Großschutzgebiete, Biodiversität und räumliche Planung,
Stefan Heiland, Eckhard Jedicke, Hubert Job, Peter Meyer, Birte Nienaber, Tobias Plieninger, Marco Pütz, Sven Rannow, Eick von Ruschkowski, Barbara Warner and Manuel Woltering,
from ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
On Small Coalitions, Hierarchic Decision Making, and Collective Competence,
Sven Berg,
in Homo Oeconomicus
Hongkongs Umweltprobleme. Ausmaß, Wahrnehmung und umweltpolitische Maßnahmen,
Sven Meyer,
in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs - China aktuell
Salaire nominal et salaire réel,
Sven Danö,
in Revue Économique
Philanthropie im Wandel. Erfahrungen und Schlussfolgerungen,
Sven Murmann,
in Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik - Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics
Projection pursuit based generalized betas accounting for higher order co-moment effects in financial market analysis,
Sven Serneels,
from arXiv.org
Sven Bjørnholm,
in Surface Review and Letters (SRL)
Sven Banisch,
in Advances in Complex Systems (ACS)
Keywords: Opinion dynamics, contrarian voter model, Markov chains, aggregation, emergence, lumpability, agent-based models
Population Movement in Sweden from Rural to Urban Districts - Cuases and Effects,
Sven Holmstrom,
in Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
European Climate Policy: Burden Sharing after 2012,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Das neue System für die Preissetzung in Schweden,
Sven Holmström,
in German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Sven Hessle,
in International Journal of Social Welfare
Reconstruction of post‐war social work: Experience from former Yugoslavia as an inspiration,
Sven Hessle,
in International Journal of Social Welfare
Sven Hydén,
in International Social Security Review
Optimization of order‐up‐to‐s policies in two‐echelon inventory systems with periodic review,
Sven Axsäter,
in Naval Research Logistics (NRL)
Employment adjustment in German firms (Betriebliche Beschäftigungsanpassung in Deutschland),
Sven Jung,
in Journal for Labour Market Research
Keywords: Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; Ostdeutschland ; Westdeutschland ; Beschäftigerverhalten ; Beschäftigungsentwicklung ; Beschäftigungsschwankung ; IAB-Betriebspanel ; institutionelle Faktoren ; Konjunkturabhängigkeit ; Kosten ; Kostenentwicklung ; labour turnover ; Leiharbeit ; Personalabbau ; Personalanpassung ; Personaleinstellung ; Arbeitnehmerüberlassung ; Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz ; 1996-2010
Organizational trust: How to include the division of labour?,
Sven Svensson,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Keywords: Division of labour; management; organizational trust; sociology; temporary agency work; work externalization
Sven Eliaeson,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Sven Collin,
in Economic and Industrial Democracy
Divergent Trends and Different Causal Logics: The Importance of Bargaining Centralization When Explaining Earnings Inequality across Advanced Democratic Societies,
Sven Oskarsson,
in Politics & Society
Keywords: wage inequality; bargaining centralization; institutions; varieties of capitalism; comparative political economy
Social Democracy vs. Socialism: Goal Adaptation in Social Democratic Sweden,
Sven Steinmo,
in Politics & Society
Institutional Explanations of Union Strength: An Assessment,
Sven Oskarsson,
in Politics & Society
The Administration of Social Welfare,
Sven Skogh,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Labor Market and Its Regulation,
Sven Skogh,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Pioneering Mobilities: New Patterns of Movement and Motility in a Mobile World,
Sven Kesselring,
in Environment and Planning A
Equal Emissions per Capita over Time - A Proposal to Combine Responsibility and Equity of Rights,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Multi-Period Emissions Trading in the Electricity Sector - Winners and Losers,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Skandinavische Beschäftigungspolitik - Stärken und Schwächen im internationalen Vergleich,
Sven Jochem,
in WSI-Mitteilungen
The importance of S&OP, collaboration and process discipline in a complex business environment: A case study from the canned seafood industry,
Sven Massen,
in Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement
Keywords: sales and operations planning (S&OP), process discipline, corporate culture, collaboration, complexity management, food processing industry
Students as consumers?,
Sven Modell,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Keywords: Consumerism, Students, Performance measures, Public sector reform, Universities, Sweden
For structure,
Sven Modell,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Keywords: Critical realism, Emancipation, Actor-network theory, Critical accounting research, Social structures
The politics of the balanced scorecard,
Sven Modell,
in Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change
Keywords: Balanced scorecard, Management accounting, Organizational learning, Strategic performance measurement, Strategic management accounting
New developments in institutional research on performance measurement and management in the public sector,
Sven Modell,
in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management
Keywords: Institutional theory, Performance measurement and management, Valuation
The effects of networks and autonomy on foreign-owned subsidiary competence development in Taiwan,
Sven Dahms,
in International Journal of Emerging Markets
Keywords: Networks, Taiwan, FsQCA, Foreign-owned subsidiaries, Competencies, Subsidiary autonomy
The Political System Matters: Social Psychology and Voting Behavior in Sweden and the United States. By Donald Granberg and Soren Holmberg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 254p. $49.50,
Sven Steinmo,
in American Political Science Review
Ingmar Persson, From Morality to the End of Reason (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 336,
Sven Nyholm,
in Utilitas
Cotton's Renaissance: A Study in Market Innovation. ByTimothy Curtis Jacobson andGeorge David Smith. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xvi + 346 pp. Index, notes, figures, illustrations. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-521-80827-8,
Sven Beckert,
in Business History Review
Nyordning og Motstand (The New Order and Resistance). By Thomas Chr. Wyller. (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1958. 372 pp. $2.00.) English Summary,
Sven Groennings,
in American Political Science Review
Norwegian Democracy. By James A. Storing. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1963. Pp. 246. $1.95.),
Sven Groennings,
in American Political Science Review
The Social Democratic Party of Germany. By Douglas A. Chalmers. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1964. Pp. xiv, 258. $6.50.),
Sven Groennings,
in American Political Science Review
Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. II. Edited by Pertti Pesonen. (Helsinki: The Academic Bookstore, and New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. 333. $8.00.),
Sven Groennings,
in American Political Science Review
Fighting Tax Competition in the Presence of Unemployment: Complete versus Partial Tax Coordination,
Sven Wehke,
in FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis
Keywords: Factor taxation, (partial) tax coordination, wage bargaining, unemployment
The effects of institutions and subsidiary competence on the international market orientation in foreign-owned subsidiaries,
Sven Dahms,
in Management Research Review
Keywords: Institutions, Subsidiary development, MNE, Institutional distance, Subnational institutions, Subsidiary competences
Mercados de Activos, Financiamiento Exterior y Política Macroeconómica,
Sven Arndt,
in Latin American Journal of Economics-formerly Cuadernos de Economía
Bundling management control innovations,
Sven Modell,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Keywords: Balanced scorecard, Fashion industry, Management accounting, Total quality management
Registered author: Sven Wagner
Customs Union and the Theory of Tariffs,
Sven Arndt,
in American Economic Review
Post-Disaster Spillovers: Evidence from Iranian Provinces,
Sven Fischer,
Keywords: natural disaster; natural hazard; spatial spillover; spatial panel model; earthquake; flood; economic development; economic growth
Tax Competition and Partial Coordination,
Sven Wehke,
in FinanzArchiv: Public Finance Analysis
Keywords: factor taxation, fiscal competition, partial coordination
Pensions and Insider-Outsider Unemployment,
Sven Schreiber,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Policy Choices in an Open Economy: Some Dynamic Considerations,
Sven Arndt,
in Journal of Political Economy
Der Unternehmer als Erfüllungsgehilfe des Staates. Einsparpotentiale im internationalen Vergleich,
Sven Halldorn,
from Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin
Keywords: Bürokratie, Folgekosten, Unternehmer, Verwaltungsreform
Hauff Sven,
in Arbeit
Das Zurückgehen der Bedeutuug der Zentralnotenbanken,
Helander Sven,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Das Zurückgehen der Bedeutung der Zentralnotenbanken,
Helander Sven,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Die neuere volkswirtschaftliche Gesetzgebung Schwedens,
Helander Sven,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
VIII. Das Inflationsproblem im Kriege,
Helander Sven,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Parametrische lineare Programmierung,
Danø Sven,
in Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik)
Making institutional accounting research critical: dead end or new beginning?,
Sven Modell,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Keywords: Institutional theory, Accounting, Critical realism, Critical theory, Research paradigms
Theoretical triangulation and pluralism in accounting research: a critical realist critique,
Sven Modell,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Keywords: Accounting, Critical realism, Research paradigms, Pluralism, Triangulation
Communitainment on Instagram: Fitness Content and Community-Driven Communication as Social Media Entertainment,
Sven Stollfuß,
in SAGE Open
Keywords: Instagram; social media entertainment; entertainment research; fitness; community building
Estimating the natural rate of unemployment in euro-area countries with co-integrated systems,
Sven Schreiber,
from HAL
Keywords: Social Sciences & Humanities
High Funding Risk and Low Hedge Fund Returns,
Sven Klingler,
in Critical Finance Review
Keywords: Funding risk, Hedge funds, Interbank risk, Libor, Liquidity
Dawning of a New Age? Economics Journals’ Data Policies on the Test Bench,
Sven Vlaeminck,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: data policies, journals, open science, reproducibility
Data Management in Scholarly Journals and Possible Roles for Libraries - Some Insights from EDaWaX,
Sven Vlaeminck,
in EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters
Keywords: journals, data policies, linking research data and publications
Wechselwirkungen eines Zuschlagmodells mit dem kommunalen Finanzausgleich,
Sven Heilmann,
from University of Cologne, FiFo Institute for Public Economics
Keywords: Steuerreform, Gewerbesteuer, Kommunaler Finanzausgleich, tax reform, trade tax, fiscal equalisation system
Are bootstrapped cointegration test findings unreliable?,
Sven Schreiber,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: bootstrap, cointegration rank test, empirical size
Weather adjustment of economic output,
Sven Schreiber,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: weather, business cycle, nowcasting
Anticipating business-cycle turning points in real time using density forecasts from a VAR,
Sven Schreiber,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: density forecasts, business-cycle turning points, real-time data, nowcasting, great recession
(When) does money growth help to predict Euro-area inflation at low frequencies?,
Sven Schreiber,
from Free University Berlin, School of Business & Economics
Keywords: money growth, granger causality, quantity theory, unemployment
Production and employment impacts of new technologies: analysis for biotechnology,
Sven Wydra,
from University of Hohenheim, Center for Research on Innovation and Services (FZID)
Keywords: Economic impacts of technologies, employment effects, input-output model, biotechnology
Gesundheitsverhalten, Gesundheitshandeln und die Theorie Bourdieus,
Sven Ehrlich,
from University of Hamburg, Centre for Economic and Sociological Studies (CESS/ZÖSS)
Physiologische Korrelate des Sence of Coherence (SOC) und deren mögliche Bedeutung für die Gesundheitsförderung,
Sven Ehrlich,
from University of Hamburg, Centre for Economic and Sociological Studies (CESS/ZÖSS)
Die Neuorganisation der EU-Außenbeziehungen: welche Rolle für die Entwicklungspolitik im Institutionengefüge?,
Sven Grimm,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
The reorganisation of EU foreign relations: what role for development policies within the European institutional setup?,
Sven Grimm,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
Reforms in the EU's aid architecture and management: the commission is no longer the key problem: let's turn to the system,
Sven Grimm,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
TVA - Introduction du mécanisme de l'autoliquidation dans le secteur de la construction au Luxembourg? Analyse et Propositions,
Sven Kirchens,
from European Institute for Knowledge & Value Management (EIKV), Luxembourg
Entwicklungschance vs. digitaler Kolonialismus: Zum geplanten WTO-Abkommen zu digitalem Handel,
Sven Hilbig,
from Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden (SEF), Bonn
Statistical process control,
Sven Knoth,
from Humboldt University of Berlin, Interdisciplinary Research Project 373: Quantification and Simulation of Economic Processes
Gefährdungsbeurteilung psychischer Belastungen,
Sven Hinrichs,
from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
On multi-period emissions trading in the electricity sector,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Keywords: allocation of GHG allowances, electricity sector, multi-period emissions trading
Implications of Linking National Emission Trading Schemes prior to the Start of the First Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Multi-Period Emissions Trading in the Electricity Sector: Winners and Losers,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Keywords: abatement costs, allocation of GHG allowances, benchmark, compliance costs, electricity sector, multi-period emission trading
European Climate Policy: Burden Sharing after 2012,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Keywords: accession countries, allocation of GHG emission entitlements, burden sharing, European climate policy, EU-enlargement, future commitment periods
Equal emissions per capita over time: A proposal to combine responsibility and equity of rights,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Keywords: allocation of GHG emission entitlements, Brazilian Proposal, CDM, Contraction & Convergence, equity, post 2012 climate regime
Abatement Costs vs. Compliance Costs in Multi-Period Emissions Trading - The Firms' Perspective,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Keywords: GHG abatement costs, allocation of emission rights, compliance costs, multi period emission trading
On the impact of renewable energy support schemes on power prices,
Sven Bode,
from Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
Keywords: Renewable energy suppport schemes
The Andean Group: An answer to some problems of LAFTA,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Sicherheitspolitische Bilanz der französischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Paris hat wegweisende Beschlüsse erreicht, doch deren Umsetzung bleibt ungewiss,
Sven Arnold,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Sicherheitspolitische Ziele der französischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Paris benötigt die Unterstützung der neuen Bundesregierung,
Sven Arnold,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Abgaben- und Mengenlösungen im Klimaschutz,
Sven Heilmann,
from University of Cologne, FiFo Institute for Public Economics
Keywords: Emissionshandel, Ökosteuer, Klimaschutz
Forecasting business-cycle turning points with (relatively large) linear systems in real time,
Sven Schreiber,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Gemeinschaftliche Regelungen für ausländische Investitionen im Rahmen des Andenpaktes,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Zur Messung von Integrationseffekten im Zentralamerikanischen Gemeinsamen Markt,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Exportförderung in Lateinamerika, insbesondere in den Andenländern: Eine Bestandsaufnahme,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Towards the attainment of self-sustaining growth: Ghana and the Ivory Coast,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Die Wirtschaftsplanung Gabuns,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Förderung der internationalen Arbeitsteilung mittels regionaler Zusammenschlüsse? Das Beispiel des CACM,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Gemeinschaftliche Industrialisierungspolitik als Instrument des Ausgleichs von Nutzen und Kosten in Integrationsgemeinschaften zwischen Entwicklungsländern: Die Erfahrung des Zentralamerikanischen Gemeinsamen Marktes (CACM),
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)
Die zentralamerikanische Integrationsbewegung, ein Erfolg?,
Sven Heldt,
from Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel)