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259663 documents matched the search for Robert J. Andres in authors.
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Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Therapy Sequence in Advanced Cancer: A Microsimulation Approach with Application to Metastatic Prostate Cancer,
Elizabeth A. Handorf, J. Robert Beck, Andres Correa, Chethan Ramamurthy and Daniel M. Geynisman, in Medical Decision Making (2023)
Keywords: microsimulation model; calibration; therapy sequence

The Effect of Migration on Wages: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,
Dakshina De Silva, Robert P. McComb, Young-Kyu Moh, Anita Schiller and Andres J. Vargas, in American Economic Review (2010) Downloads

A reconceptualization of fear of failure in entrepreneurship,
Gabriella Cacciotti, James C. Hayton, J. Robert Mitchell and Andres Giazitzoglu, in Journal of Business Venturing (2016)
Keywords: Fear of failure; Entrepreneurship; Conceptual development; Socially-situated cognition;

The Hand Prints of Dr. Albert Einstein,
Andres J Washington, in Journal of Forensic Sciences & Criminal Investigation (2016)
Keywords: Journal of Forensic Sciences,Criminal Investigation,open access,juniper publishers open access journals,journal of forensic sciences & criminal investigation,journal of forensic sciences impact factor ,journal of forensic science and research ,journal of forensic sciences citation format ,criminal investigation book ,criminal investigation articles ,criminal investigation and forensics ,criminal investigation analysis

The Effect of Social Security Contributions on Coverage and Wages: A Gender Perspective Using a Natural Experiment from Colombia,
Andres J. Vargas, in Southern Economic Journal (2011) Downloads

The Effect of Social Security Contributions on Coverage and Wages: A Gender Perspective Using a Natural Experiment from Colombia,
Andres J. Vargas, in Southern Economic Journal (2011) Downloads

Registered author: Andrés J. Rendón C.

Después de la inundación,
Andrés Sánchez J., in Coyuntura Económica (2011)
Keywords: Inundación, Municipio de Santa Lucía, Fenómeno de La Niña, Desastre natural, Canal del Dique. Floods, Santa Lucía Municipality, La Niña Phenomenon, Natural Disaster, Levee Canal

New rules, new politics, same actors – explaining policy change in the EU ETS,
Andres J. Drew, from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library (2010) Downloads

Pierre Ponsot: Atlas de Historia Económica de la Baja Andalucía (Siglos XVI–XIX), Sevilla, Editoriales Andaluzas Unidas, 1986, 730 pp,
Andrés J. Moreno Mengíbar, in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (1988) Downloads

Antonia Heredia Herrera: Sevilla y los hombres del Comercio (1700–1800), Sevilla, Editoriales Andaluzas Unidas, S. A. (Colección Galaxia), 1989, 270 pp., 1.800 ptas,
Andrés J. Moreno Mengíbar, in Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (1989) Downloads

Summarizing a Set of Radiocarbon Determinations: A Robust Approach,
J. Andres Christen, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (1994) Downloads

Assimilation effects beyond the labor market: time allocations of Mexican immigrants to the US,
Andres J. Vargas, in Review of Economics of the Household (2016)
Keywords: Immigrant assimilation, Time allocation, Mexican immigrants

Registered author: Andres J. Picazo-Tadeo

Registered author: Andres J. Yany

Toward an Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Health Systems of Western Countries,
Andres J. Ursa Herguedas, from IntechOpen
Keywords: welfare state, universal health, integrative medicine, environmental sustainability, climate change

Granger-causality, real factor prices and employment: A re-appraisal with UK data,
Andres Drobny and Robert Gausden, in European Economic Review (1988) Downloads

Economic instability and aggregate investment,
Robert Pindyck and Andrés. Solimano, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management (1993)
Keywords: HD28 .M414 no.3552-, 93,

Economic Instability and Aggregate Investment,
Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1993) Downloads

Economic Instability and Aggregate Investment,
Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (1993) Downloads

Endogenous dollarization, expectations, and equilibrium monetary policy,
Robert Chang and Andres Velasco, in Proceedings (2004) Downloads

Economic instability and aggregate investment,
Robert Pindyck and Andres Solimano, from The World Bank (1993)
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,International Terrorism&Counterterrorism,Banks&Banking Reform,ICT Policy and Strategies

Artículos de política pública, otra manera de encarar los problemas sociales,
G. J. Andrés Uzín P., from Universidad Privada Boliviana (2021)
Keywords: Políticas públicas, Bolivia, gobiernos subnacionales, servicios públicos

Registered author: G. J. Andrés Uzín P.

Optimization of enhanced oil recovery operations in unconventional reservoirs,
Andrés J. Calderón and Natalie J. Pekney, in Applied Energy (2020)
Keywords: Mathematical programming; Shale oil development; Enhanced oil recovery optimization; Stranded gas flaring reduction; Flaring regulations; Taxation schemes; Bakken formation;

Mother’s, Household, and Community U.S. Migration Experience and Infant Mortality in Rural and Urban Mexico,
Erin Hamilton, Andrés Villarreal and Robert Hummer, in Population Research and Policy Review (2009)
Keywords: Infant mortality, International migration, Mexico, Healthy migrant selectivity,

J. Robert, from Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative, CIREQ (1989)
Keywords: auctions ; aversion au risque

J. Robert, from Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en économie quantitative, CIREQ (1989)
Keywords: prix ; publicite ; information

Continuity in Auction Design,
J. Robert, from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques (1989)
Keywords: Auctions ; Risque

Search and Price Advertising,
J. Robert, from Universite de Montreal, Departement de sciences economiques (1989)
Keywords: Prix ; Publicite ; Information

Drivers of declining CO2 emissions in 18 developed economies,
Corinne Le Quéré, Jan Ivar Korsbakken, Charlie Wilson, Jale Tosun, Robbie Andrew, Robert J. Andres, Josep G. Canadell, Andrew Jordan, Glen Peters and Detlef P. van Vuuren, in Nature Climate Change (2019) Downloads

Population genomics of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici highlights the role of admixture in the origin of virulent wheat rust races,
Yuanwen Guo, Bliss Betzen, Andres Salcedo, Fei He, Robert L. Bowden, John P. Fellers, Katherine W. Jordan, Alina Akhunova, Mathew N. Rouse, Les J. Szabo and Eduard Akhunov, in Nature Communications (2022) Downloads

Projected changes in area of the Sundarban mangrove forest in Bangladesh due to SLR by 2100,
Andres Payo, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Sugata Hazra, Tuhin Ghosh, Subhajit Ghosh, Sally Brown, Robert J. Nicholls, Lucy Bricheno, Judith Wolf, Susan Kay, Attila N. Lázár and Anisul Haque, in Climatic Change (2016) Downloads

Estimating a Falsified Model: Some Impossibility Theorems,
George Lady and Andres J. Buck, from EcoMod (2015)
Keywords: Analytical examples are for the US economy., Forecasting, nowcasting, Impact and scenario analysis

Interactions between Food Security and Land Use in the Context of Global Change,
William J. McConnell and Andrés Viña, in Land (2018)
Keywords: n/a

Regional Income Disparities in Europe: What Role for Location?,
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez and J. Andrés Faíña, from EcoMod (2000) Downloads

Human Capital Accumulation and Geography: Empirical Evidence in the European Union,
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez and J. Andrés Faíña, from EcoMod (2000) Downloads

Price setting under uncertainty about inflation,
Andrés Drenik and Diego J. Perez, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2020)
Keywords: Price setting; Informational frictions; Social value of public information;

Diferencias regionales en el ahorro de las familias y distribución de la renta en España,
Andrés J. Marchante Mera and Bienvenido Ortega, in Revista de Estudios Regionales (1998)
Keywords: Ahorro familiar, Hipótesis del ciclo vital, Datos de panel, Economía regional, Distribución de la renta

Renta, ahorro y distribución sectorial de la actividad económica: una perspectiva provincial,
Andrés J. Marchante Mera and Bienvenido Ortega, in Revista de Estudios Regionales (1999)
Keywords: Hipótesis del ciclo vital, Economía regional, Ahorro de las familias

Domestic price dollarization in emerging economies,
Andrés Drenik and Diego J. Perez, in Journal of Monetary Economics (2021)
Keywords: Currency choice; Prices; Dollar; Exchange rate; Pass-through;

Análisis de las diferencias salariales por discapacidad en España: el caso de los varones,
Ricardo Pagan Rodriguez and Andrés J. Marchante, in Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics (2004)
Keywords: Discapacidad, discriminación salarial, sesgo de selección

Online breakage detection of multitooth tools using classifier ensembles for imbalanced data,
Andrés Bustillo and Juan J. Rodríguez, in International Journal of Systems Science (2014) Downloads

A Wiki-based dataset of military operations with novel strategic technologies (MONSTr),
J. Andrés Gannon and Kerry Chávez, in International Interactions (2023) Downloads

RUSEM: A numerical model for policymaking and climate applications,
Andres Navarro and Francisco J. Tapiador, in Ecological Economics (2019)
Keywords: Sustainability; Policy; Rural; Economy; Climate; System Dynamics;

Managerial competencies, innovation and engagement in SMEs: The mediating role of organisational learning,
Francisco J. Lara and Andres Salas-Vallina, in Journal of Business Research (2017)
Keywords: Knowledge management; Competencies; Engagement;

Does distance matter for determining regional income in the European Union? An approach through the market potential concept,
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez and J. Andres Faina, in Applied Economics Letters (2006) Downloads

Market access and human capital accumulation: the European Union case,
J. Andres Faina and Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez, in Applied Economics Letters (2006) Downloads

Objective 1 regions versus non-objective 1 regions. What does the Theil Index tell us?,
Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez and J. Andres Faina, in Applied Economics Letters (2006) Downloads

Environmental and trade policies: some methodological lessons*,
V. Smith and J. Andrès Espinosa, in Environment and Development Economics (1996) Downloads

On the Analysis of Accumulation Curves,
J. Andrés Christen and Miguel Nakamura, in Biometrics (2000) Downloads

Radiocarbon peat chronologies and environmental change,
Maarten Blaauw and J. Andrés Christen, in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (2005) Downloads

Expert Panel, Preventive Maintenance of Heritage Buildings and Fuzzy Logic System: An Application in Valdivia, Chile,
Manuel Carpio and Andrés J. Prieto, in Sustainability (2021)
Keywords: fuzzy system; uncertainty; expert panel; decision-making; timber structure; building

Twitch as a privileged locus to analyze young people’s attitudes in the climate change debate: a quantitative analysis,
Andrés Navarro and Francisco J. Tapiador, in Palgrave Communications (2023) Downloads

Measuring the Environmental Consequences of Trade Policy: A Nonmarket CGE Analysis,
J. Andrès Espinosa and V. Smith, in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1995) Downloads

Optimal sequential Bayesian analysis for degradation tests,
Silvia Rodríguez-Narciso and J. Andrés Christen, in Lifetime Data Analysis: An International Journal Devoted to Statistical Methods and Applications for Time-to-Event Data (2016)
Keywords: Degradation tests, Bayesian analysis, Sequential analysis, Monte Carlo methods

Systematic Statistical Analysis of Microbial Data from Dilution Series,
J. Andrés Christen and Albert E. Parker, in Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (2020)
Keywords: Dilution experiments, Binomial likelihood, Bayesian inference, Hierarchical models, MCMC

Environmental and Trade Policies: Some MethodologicalLessons,
V. Smith and J. Andres Espinosa, from Duke University, Department of Economics (1995)

La evolución diferencial de la productividad del trabajo en Andalucía: causas y posibles medidas de política,
Andrés J. Marchante and Bienvenido Ortega, from Centro de Estudios Andaluces (2007)
Keywords: Productividad regional, políticas regionales, regional productivity, regional policies.

Naturally Available Genetic Adaptation in Common Bean and Its Response to Climate Change,
Andres J. Cortes and Matthew W. Blair, from IntechOpen
Keywords: drought tolerance, environmental adaptation, genomic signatures of selection, agroecological models, divergent selection

Production risk, risk aversion and the determination of risk attitudes among Spanish rice producers,
Andrés J. Picazo‐Tadeo and Alan Wall, in Agricultural Economics (2011) Downloads

Contrasts in the governance structures in the transborder regions Andaluzia -Algarve,
J. Andres Dominguez and Teresa Noronha Vaz, from European Regional Science Association (2011) Downloads

Menu costs, uncertainty cycles, and the propagation of nominal shocks,
Isaac Baley and J. Andrés Blanco, from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2016)
Keywords: Menu costs, uncertainty, information frictions, monetary policy, hazard rates.

Transitioning to Net-Zero: Macroeconomic Implications and Welfare Assessment,
J. Andrés, J.E. Boscá, Rafael Domenech and J. Ferri, from FEDEA (2024) Downloads

Atmospheric verification of anthropogenic CO2 emission trends,
Roger J. Francey, Cathy M. Trudinger, Marcel van der Schoot, Rachel M. Law, Paul B. Krummel, Ray L. Langenfelds, L. Paul Steele, Colin E. Allison, Ann R. Stavert, Robert J. Andres and Christian Rödenbeck, in Nature Climate Change (2013) Downloads

Reply to 'Anthropogenic CO2 emissions',
Roger J. Francey, Cathy M. Trudinger, Marcel van der Schoot, Rachel M. Law, Paul B. Krummel, Ray L. Langenfelds, L. Paul Steele, Colin E. Allison, Ann R. Stavert, Robert J. Andres and Christian Rödenbeck, in Nature Climate Change (2013) Downloads

Erratum: Atmospheric verification of anthropogenic CO2 emission trends,
Roger J. Francey, Cathy M. Trudinger, Marcel van der Schoot, Rachel M. Law, Paul B. Krummel, Ray L. Langenfelds, L. Paul Steele, Colin E. Allison, Ann R. Stavert, Robert J. Andres and Christian Rödenbeck, in Nature Climate Change (2013) Downloads

Review: Understanding the Environment and Social Policy, Cities and Low Carbon Transitions, Economic Thought and US Climate Change Policy, the Governance of Climate Change: Science, Economics, Politics and Ethics,
Maria Carvalho, Joana Setzer, Robert MacNeil and Andres Luque, in Environment and Planning C (2011) Downloads

Simulation of correlated wind speeds: A review,
Andrés Feijóo, Daniel Villanueva, José Luis Pazos and Robert Sobolewski, in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2011)
Keywords: Wind speed Wind power Correlation Weibull distributions Rayleigh distributions Monte Carlo techniques

The Emergence of China: Opportunities and Challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean,
Andres Rodriguez-Clare, Robert Devlin and Antoni Estevadeordal, from Inter-American Development Bank (2006)
Keywords: investment; foreign direct investment; markets; globalization; trade; textiles; global marketplace; WTO accession; imports; exports; comparative advantages; geography; market access; competition; upgrading; agriculture; trade openness; value added;competencia; competitividad; integración; inversión extranjera; política económica; comercio exterior; mercado mundial; textiles; productividad; ahorro; producción industrial

The past, present, and future of retail analytics: Insights from a survey of academic research and interviews with practitioners,
Robert P. Rooderkerk, Nicole DeHoratius and Andrés Musalem, in Production and Operations Management (2022) Downloads

A Tale of Two Cities: Case Studies of Group Support Systems Transition,
Andrés B. Agres, Gert-Jan Vreede and Robert O. Briggs, in Group Decision and Negotiation (2005)
Keywords: technology transition, group support system, technology acceptance, technology diffusion, electronic meeting systems technology adoption, case studies, qualitative research, Technology Transition Model

Innovation and Diffusion of Medical Treatment,
Barton Hamilton, Andrés Hincapié, Robert A. Miller and Nicholas Papageorge, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2018) Downloads

The Pope's fateful vision of hope for society and the planet,
Robert J. Brulle and Robert J. Antonio, in Nature Climate Change (2015) Downloads

Productivity, wages, and prices inside and outside of manufacturing in the U.S., Japan, and Europe,
Robert J. Gordon and Robert J. Gordon, in European Economic Review (1987) Downloads

Numerical and experimental methodology to measure the thermal efficiency of pots on electrical stoves,
Francisco J. Cadavid, Yonatan Cadavid, Andrés A. Amell, Andrés E. Arrieta and Juan Echavarría, in Energy (2014)
Keywords: Numerical simulation; Pot; Electrical stove; Thermal efficiency;

Genetic Variation in the Social Environment Contributes to Health and Disease,
Amelie Baud, Megan K Mulligan, Francesco Paolo Casale, Jesse F Ingels, Casey J Bohl, Jacques Callebert, Jean-Marie Launay, Jon Krohn, Andres Legarra, Robert W Williams and Oliver Stegle, in PLOS Genetics (2017) Downloads

Morphological Characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a MODS Culture for an Automatic Diagnostics through Pattern Recognition,
Alicia Alva, Fredy Aquino, Robert H Gilman, Carlos Olivares, David Requena, Andrés H Gutiérrez, Luz Caviedes, Jorge Coronel, Sandra Larson, Patricia Sheen, David A J Moore and Mirko Zimic, in PLOS ONE (2013) Downloads

“Seeing Is Believing” Otto Neurath, Graphic Art, and the Social Order,
Robert J. Leonard, in History of Political Economy (1999)
Keywords: art, Otto Neurath, graphic art

More about the Funding Basis of the United States Social Security Program in Its Early Days,
Robert J. Myers, in History of Political Economy (1993)
Keywords: Social Security

Did Buchanan and Wagner Misrepresent Keynes?,
J. Robert Subrick, in History of Political Economy (2007)
Keywords: John Maynard Keynes

Can Tenants in Privately Owned Apartments Be Drug Tested?,
Robert J. Aalberts, in Journal of Real Estate Research (2002) Downloads

Understanding the Many Factors that Affect the Success of Organizational Work Teams,
Ph.D. Robert J. Trent, in Journal of Business (2016)
Keywords: Critical success factors; Qualitative analysis; Teams; Team leadership; Team size.

Slow population growth and national income growth: the evidence from Belgium and Japan,
Robert J. Kirk, in Brussels Economic Review (1977) Downloads

Norbert Thom – Generalist und Brückenbauer,
Robert J. Zaugg, in Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice (2011) Downloads

Transfer Approaches to Distribution Policy,
Robert J Lampman, in American Economic Review (1970) Downloads

Applications of Engineering Analysis of Production to Econometric Models of the Firm,
Anderson, Robert J,, in American Economic Review (1970) Downloads

The Economics Major: What It Is and What It Should Be: Panel Discussion,
Robert J Lampman, in American Economic Review (1982)

Turnover and Mobility among the 100 Largest Firms: An Update,
Robert J Stonebraker, in American Economic Review (1979) Downloads

On the Stability of the Racial Unemployment Differential,
Robert J Flanagan, in American Economic Review (1976) Downloads

The U.S. Phillips Curve and International Unemployment Rate Differentials: Reply,
Robert J Flanagan, in American Economic Review (1975) Downloads

The U.S. Phillips Curve and International Unemployment Rate Differentials,
Robert J Flanagan, in American Economic Review (1973) Downloads

Taxation of the Poor and the Rich: Discussion,
Robert J Lampman, in American Economic Review (1972) Downloads

Experience of the Umwa Welfare and Retirement Fund,
Robert J. Myers, in ILR Review (1956) Downloads

Further Experience of the Umwa Welfare and Retirement Fund,
Robert J. Myers, in ILR Review (1961) Downloads

Friedman and Phelps on the Phillips curve viewed from a half century's perspective,
Robert J. Gordon, in Review of Keynesian Economics (2018)
Keywords: unemployment; inflation; Keynesian model; price inertia; supply shocks; natural rate

The Cost of Stabilization: Reply,
Robert J. Jones, in The American Economist (1969) Downloads

Toward an Economics of Health, Education, and Welfare,
Robert J. Lampman, in Journal of Human Resources (1966) Downloads

Robert J. Lampman, in Journal of Human Resources (1968) Downloads

The Causes of Urban Poverty: A Comment on Discrimination,
Robert J. Saunders, in Journal of Human Resources (1970) Downloads

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