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2076 documents matched the search for Rexhaeuser, Sascha in authors.
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ICT and the demand for energy: Evidence from OECD countries,
Sascha Rexhaeuser, Patrick Schulte and Heinz Welsch, from ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (2013)
Keywords: technical change, ICT, energy demand, energy efficiency, energy mix, Green IT, cross-country cross-industry data, environmental policy

Western-Chinese Academic Collaboration in the Social Sciences,
Sascha Klotzbücher, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2014)
Keywords: China; International cooperation; research; internationalisation; social sciences; reform

Change of Measure in the Heston Model given a violated Feller Condition,
Sascha Desmettre, from arXiv.org (2019) Downloads

An Application of a New and Exact Generalized Chi-Square Test to Real Data,
Sascha Worz, in Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal (2018)
Keywords: Biometrics Open Access Journal,Biostatistics and Biometrics,Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal,Open Access Journals,biometrics journal ,biometrics articles ,biometrics journal reference ,biometrics journal impact factor ,biometrics and biostatistics journal impact factor ,journal of biometrics ,open access juniper publishers,juniper publishers reivew

A New and Exact Homogeneity Test for Real Data,
Sascha Worz, in Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal (2020)
Keywords: Biometrics Open Access Journal,Biostatistics and Biometrics,Biostatistics and Biometrics Open Access Journal,Open Access Journals,biometrics journal ,biometrics articles ,biometrics journal reference ,biometrics journal impact factor ,biometrics and biostatistics journal impact factor ,journal of biometrics ,open access juniper publishers,juniper publishers reivew

Articulation Patterns in Names: A Hidden Route to Consumer Preference,
Sascha Topolinski, in Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (2017) Downloads

Does the neoclassical growth model predict interregional convergence? On the impact of free factor movement and the implications for the European Union,
Sascha Sardadvar, in Economics and Business Letters (2013) Downloads

Are weighted games sufficiently good for binary voting?,
Sascha Kurz, from arXiv.org (2021) Downloads

Is a Company’s Access to Private Equity and Venture Capital Affected by Location or Management Diversity? Some Empirical Evidence from Austria,
Sascha Sardadvar, in International Journal of Business and Management (2018) Downloads

Sascha Sardadvar, in Region et Developpement (2016)

Stand-alone vs systemic risk-taking of financial institutions,
Sascha Strobl, in Journal of Risk Finance (2016)
Keywords: Financial crisis, Bank risk-taking, Systemic risk, Bank valuation, G01, G21, G30

Vertiefen sich die räumlichen Wohlstandsgefälle innerhalb der Europäischen Union?,
Sascha Sardadvar, in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG (2016) Downloads

Global Marketing Strategy: The case of a born global software firm in Colombia,
Sascha Fuerst, in Revista Ciencias Estratégicas (2010)
Keywords: Born global, international entrepreneurship, global marketing strategy, Colombia

Global Value Chains and Local Cluster Development: A Perspective on Domestic Small Enterprises in the 3D-Animation Industry in Colombia,
Sascha Fuerst, in Revista Ad-Minister (2010)
Keywords: Global value chain; cluster development; linkages; animation industry; Cadena de valor global; desarrollo de cluster; linkages; industria de animación.

Machine learning in risk measurement: Gaussian process regression for value-at-risk and expected shortfall,
Sascha Wilkens, in Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions (2019)
Keywords: risk measurement, market risk, value-at-risk, expected shortfall, machine learning, Gaussian process regression

Note from the editor: Towards a comparative economic sociology,
Sascha Münnich, in economic sociology. perspectives and conversations (2017) Downloads

Globalization revisited: Note from the editor,
Sascha Münnich, in economic sociology. perspectives and conversations (2017) Downloads

Note from the editor: Economic sociology and capitalism,
Sascha Münnich, in economic sociology. perspectives and conversations (2016) Downloads

Interessen und Ideen: Die Entstehung der Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland und den USA,
Sascha Münnich, from Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (2010) Downloads

Extraterritoriale US-Sanktionen: Nur US-Gerichte können den weltweiten Vollzug nationalen Rechts wirksam begrenzen,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2019) Downloads

Zwang zur Zusammenarbeit: Unilaterale US-Sekundärsanktionen gegen den Iran setzen europäische Akteure auch zukünftig unter Druck,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2015) Downloads

Minenfelder der US-Außenwirtschaftspolitik: Unilaterale Finanzsanktionen im Dienst nationaler Sicherheit,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2014) Downloads

Unilaterale US-Sanktionen gegen Russland: Perspektiven für die transatlantische Zusammenarbeit,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2014) Downloads

Der Airbus A400M vor dem Aus? Auswirkungen und Auswege für die Lufttransportfähigkeit der Bundeswehr,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2009) Downloads

Teilfähigkeitsverlust durch MEADS: Entspricht das Abwehrsystem den verteidigungspolitischen Richtlinien?,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2005) Downloads

Strukturanpassung der Bundeswehr: Die aktuellen Planungen der Teilstreitkräfte im Horizont der politischen Maßgaben,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2004) Downloads

Die Transformation amerikanischer Streitkräfte: Das Pentagon stoppt den Kampfhubschrauber Comanche,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2004) Downloads

Extraterritorial U.S. sanctions: Only domestic courts could effectively curb the enforcement of U.S. law abroad,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2019) Downloads

The end for the Airbus A400M? Repercussions and alternatives for the German military,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2009) Downloads

Partial capability loss through MEADS,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2005) Downloads

Autonome EU-Finanzsanktionen: Wege zum wirkungsvollen Einsatz,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2021) Downloads

Seemacht Brasilien? Maritime Ambitionen einer aufstrebenden Macht im Südatlantik,
Sascha Albrecht, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2011) Downloads

Die Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: Personal und technische Ausstattung in der Einsatzrealität,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2008) Downloads

Neue Bundeswehr auf altem Sockel: Wege aus dem Dilemma,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2005) Downloads

Netzwerk-basierte Operationsführung (NBO): Streitkräfte-Transformation im Informationszeitalter,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2004) Downloads

Flugroboter statt bemannter Militärflugzeuge?,
Sascha Lange, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2003) Downloads

Nutzenallokation in strategischen Allianzen von Linienluftfrachtgesellschaften,
Sascha Albers, from University of Cologne, Department of Business Policy and Logistics (1999) Downloads

Waiting to take a longer break?,
Sascha Drahs, from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association (2016)

The European economic crisis from 2007 onwards in the context of a global crisis of over-production of capital - a Marxian monetary theory of value interpretation,
Sascha Gander, from Berlin School of Economics and Law, Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) (2019)
Keywords: Marxian monetary theory of value, change in plan debate, ideal average, transfor-mation problem, European economic crisis, overproduction, Heinrich, Moseley

Die kommunale Gestaltungsaufgabe einer nachhaltigen Energiewende: Untersuchung der Konzessionsvergaben für örtliche Strom-Verteilnetze im Zeitraum 2005-2016 am Beispiel von NRW,
Sascha Heil, from Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2018) Downloads

“Embedded Research” in Collaborative Fieldwork,
Sascha Klotzbücher, in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell (2014)
Keywords: China; Xinjiang; health care; scientific advice; collaborative research

Book Review: Success Factors of Fast Growing Companies by Holger Ernst, Stefan Glanzer and Peter Witt (Eds.),
Sascha Kraus, in International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (2010)
Keywords: book review

Computational challenges for value-at-risk and expected shortfall: Chebyshev interpolation to the rescue?,
Sascha Wilkens, in International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives (2021)
Keywords: risk measurement; market risk; value-at-risk; VaR; expected shortfall; interpolation; Chebyshev.

Unterschätzte Gegenwart – Das Bedingungslose Grundeinkommen als Antwort auf den strukturellen Widerspruch zwischen Staatsbürgergemeinschaft und Erwerbstätigengesellschaft,
Sascha Liebermann, in Z'GuG Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft und Gemeinwohl (2023) Downloads

The power of the largest player,
Sascha Kurz, in Economics Letters (2018)
Keywords: Power measurement; Weighted games;

Sascha Kurz, in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) (2018)
Keywords: Importance, influence, power, interval decisions, state aggregation, Shapley–Shubik index, Penrose–Banzhaf index

Concentration for Poisson functionals: Component counts in random geometric graphs,
Sascha Bachmann, in Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2016)
Keywords: Random graphs; Component counts; Concentration inequalities; Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities; Poisson point process;

A note on the growth of the dimension in complete simple games,
Sascha Kurz, in Mathematical Social Sciences (2021)
Keywords: Complete simple games; Weighted games; Dimension; Boolean dimension;

Dynamics of tax evasion with back auditing, social norm updating, and public goods provision – An agent-based simulation,
Sascha Hokamp, in Journal of Economic Psychology (2014)
Keywords: Income tax evasion; Back auditing; Public goods provision; Pareto-optimality; Heterogeneous population; Social norms; Agent-based modeling;

Robustness, validity, and significance of the ECB's asset quality review and stress test exercise,
Sascha Steffen, from Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE (2014)
Keywords: Stress Test, Comprehensive Assessment, Asset Quality Review, European Central Bank, European Banking Authority, Single Supervisory Mechanism

Unilaterale US-Sanktionen gegen Iran: Hohe Hürden für Erleichterungen,
Sascha Lohmann, from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (2013) Downloads

Measuring Voting Power in Convex Policy Spaces,
Sascha Kurz, in Economies (2014)
Keywords: power; single peaked preferences; convex policy space; group decision making; Shapley-Shubik index; Banzhaf index; nucleolus; simple games; multiple levels of approval

Sascha Füllbrunn, in International Game Theory Review (IGTR) (2011)
Keywords: Collusion, multi unit auctions, prisoners's dilemma, Subject Classification: D44

Registered author: Sascha Hokamp

Cooperation and competition dynamics of business networks: A strategic management perspective,
Sascha Albers, from University of Cologne, Department of Business Policy and Logistics (2013)
Keywords: Cooperative Strategy, Multilateral Alliances, Strategic Management, Network Dynamics, Network Competition

The role of entrepreneurial orientation in service firms: empirical evidence from Austria,
Sascha Kraus, in The Service Industries Journal (2013) Downloads

Sustainable Development in Western China: Managing People, Livestock and Grasslands in Pastoral Areas,
Sascha Klotzbucher, in Journal of Development Studies (2009) Downloads

Sascha Keil, from Department of Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology (2021)
Keywords: International trade, Competitiveness, Kaldor Paradox, Export equation, ARDL

An Alternative Approach to the Institutional Economics of the Eurozone Crisis,
Sascha Engel, in Journal of Economic Issues (2016) Downloads

Growth and disparities in Europe: Insights from a spatial growth model,
Sascha Sardadvar, in Papers in Regional Science (2012) Downloads

New Evidence on the Anchoring of Inflation Expectations in the Euro Area,
Sascha Möhrle, from ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich (2020)
Keywords: Inflation expectations, anchoring, euro area, ECB, financial crisis

The challenging estimation of trade elasticities: Tackling the inconclusive Eurozone evidence,
Sascha Keil, in The World Economy (2023) Downloads

How Migrant Status Affects Health Beyond Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from Austria,
Sascha Sardadvar, in International Migration Review (2015) Downloads

Regional Economic Growth and Steady States with Free Factor Movement: Theory and Evidence from Europe,
Sascha Sardadvar, from WU Vienna University of Economics and Business (2015)
Keywords: Neoclassical growth theory; human capital; migration; regional development; divergence

Registered author: Sascha Mergner

Time-varying Beta Risk of Pan-European Sectors: A Comparison of Alternative Modeling Techniques,
Sascha Mergner, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Time-varying beta risk; Kalman filter; bivariate t-GARCH; stochastic volatility; efficient Monte Carlo likelihood; European industry portfolios

Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Bond-Credit Spreads und Ratings,
Sascha Mergner, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2005)
Keywords: Credit Spreads, Corporate Bonds, Ratings, EMH, Informationsgehalt-Hypothese, Kapitalmarkteffizienz

Sea changes: whales, krill and human exploitation,
Sascha Hooker, in Nature (2018)
Keywords: Ocean sciences, Human behaviour, Zoology, Society

Germany: Far, though Close — Problems and Prospects of BI in Germany,
Sascha Liebermann, from Palgrave Macmillan (2012)
Keywords: Minimum Wage, Political Community, Wage Labor, Unpaid Work, Fellow Citizen

From Marginal Idea to Contested Alternative: Recent Developments and Main Arguments in the German Debate,
Sascha Liebermann, from Palgrave Macmillan (2020)

A note on limit results for the Penrose–Banzhaf index,
Sascha Kurz, in Theory and Decision (2020)
Keywords: Weighted voting, Power measurement, Penrose–Banzhaf index, Limit results

What drives the relationship between inflation and price dispersion? Market power vs. price rigidity,
Sascha Becker, from Humboldt University Berlin, Collaborative Research Center 649: Economic Risk (2011)
Keywords: inflation, relative price variability, price level index, Euro-area, market structure, monetary search model, dynamic panel data models

The De-globalized City,
Haselmayer Sascha, in New Global Studies (2018)
Keywords: Public Procurement, Urban Services, Urban Innovation, Globalization, Policy, Government Innovation, Public Spending, Local Economic Development

Die Schutzgesetzeigenschaft des § 261 StGB,
Sebastian Sascha, in Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft (ZBB) / Journal of Banking Law and Banking (JBB) (2014) Downloads

ICTs and Development, What is Missing?,
Sascha Rosenberger, from Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE) (2014)
Keywords: ICT4D, Free software, Development as freedom

Competing for manufacturing value added: How strong is competitive cost pressure on sectoral level?,
Sascha Keil, in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2024)
Keywords: Vertically-integrated sectors; Competitiveness; Sectoral analysis;

Assessing the role of non-price factors: Shedding new light on the European competitiveness puzzle,
Sascha Keil, in International Economics (2024)
Keywords: Non-price competitiveness; Export equation;

The Social Costs of Electricity Generation—Categorising Different Types of Costs and Evaluating Their Respective Relevance,
Sascha Samadi, in Energies (2017)
Keywords: electricity generation technologies; social costs; plant-level costs; system costs; external costs; literature review

Forced Displacement in History: Some Recent Research,
Sascha Becker, from Centre for Economic History, Research School of Economics, Australian National University (2022)
Keywords: Forced Displacement, Wars, Disasters, Networks

Forced Displacement in History: Some Recent Research,
Sascha Becker, from University of Warwick, Department of Economics (2022)
Keywords: Forced Displacement ; Wars ; Disasters ; Networks JEL Classification: F22 ; R23 ; D74 ; Q54 ; N30

Introducing Time‐to‐Educate in a Job‐Search Model,
Sascha Becker, in Bulletin of Economic Research (2006) Downloads

Forced displacement in history: Some recent research,
Sascha Becker, in Australian Economic History Review (2022) Downloads

Forced Displacement in History: Some Recent Research,
Sascha Becker, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2022)
Keywords: Forced displacement; Wars; Disasters; Networks

Using instrumental variables to establish causality,
Sascha Becker, in IZA World of Labor (2016)
Keywords: natural experiments, quasi-natural experiments, treatment effects, local average treatment effect, omitted variable bias, reverse causality

Are Weighted Games Sufficiently Good for Binary Voting?,
Sascha Kurz, in Homo Oeconomicus: Journal of Behavioral and Institutional Economics (2021)
Keywords: Power measurement, Weighted games

Centralized exchanges vs. decentralized exchanges in cryptocurrency markets: A systematic literature review,
Sascha Hägele, in Electronic Markets (2024)
Keywords: Automated market maker, Cryptocurrency, Decentralized exchanges, Systematic literature review

The impact of climate litigation and activism on stock prices: the case of oil and gas majors,
Sascha Kolaric, in Review of Managerial Science (2024)
Keywords: Climate litigation, Climate activism, ESG ratings, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Oil and gas companies, Alternative energy companies

Correction to: On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games,
Sascha Kurz, in Annals of Operations Research (2018) Downloads

A model of price-setting in regional duopolies based on consumer loyalty: theory and evidence from the Austrian newspaper industry,
Sascha Sardadvar, in The Annals of Regional Science (2014)
Keywords: L13, L82, D43,

The inverse problem for power distributions in committees,
Sascha Kurz, in Social Choice and Welfare (2016)
Keywords: 91B12, 94C10

On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games,
Sascha Kurz, in Annals of Operations Research (2012)
Keywords: Simple games, Weighted voting games, Minimum realizations, Realizations with minimum sum,

On global integer extrema of real-valued box-constrained multivariate quadratic functions,
Sascha Wörz, in Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (2017)
Keywords: Combinatorial optimization, Global optimization, Global integer extrema, Real-valued-box-constrained multivariate quadratic functions

Optimal investment for executive stockholders with exponential utility,
Sascha Desmettre, in Decisions in Economics and Finance (2012)
Keywords: Portfolio choice, Executive stockholder, Work effort, Exponential utility, M52, G11,

The Price of Fairness for a Small Number of Indivisible Items,
Sascha Kurz, from Springer (2016)
Keywords: Indivisible Items, Fairness Criteria, Exact Asymptotics, Indivisible Goods, Envy-free Allocation

Registered author: Sascha Rexhäuser

Skill, race, and wage inequality in British Tanganyika,
Sascha Klocke, in Explorations in Economic History (2024)
Keywords: Income inequality; Skill premiums; Racial discrimination; Colonialism; Sub-Saharan Africa;

The Bounded Creativity of Domestic Appropriation Explaining Selective Flexicurity in Continental Countries,
Sascha Zirra, from Centre d'études européennes (CEE) at Sciences Po, Paris (2010)
Keywords: France; Germany; Italy; Europeanization; neo-institutionalism; unemployment; employment policy; social policy

Advancing the monetary policy toolkit through outright transfers and tiered reserve remuneration,
Sascha Bützer, from Edward Elgar Publishing (2023)
Keywords: Economics and Finance,

Collusion or Sniping in simultaneous ascending Auctions,
Sascha Füllbrunn, from Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management (2007)
Keywords: collusion, sniping, multi unit auctions, prisoner’s dilemma

Information Revelation in an Online Auction with Common Values,
Sascha Füllbrunn, from Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management (2008)
Keywords: auctions, electronic markets, experiments

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