Modeling a City's Branding Tools: The Case of Istanbul,
Senay Oguztimur,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: city branding, city marketing, branding tools, brand strategy, ?stanbul
Senay Oguztimur,
from European Regional Science Association
The Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in Turkey,
Senay Oguztimur,
from European Regional Science Association
Keywords: energy efficiency; climate change; Turkey
The Key Areas Turkey Needs to Work on Due to Improve Entrepreneurship,
Senay Oguztimur,
from European Regional Science Association
Urban Logistics in Master Plan and a Review on Istanbul Master Plan,
Senay Oguztimur and Metin Canci,
from European Regional Science Association
The Analysis of Turkey's Freight Transport in Terms of Tranport Modes,
Senay Oguztimur and Kenan Colak,
from European Regional Science Association
Keywords: transport; networks; Turkey
The Development and Change in City Branding: A Content Analysis of the Literature,
Senay Oguztimur and Ulun Akturan,
from European Regional Science Association
The Comparison of Basic Transportation Indicators and Freight Villages' Locations Between Germany and Turkey,
Cenk Hamamcioglu and Senay Oguztimur,
from European Regional Science Association
Keywords: transportation; freight village; Germany; Turkey
Türkiye''de Para Talebi Modeli: Eşbütünleşme Analizi İlişkileri,
Şenay Üçdoğruk,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Decomposition ofGe2H6on theSi(100)(2 × 1)Surface,
Şenay Katırcıoğlu,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: Ge2H6,Ge2H4,Ge2H5,GeH3, decomposition, density functional theory, B3LYP
Şenay Katircioğlu,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: Phosphine (PH3), arsine (AsH3), Ge(100)(2x1), adsorption, dissociation, Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Türkiye’de Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonometrik Analizi: Eşbütünleşme Testi,
Şenay Üçdoğruk,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
The Performance of Alternative Interest Rate Risk Measures and Immunization Strategies under a Heath-Jarrow-Morton Framework,
Senay Agca,
in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Registered author: Senay Hicyilmaz
The immunisation performance of minimum M-square portfolios,
Senay Agca,
in International Journal of Revenue Management
Keywords: immunisation performance; minimum M-square portfolios; Monte-Carlo simulation; revenue management; immunisation strategies; holding periods; interest rate changes; portfolio formation.
Registered author: Senay Agca
The impact of self-construal and self-concept clarity on socially motivated consumption: The moderating role of materialism,
Senay Sabah,
in Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
Conditional entropy distribution of Istanbul stock market value,
Senay Asma,
in Applied Economics Letters
Registered author: Senay Acikgoz
Türkiye’de Vergi Gelirleri, Vergi Yapısı Ve İktisadi Büyüme İlişkisi: 1968-2006,
Senay Acikgoz,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Keywords: Vergi Gelirleri, Vergi Yapısı, İktisadi Büyüme, Nedensellik İlişkisi
Fertility, Employment and Capital Accumulation: A Case Study For Turkey,
Senay Acikgoz,
in Ekonomik Yaklasim
Keywords: Matrix population model, Leslie matrix, fertility, employment and physical capital stock.
The Effects of Goods and Financial Market Integration on Macroeconomic Volatility,
Ozge Senay,
in The Manchester School of Economic & Social Studies
Ozge Senay,
in Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Ozge Senay,
in Macroeconomic Dynamics
Network effects in the German magazine industry,
Senay Sokullu,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Two-sided markets; Network externality; Nonparametric IV;
More Is Better, Or Not? An Empirical Analysis of Buyer Preferences for Variety on the E-Market,
Senay Sokullu,
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Keywords: Nonparametric IV regression; Two-Sided markets; E-Commerce; Online platforms;
A Semi‐Parametric Analysis of Two‐Sided Markets: An Application to the Local Daily Newspapers in the USA,
Senay Sokullu,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
A regularization approach to the minimum distance estimation: application to structural macroeconomic estimation using IRFs,
Senay Sokullu,
in Oxford Economic Papers
Implications of q-deformed statistics on stellar stability,
M. Senay,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: q-deformed statistics; Stability; Star formation;
Consumer Behavior - Practice Oriented Perspectives,
Senay Sabah,
from IntechOpen
Tourism - Perspectives and Practices,
Senay Sabah,
from IntechOpen
Entrepreneurial Intention: Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Moderation Effect of Start-Up Experience,
Senay Sabah,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, theory of planned behaviour, moderation, start-up experience
Introductory Chapter: Consumer Behavior in New Era,
Senay Sabah,
from IntechOpen
Registered author: Ozge Senay
Introductory Chapter: Studying Tourism,
Senay Sabah,
from IntechOpen
The Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policy with Different Degrees of Goods and Financial Market Integration,
Ozge Senay,
from Department of Economics, University of York
Keywords: Policy effectiveness, pricing-to-market, goods market integration, financial market integration
Disinflation Dynamics in an Open Economy General Equilibrium Model,
Ozge Senay,
from Department of Economics, University of York
Keywords: disinflation, staggered prices, persistence, dynamic general equilibrium, pricing-to-market
Registered author: Senay Sokullu
Nonparametric Estimation of Semiparametric Transformation Models,
Senay Sokullu,
from School of Economics, University of Bristol, UK
Keywords: Nonparametric IV Regression, Inverse problems, Tikhonov Regularization, Regularization Parameter
Nonparametric Analysis of Two-Sided Markets,
Senay Sokullu,
from School of Economics, University of Bristol, UK
Keywords: Two-sided markets, Network externality, Nonparametric IV, Ill-posed inverse problems, Tikhonov Regularization
Sosyal Calismacilarin Sosyal Destek Algilarinin Tukenmislige Etkisi,
Senay Yurur and Muammer Sarikaya,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Sosyal destek, tukenmislik, sosyal calismaci
Hanenin borçlanma tercihinin Nested Logit Model ile belirlenmesi,
Hatice Özkoç and Şenay Üçdoğruk,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Hanenin borcu, Nested Logit Model
Pozitif Psikolojik Sermayenin Bir Belirleyicisi Olarak Algýlanan Örgütsel Desteðin Rolü,
Yasin Cömert and Senay Yürür,
in Isletme ve Iktisat Calismalari Dergisi
Keywords: Pozitif psikolojik sermaye, Umut, Özyeterlilik, Dayanýklýlýk, Ýyimserlik, Algýlanan örgütsel destek
Environmental Kuznets Curve: The Evidence from BSEC Countries,
Senay Sarac and Aykut Yaglikara,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Environmental Kuznets Curve, CO2 Emission, Energy Consumption, Panel Data
Multiple Criteria Inventory Classification in an Electronics Firm,
Feyzan Arikan and Senay Citak,
in International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM)
Keywords: Multiple criteria decision-making, inventory management, decision support
Şakir Erkoç and Şenay Katircioğlu,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: Si(100) Surface, C60, MD Simulation, Empirical Potential, 61.48.+c, 68.35.Fx, 02.70.Ns
Rezek Mohammad and Şenay Katircioğlu,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: ScxAl1-xN, DFT, structural properties, electronic properties, 64.70.kd, 71.15.Mb, 71.15.Nc, 71.20.Be, 71.20.Nr
First-principles calculations for the structural and electronic properties of GaAs1−xPx nanowires,
Rezek Mohammad and Şenay Katırcıoğlu,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: GaAs1−xPx nanowires, DFT, structural properties, electronic properties
First-principles calculations for mechanical and electronic features of strained GaP nanowires,
Rezek Mohammad and Şenay Katırcıoğlu,
in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC)
Keywords: GaP nanowire, strain, first-principles calculations, mechanical properties, electronic properties
KATIRCIOĞlu Şenay and Şakir Erkoç,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: SiH4, silane, decomposition, stepped Si(100) surface, density functional theory, B3LYP, 71.15.-m, 71.15.Mb, 71.24.+q
Mustafa Türkmenoğlu and Şenay Katircioğlu,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: Adsorption and dissociation, PH3, SiGe(100)(2 × 1) surface, models and computational method
Mustafa Türkmenoğlu and Şenay Katircioğlu,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: SAtype steppedGe(100), B2H6, dissociation, adsorption, DFT, HF
Rezek Mohammad and Şenay Katircioğlu,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Keywords: BAs, BN, BNxAs1-x, DFT, structural properties, electronic properties
Relation between Press Intensity and Angular Velocity at a RPPP Mechanism,
Şenay Baydaş and Bülent Karakaş,
in Mathematical Problems in Engineering
An application of routing location and allocation model for drinking water distribution,
Armagan Bayram and Senay Solak,
in International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Keywords: vehicle routing and allocation; non-profit vehicle routing; mixed-integer programming; resource allocation; water distribution.
Climate change and optimal energy technology R&D policy,
Erin Baker and Senay Solak,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: R&D portfolio Energy technology Climate change Stochastic programming Public policy
Fermionic q-deformation and its connection to thermal effective mass of a quasiparticle,
Abdullah Algin and Mustafa Senay,
in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Keywords: Deformed Fermi gas model; Composite fermions; Fermionic q-calculus; Deformed fermions; Intermediate statistics;
Optimal policies for information sharing in information system security,
Senay Solak and Yueran Zhuo,
in European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: Information system security; Technology investments; Information sharing; Stochastic programming;
Sovereign debt and corporate borrowing costs in emerging markets,
Senay Agca and Oya Celasun,
in Journal of International Economics
Keywords: Sovereign debt; Corporate debt; Syndicated loans; Yield spreads; Creditor rights;
The impact of capital market imperfections on investment-cash flow sensitivity,
Senay Agca and Abon Mozumdar,
in Journal of Banking & Finance
Rationalising pedagogy: what counts as skill across musical communities of practice in contemporary Istanbul,
Banu Şenay and Faik Gür,
in Third World Quarterly
Two extensions for fitting discrete time term structure models with normally distributed factors,
Senay Agca and Don Chance,
in Applied Mathematical Finance
Keywords: term structure, Ho-Lee model, Heath-Jarrow-Morton model,
Banking Sector Reforms and Corporate Borrowing Costs in Emerging Markets,
Senay Agca and Oya Celasun,
in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
Keywords: bank, credit market reforms, credit spreads, loan
What drives emerging economy firm acquisitions in tax havens?,
Murali Chari and Senay Acikgoz,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Emerging economy firms; Cross-border acquisitions; Tax havens; Internationalization motivations; Institutional weakness;
Turkiye’de Cari Islemler Aciginin Surdurulebilirligi,
Senay Acikgoz and Anil Akcaglayan,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Cari islemler aciginin surdurulebilirligi, yapisal kirilma, estumlesme
Turkiye’de Ilk Halka Arz Getirilerinin Degiskenligi,
Senay Acikgoz and Veysel Gokkaya,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: : ilk halka arz, dusuk fiyatlama, oynaklik
Investment–Cash Flow Sensitivity: Fact or Fiction?,
Şenay Ağca and Abon Mozumdar,
in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Management of Energy Technology for Sustainability: How to Fund Energy Technology Research and Development,
Erin Baker and Senay Solak,
in Production and Operations Management
Lower Cost Arrivals for Airlines: Optimal Policies for Managing Runway Operations under Optimized Profile Descent,
Heng Chen and Senay Solak,
in Production and Operations Management
Sources of growth revisited: The importance of the nature of technological progress,
Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert,
in Journal of Applied Economics
Keywords: economic growth, technological progress, the bounds testing approach, ARDL, FM-OLS
Harrod-Notr Teknolojik Gelisme Varsayimi Altinda Turkiye’de Buyumenin Kaynaklari,
Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert,
in Ege Academic Review
Keywords: Buyume, teknolojik gelisme, sinir sinamasi yaklasimi, ARDL, FM-OLS.
A Short Note on the Fallacy of Identification of Technological Progress in Models of Economic Growth,
Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert,
in SAGE Open
Keywords: Hicks-neutral; Harrod-neutral; technological progress; growth; stability
Sources of Growth Revisited: The Importance of the Nature of Technological Progress,
Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert,
in Journal of Applied Economics
Endogeneity of the Natural Rate of Growth: An Application to Turkey,
Senay Acikgoz and Merter Mert,
in Panoeconomicus
Keywords: The natural rate of growth, The endogeneity of the natural rate of growth, ARDL approach, Causality tests
The endogeneity of the natural rate of growth: An alternative approach,
Acikgöz Senay and Merter Mert,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Keywords: economic growth, Thirlwall's Law, the endogeneity of the natural rate of growth, the bounds testing approach, ARDL, FM-OLS
The expenditure switching effect and fixed versus floating exchange rates,
Alan Sutherland and Ozge Senay,
from Money Macro and Finance Research Group
Endogenous Price Flexibility, the Expenditure Switching Effect and Exchange Rate Regime Choice,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from Money Macro and Finance Research Group
Foreign Money Shocks and the Welfare Performance of Alternative Monetary Policy Regimes*,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Scandinavian Journal of Economics
The Expenditure Switching Effect and the Choice Between Fixed and Floating Exchange Rates,
Alan Sutherland and Ozge Senay,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Exchange rates; Expenditure switching; Welfare
Optimal Monetary Policy, Exchange Rate Misalignments and Incomplete Financial Markets,
Alan Sutherland and Ozge Senay,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Optimal monetary policy; Financial market structure; Country portfolios
Country Portfolios, Collateral Constraints and Optimal Monetary Policy,
Alan Sutherland and Ozge Senay,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Optimal monetary policy; Financial market structure; Country portfolios; Collateral constraints
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Macroeconomic Dynamics
Endogenous Price Flexibility and Optimal Monetary Policy,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE)
Keywords: Welfare, Endogenous Price Flexibility, Optimal Monetary Policy,
Local Currency Pricing, Foreign Monetary Shocks and Exchange Rate Policy,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE)
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Foreign Monetary Shocks, Expenditure Switching, Exchange Rates, Local Currency Pricing, Reference Currency,
Individual consumption in collective households: Identification using repeated observations with an application to PROGRESA,
Senay Sokullu and Christine Valente,
in Journal of Applied Econometrics
Optimal monetary policy and the timing of asset trade in open economies,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Economics Letters
Optimal monetary policy, exchange rate misalignments and incomplete financial markets,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Journal of International Economics
Keywords: Optimal monetary policy; Financial market structure; Country portfolios;
Cross-Validation Selection of Regularisation Parameter(s) for Semiparametric Transformation Models,
Senay Sokullu and Sami Stouli,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Nonparametric IV Regression, Transformation Models, Cross-Validation, Tikhonov Regularisation, Ill-Posed Inverse Problems.
A quantitative analysis of cost-push shocks and optimal inflation volatility,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Applied Economics Letters
Local Currency Pricing, Foreign Monetary Shocks and Exchange Rate Policy,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Open Economies Review
Keywords: Monetary policy, Foreign monetary shocks, Expenditure switching, Exchange rates, Local currency pricing, Reference currency, E52, F41, F42,
Analysis of global economic policy uncertainty and export flows for emerging markets with panel VAR modeling,
Çağlayan Aslan and Senay Acikgoz,
in International Journal of Emerging Markets
Keywords: Economic policy uncertainty, Emerging markets, Panel VAR, Export, C32, F13, F14
Fiscal consolidations and the cost of credit,
Şenay Ağca and Deniz Igan,
in Journal of International Economics
Keywords: Fiscal policy; Sovereign debt; Cost of credit; Corporate loans;
The Lion’s Share: Evidence from Federal Contracts on the Value of Political Connections,
Şenay Ağca and Deniz Igan,
in Journal of Law and Economics
Are the global economic policy uncertainties blocking the export flows of emerging markets? A heterogeneous panel SVAR analysis,
Caglayan Aslan and Senay Acikgoz,
in Economic Journal of Emerging Markets
Keywords: Export, panel data analysis, Emerging Markets
The Timing of Asset Trade and Optimal Policy in Dynamic Open Economies,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE)
Keywords: Optimal policy, monetary policy in open economies, international financial markets,
Endogenous price flexibility and optimal monetary policy,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
in Oxford Economic Papers
Can Endogenous Changes in Price Flexibility Alter the Relative Welfare Performance of Exchange Rate Regimes?,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
How Does Public External Debt Affect Corporate Borrowing Costs In Emerging Markets?,
Oya Celasun and Senay Agca,
from International Monetary Fund
Keywords: WP;sovereign bond;loan yield;debt crisis;private sector
The Impact of Cognition on New Value Creation within the Institutional Theory Perspective,
Senay Sabah and Akin Kocak,
from IntechOpen
Keywords: optimism, self-efficacy, institution theory, multiple case study
Can Endogenous Changes in Price Flexibility Alter the Relative Welfare Performance of Exchange Rate Regimes?,
Ozge Senay and Alan Sutherland,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc