A preliminary study on the relation between indoor climate in university buildings and performances of its users,
Silke Daals, Wabbe de Vries, Laumé Buitenwerf and Loraine Scholten,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Keywords: Classrooms; Indoor climate quality; User performance; Ventilation
EZB-Politik mit restriktivem Unterton,
Silke Tober,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Arbeitsmarkt Wissenschaft - Strukturen und Trends,
Silke Gülker,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Silke Tophoven,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Economic assessment and valuations of environmental and health impacts caused by Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its salts,
Silke Gabbert,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: Cost-benefit analysis, environmental health valuation, non-market valuation, PBT, PFOA, regulatory impact assessment
Elastizitäten der Nachfrage privater Haushalte nach Nahrungsmitteln – Schätzung eines AIDS auf Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe 2003,
Silke Thiele,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis
Ausgaben- und Preiselastizitäten der Nahrungsmittelnachfrage auf Basis von Querschnittsdaten: Eine Systemschätzung für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
Silke Thiele,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Demand and Price Analysis
Das Privatvermögen der Landwirtschaft und dessen Einfluss auf die soziale Lage,
Silke Thiele,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness
Erwiderung Bei der Beurteilung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe ist der Einbezug von Privatvermögen zwingend erforderlich,
Silke Thiele,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession
The Impact of Diet Costs on Diet Quality,
Silke Thiele,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics
The Impact of Diet Costs on Diet Quality,
Silke Thiele,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Financial Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety
Silke Thiele,
from European Association of Agricultural Economists
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy
Introduction: Contemporary Counter-Movements in the Age of Brexit and Trump,
Silke Roth,
in Sociological Research Online
Keywords: anti-austerity protests; counter-movements; intersectionality; populism; social media
Women¡¯s Economic Empowerment and Social Change from a Culture-Psychological Perspective,
Silke Schwarz,
in Business and Management Research
The challenges of building cosmopolitan climate expertise: the case of Germany,
Silke Beck,
in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
Silke Tegtmeier,
in Journal of Enterprising Culture (JEC)
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, theory of planned behaviour, entrepreneurial intention, universities, intervention
Linguistic Capital and Inequality in Aid Relations,
Silke Roth,
in Sociological Research Online
Keywords: aid work; development; global inequality; humanitarianism; intercultural communication; linguistic capital; multilingualism; translation
Job-Search Methods and Labor Market Transitions in a Segmented Economy,
Silke Woltermann,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Active labor market policy, search channels, segmented labor markets, informal employment
Makroökonomische Politik zur Bewältigung der Krise im Euroraum: Die Rolle Deutschlands,
Silke Tober,
in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG
Subjektive Steuerwirkungen und ihre Implikationen für die Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre. Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz,
Silke Hüsing,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Steuerplanung, Steuerwirkung, Unternehmen /Steuer
Wirtschaftliche Verflechtung zwischen EU und GUS - Niedriges Niveau, großes Potential, vage Perspektiven,
Silke Boger,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Europäische Union /Aussenwirtschaft, Aussenhandel, GUS /Aussenwirtschaft, Aussenhandel, Ost-West-Beziehungen (Wirtsch.)
Ostmitteleuropa auf dem Weg in die EU - Transformation, Verflechtung, Reformbedarf,
Silke Boger,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Aussenwirtschaft, EU-Mitgliedschaft, Mitteleuropa /Aussenwirtschaft, Aussenhandel, Reformpolitik
„Den Markt klar im Sucher !?“ Krise und Niedergang des Amateurkamerageschäfts der Agfa-Gevaert AG in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren,
Fengler Silke,
in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
The effect of cross-border group taxation on ownership chains,
Silke Rünger,
from arqus - Arbeitskreis Quantitative Steuerlehre
Keywords: group taxation, ownership chains, intermediate subsidiaries, Austria
The effect of Germany's repeal of the corporate capital gains tax: Evidence from the disposal of corporate minority holdings,
Silke Rünger,
from arqus - Arbeitskreis Quantitative Steuerlehre
Keywords: corporate capital gains, lock-in effect, corporate equity holdings, Germany
Wissenschaft und Religion: Getrennte Welten?,
Silke Gülker,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Chancen der Beteiligung privater Haushalte am Produktivvermögen,
Silke Thiele,
from Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Department of Food Economics and Consumption Studies
Die Reform der UN-Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: eine neue multilaterale Reformkoalition ist notwendig,
Silke Weinlich,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Reform of the UN development system: new multilateralist reform coalition needed,
Silke Weinlich,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Reforming development cooperation at the United Nations: an analysis of policy position and actions of key states on reform options,
Silke Weinlich,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Die Reform der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Vereinten Nationen: eine Analyse des Verhaltens und der Positionierung wichtiger Staaten gegenüber Reformoptionen,
Silke Weinlich,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Erklärung der individuellen Existenzgründungsabsicht: Die 'theory of planned behavior' als sozialpsychologisches Modell im Gründungskontext,
Silke Tegtmeier,
from Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Department of Entrepreneurship & Start-up Management
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Gründungsperson, Unternehmensgründung, Theory of Planned Behavior, Gründungsintention, Lüneburg, Hochschulen, Entrepreneur, Start-up, Start-up Intention, Universities
Cloud Computing,
Silke Greve,
from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Rüstzeiten: Das ungehobene Potenzial,
Silke Griemert,
from Hochschule Koblenz - University of Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Entscheidungsmodell für den wirtschaftlichen RFID-Einsatz,
Silke Griemert,
from Hochschule Koblenz - University of Applied Sciences, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Prävention und Intervention: Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen in den Vereinten Nationen von der Agenda für den Frieden bis zum Bericht des High-Level Panels on Threats, Challenges and Change,
Silke Weinlich,
from University of Bremen, Collaborative Research Center 597: Transformations of the State
CSR, trust and the employer brand,
Silke Bustamante,
from Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute of Management Berlin (IMB)
Keywords: CSR, workplace CSR, trust, employer choice, employer branding
Europäische Geldpolitik: Auf neutralem Kurs,
Silke Tober,
in Wirtschaft im Wandel
Europäische Geldpolitik: Auf Stabilitätskurs,
Silke Tober,
in Wirtschaft im Wandel
Aktuelle Trends - Rußlandkrise erschüttert Euro-Währungen nicht,
Silke Tober,
in Wirtschaft im Wandel
Disinflation trotz Mehrwertsteuererhöhung 1998,
Silke Tober,
in Wirtschaft im Wandel
Labour Market Institutions in Germany: Current Status and Ongoing Reforms,
Silke Bothfeld,
from The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI), Hans Böckler Foundation
Autonomer, aber weiter unsicher: Neue Führungspositionen haben das Karrieresystem in der deutschen Wissenschaft nur wenig verändert,
Silke Gülker,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Science and religion: Steps toward an analytical framework within contemporary science studies,
Silke Gülker,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Kindererziehung und Pflegezeiten: Wie anpassungsfähig sind die Sozialversicherungssysteme? Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich,
Silke Bothfeld,
from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS)
Frankreichs Wohlfahrtsstaatsregime im Wandel? Erwerbsintegration von Französinnen und familienpolitische Reformen der 90er Jahre,
Silke Reuter,
from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS)
Under (Re-) Construction: die Fragmentierung des deutschen Geschlechterregimes durch die neue Familienpolitik,
Silke Bothfeld,
from University of Bremen, Centre for Social Policy Research (ZeS)
Teilzeitarbeit für alle? Eine Untersuchung von Teilzeitpräferenzen in Deutschland und Großbritannien unter beschäftigungspolitischen Gesichtspunkten,
Silke Bothfeld,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
A strategic concept for an academic business incubation programme with the support of project management tools,
Silke Jurkowitsch,
in International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Keywords: business incubation; project management; academia; universities; startups; entrepreneurship; small business.
Under Familiar Fire: Making Decisions During the “Kivu Crisis†2008 in Goma, DR Congo,
Silke Oldenburg,
in Africa Spectrum
Keywords: State of Emergency, Communication, Decision-Making, Routinization
Commons: Jenseits von Freiwilligenarbeit und bürgerschaftlichen Anrufungen,
Silke Helfrich,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
Political Competition: How to Measure Party Strategy in Direct Voter Communication using Social Media Data?,
Silke Sturm,
from University of Hamburg, Department of Economics
Keywords: Political competition, Party strategy, Decision making, Social media, Topic models, Sentiment analysis
The effect of air traffic delays on airline prices,
Silke Forbes,
in International Journal of Industrial Organization
Geldpolitik in besonderer Verantwortung für den Aufschwung,
Silke Tober,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Europäische Geldpolitik: Zinssenkung wäre stabilitätsgerecht,
Silke Tober,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Europäische Geldpolitik,
Silke Tober,
in DIW Wochenbericht
The effect of Germany's Tax Reform Act 2001 on corporate ownership: Insights from disposals of minority blocks,
Silke Rünger,
from arqus - Arbeitskreis Quantitative Steuerlehre
Keywords: corporate ownership, marginal tax rate on equity, minority blocks, Germany
Zur Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung des Vermögens bei der Beurteilung sozialpolitischer Maßnahmen,
Silke Thiele,
from Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Department of Food Economics and Consumption Studies
The consequences of endogenous timing for diversification strategies of multimarket firms,
Silke Neubauer,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Multimarket contact, collusion and the internal structure of firms,
Silke Neubauer,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Interdivisional information sharing: the strategic advantage of knowing nothing,
Silke Neubauer,
from WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Localization vs. standardization: Global approaches to CSR management in multinational companies,
Silke Bustamante,
from Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute of Management Berlin (IMB)
The Effect of Cross-Border Group Taxation on Ownership Chains,
Silke Rünger,
in European Accounting Review
Personal taxation and individual stock ownership,
Silke Rünger,
in The European Journal of Finance
Aid work as edgework - voluntary risk-taking and security in humanitarian assistance, development and human rights work,
Silke Roth,
in Journal of Risk Research
Genetic risk and responsibility: reflections on a complex relationship,
Silke Schicktanz,
in Journal of Risk Research
Agency, social space and conflict-urbanism in eastern Congo,
Silke Oldenburg,
in Journal of Eastern African Studies
Bringing the Mass Media in - The Contribution of the Mass Media for Understanding Citizens’ Attitudes towards the European Union,
Silke Adam,
from Free University Berlin
Keywords: identity; ideas; integration theory; media; European Public Sphere; Europeanization; Europeanization
Legal Opportunity in Trade Negotiations: International Law, Opportunity Structures and the Political Economy of Trade Agreements,
Silke Trommer,
in New Political Economy
Watering Down Austerity: Scalar Politics and Disruptive Resistance in Ireland,
Silke Trommer,
in New Political Economy
Professionalisation Trends and Inequality: experiences and practices in aid relationships,
Silke Roth,
in Third World Quarterly
Emerging powers at the UN: ducking for cover?,
Silke Weinlich,
in Third World Quarterly
The WTO in an Era of Preferential Trade Agreements: Thick and Thin Institutions in Global Trade Governance,
Silke Trommer,
in World Trade Review
Early Childhood Education and Care: Public Expenditure, Private Costs and Enrolment Rates,
Silke Sturm,
in ifo DICE Report
Regionale Arbeitskräftemobilität: Bundesweite Trends und aktuelle Befunde für Baden-Württemberg,
Silke Hamann,
from Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg [Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, Germany]
Keywords: Baden-Württemberg ; Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Binnenwanderung ; Bundesländer ; Landkreis ; Ost-West-Wanderung ; Qualifikationsstruktur ; regionale Verteilung ; sozialversicherungspflichtige Arbeitnehmer ; Arbeitskräftemobilität ; Wohnort ; 2000-2006
Gendered Activism and the Politics of Women's Work: Introduction,
Silke Neunsinger,
in International Labor and Working-Class History
Lukasz Stanek 2011: Henri Lefebvre on Space: Architecture, Urban Research, and the Production of Theory. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press,
Silke Steets,
in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Silke Forbes,
in Journal of Industrial Economics
TAN WAI-YUAN, Stochastic Models with Applications to Genetics, Cancers, AIDS, and Other Biomedical Systems, 2-super-nd ed. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co,
Silke Rolles,
in Biometrics
Test of Fiscal Sustainability and Causality Hypotheses for Switzerland,
Silke Prohl,
in Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics (SJES)
Keywords: Budget Deficit; Cointegration
Measuring Migrant Integration Policies,
Silke Friedrich,
in ifo DICE Report
Energy Efficiency in Buildings in EU Countries,
Silke Friedrich,
in ifo DICE Report
Measuring Interest Group Activity,
Silke Friedrich,
in ifo DICE Report
Policy Persistence and Rent Extraction,
Silke Friedrich,
from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Zur Vergütung von Überstunden in Deutschland: unbezahlte Mehrarbeit auf dem Vormarsch,
Silke Anger,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Die Weitergabe von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und intellektuellen Fähigkeiten von Eltern an ihre Kinder,
Silke Anger,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: Cognitive abilities, personality, intergenerational transmission, skill formation
Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer für Lebensmittel: Budget- und Wohlfahrtseffekte für Konsumenten / Increase of the Value Added Tax (VAT): Budget- and Welfare- Effects for Consumers,
Thiele Silke,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Keywords: Value added tax, foods, welfare effects, budget effects, price elasticities, almost ideal demand system
Silke Anger,
in Scottish Journal of Political Economy
The cyclicality of effective wages within employer-employee matches: evidence from German panel data,
Silke Anger,
from European Central Bank
Keywords: bonus payments, effective wages, firm stayers, unpaid overtime, wage cyclicality
The cyclicality of effective wages within employer–employee matches in a rigid labor market,
Silke Anger,
in Labour Economics
Keywords: Real wage cyclicality; Effective wages; Unpaid overtime; Bonus payments; Firm stayers;
The Cyclicality of Effective Wages within Employer–Employee Matches in a Rigid Labor Market,
Silke Anger,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: Real wage cyclicality, Effective wages, Unpaid overtime, Bonus payments, Firm stayers
Overtime Work as a Signaling Device,
Silke Anger,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: Unpaid Overtime, Internal Signaling, Asymmetric Information
Unpaid Overtime in Germany: Differences between East and West,
Silke Anger,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: unpaid overtime, labor supply, signaling, unemployment, panel data
Unpaid overtime in Germany: differences between East and West,
Silke Anger,
from Humboldt University of Berlin, Interdisciplinary Research Project 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes
Keywords: unpaid overtime, labor supply, signaling, unemployment, panel data
Epidemiology of Suicide and the Psychiatric Perspective,
Silke Bachmann,
Keywords: suicidality; suicide; worldwide; epidemiology; age; gender; mental disease; psychiatric illness
Two giants of cell division in an oppressive embrace,
Silke Hauf,
in Nature
Keywords: Cell biology, Structural biology
Superfluid system hosts early-Universe dynamics,
Silke Weinfurtner,
in Nature
Keywords: Quantum physics
An unexpected timer for cell division,
Silke Hauf,
in Nature
Keywords: Cancer, Cell biology
Transition problems in the Russian agriculture sector: a historical-institutional perspective,
Silke Stahl,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance, Politics and Public Policy
Yoshida, C., and Woodland, D.: The Economics of Illegal Immigration,
Silke Uebelmesser,
in Journal of Economics