,
in Political Studies Review
Enforcing Order: An Ethnography of Urban Policing by Didier Fassin. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. 287pp., £17.99, ISBN 978 0 7456 6480 4,
Zeynep Gonen,
in Political Studies Review
Financing Education in Europe: The Globalization Perspective,
Zeynep Ozkok,
in Economics and Politics
When does economic development promote mitigation and why?,
Zeynep Clulow,
in Climate Policy
The Effects of Adapted Physical Education and Sports Activities on Mental Adjustment Levels and Determination of Communication Skills of Trainable Mentally Handicapped Individuals,
Zeynep Yildirim,
in Journal of Educational Issues
Islam and Muslim Minorities in Austria: Historical Context and Current Challenges of Integration,
Zeynep Sezgin,
in Journal of International Migration and Integration
Keywords: Institutionalisation and representation of Islam, Securitisation and politicisation of Islam, Muslim minorities, Integration, Austria
Service quality of travel agents in Turkey,
Zeynep Filiz,
in Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology
Keywords: Travel Agent, Satisfaction, Servqual, Service quality, Perception, Expectation, Factor analysis, Regression analysis,
Registered author: Zeynep Ozkok
The cyclical behavior of R&D investment during the Great Recession,
Zeynep Kabukcuoglu,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Business cycles, R&D, Investment-liquidity sensitivity, Great Recession
THE ECONOMICS OF TOBACCO IN TURKEY: New evidence and demand estimates,
Zeynep Onder,
from Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UC San Francisco
Keywords: cigarette consumption Turkey; tobacco tax; tobacco control in Turkey; demand for cigarettes
The Effect of Labor on Profitability: The Role of Quality,
Zeynep Ton,
from Harvard Business School
Keywords: Labor Capacity Management, Quality, Retail Operations
Registered author: Zeynep Kantur
An Analysis of the Levels of Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction of the Academic Staff,
Zeynep Filiz,
in Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
Keywords: Job satisfaction, Life satisfaction, Academic staff, Satisfaction, University,
Econometric Analysis of Youth Smoking Behavior in Turkey,
Zeynep Önder,
from The World Bank Group
Keywords: Health, Nutrition and Population - Tobacco Use and Control Health, Nutrition and Population - Alcohol and Substance Abuse Health, Nutrition and Population - Adolescent Health Tertiary Education Secondary Education Education Health Nutrition and Population
Registered author: Zeynep Or
Registered author: Zeynep Senyuz
Hedging High Inflation with Residential Real Estate: Evidence from Turkey,
Zeynep Onder,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Registered author: Zeynep Yom
Understanding cooperative contact tracing: Factors explored through privacy management theories,
Zeynep Altinay,
in Social Science & Medicine
Keywords: Information disclosure; Health communication; Risk perceptions; Risk management; Personal information;
Registered author: Zeynep Gürgüç
Mitigating Information Asymmetry in Liver Allocation,
Sepehr Nemati, Zeynep G. Icten, Lisa M. Maillart and Andrew J. Schaefer,
in INFORMS Journal on Computing
Keywords: health care; stochastic programming; organ transplantation; multi-objective optimization; information asymmetry; Markov decision processes
On the interaction between retrials and sizing of call centers,
M. Salah Aguir, O. Zeynep Aksin, Fikri Karaesmen and Yves Dallery,
in European Journal of Operational Research
A Link between Approximation Theory and Summability Methods via Four-Dimensional Infinite Matrices,
Hari M. Srivastava, Khursheed J. Ansari, Faruk Özger and Zeynep Ödemiş Özger,
in Mathematics
Keywords: four dimensional matrix; double sequence; power series method; statistical convergence; computer graphics; error of approximation
There’s an app for that! understanding the drivers of mobile application downloads,
Zeynep Aydin Gokgoz, M. Berk Ataman and Gerrit H. van Bruggen,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Mobile marketing; Mobile apps; Apple; Downloads; Online word of mouth; Updates;
Optimisation and heuristic approaches for assigning inbound containers to outbound carriers,
Cemalettin Öztürk, F. Zeynep Sargut, M. Arslan Örnek and Deniz Türsel Eliiyi,
in Maritime Policy & Management
Eliciting Patients' Revealed Preferences: An Inverse Markov Decision Process Approach,
Zeynep Erkin, Matthew D. Bailey, Lisa M. Maillart, Andrew J. Schaefer and Mark S. Roberts,
in Decision Analysis
Keywords: Markov decision processes, health care, inverse optimization, quality-adjusted life years
Call Center Delay Announcement Using a Newsvendor-Like Performance Criterion,
Oualid Jouini, O. Zeynep Akşin, Fikri Karaesmen, M. Salah Aguir and Yves Dallery,
in Production and Operations Management
Consumer Desires and the Fluctuating Balance between Liquid and Solid Consumption: The Case of Finnish Clothing Libraries,
Laura M Rosenberg, Henri A Weijo, Iina Kerkelä, Linda L Price, Markus Giesler and Zeynep Arsel,
in Journal of Consumer Research
Keywords: liquid–solid spectrum, liquid consumption, consumer desire, access-based consumption, fashion, clothing libraries
Monetary Policy in Turkey after Central Bank Independence,
Gürkaynak, Refet, Yıldırım-Karaman, Seçil, Mustafa Anil Tas and Zeynep Kantur,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Cbrt; Fiscal policy; Monetary policy; Turkey
A Note On The Metrics Induced By Triakis Icosahedron And Disdyakis Triacontahedron,
Zeynep Can, Zeynep Çolak, Özcan Geliþgen,
in Eurasian Life Sciences Journal
Keywords: Catalan Solids, Triakis Icosahedron, Disdyakis Triacontahedron, Metric, Chinese Checker metric.
The Relationship of Downward Mobbing with Leadership Style and Organizational Attitudes,
Aysegul Ertureten, Zeynep Cemalcilar and Zeynep Aycan,
in Journal of Business Ethics
Keywords: Authoritarian leadership, Leadership style, Mobbing, Organizational attitudes, Paternalistic leadership, Transactional leadership, Transformational leadership, Turkey,
An Improved Demand Forecasting Model Using Deep Learning Approach and Proposed Decision Integration Strategy for Supply Chain,
Zeynep Hilal Kilimci, A. Okay Akyuz, Mitat Uysal, Selim Akyokus, M. Ozan Uysal, Berna Atak Bulbul and Mehmet Ali Ekmis,
in Complexity
İletişim Politikası ve Bekleyişlerin Yönetimi: Önemi ve TCMB Örneği,
Zeynep Özge Yetki̇n,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: iletişim politikası, bekleyişlerin yönetimi, öngörülebilirlik, türkiye cumhuriyet merkez bankası
Social cleavages, wartime experience, and ethnic cleansing in Europe,
H Zeynep Bulutgil,
in Journal of Peace Research
Keywords: civilian victimization; democracy and violence; ethnic cleansing; genocide; mass killings; social cleavages
Everything to Everyone: The Electoral Consequences of the Broad‐Appeal Strategy in Europe,
Zeynep Somer‐Topcu,
in American Journal of Political Science
Does Religion Nudge People to Donate? Evidence from Ramadan,
Zeynep B. Ugur,
in Journal of Economics, Management and Religion (JEMAR)
Keywords: Donation, Ramadan, fasting