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1626 documents matched the search for Serra, Danila in authors.
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Empirical determinants of corruption: A sensitivity analysis,
Danila Serra, in Public Choice (2006) Downloads

Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Accountability: Evidence from a Bribery Experiment,
Danila Serra, in The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization (2012) Downloads

Empirical determinants of corruption: A sensitivity analysis,
Danila Serra, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2005)
Keywords: Corruption, Determinants, Sensitivity, Robustness, Extreme-Bounds

Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Accountability: Evidence from a Bribery Experiment,
Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: corruption; monitoring; bottom-up; experiment

Bargaining for bribes under uncertainty,
Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: bribery; moral cost; double auction; imperfect information;multiple equilibria

Registered author: Danila Serra

Corruption, social judgment and culture: An experiment,
Tim Salmon and Danila Serra, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2017)
Keywords: Corruption; Social enforcement; Culture; Experiments;

Gender Differences in the Choice of Major: The Importance of Female Role Models,
Catherine Porter and Danila Serra, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2020) Downloads

The effects of externalities and framing on bribery in a petty corruption experiment,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, in Experimental Economics (2009)
Keywords: Corruption, Economic experiment, Social preferences, D73, C91, Z13,

Health workers’ behavior, patient reporting and reputational concerns: lab-in-the-field experimental evidence from Kenya,
Isaac Mbiti and Danila Serra, in Experimental Economics (2022)
Keywords: Health services, Bottom-up accountability, Patient reporting, Peer shaming

Gender and Leadership in Organisations: the Threat of Backlash,
Priyanka Chakraborty and Danila Serra, in The Economic Journal (2024) Downloads

Corruption and culture: An experimental analysis,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, in Journal of Public Economics (2010)
Keywords: Corruption Social norms Economic experiments Culture

Gender and leadership in organizations: Promotions, demotions and angry workers,
Priyanka Chakraborty and Danila Serra, from Texas A&M University, Department of Economics (2021)
Keywords: Gender Differences, Leadership, Backlash, Experiment.

Culture and Corruption,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, from University of Oxford, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Corruption, Culture, Economic experiment, Social norms, Social preferences

Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, in Economic Inquiry (2019) Downloads

How corruptible are you? Bribery under uncertainty,
Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2012)
Keywords: Bribery; Moral cost; Bargaining model; Incomplete information; Multiple equilibria;

Corruption and competition among bureaucrats: An experimental study,
Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2020)
Keywords: Extortionary corruption; Monopoly; Competition; Collusion;

Chapter 1 Experimental Research on Corruption: Introduction and Overview,
Danila Serra and Leonard Wantchekon, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012) Downloads

Chapter 4 Anticorruption Policies: Lessons from the Lab,
Klaus Abbink and Danila Serra, from Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012) Downloads

Does Social Judgment Diminish Rule Breaking?,
Tim Salmon and Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2013)
Keywords: Theft; Corruption; Social Enforcement; Culture; Experiments

The effects of externalities and framing on bribery in a petty corruption experiment,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: Corruption; Economic experiment; Social preferences

Corruption and culture: An Experimental Analysis,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2008)
Keywords: Corruption; Social Norms; Economic Experiments Culture

Externality and framing effects in a bribery experiment,
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2007)
Keywords: Corruption; Economic experiment; Social preferences

How corruptible are you? Bribery under uncertainty,
Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2010)
Keywords: bribery, moral cost, bargaining model, incomplete information, multiple equilibria

Is more competition always better? An experimental study of extortionary corruption,
Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2015)
Keywords: competition, extortionary corruption, experiment

The Industrial Organization of Corruption: Monopoly, Competition and Collusion,
Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2016)
Keywords: Extortionary Corruption, Monopoly, Competition, Collusion

Gender differences in the choice of major: The importance of female role models,
Catherine Porter and Danila Serra, from Southern Methodist University, Department of Economics (2017)
Keywords: education gender gap, role models, field experiment, economics.

Gender differences in top leadership roles: Does aversion to worker backlash matter?,
Priyanka Chakraborty and Danila Serra, from Southern Methodist University, Department of Economics (2018)
Keywords: Gender differences, leadership, experiment.

Health Workers' Behavior, Patient Reporting and Reputational Concerns: Lab-in-the-Field Experimental Evidence from Kenya,
Isaac Mbiti and Danila Serra, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2018)
Keywords: health services, bottom-up accountability, patient reporting, peer shaming

The Twin Effects of Globalization. Evidence from a Sample of Indian Manufacturing Firms,
Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danila Serra, in Rivista di Politica Economica (2011)
Keywords: globalization, uncertainty, training, labor market, India

Participatory accountability and collective action: Experimental evidence from Albania,
Abigail Barr, Truman Packard and Danila Serra, in European Economic Review (2014)
Keywords: Accountability; Participation; Elections; Collective action; Public good game;

Corrupt police,
Klaus Abbink, Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, in Games and Economic Behavior (2020)
Keywords: Corruption; Bribery; Crime; Police; Experiment;

The Twin Effects of Globalization,
Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danila Serra, from IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University (2003) Downloads

Education outcomes, school governance and parents'demand for accountability: evidence from Albania,
Danila Serra, Abigail Barr and Truman Packard, from The World Bank (2011)
Keywords: Tertiary Education,Education For All,Primary Education,Teaching and Learning,Secondary Education

Participatory accountability and collective action: evidence from field experiments in Albanian schools,
Abigail Barr, Truman Packard and Danila Serra, from The World Bank (2012)
Keywords: Parliamentary Government,Education For All,Tertiary Education,Primary Education,Governance Indicators

The Twin Effects of Globalization,
Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danila Serra, from Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, University of Milano (2002) Downloads

Intermediaries in Corruption: An Experiment,
Mikhail Drugov, John Hamman and Danila Serra, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2011)
Keywords: Corruption, Intermediaries, Moral cost, Experiment

Intermediaries in corruption: an experiment,
Mikhail Drugov, John Hamman and Danila Serra, in Experimental Economics (2014)
Keywords: Intermediaries, Bribery, Experiment, Moral cost, C91, D73, Z19,

Desmontando percepciones y estereotipos de género en carreras de ingeniería entre adolescentes de secundaria: Evidencia experimental para el caso peruano,
Marcos Agurto, Danila Serra and Sudipta Sarangi, in Investigaciones (2023) Downloads

I paid a bribe: An experiment on information sharing and extortionary corruption,
Dmitry Ryvkin, Danila Serra and James Tremewan, in European Economic Review (2017)
Keywords: Information sharing; Extortionary corruption; Experiment; Crowdsourcing;

The Twin Effects of Globalization - Evidence from a Sample of Indian Manufacturing Firms,
Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danila Serra, from CESifo (2010)
Keywords: globalization, uncertainty, training, labor markets, India

Intrinsic motivations and the non-profit health sector: Evidence from Ethiopia,
Danila Serra, Pieter Serneels and Abigail Barr, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2010) Downloads

The Twin Effects of Globalization,
Francesco Daveri, Paolo Manasse and Danila Serra, from Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Universita' di Bologna (2003) Downloads

Can High School Counselors Help the Economics Pipeline?,
Melissa Gentry, Jonathan Meer and Danila Serra, in AEA Papers and Proceedings (2023) Downloads

I paid a bribe: Information Sharing and Extortionary Corruption,
Dmitry Ryvkin, Danila Serra and James Tremewan, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2015)
Keywords: information sharing, extortionary corruption, experiment, crowdsourcing

Corrupt police,
Klaus Abbink, Dmitry Ryvkin and Danila Serra, from Department of Economics, Florida State University (2018)
Keywords: corruption, crime, police, experiment

Motivating Whistleblowers,
Jeffrey Butler, Danila Serra and Giancarlo Spagnolo, from Southern Methodist University, Department of Economics (2017)
Keywords: Whistleblowing, fraud, financial rewards, public scrutiny.

Participatory Accountability and Collective Action: Experimental Evidence from Albania,
Abigail Barr, Truman Packard and Danila Serra, from The Centre for Decision Research and Experimental Economics, School of Economics, University of Nottingham (2013)
Keywords: accountability; participation; elections; collective action; public good game

Motivating Whistleblowers,
Jeffrey Butler, Danila Serra and Giancarlo Spagnolo, from Tor Vergata University, CEIS (2017)
Keywords: Whistleblowing,fraud,rewards,social judgment,experiment.

Intrinsic motivations and the non-profit health sector: Evidence from Ethiopia,
Danila Serra, Pieter Serneels and Abigail Barr, from School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. (2010) Downloads

Intrinsic Motivations and the Non-Profit Health Sector: Evidence from Ethiopia,
Danila Serra, Pieter Serneels and Abigail Barr, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2010)
Keywords: sector choice, intrinsic motivation, non-profit

Mobilizing Parents at Home and at School: An Experiment on Primary Education in Angola,
Vincenzo Di Maro, Stefan Leeffers, Danila Serra and Pedro Vicente, in Economic Development and Cultural Change (2024) Downloads

Infuencing youths' aspirations and gender attitudes through role models: Evidence from Somali schools,
Elijah Kipchumba, Catherine Porter, Danila Serra and Munshi Sulaiman, from Texas A&M University, Department of Economics (2021)
Keywords: Education aspirations, gender attitudes, role models, experiment, Somalia.

Discovering the Real World: Health Workers' Career Choices and Early Work Experience in Ethiopia,
Danila Serra, Pieter Serneels, Magnus Lindelow and Jose G. Montalvo, from The World Bank Group (2010)
Keywords: Law and Development - Health Law Health, Nutrition and Population - Population Policies Health, Nutrition and Population - Health Monitoring and Evaluation Health, Nutrition and Population - Health Systems Development & Reform Gender - Gender and Health Health, Nutrition and Population

Mobilizing Parents at Home and at School: An Experiment on Primary Education in Angola,
Vincenzo Di Maro, Stefan Leeffers, Danila Serra and Pedro Vicente, from The World Bank (2021)
Keywords: Educational Sciences,Educational Institutions & Facilities,Effective Schools and Teachers

Activating Change: The Role of Information and Beliefs in Social Activism,
Farzana Afridi, Ahana Basistha, Amrita Dhillon and Danila Serra, from Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) (2023)
Keywords: activism, information, beliefs, experiment JEL Classification: D73, D83, I15, P0

Can Crises Affect Citizen Activism? Evidence from a Pandemic,
Farzana Afridi, Ahana Basistha, Amrita Dhillon and Danila Serra, from Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) (2023)
Keywords: crisis, corruption, health sector, India, COVID-19 JEL Classification: D73, D83, I15

Activating Change: The Role of Information and Beliefs in Social Activism,
Farzana Afridi, Ahana Basistha, Amrita Dhillon and Danila Serra, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2023)
Keywords: activism, information, beliefs, experiment

Can Crises Affect Citizen Activism? Evidence from a Pandemic,
Farzana Afridi, Ahana Basistha, Amrita Dhillon and Danila Serra, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2024)
Keywords: crisis, corruption, health sector, India, COVID-19

The Impact of Role Models on Youths' Aspirations, Gender Attitudes and Education in Somalia,
Elijah Kipchumba, Catherine Porter, Danila Serra and Munshi Sulaiman, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2024)
Keywords: role models, education, gender, aspirations, field experiment, Somalia

Mobilizing parents at home and at school: an experiment on primary education in Angola,
Vincenzo Di Maro, Stefan Leeffers, Danila Serra and Pedro Vicente, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVAFRICA (2020)
Keywords: Parental involvement, information, coordination, field experiment, Angola

Proud to Belong: The Impact of Ethics Training on Police Officers in Ghana,
Donna Harris, Oana Borcan , Danila Serra, Henry Telli, Bruno Schettini and Stefan Dercon, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2024) Downloads

Proud to belong: The impact of ethics training on police officers,
Donna Harris, Oana Borcan, Danila Serra, Henry Telli, Bruno Schettini and Stefan Dercon, from Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford (2022)
Keywords: Ethics training, police, experiment

Proud to Belong: The Impact of Ethics Training on Police Officers in Ghana,
Donna Harris, Oana Borcan, Danila Serra, Henry Telli, Bruno Schettini and Stefan Dercon, from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (2024)
Keywords: ethics training, traffic police, experiment

Djokic Danila, in Management Strategies Journal (2015)
Keywords: annual report, corporate governance, corporate governance policy, disclosure, transparency

Corporate Governance - Leading Factor of Firm Financial Performance?,
Dãnilã Alexandra, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2015)
Keywords: agents, principals, survey, return on equity, correlation.

Corporate Social Responsibility as Part of European Sustainability 2020,
Danila Djokic, from University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper (2011)
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, sustainability, European Commission; European Strategy 2020

Globalizarea crizei. Sau criza globalizării?,
Dănilă Nicolae, in Revista OEconomica (2011)
Keywords: globalization, crisis, state intervention, FX reserves, emerging countries, Euro, US Dollar, multipolarism, sovereign debt and sovereign funds, reform, convergence, vulnerabilities, UE, Eurozone, Romania

Poate contribui la stabilitatea financiară o bancă de importanţă sistemică având capital autohton?,
Dănilă Nicolae, in Revista OEconomica (2011)
Keywords: Eurozone, crisis, financial stability, international cooperation, central banks

Development of Disclosure and Transparency as Legal Methods for the Supervision of Public Companies in the Republic of Slovenia,
Danila Djokic, in Management (2012)
Keywords: corporate governance, supervisory board, corporate governance statement, disclosure, transparency remuneration, Companies Act, Corporate Governance Code, joint-stock company

Management Buy-Out and Good Corporate Governance,
Danila Djokic, from University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper (2015)
Keywords: management buy-out, corporate governance, control of the company, privatization, ownership transformation, corporatization

Corporate Governance After 20 Years In Slovenia,
Danila Djokic, in Montenegrin Journal of Economics (2013) Downloads

Convergence of Corporate Governance Principles Slovenia and European Union,
Danila Djokic, from University of Primorska Press (2017)
Keywords: corporate governance, convergence, code

Council of the European Union from a Rational Choice Institutionalist Perspective,
Daniela Dănilă, in Europolity – Continuity and Change in European Governance - Old Series (2009)
Keywords: The EU’s Council, The European Council, the rational choice institutionalism’s theory, the United Europe’s government, the EU’s institutions, international actors

Protecția juridică a drepturilor conexe,
Victor Danila, in Intellectus (2021)
Keywords: drepturile de autor; drepturile co-nexe; creația intelectuală; instrumentele naționale și internaționale

Transferul tehnologic și protecția proprietății intelectuale,
Victor Danila, in Intellectus (2021)
Keywords: transfer tehnologic; proprietate intelectuală; protecție; strategie; instrumentele naționale

Transparency of the Non-Financial Reports in the Republic of Slovenia,
Danila Djokic, in Management (2015)
Keywords: corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, annual reports, corporate governance policy and statement

Uniunea Pietelor de capital - un proiect esential pentru Europa,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: Capital Markets Union, European stock exchanges, SME Financing, European Union, securitisation, Uniunea Pietelor de Capital, burse europene, finantarea IMM, Uniunea Europeana, securitizare, fluxuri de capital

Implicatii ale plasarii dobanzilor in zona negativa,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: European banking, European Central Bank, negative interest rates, capital adequacy, financial industry, investment funds, non performing loans, monetary policy

Recalibrarea sistemului bancar european in contextul noilor cerinte si realitati,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: European banking, European Central Bank, non performing loans, asset quality, FinTech, interest rates

Imprumuturile neperformante - o amenintare la adresa stabilitatii sistemului financiar - bancar,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2016)
Keywords: non performing loans, NPL, valoare de piata, banci, criza financiara, calitatea portofoliului, AQR, teste de stres, imprumuturi neperformante, securitizare, provizioane

Sistemul financiar-bancar in era Next Generation EU,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2021)
Keywords: credit risk, uncertainty, NextGenerationEU, non performing loans, asset quality

EURO DIGITAL – un raspuns firesc la provocarile actuale,
Marius Danila, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2021)
Keywords: Euro, currency, digital currency, central bank

Impact of Renewable Energy and Tax Regulation on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in OECD Countries: CS-ARDL Approach,
Danila Valko, in Ekonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy (2021)
Keywords: renewable energy, tax regulation, greenhouse gases, OECD, CS-ARDL.

The Role of ESG Factors in Improving Firm Financial Performance,
Alexandra Danila, in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series (2023)
Keywords: financial statements, ESG, return on equity, construction sector

Nevi Danila, in Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking (2023)
Keywords: Sukuk, Bonds, COVID-19, Emerging markets, GARCH, VaR

Nicolae Danila, in Theoretical and Applied Economics (2007)
Keywords: banking system; commercial bank; banking efficiency; interest; credit institution. REL Classification: 8A, 11C, 20G

Banking Products Development in the Romanian Banking Market,
Nicolae Danila, in Theoretical and Applied Economics (2007)
Keywords: convergence; restructuring; sophistication of banking products and services; competition; financial intermediation.

Challenges in Global Economy,
Nicolae Danila, in Theoretical and Applied Economics (2006)
Keywords: financial market; Euro; US Dollar; European Union; cross-border; hard currency; exchange rate; parity; currency.

A New International Economic and Financial Order,
Nicolae Danila, in Theoretical and Applied Economics (2008)
Keywords: global recession; financial crisis; inflation; monetary policy; growth; depression; fiscal facilities; economic and financial order.

Russia's Import Dependence and Estimated Consequences of Import Restrictions,
Danila Karpov, in Russian Journal of Money and Finance (2023)
Keywords: input-output tables, import dependence, intermediate goods imports, substitution elasticity, GDP

Интервью с профессором Т. Эггертссоном,
Danila Raskov, in Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University. Series 5. Economics Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 5. Экономика (2008) Downloads

Crossing the Borders: Mccloskey and Humanistic Approach to Economics (on the book by D. MCcloskey “Rhetoric of Economics”),
Danila Raskov, in Voprosy Ekonomiki (2015) Downloads

Institutional Turn in Microeconomics?,
Danila Raskov, in Voprosy Ekonomiki (2011) Downloads

Rhetoric of the New Institutional Economics,
Danila Raskov, in Voprosy Ekonomiki (2010) Downloads

Random Walk of Socially Responsible Investment in Emerging Market,
Nevi Danila, in Sustainability (2022)
Keywords: random walk; ESG; SRI; emerging market; sustainability

Financial Interdependencies: Analyzing the Volatility Linkages between Real Estate Investment Trusts, Sukuk, and Oil in GCC Countries,
Nevi Danila, in IJFS (2024)
Keywords: REITs; sukuk; oil; GCC countries; volatility; TVP-VAR

Russia's Dependence on Import of Intermediate Goods,
Danila Karpov, from Bank of Russia (2022)
Keywords: input-output tables, import dependence, intermediate goods imports

Fiat Copper Money and Trust: Monetary Campaign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1654–1663),
Danila Raskov, from Springer (2024)
Keywords: Fiduciary money, Fiat money, Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Copper coinage, Trust, Agio, Habit, Russia

Danila Bochkarev, from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2013)
Keywords: Arctic, Melting Arctic Ice, Arctic Shrinkage, Arctic Council, Northern Sea Route, Northwest Sea Passage, Oil Exploration, Gas Exploration, Energy Security, Geopolitics, Global Warming, Rising Sea Levels,

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