Currency Union and Disunion in Europe and the Former Soviet Union,
Richard Pomfret,
in CESifo Forum
Keywords: Währungsumstellung, Währungsunion, Sozialistische Staaten, Transformationsstaaten, Systemtransformation, Optimaler Währungsraum, Rubel, Osteuropa
On the Division of Labour and International Trade: or, Adam Smith's Explanation of Intra‐Industry Trade,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Economic Studies
Global Production Networks, New Trade Technologies and the Challenge for International Institutions,
Richard Pomfret,
in Foreign Trade Review
Keywords: Global value chains; digital trade; trade agreements
Australian Trade Policy in the Twenty‐First Century,
Richard Pomfret,
in Australian Economic Review
From Adversaries to Allies: Australian and European Union Responses to Challenges in the World Economy,
Richard Pomfret,
in Australian Economic Review
Trade policy review of Australia,
Richard Pomfret,
in The World Economy
‘Regionalism’ and the global trade system,
Richard Pomfret,
in The World Economy
Yanrui Wu, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in China,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Comparative Economics
Growth and Transition: Why Has China's Performance Been So Different?,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Comparative Economics
Measuring the effects of economic integration on third countries: A comment on Kreinin and Plummer,
Richard Pomfret,
in World Development
Trade effects of European Community preferences to Mediterranean countries: The case of textile and clothing imports,
Richard Pomfret,
in World Development
International Trade Policy with Imperfect Competition,
Richard Pomfret,
from International Economics Section, Departement of Economics Princeton University,
Keywords: trade policy ; competition
The Age of Equality: The Twentieth Century in Economic Perspective,
Richard Pomfret,
from Harvard University Press
Constructing Market-based Economies in Central Asia: A Natural Experiment?,
Richard Pomfret,
in European Journal of Comparative Economics
Keywords: transition - Central Asia
Richard Pomfret,
in Challenge
The Growlery,
Richard Pomfret,
in Challenge
Central Asia Since 1991: The Experience of the New Independent States,
Richard Pomfret,
from OECD Publishing
Trade costs and agricultural trade in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: trade costs, agricultural trade, Central Asia, Handelskosten, Agrarhandel, Zentralasien
Export policies and performance in Israel,
Richard Pomfret,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
The consequences of free trade in manufactures between Israel and the EEC,
Richard Pomfret,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Israeli policies towards imports of manufactured goods,
Richard Pomfret,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Intra-industry trade in Israel: Level, explanation and implications,
Richard Pomfret,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Turkmenistan after Turkmenbashi,
Richard Pomfret,
from PFH Private University of Applied Sciences, Göttingen
The Sequencing of Economic Reform,
Richard Pomfret,
from University of Adelaide, Chinese Economies Research Centre
Direct Foreign Investment in China,
Richard Pomfret,
from University of Adelaide, Chinese Economies Research Centre
New Global Architecture: The Asian Perspective edited by Masahiro Kawai, Peter J. Morgan and Pradumna B. Rana (eds) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, 2014 P. 248. E-ISBN 978 1 78347 220 8,
Richard Pomfret,
in Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
Assessing the Extent of China's Marketization - Edited by Xiaoxi Li,
Richard Pomfret,
in Asian-Pacific Economic Literature
ASEAN's New Frontiers: Integrating the Newest Members into the ASEAN Economic Community,
Richard Pomfret,
in Asian Economic Policy Review
Multilateralism and Regionalism in the South Pacific: World Trade Organization and Regional Fora as Complementary Institutions for Trade Facilitation,
Richard Pomfret,
in Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
The Localisation of Economic Growth in East Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Australian Economic Review
Lessons from Economies in Transition from Central Planning,
Richard Pomfret,
in Australian Economic Review
Is Inequality Increasing?,
Richard Pomfret,
in Australian Economic Review
The Post‐2007 Financial Crisis and Policy Challenges facing Australia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Papers
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Papers
Currency Areas in Theory and Practice,
Richard Pomfret,
in The Economic Record
International Trade Theory: A critical review ‐ By Murray Kemp,
Richard Pomfret,
in The Economic Record
The Uzbek Model of Economic Development, 1991–91,
Richard Pomfret,
in The Economics of Transition
The Trade‐Diverting Bias of Preferential Trading Arrangements,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Common Market Studies
What is the Secret of the EMS's Longevity?*,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Common Market Studies
The Economics of Voluntary Export Restraint Agreements,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Economic Surveys
Voluntary Export Restraints in the Presence of Monopoly Power,
Richard Pomfret,
in Kyklos
Trade and Exchange Rate Policies in Formerly Centrally Planned Economies,
Richard Pomfret,
in The World Economy
The Eurasian Landbridge and China's Belt and Road Initiative: Demand, supply of services and public policy,
Richard Pomfret,
in The World Economy
The New Trade Theories, Rent-Snatching and Jet Aircraft,
Richard Pomfret,
in The World Economy
The Mechanization of Reaping in Nineteenth-Century Ontario: A Case Study of the Pace and Causes of the Diffusion of Embodied Technical Change,
Richard Pomfret,
in The Journal of Economic History
Richard Pomfret,
in The Journal of Economic History
Australia and the Global Trade System: From Havana to Seattle. By Ann Capling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. x, 260. $64.95, cloth; $24.95, paper,
Richard Pomfret,
in The Journal of Economic History
MFN Tariff Reductions and Developing Country Trade Benefits under the GSP: A Comment,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Journal
Categorical Aggregation and International Trade: A Comment,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Journal
The Impact of EEC Enlargement on Non-member Mediterranean Countries' Exports to the EEC,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Journal
Resource management and transition in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Asian Economics
Keywords: Natural resources; Central Asia; Mongolia;
European crises and the Asian economies,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Asian Economics
Keywords: Financial crises; Regional value chains; Asia;
The financial sector and the future of capitalism,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Systems
Keywords: Financial development Moral hazard
Trade policies in Central Asia after EU enlargement and before Russian WTO accession: Regionalism and integration into the world economy,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Systems
Markets and Politics in Central Asia: Structural Reform and Political Change: G. Gleason (Ed.), Routledge, London, New York, 2003, xi + 178 pp, [UK pound]60.00 (cloth),
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Systems
Kazakstan 1993-2000: Independent Advisers and the IMF; Hoffmann, L., Bofinger, P., Flassbeck, H., Steinherr, A.; Heidelberg/New York: Physica, 2001, 290 pages,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Systems
Capital formation in Canada 1870-1900,
Richard Pomfret,
in Explorations in Economic History
Improved Infrastructure and Central Asian Exports of Agricultural Commodities,
Richard Pomfret,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: International Development, International Relations/Trade
Trade costs and agricultural trade in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)
Keywords: Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade
Richard Pomfret,
from University of Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF)
Keywords: International Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in Kazakhstan,
Richard Pomfret,
from World Bank
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade
Distortions To Agricultural Incentives in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan,
Richard Pomfret,
from World Bank
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade
Improved Infrastructure and Agricultural Exports from Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economia agro-alimentare
Discrimination in International Trade: Extent, Motivation and Implications - La discriminazione nell’ambito del commercio internazionale: estensione, motivi e implicazioni,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economia Internazionale / International Economics
Trade and Transport in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
Keywords: Central Asia; trade; transport; infrastructure
Modernizing Agriculture in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies
Keywords: Central Asia; agriculture; water; cotton; wheat; livestock; niche products
Kazakhstan's Economy since Independence: Does the Oil Boom Offer a Second Chance for Sustainable Development?,
Richard Pomfret,
in Europe-Asia Studies
The economic cooperation organization: Current status and future prospects,
Richard Pomfret,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Transition and Democracy in Mongolia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Asean: Always at the crossroads?,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
The Creation of the East Timorese Economy,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
Regional Trade Agreements,
Richard Pomfret,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: trade policy; regional trade agreements
Trade Policies in Central Asia after EU Enlargement and before Russian WTO accession: Regionalism and Integration into the world economy,
Richard Pomfret,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: regionalism; WTO; Central Asia
Sequencing Trade and Monetary Integration,
Richard Pomfret,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: currency union; customs union
Foreign Direct Investment in a Centrally Planned Economy: Lessons from China: Comment,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Development and Cultural Change
Agrarian Reform in Uzbekistan: Why Has the Chinese Model Failed to Deliver?,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Development and Cultural Change
The IMF and the Ruble Zone,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Economic Performance in Central Asia Since 1991: Macro and Micro Evidence1,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
The Limits of Protectionism: Building Coalitions for Free Trade,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Using Energy Resources to Diversify the Economy: Agricultural Price Distortions in Kazakhstan,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Exploiting Energy and Mineral Resources in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and Mongolia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Central Asian Economies: Thirty Years After Dissolution of the Soviet Union,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Keywords: Central Asia, Transition, Leaders
What did those who were “Present at the Transition” Miss? The Creation of Powerful Presidential Families in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Comparative Economic Studies
Keywords: Inequality, Central Asia, Corruption
Regional integration in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Economic Change and Restructuring
Keywords: Central Asia, Regional integration, Multilateralism,
The Eurasian Land Bridge: linking regional value chains along the New Silk Road,
Richard Pomfret,
in Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, trade costs
Coordinating Aid for Regional Cooperation Projects: The Experience of Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER)
Keywords: Economic assistance and foreign aid, Economic integration, International trade, Regional economics
Central Asia after Two Decades of Independence,
Richard Pomfret,
from World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER)
Keywords: Communist, Comparative economics, Economic development, Post-communism, Socialism
Connecting Eurasian Supply Chains the Impact of Covid-19 and the Russia–Ukraine War on the EU-China Rail Landbridge,
Richard Pomfret,
in Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti
Keywords: Supply chains, Connectivity, Eurasia, Landbridge
Some interrelationships between import substitution and export promotion in a small economy,
Richard Pomfret,
in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
The economic consequences for Israel of free trade in manufactured goods with the EEC,
Richard Pomfret,
in Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv)
Sequencing trade and monetary integration: issues and application to Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
in Journal of Asian Economics
Constructing a Market Economy,
Richard Pomfret,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Trade and Transport in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from Emerging Markets Forum
Keywords: Central Asia, Caucasus
Modernizing Agriculture,
Richard Pomfret,
from Emerging Markets Forum
Keywords: Asia,
Kazakhstan's Role in the Region and in the World,
Richard Pomfret,
from Emerging Markets Forum
Keywords: Kazakhstan
Multilateralism and Regionalism in the South Pacific: World Trade Organization and Regional Fora as Complementary Institutions for Trade Facilitation,
Richard Pomfret,
from Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
Keywords: Pacific islands, trade facilitation, WTO
Economic Analysis of Regional Trading Arrangements,
Richard Pomfret,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Trade in Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Asian Studies, Business and Management, Economics and Finance,
Asian Economies in Transition,
Richard Pomfret,
from Edward Elgar Publishing
Keywords: Economics and Finance,
Trade and Transport in Central Asia,
Richard Pomfret,
from Emerging Markets Forum