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905 documents matched the search for Rupert Rink in authors.
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A New Dawn,
Ekaterina M. Gratcheva, Bryan Gurhy, Teal Emery, Dieter Wang, Luis Oganes, Jarrad K. Linzie, Lydia Harvey, Katherine Marney, Jessica Murray and Rupert Rink, from The World Bank Group (2021)
Keywords: Environment - Climate Change and Environment Finance and Financial Sector Development - Finance and Development Governance - Governance and the Financial Sector Private Sector Development - Corporate Social Responsibility

Vergleich und Analogieschluß in den Altertumswissenschaften (3. bis 5. November 1987 in Heiligendamm),
Rink Bernhard, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook (1988) Downloads

Widerspiegelung sozialökonomischer Prozesse an der Wende vom Altertum zum Mittelalter (22. bis 24. September 1982 in Leipzig),
Rink Bernhard, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook (1983) Downloads

August Boeckh und die Wirtschaftsgeschichte,
Rink Bernhard, in Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook (1986) Downloads

Urban development, housing market and housing policy in Leipzig,
Dieter Rink, from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Division of Social Sciences (ÖKUS) (2022) Downloads

Stadtentwicklung, Wohnungsmarkt und Wohnungspolitik in Leipzig,
Dieter Rink, from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Division of Social Sciences (ÖKUS) (2021) Downloads

Public space on the move: Mediating mobility, stillness and encounter on a Cape Town bus,
Bradley Rink, in Urban Studies (2023)
Keywords: mobility; public transport; public space; bus travel; South Africa

Do Protestant Missionaries Undermine Political Authority? Evidence From Peru,
Anselm Rink, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2018)
Keywords: religion and politics, quantitative methods, Latin American politics

The German wars of liberation 1807–1815: The restrained insurgency,
Martin Rink, in Small Wars and Insurgencies (2014) Downloads

The awakening of civil society in Eastern Europe,
Dieter Rink, in City (2017) Downloads

The predictive ability of technical trading rules: an empirical analysis of developed and emerging equity markets,
Kevin Rink, in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (2023)
Keywords: Technical analysis, Predictive ability, Multiple hypothesis testing, Data snooping bias, Market efficiency, Transaction costs

Über Unternehmungsziele,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1966) Downloads

Präferenz, Indifferenz und Ambivalenz. Über alternative Interpretationen einer schwachen Ordnung von Präferenzsystemen,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1968) Downloads

Funktionelle Verteilung, personelle Verteilung und Multiplikatoreffekt: Überlegungen zum Kaldor-Ansatz in der Verteilungstheorie,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1969) Downloads

Marktform und Geldschöpfungsmultiplikator,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1973) Downloads

Consumption-investment trade-off, wage-profit trade-off, and terms of trade,
Gerhard Schmitt-Rink, in World Development (1979) Downloads

The Fur Trade in Colonial New York, 1686–1776. By Thomas Elliot Norton. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1974. Pp. x + 243. $12.50,
Oliver A. Rink, in Business History Review (1976) Downloads

“Give us Good Measure”: An Economic Analysis of Relations Between The Indians and the Hudson's Bay Company Before 1763. By Arthur J. Ray and Donald Freeman. Buffalo, University of Toronto Press, 1979. Pp. xvi + 298. $4.95,
Oliver A. Rink, in Business History Review (1982) Downloads

Unternehmungswachstum und -Schrumpfung: Teil I: Konstante Wachstumsrate (Schrumpfungsrate) der Nachfrage,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1967) Downloads

Unternehmungswachstum und -Schrumpfung: Teil II: Variable Wachstumsrate (Schrumpfungsrate) der Nachfrage,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1967) Downloads

Über Neo-Ricardianische Außenhandelsmodelle / On Neo-Ricardian Models of International Trade,
Schmitt-Rink Gerhard, in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik) (1978) Downloads

Multiple Dimensions of Bureaucratic Discrimination: Evidence from German Welfare Offices,
Johannes Hemker and Anselm Rink, in American Journal of Political Science (2017) Downloads

The Determinants of Religious Radicalization,
Anselm Rink and Kunaal Sharma, in Journal of Conflict Resolution (2018)
Keywords: radicalization; religion; Kenya; extremism

Afforestation of Urban Brownfields as a Nature-Based Solution. Experiences from a Project in Leipzig (Germany),
Dieter Rink and Catrin Schmidt, in Land (2021)
Keywords: greening; brownfields; urban forests; green infrastructure; nature-based solution

The Determinants of Religious Radicalization: Evidence from Kenya,
Anselm Rink and Kunaal Sharma, in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters (2018)
Keywords: radicalization, religion, Kenya, extremism

Nachhaltige Entwicklung im ländlichen Raum unter den Bedingungen von Schrumpfung,
Peter Bischoff and Dieter Rink, from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) (2013) Downloads

Urbane Wälder: Ökologische Stadterneuerung durch Anlage urbaner Waldflächen auf innerstädtischen Flächen im Nutzungswandel. Ein Beitrag zur Stadtentwicklung in Leipzig,
Dieter Rink and Thomas Arndt, from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) (2011) Downloads

Nutzung von Geokoordinaten zur Verknüpfung des statistischen Unternehmensregisters mit dem Bundesarztverzeichnis,
Lorna Syme and Anke Rink, in WISTA – Wirtschaft und Statistik (2023)
Keywords: Geokodierung, geografische Gitterzellen, Arztpraxis, Namensabgleich, räumliche Lage, geocoding, geographic grid cells, medical practice, name comparison, spatial location

Spending or saving? Female empowerment and financial decisions in a matrilineal society,
Ute Rink and Laura Barros, in World Development (2021)
Keywords: Female empowerment; Matrilineality; Culture; Savings; India; Protestant missions;

Near-integrability of periodic FPU-chains,
Bob Rink and Ferdinand Verhulst, in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (2000)
Keywords: Fermi–Pasta–Ulam-chain; Normalisation; KAM-theorem; Recurrence;

Horse/power: human–animal mobile assemblage in the contemporary city,
Bradley Rink and Justin Crow, in Contemporary Social Science (2021) Downloads

Local housing markets and local housing policies: a comparative analysis of 14 German cities,
Dieter Rink and Björn Egner, in International Journal of Housing Policy (2022) Downloads

Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Unternehmensdemografie,
Anke Rink and Ines Seiwert, in WISTA – Wirtschaft und Statistik (2021)
Keywords: Unternehmensdemografie, Unternehmen, Arbeitgeberdemografie, Unternehmensregister, Strukturstatistik, business demography, enterprise, employer demography, business register, structural business statistics

‘Not Relevant to the System’: The Crisis in the Backyards,
Matthias Bernt and Dieter Rink, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2010) Downloads

Wayne K.D. Davies (ed.) 2015: Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems. London: Springer (GeoJournal Library No. 112),
Dieter Rink and Annegret Haase, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2018) Downloads

Aspiring to greater intellectual humility in science,
Rink Hoekstra and Simine Vazire, in Nature Human Behaviour (2021) Downloads

Urban Transition of the Heat Sector in Leipzig toward a Post-Fossil City?,
Leonie Büttner and Dieter Rink, in Sustainability (2019)
Keywords: post-fossil city; urban transformation; heat transition; local climate policy; urban governance

Household disability and time preferences: Evidence from incentivized experiments in Vietnam,
Ute Rink and Theresa Rollwage, from Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Project TVSEP (2022)
Keywords: Impact; Disability, Time preferences, Priming, Vietnam

There are no such things as ‘commodities’: a research note,
Rupert Read, in The Journal of Philosophical Economics (2011) Downloads

Die Verstaatlichte Industrie und die Entwicklung der Forschungspolitik in Österreich,
Rupert Pichler, in ZögU - Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (2011) Downloads

An Economist's View of the Catering Sector,
Rupert Loader, from University of Reading (1992)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety

On Meeting NCLB School Improvement Mandate,
Rupert Green, in SAGE Open (2015)
Keywords: educational research; NYC school size; social sciences; careers; disparities; achievement

Puerto Rico and American Policy Toward Dependent Areas,
Rupert Emerson, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1953) Downloads

Book Reviews: An Introduction to Urban Renewal,
Rupert Nabarro, in Urban Studies (1983) Downloads

Book Review: Entrepreneurship and the New Firm by D. J. STOREY. London: Croom Helm. 1982. pp. 232. £13.95,
Rupert Nabarro, in Urban Studies (1983) Downloads

STONE, JULIUS. Regional Guarantees of Minority Rights. Pp. xvi, 313. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1933. $3.75,
Rupert Emerson, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1934) Downloads

Point Four and Dependent Areas,
Rupert Emerson, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1950) Downloads

J. P. NETTLE and ROLAND ROBERTSON. International Systems and the Modernization of Societies. Pp. 216. New York: Basic Books, 1968. $5.95,
Rupert Emerson, in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1969) Downloads

Political Interference in the Philippine Civil Service,
Rupert Hodder, in Environment and Planning C (2009) Downloads

Effect of Principal and Student Gender on New York City High School Performance Outcomes,
Rupert Green, in SAGE Open (2015)
Keywords: androcentrism; feminization; culturally relevant pedagogy; vocational education; Jamaica

Agricultural Sciences in Upland Northern Vietnam: Situating Research in a Dynamic Environment,
Rupert Friedrichsen, from Universitaet Hohenheim, Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics (2006)
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies

Environmental Impact of an Industrial Compressed Air System with a Solar Powered Compressor in South Africa,
Rupert Gouws, in Energy & Environment (2012)
Keywords: Industrial compressed air; solar power; energy efficiency; emissions impact

A History of Nationalism in the East. By Hans Kohn. Translated by Margaret W. Green. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1929. Pp. xi, 476.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1930) Downloads

Pazifismus und Imperialismus. By Leo Gross. (Leipzig und Wien: Franz Deuticke. 1931. Pp. x, 453.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1931) Downloads

The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism. By Carlton J. H. Hayes. (New York: Richard R. Smith, Inc.1931. Pp. viii, 327.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1931) Downloads

Society at War. By Caroline E. Playne. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1931. Pp. 380.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1932) Downloads

The Spirit of World Politics. By William Ernest Hocking. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1932. Pp. xiv, 571.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1932) Downloads

L'Alliance Franco-Russe. By Baron Boris Nolde. (Paris: Librarie Droz. 1936. Pp. 700.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1937) Downloads

The Colonial Problem. A Report by a Study Group of Members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1937. Pp. xiii, 448. $8.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1938) Downloads

France Overseas. By Herbert Ingram Priestley. (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company. 1938. Pp. ix, 463. $5.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1939) Downloads

Germany's Colonial Demands. Edited from the Reports of the Oxford University Commonwealth Group by A. L. C. Bullock. (London: Oxford University Press. 1939. Pp. viii, 266. $2.75.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1940) Downloads

War and Peace in Soviet Diplomacy. By T. A. Taracouzio. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1940. Pp. 354. $4.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1941) Downloads

Freedom and Welfare in the Caribbean; A Colonial Dilemma. By Annette Baker Fox. (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1949. Pp. x, 272. $3.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1950) Downloads

Idols of the Tribe: Group Identity and Political Change. By Harold R. Isaacs. (New York: Harper and Row, 1975. Pp. 242. $10.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1978) Downloads

The Atlantic Community and the Emerging Countries,
Rupert Emerson, in International Organization (1963) Downloads

Colonialism, Political Development, and the UN,
Rupert Emerson, in International Organization (1965) Downloads

The Chinese in Southeast Asia. By Victor Purcell. (New York: Oxford University Press. 1951. Pp. xxxvii, 801. $11.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1951) Downloads

The Future of Underdeveloped Countries: Political Implications of Development. By Eugene Staley. (New York: Harper and Bros.1954. Pp. xiv, 410. $5.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1954) Downloads

The Study of International Relations. By Quincy Wright. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.1955. Pp. ix, 603. $6.75.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1956) Downloads

Southeast Asia in Perspective. By John Kerry King. (New York: The Macmillan Company. 1956. Pp. xx, 309. $5.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1957) Downloads

Man-Milieu Relationship Hypotheses in the Context of International Politics. By Harold and Margaret Sprout. (Princeton: Center of International Studies. 1956. Pp. 101.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1958) Downloads

The Springtime of Freedom: The Evolution of Developing Societies. By William McCord. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. xi, 330. $6.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1965) Downloads

Self-Determination and History in the Third World. By David C. Gordon. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971. Pp. 219. $7.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1972) Downloads

L'evoluzione del rapporto banca-impresa: dalla "Hausbank" al "financial services advisor",
Rupert Limentani, in Banca Impresa Società (2003) Downloads

The effect of real exchange rate changes on output: Jamaica's devaluation experience,
Rupert Rhodd, in Journal of International Development (1993)

Rupert Hodder, in Public Administration & Development (2014) Downloads

Aktuelle Trends: Wirtschaftliche Situation der Kreise an der Grenze zu Polen und Tschechien: nicht ohne Probleme, aber auch nicht nur mit Schwächen,
Rupert Kawka, in Wirtschaft im Wandel (2004) Downloads

Strukturschwache Räume als Standort der Informations- und Kommunikationsbranche – das Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalt,
Rupert Kawka, in Wirtschaft im Wandel (2003) Downloads

Aktuelle Trends - Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Einwohner zu Marktpreisen in Euro im Jahr 2000,
Rupert Kawka, in Wirtschaft im Wandel (2002) Downloads

Clusters and resilience: economic growth in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire,
Rupert Waters, in International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (2015)
Keywords: resilience; Oxfordshire; Cambridgeshire; knowledge economy; economic growth; clusters; UK; United Kingdom; high technology; high tech local economies; regional development; new firm formation; sectoral composition; gross value added.

Economics is philosophy, economics is not science,
Rupert Read, in International Journal of Green Economics (2007)
Keywords: Friedman; green economics; political economy; Mirowski; physics; utility; political philosophy.

Beyond an ungreen-economics-based political philosophy: three strikes against 'the difference principle',
Rupert Read, in International Journal of Green Economics (2011)
Keywords: John Rawls; Jerry Cohen; Norman Daniels; difference principle; liberalism; ecological sustainability; green economics; political philosophy.

Can International Human Rights Law Help Restore Access to Justice for Disabled Workers?,
Rupert Harwood, in Laws (2016)
Keywords: UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; Equality Act; discrimination; disability; tribunal fees; justice; employment

What Has Limited the Impact of UK Disability Equality Law on Social Justice?,
Rupert Harwood, in Laws (2016)
Keywords: social justice; disability; employment; Equality Act 2010; reasonable adjustments

QALY as an estimator of social benefits or anti-drug strategies,
Rupert Rhodd, in Journal of Policy Modeling (1993) Downloads

Comment on: "Taxes and the global allocation of capital" by Backus, Henriksen and Storesletten,
Peter Rupert, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2008) Downloads

Mehr Sachlichkeit!,
Pritzl Rupert, in Wirtschaftsdienst (2023) Downloads

Customer Foresight - Practice How to Access Future Markets Through Extraordinary People,
Rupert Hofmann, in Marketing Review St.Gallen (2020) Downloads

Registered author: Rupert Rhodd

Accounting for recent labor market behavior,
Peter Rupert, from Society for Economic Dynamics (2014)

Thurow’s Economic Games,
Rupert Buchanan, in Journal of Economic Issues (1982) Downloads

Economist-kings? A Critical Notice on Caplan, The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies,
Rupert Read, in European Review (2011) Downloads

Rupert Emerson, in International Organization (1962) Downloads

The Mandates System in Relation to Africa and the Pacific Islands. By Elizabeth van Maanen-Helmer. (London: P. S. King and Son. 1929. Pp. 331.) - British Colonial Policy and the South African Republics, 1848–1872. By C. W. de Kiewiet. (London: Longmans Green and Co.1929. Pp. xiii, 317.) - The British in Tropical Africa: An Historical Outline. By Ifor L. Evans. (Cambridge University Press. 1929. Pp. ix, 396.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1929) Downloads

Die Moderne Nation. By Heinz O. Ziegler. (Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck). 1931. Pp. viii, 308.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1932) Downloads

The Germans in the Cameroons, 1884–1914; A Case Study in Modern Imperialism. By Harry R. Rudin. (New Haven: Yale University Press. 1938. Pp. 456. $4.00.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1939) Downloads

The Diplomacy of Southeast Asia: 1945–1958. By Russell H. Fifield. (New York: Harper and Brothers. 1958. Pp. xv, 584. $7.50.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1959) Downloads

Decolonization, the Administration and Future of the Colonies, 1919–1960. By Rudolf von Albertini. (Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1971. Pp. 680. $12.95.),
Rupert Emerson, in American Political Science Review (1972) Downloads

The Role of Foundations in Public Debates in Germany,
Rupert Strachwitz, in American Journal of Economics and Sociology (2015) Downloads

Die New Economic Geography – besser als ihr Ruf,
Kawka Rupert, in ZFW – Advances in Economic Geography (2003) Downloads

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